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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The study of relationship between TQM,quality performance and ISO 9000

Hung, Kuei-chung 07 June 2005 (has links)
The most important topic of quality management in recently year is the relationship between TQM and organizational performance, and the ISO 9000 is also the index of the quality management system promoted around the world. This empirical study that utilizes a mail survey tries to explore the influence of implementing the ISO 9000 in TQM practices and organization performance. This study also aims at the relationship between TQM and organization performance. The result showed that the score of six TQM categories upraised significantly, which consist with the others report¡¦s views ¡V ¡§ISO 9000 is the first step toward to TQM¡¨ The result also showed that ISO 9000 certification has administered very important on establish the quality culture and on concept of quality. For verifying the relation between the TQM & the organizational performance, the results showed that the relationship between TQM & quality performance are statistically significant but, if go thoroughly into the details by regression analysis, we found only two categories ¡§process & service management¡¨ & the ¡§customer satisfaction¡¨, which have the significant relationship with quality performance.

Impact of data quality on photovoltaic (PV) performance assessment

Koubli, Eleni January 2017 (has links)
In this work, data quality control and mitigation tools have been developed for improving the accuracy of photovoltaic (PV) system performance assessment. These tools allow to demonstrate the impact of ignoring erroneous or lost data on performance evaluation and fault detection. The work mainly focuses on residential PV systems where monitoring is limited to recording total generation and the lack of meteorological data makes quality control in that area truly challenging. Main quality issues addressed in this work are with regards to wrong system description and missing electrical and/or meteorological data in monitoring. An automatic detection of wrong input information such as system nominal capacity and azimuth is developed, based on statistical distributions of annual figures of PV system performance ratio (PR) and final yield. This approach is specifically useful in carrying out PV fleet analyses where only monthly or annual energy outputs are available. The evaluation is carried out based on synthetic weather data which is obtained by interpolating from a network of about 80 meteorological monitoring stations operated by the UK Meteorological Office. The procedures are used on a large PV domestic dataset, obtained by a social housing organisation, where a significant number of cases with wrong input information are found. Data interruption is identified as another challenge in PV monitoring data, although the effect of this is particularly under-researched in the area of PV. Disregarding missing energy generation data leads to falsely estimated performance figures, which consequently may lead to false alarms on performance and/or the lack of necessary requirements for the financial revenue of a domestic system through the feed-in-tariff scheme. In this work, the effect of missing data is mitigated by applying novel data inference methods based on empirical and artificial neural network approaches, training algorithms and remotely inferred weather data. Various cases of data loss are considered and case studies from the CREST monitoring system and the domestic dataset are used as test cases. When using back-filled energy output, monthly PR estimation yields more accurate results than when including prolonged data gaps in the analysis. Finally, to further discriminate more obscure data from system faults when higher temporal resolution data is available, a remote modelling and failure detection framework is ii developed based on a physical electrical model, remote input weather data and system description extracted from PV module and inverter manufacturer datasheets. The failure detection is based on the analysis of daily profiles and long-term PR comparison of neighbouring PV systems. By employing this tool on various case studies it is seen that undetected wrong data may severely obscure fault detection, affecting PV system s lifetime. Based on the results and conclusions of this work on the employed residential dataset, essential data requirements for domestic PV monitoring are introduced as a potential contribution to existing lessons learnt in PV monitoring.

Avaliação da qualidade ambiental acústica urbana: parametrização e quantificação das variáveis que influenciam a percepção da paisagem sonora, através da análise multivariada, no campus sede da Universidade Estadual de Maringá / Evaluation of urban acoustic environmental quality: parameterization and quantification of variables that influence the perception of the soundscape, by multivariate analysis, the headquarters campus of the State University of Maringa

