Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quantization noise"" "subject:"quantization boise""
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Quantization-Noise Cancellation Technique and Phase-Locked Loop IC Design in a Fractional¡VN Frequency SynthesizerLi, Shiang-wei 16 August 2007 (has links)
For the fractional-N frequency synthesizers using delta-sigma modulation (DSM) techniques, higher PLL bandwidth is highly desirable in order to achieve faster settling time. As the PLL bandwidth is increased, more quantization noises pass through the PLL so that the output phase noise performance is degraded. There is a tradeoff between phase-noise performance and PLL bandwidth. To improve the problem, the thesis studies the quantization noise cancellation technique. With this technique, the PLL bandwidth can be increased without the cost of degrading phase-noise performance. With the help of Agilent EEsof¡¦s ADS, the phase-noise performance of the studied fractional-N frequency synthesizers can be predicted. For demonstration, this research implements a 2.6 GHz fractional-N frequency synthesizer hybrid module, and compares the measured phase noises with and without the technique under considering various combinations of MASH DSM orders and PLL bandwidth. Another demonstration of this thesis is to design a PLL IC using TSMC 0.18 £gm CMOS process, and make a discussion on the testing performance of the PLL IC.
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Episode 2.8 – Quantization Noise in Analog SamplingTarnoff, David 01 January 2020 (has links)
Dividing up the range of analog values into discrete binary values during the analog to digital conversion process forces us to incur a rounding error. See what that error looks and sounds like in this episode of Geek Author.
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Characterizing and minimizing spurious responses in Delta-Sigma modulatorsNeitola, M. (Marko) 07 February 2012 (has links)
Oversampling data converters based on Delta-Sigma modulation are a popular solution for modern high-resolution applications. In the design of digital-to-analog or analog-to-digital Delta-sigma converters there are common obstacles due to the difficulties on predicting and verifying their performance. Being a highly nonlinear system, a Delta-Sigma modulator’s (DSM) quantization noise and therefore the spurious tones are difficult to analyze and predict.
Multi-bit DACs can be used to improve the performance and linearize the behavior of DSMs. However, this will give rise to the need for linearizing the multi-bit DAC. A popular DAC linearization method, data weighted averaging (DWA) shapes the DAC mismatch noise spectrum. There are many variants of DWA, for low-pass and band-pass DSMs. This thesis proposes a generalization which integrates a few published variants into one, broader DWA scheme. The generalization enables expanding the tone-suppression studies into a larger concept.
The performance of one- or multibit DSMs is usually verified by simulations. This thesis proposes a simulation-based qualification (characterization) method that can be used to repeatedly verify and compare the performance of multibit DSM with a DAC mismatch shaping or scrambling scheme.
The last contribution of this thesis is a very simple model for tonal behavior. The model enables accurate prediction of spurious tones from both DSMs and DWA-DACs. The model emulates the tone behavior by its true birth-mechanism: frequency modulation. The proposed prediction model for tone-behavior can be used for developing new tone-cancelation methods. Based on the model, a DWA linearization method is also proposed. / Tiivistelmä
Delta-Sigma modulaatio on suosituin tekniikka ylinäytteistävissä datan muuntimissa. Riippumatta toteutustarkoituksesta (analogia-digitaali- tai digitaali-analogia-muunnos), Delta-Sigma (DS) modulaatiossa on yleisesti tunnettuja käyttäytymisen ennustamiseen liittyviä ongelmia. Nämä ongelmat ovat peräisin modulaattorin luontaisesta epälineaarisuudesta: DS-muunnin on nimittäin vahvasti epälineaarinen takaisinkytketty systeemi, jonka harhatoistojen ennustaminen ja analysointi on erittäin hankalaa.
Yksibittisestä monibittiseen DS-muuntimeen siirryttäessä muuntimen suorituskyky paranee, ja muuntimen kohinakäyttäytyminen on lineaarisempaa. Tämä kuitenkin kostautuu tarpeena linearisoida DS-muuntimen digitaali-analogia (D/A) muunnin. Tällä hetkellä tunnetuin linearisointimenetelmä on nimeltään DWA (data weighted averaging) algoritmi. Tässä työssä DWA:lle ja sen lukuisille varianteille esitellään eräänlainen yleistys, jonka avulla algoritmia voidaan soveltaa sekä alipäästö- että kaistanpäästö-DS-muuntimelle.