Valques, Igor José Botelho 08 March 2016 (has links)
A intenção desta tese é sugerir um método avaliativo, cujo índice de desempenho venha ao encontro dos indicadores da cognição de lugares, e por fim qualifique a paisagem sonora de espaços vivenciados. Pois, entende-se que a qualidade ambiental acústica dos lugares pode ser quantificada a fim de facilitar o seu entendimento. Nesse ideário, este trabalho visou, estabelecer a interação dos fatores perceptivos do usuário com os atributos físicos da paisagem sonora relacionando-os segundo o referencial teórico: soundscape. Defendeu-se que a qualidade sonora das ambiências urbanas seja resultado da avaliação da inerência acústica da envoltória ambiental do espaço vivenciado. Buscou-se, nesse sentido, parâmetros que a fizessem mensurável, para apreender a empatia ou a repulsa às ambiências sonoras de certos locais, ou seja, a aceitação ou a recusa de suas características acústicas intrínsecas e perceptivas. O método avaliativo foi aplicado nas ambiências acústicas do campus sede da UEM, e foi balizado com a análise estatística multivariada de critérios de desempenho acústico qualitativos e quantitativos. Foram determinados todos os atributos e, valorados com a finalidade de determinar o ranking das ambiências estudadas. Finalmente, conseguiu-se as áreas qualificadas e hierarquizadas que podem auxiliar em uma tomada de decisão para futuras adequações do plano diretor do campus sede, fato que, possivelmente, norteará também adequações dos outros sete campi da UEM. Assim, através da metodologia proposta avaliou-se a qualidade acústica de parte do campus sede da Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEM, como também, validou-se a exequibilidade do método. Entendeu-se que o espaço de um campus universitário deva proporcionar ambiências sonoras de qualidade para a tríade pedagógica: ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Portanto, esta pesquisa justifica-se, pois, vem ao encontro dessa necessidade, haja visto que a ambientação sonora dos lugares de trabalho é extremamente importante ao desempenho e a vivência de qualidade. Abre-se uma porta que identifica o potencial de verificação da paisagem sonora como norteador para o planejamento espacial urbano, além de ajudar na compreensão de como as cidades e os seus lugares satisfazem, ou não a expectativa de seus habitantes. / The intention of this thesis is to suggest an evaluation method, where performance index must meet the indicators of cognition places, and finally qualify the soundscape of experienced spaces. Therefore, it is understood that the acoustic environmental quality of the places can be quantified in order to facilitate their understanding. In this ideology, this work aims to establish the interaction of perceptual user factors with the physical attributes of soundscape relating them according to the theoretical framework: soundscape.It was argued that the sound quality of urban ambiance is a result of evaluation of acoustic inherent environmental envelope of the experienced space. Looking for this direction, parameters that made measurable, to learn empathy or disgust to sound ambiences of certain sites, or the acceptance or refusal of their intrinsic perceptual and acoustic characteristics. It was proposed that the evaluation method is applied to the acoustic ambiance of the campus headquarters of UEM is based on multivariate statistical analysis of qualitative and quantitative acoustic performance criteria. Thus, all the attributes were determined and rated for the purpose of determining the ranking of the studied ambiences. Finally, they were qualified and prioritized areas that may assist in a decision-making for future adjustments of the master plan of the campus headquarters, a fact that possibly also will guide adjustments of seven other campuses of UEM. Thus, through the proposed methodology evaluated the acoustical quality of the headquarters campus of the State University of Maringa - UEM, but also validated to the feasibility of the method. It is understood that the area of a university campus should provide ambiance sound quality for pedagogical triad: teaching, research and extension. Therefore, this research is justified once it meets this need, due to the fact that the sound ambience of workplaces is extremely important to the performance and the experience of quality. A door that identifies the potential to check the soundscape as a guide for urban spatial planning it opens and helps in understanding how cities and their seats meet or not the expectations of its inhabitants.