Kuten tunnettua, DS-modulaattorin analyyttinen tarkastelu on raskasta. Yksi- ja monibittisten DS-muuntimien suunnitellun käyttäytymisen varmistaminen tapahtuukin yleensä simulointien avulla. Työssä esitetään simulointiperiaate, jolla voidaan kvalifioida (karakterisoida) monibittinen DS-muunnin. Tarkemmin, kvalifioinnin kohteena on DWA:n kaltaiset D/A -muuntimien linearisointimentelmät. Kyseessä on pyrkimys ennen kaikkea toistettavaan menetelmään, jolla eri menetelmiä voidaan verrata nopeasti ja luotettavasti.
Tämän väitöstyön viimeinen kontribuutio on matemaattinen malli harhatoistojen syntymekanismille. Mallilla sekä DS-muunnoksen että DWA-D/A -muunnokseen liittyvät harhatoistot voidaan ennustaa tarkasti. Harhatoistot mallinnetaan yksinkertaisella havaintoihin perustuvalla FM-modulaatiokaavalla. Syntymekanismin mallinnus mahdollistaa DS-muuntimien ennustettavuuden ja täten auttaa harhatoiston kumoamismenetelmien kehittämistä. Työssä esitetään yksi matemaattisen mallin avulla kehitetty DWA-D/A -muunnoksen linearisointimenetelmä.
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Determination Of Stochastic Model Parameters Of Inertial SensorsUnver, Alper 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ü / nver, Alper
PhD, Department of Electric Electronic Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mü / beccel Demirekler
January 2013, 82 pages
Gyro and accelerometer systematic errors due to biases, scale factors, and misalignments can be compensated via an on-board Kalman filtering approach in a Navigation System. On the other hand, sensor random noise sources such as Quantization Noise (QN), Angular Random Walk (ARW), Flicker Noise (FN), and Rate Random Walk (RRW) are not easily estimated by an on-board filter, due to their random characteristics.
In this thesis a new method based on the variance of difference sequences is proposed to compute the powers of the above mentioned noise sources. The method is capable of online or offline estimation of stochastic model parameters of the inertial sensors. Our aim in this study is the estimation of ARW, FN and RRW parameters besides the quantization and the Gauss-Markov noise parameters of the inertial sensors.
The proposed method is tested both on the simulated and the real sensor data and the results are compared with the Allan variance method. Comparison shows very satisfactory results for the performance of the method. Computational load of the new method is less than the computational load of the Allan variance on the order of tens.
One of the usages of this method is the individual noise characterization. A noise, whose power spectral density has a constant slope, can be identified accurately by the proposed method. In addition to this, the parameters of the GM noise can also be determined.
Another idea developed here is to approximate the overall error source as a combination of ARW and some number of GM sources only. The reasons of selecting such a structure is the feasibility of using these models in a Kalman filter framework for error propagation as well as their generality of modeling other noise sources.
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An Exploratory Study of Pulse Width and Delta Sigma ModulatorsPenrod, Logan B 01 December 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This paper explores the noise shaping and noise producing qualities of Delta-Sigma Modulators (DSM) and Pulse-Width Modulators (PWM). DSM has long been dominant in the Delta Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter (DSADC) as a noise-shaped quantizer and time discretizer, while PWM, with a similar self oscillating structure, has seen use in Class D Power Amplifiers, performing a similar function. It has been shown that the PWM in Class D Amplifiers outperforms the DSM [1], but could this advantage be used in DSADC use-cases? LTSpice simulation and printed circuit board implementation and test are used to present data on four variations of these modulators: The DSM, PWM, the out-of-loop discretized PWM (OOLDP), and the cascaded modulator. A generic form of an Nth order loop filter is presented, where three orders of this generic topology are analyzed in simulation for each modulator, and two orders are used in physical testing.
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