醫療結果品質影響因素之實證研究-以某醫學中心為例 / An Empirical Study of Quality Performance Drivers-Evidence From a Medical Center

許馨文, Hsu, Hsing-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
醫療品質對於醫院管理而言,是一重要且應關心的議題。醫療品質所涵蓋的層面十分廣泛,本研究以醫療品質專家Donabedian(1988)的靶心模式中,位於靶心的醫療技術為本研究中有關醫療品質的定義,來探討醫療品質的影響因素。 對於醫療品質的影響因素,Donabedian提出由醫療結構、醫療過程及醫療結果來衡量醫療品質,而其中結構會影響過程,而過程會影響結果。若我們將病患接受醫療照護後健康狀況的改變結果,視為醫療品質的衡量依據,則影響此醫療結果的因素則來自結構及過程。因此本研究中探討結構中醫師因素,及醫療過程中醫療的因素及病患因素,試圖由此三大構面找出影響醫療結果品質的因素。 以國內某醫學中心的眼科部為實證對象,蒐集的樣本為88年10月至89年3月,於此個案醫院接受白內障手術的住院病患,利用病歷資料中的記錄,並追蹤3月內的門診資料,擷取所需的預後結果為品質指標而進行分析。本研究中選取的醫療結果品質指標有四項分別為:1.手術後最佳視力,2.是否發生手術相關併發症,3.手術時間,4.復原時間。 醫療人員的素質及數量等皆會影響醫療結果品質的好壞,本研究中,由於是由醫師負責整個手術(白內障手術)前的檢查、手術的決定及執行、及術後的處置,醫師為整個醫療過程是否達到品質標準的重要決定因素,所以主要以醫師素質為探討的對象。本研究以探討醫師長期經驗(醫師執業的時間)、短期經驗(醫師近二年所執行之白內障手術量)及職級對於醫療品質的影響。 白內障手術方式手術方式不同則會影響有兩種,其流程及困難度皆不同,所以會對於醫療結果品質有影響。本研究中醫療因素即探討不同手術方式對於醫療結果品質的影響。 醫療過程是由病患與醫師共同互動完成的,所以本研究將病患的因素列入醫療品質影響因素的探討。探討病患的年齡及是否併存有其他眼科疾病二因素對於醫療結果品質的影響。 本研究複迴歸分析結果顯示,醫師因素中醫師長期經驗可得較短的手術時間;醫師短期經驗可得較佳的術後視力及較短的復原時間。手術方式中新式超音波晶體乳化術,則雖可得較佳的術後視力及縮短復原時間,但會造成較多的手術相關併發症。病患因素中以病患併有其他眼科疾病,會影響術後最佳視力及復原時間較長。 綜合上述,本研究發現,醫師因素、醫療因素及病患因素皆會影響醫療結果品質,對於個案醫院再擬定品質管理策略時,應就不同的影響因素,擬定管理方針,以改善白內障的醫療結果品質。 / Quality of health care is an important performance measure for hospitals. In this paper, I investigate the drivers of quality performance of cataract surgery at medical center. I regard some factors as the drivers of quality performance. Quality performance of cataract surgery is measured by medical outcomes: 1.the visual acuity after surgery, 2.the complication rate, 3.the operation time and 4.the recovery time. Three groups of factors are included in this paper: 1.service agent factors (e.g. the long term experience of doctors, the short term experience of doctors and the employment status of doctors), 2.service factors (e.g. the operation methods) and 3.customer factors (e.g. the age of the patients and the co-existence of other ophthalmalogic diseases of the patients). My study demonstrates the following results: 1. The long-term experience of doctors shortens the operation time. 2. The short-term experience of doctors affects positively the post operational visual acuity and shortens the recovery time. 3. Phacoemulsification, the latest operation method, gets better post operational visual acuity and shorter recovery time than does extracapusle cataract extraction. However, more complications happen in the patient group with phacoemulsification. 4. The patients with co-existing ophthalmalogic diseases have worse post operational visual acuity and longer recovery time than do the patients without diseases.

Service quality in nursing homes : a construct, measurement and performance model to increase client focus

Lapré, Frederik Albert Ludwig January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the quality of care for the elderly in nursing homes, responding to a critical social and demographic imperative. The aim of this study is to provide a service quality construct for nursing homes to increase client focus and satisfaction. The research is underpinned by the service quality literature. It utilises the SERVQUAL construct to explore the nature of service quality in nursing homes through semi-structured interviews with nursing home residents and resident's families. A service quality scale was constructed comprising six dimensions and 27 scale items capturing service delivery in nursing homes. This scale was purified through a survey of residents and family members (n=263). Through exploratory factor analysis, six importance and four experience factors were identified. Regression analysis was used to identify relationships between the factors, service quality and satisfaction. The results indicate that importance does not predict perceived quality, though experience of responsiveness and hospitality and courtesy and personal approach are indicators of service quality. Furthermore, quality emerges as a predictor of satisfaction. From these outcomes, a service quality construct was developed which comprises of service marketing and service quality dimensions. This thesis contributes to the construction of the concept of service quality in nursing homes, its dimensionality and thus the precursors of satisfaction. These have considerable implications for the management of nursing home services.homes, its dimensionality and thus the precursors of satisfaction. These have considerable implications for the management of nursing home services.

Avaliação da qualidade ambiental acústica urbana: parametrização e quantificação das variáveis que influenciam a percepção da paisagem sonora, através da análise multivariada, no campus sede da Universidade Estadual de Maringá / Evaluation of urban acoustic environmental quality: parameterization and quantification of variables that influence the perception of the soundscape, by multivariate analysis, the headquarters campus of the State University of Maringa

Igor José Botelho Valques 08 March 2016 (has links)
A intenção desta tese é sugerir um método avaliativo, cujo índice de desempenho venha ao encontro dos indicadores da cognição de lugares, e por fim qualifique a paisagem sonora de espaços vivenciados. Pois, entende-se que a qualidade ambiental acústica dos lugares pode ser quantificada a fim de facilitar o seu entendimento. Nesse ideário, este trabalho visou, estabelecer a interação dos fatores perceptivos do usuário com os atributos físicos da paisagem sonora relacionando-os segundo o referencial teórico: soundscape. Defendeu-se que a qualidade sonora das ambiências urbanas seja resultado da avaliação da inerência acústica da envoltória ambiental do espaço vivenciado. Buscou-se, nesse sentido, parâmetros que a fizessem mensurável, para apreender a empatia ou a repulsa às ambiências sonoras de certos locais, ou seja, a aceitação ou a recusa de suas características acústicas intrínsecas e perceptivas. O método avaliativo foi aplicado nas ambiências acústicas do campus sede da UEM, e foi balizado com a análise estatística multivariada de critérios de desempenho acústico qualitativos e quantitativos. Foram determinados todos os atributos e, valorados com a finalidade de determinar o ranking das ambiências estudadas. Finalmente, conseguiu-se as áreas qualificadas e hierarquizadas que podem auxiliar em uma tomada de decisão para futuras adequações do plano diretor do campus sede, fato que, possivelmente, norteará também adequações dos outros sete campi da UEM. Assim, através da metodologia proposta avaliou-se a qualidade acústica de parte do campus sede da Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEM, como também, validou-se a exequibilidade do método. Entendeu-se que o espaço de um campus universitário deva proporcionar ambiências sonoras de qualidade para a tríade pedagógica: ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Portanto, esta pesquisa justifica-se, pois, vem ao encontro dessa necessidade, haja visto que a ambientação sonora dos lugares de trabalho é extremamente importante ao desempenho e a vivência de qualidade. Abre-se uma porta que identifica o potencial de verificação da paisagem sonora como norteador para o planejamento espacial urbano, além de ajudar na compreensão de como as cidades e os seus lugares satisfazem, ou não a expectativa de seus habitantes. / The intention of this thesis is to suggest an evaluation method, where performance index must meet the indicators of cognition places, and finally qualify the soundscape of experienced spaces. Therefore, it is understood that the acoustic environmental quality of the places can be quantified in order to facilitate their understanding. In this ideology, this work aims to establish the interaction of perceptual user factors with the physical attributes of soundscape relating them according to the theoretical framework: soundscape.It was argued that the sound quality of urban ambiance is a result of evaluation of acoustic inherent environmental envelope of the experienced space. Looking for this direction, parameters that made measurable, to learn empathy or disgust to sound ambiences of certain sites, or the acceptance or refusal of their intrinsic perceptual and acoustic characteristics. It was proposed that the evaluation method is applied to the acoustic ambiance of the campus headquarters of UEM is based on multivariate statistical analysis of qualitative and quantitative acoustic performance criteria. Thus, all the attributes were determined and rated for the purpose of determining the ranking of the studied ambiences. Finally, they were qualified and prioritized areas that may assist in a decision-making for future adjustments of the master plan of the campus headquarters, a fact that possibly also will guide adjustments of seven other campuses of UEM. Thus, through the proposed methodology evaluated the acoustical quality of the headquarters campus of the State University of Maringa - UEM, but also validated to the feasibility of the method. It is understood that the area of a university campus should provide ambiance sound quality for pedagogical triad: teaching, research and extension. Therefore, this research is justified once it meets this need, due to the fact that the sound ambience of workplaces is extremely important to the performance and the experience of quality. A door that identifies the potential to check the soundscape as a guide for urban spatial planning it opens and helps in understanding how cities and their seats meet or not the expectations of its inhabitants.

A longitudinal study of selected state school aid formula changes in Kansas 1992-2017, with emphasis on the Classroom Learning Assuring Student Success (CLASS) Act of 2015

Vincent, Shiloh John Daniel January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / David Thompson / This present study extended the longitudinal perspective begun by DeBacker (2002) and Jordan (2012) and, when considered wholly, provides insights into the educational experiences offered by districts in the state of Kansas from the years 1992 through 2017, as well as the impacts that changes to school funding had on those experiences. This study assessed selected fiscal and pupil performance variables and examined the impacts that changes to school funding had on those variables, paying close attention to the shift from per pupil funding under the School District Finance and Quality Performance Act (SDFQPA) of 1992 to block grant funding under the Classroom Learning Assuring Student Success (CLASS) Act from 2015 to 2017. In the first phase of this study, Kansas school districts were ordered from wealthiest to poorest based on their assessed valuation per pupil for 2001. To narrow the study population and to ensure that longitudinal analysis could occur, districts that had closed or consolidated by 2016 were removed. For the remaining districts, decile analysis was applied to the population by ranking all 289 school districts from wealthiest to poorest based on 2001 assessed valuation per pupil (AVPP) and by further dividing the population in to ten equal parts (i.e. each decile representing 10% of the population). The population was again narrowed to the representative sample of 112 school districts, with Decile 10 representing the wealthiest 10% of districts, Decile 1 representing the poorest 10%, and Deciles 5 and 6 representing the average wealth districts found in the middle (each representing 10% of the population respectively). This process was repeated for 2011, 2014, and 2016. For this study, 2001 and 2016 served as the bookend years, as DeBacker (2002) had done (1992 – 2001) and Jordan (2012) had repeated (2002 – 2012). Establishing the beginning year as 2001 ensured overlap of years examined by both previous studies and extending through the most recent year of audited data, i.e., 2016. Once the study population was established, data analysis was conducted in two phases. First, fiscal and pupil performance data were analyzed to provide insight into overall health of each district during the years 2001- 2016. Second, survey and interview data were collected and analyzed to glean insights from district leaders for contextual perspective of the impacts that changes to school funding had on districts and their leaders, paying close attention to the years of block grant funding under CLASS. The present study resulted in a critical examination of fiscal and pupil performance variables and the impact that changes to school finance in Kansas had on the educational experience of Kansas pupils.

Výkonnostní testování webových aplikací / Web Application Performance Testing

Martinák, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about software testing and mainly focused on performance testing of web applications. The introductory chapters outline problems of testing, identification of key issues, explanation of general concepts and software quality, differences between desktop and web application testing and finally - performance testing. Then, there is chosen a web application suitable for testing (Kentico CMS 6) and comparison of existing tools for performance and load testing. One of them (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition) is chosen for the further testing. Therefore, several test scenarios are designed and implemented (including demonstration of creating, editing and debugging, extending with plug-ins, maintaining, running in a distributed environment, etc.). Finally, there are introduced testing reports and suggestions for the further testing.

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