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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimentální a numerické studium kvantové turbulence v He II / Experimental and numerical investigation of quantum turbulence in He II

Varga, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Superfluid 4 He (He II) is a quantum liquid whose flow is strongly affected by quantum mechanical effects. This thesis presents experimental and numerical studies of turbulent flows in He II - quantum turbulence. Experimentally, quan- tum turbulence is investigated in thermal counterflow, pure superflow and coflow using second sound attenuation, precision local thermometry and by visualisa- tion of helium excimer molecules. The steady state and decay of the vortex line density in pure superflow and counterflow is studied and the universal quasi clas- sical decay is characterised by measurements of the effective kinematic viscosity. General dynamical behaviour is studied in detail in unsteady thermal counter- flow, with various theoretical models tested. A new model where the mean tangle curvature is dependent on the vortex line density is proposed. Temperature de- pendence and enhancement of intermittency in quasi-classical flow in the wake of a moving grid is found using visualisation. Numerically, the interaction of the tangle of quantized vortices with solid tracers is investigated, where a back reaction of the seeding particles on the tangle is identified and its relevance to visualisation experiments is discussed. Additionally, an interesting and as-yet overlooked spherical counterflow is...

Formation, Dynamics, and Decay of Quantized Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Elements of Quantum Turbulence

Neely, Tyler William January 2010 (has links)
Turbulence in classical fluids has been the subject of scientific study for centuries, yet there is still no complete general theory of classical turbulence connecting microscopic physics to macroscopic fluid flows, and this remains one of the open problems in physics. In contrast, the phenomenon of quantum turbulence in superfluids has well-defined theoretical descriptions, based on first principles and microscopic physics, and represents a realm of physics that can connect the classical and quantum worlds. Studies of quantum turbulence may thus be viewed as a path for progress on the long-standing problem of turbulence.A dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is, in most cases, a superfluid that supports quantized vortices, the primary structural elements of quantum turbulence. BECs are particularly convenient systems for the study of vortices, as standard techniques allow the microscopic structure and dynamics of the vortices to be investigated. Vortices in BECs can be created and manipulated using a variety of techniques, hence BECs are potentially powerful systems for the microscopic study of quantum turbulence.This dissertation focuses on quantized vortices in BECs, specifically experimental and numerical studies of their formation, dynamics, and decay, in an effort to understand the microscopic nature of vortices as elements of quantum turbulence. Four main experiments were performed, and are described in the main chapters of this dissertation, after introductions to vortices, experimental methods, and turbulence are presented. These experiments were aimed at understanding various aspects of how vortices are created and behave in a superfluid system. They involved vortex dipole nucleation in the breakdown of superfluidity, persistent current generation from a turbulent state in the presence of energy dissipation, decay of angular momentum of a BEC due to trapping potential impurities, and exploration of the spontaneous formation of vortices during the BEC phase transition. These experiments represent progress towards enhanced understanding of the formation, dynamics, and decay of vortices in BECs and thus may be foundational to more general studies of quantum turbulence in superfluids.

Investigation of quantum turbulence in superfluid ⁴He using injected ions and He₂* molecules in the zero temperature limit

Pakpour, Fatemeh January 2014 (has links)
The decay of quantum turbulence in superfluid (_^4)He in the zero temperature limit wasinvestigated. Quantum turbulence was created by impulsive spin-down from a specific angular velocity to rest. A measurement of the vortex line density was performed using the scattering of charged vortex rings. The vortex line density decayed as L ∝ t^(-3/2) which is the characteristic of quasiclassical turbulence forced at large length scales. The interaction of metastable spin-triplet 〖He〗_2^* molecules with quantized vortex lines in superfluid (_^4)He at temperatures below 200 mK was studied too. The molecules were generated during an injection of electrons from a sharp metal tip at high voltage. They were detected as a current into a metal collector after ionization upon colliding with the collector surface. The detected current was suppressed by even a small rotation indicating the trapping of the molecules on quantized vortices. The presence of (_^3)He impurities at the level of 0.3 ppb strongly suppressed the detected signal. The temperature dependence of the detected signal showed a sharp peak, most probably associated with the condensation of (_^3)He atoms on vortex cores. The time of flight of the molecules as a function of temperature was measured. It was observed that there are three regimes for 〖He〗_2^* molecules transportation in superfluid (_^4)He : ballistic regime for T < 100 mK, diffusive for T > 200 mK, and an intermediate regime between them. The vortex lines were created by either rotation or ion injection. The trapping diameter of the molecules on quantized vortices was found to be 96 ± 6 nm at pressure of 0.1 bar and 27 ± 5 nm at 5.0 bar. It was also demonstrated that a tangle of vortices moving in superfluid (_^4)He are capable of conveying the 〖He〗_2^* molecules through the drift region.

Generating and Manipulating Quantized Vortices in Highly Oblate Bose-Einstein Condensates

Samson, Edward Carlo Copon January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents several experimental methods that were devised to generate or manipulate quantized vortices in highly oblate dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Studies that involve single vortex dynamics, vortex-vortex interactions, and vortex-impurity interactions are essential in developing a deeper understanding of the nature of superfluidity and in particular, superfluid turbulence. In highly oblate systems, vortex dynamics have a two-dimensional (2D) nature and the resulting superfluid characteristics may be substantially different from those in three-dimensional (3D) superfluids. However, there have been remarkably few experimental studies of 2D vortex dynamics in superfluids. Therefore, to study 2D vortex dynamics and interactions, it is necessary to first develop experimental methods that can generate vortices and vortex distributions in nominally 2D systems, such as highly oblate BECs. Four main experiments are discussed in this dissertation. Two of these experiments generate multiple singly quantized vortices in a relatively stochastic manner leading to disordered vortex distributions. From these two vortex methods, the physics of high vorticity and highly disordered systems may be observed and studied in a highly oblate system. These methods may prove useful in studies of 2D quantum turbulence. The other two experiments involve newly developed techniques for controlled generation and manipulation of vortices. One of these methods creates multiply quantized pinned vortices with a control in the generated vorticity. The other method reliably creates a pair of singly quantized vortices of opposite circulation, whose positions can be easily manipulated after creation, such that they can be placed in any location within the BEC. The two techniques may be scalable to higher number of vortices and may prove useful in superfluid dynamics and vortex interactions that require repeatable vortex distributions. Taken together, these tools and methods may be applicable to many further studies of vortex physics in highly oblate BECs.

Study of excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate / Estudo de excitações em condenados de Bose-Einstein

Harutinian, Jorge Amin Seman 25 August 2011 (has links)
In this work we study a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb under the effects of an oscillatory excitation. The condensate is produced through forced evaporative cooling by radio-frequency in a harmonic magnetic trap. The excitation is generated by an oscillatory quadrupole field superimposed on the trapping potential. For a fixed value of the frequency of the excitation we observe the production of different regimes in the condensate as a function of two parameters of the excitation: the time and the amplitude. For the lowest values of these parameters we observe a bending of the main axis of the condensate. This demonstrates that the excitation is able to transfer angular momentum into the sample. By increasing the time or the amplitude of the excitation we observe the nucleation of an increasing number of quantized vortices. If the value of the parameters of the excitation is increased even further the vortices evolve into a different regime which we have identified as quantum turbulence. In this regime, the vortices are tangled among each other, generating a highly irregular array. For the highest values of the excitation the condensate breaks into pieces surrounded by a thermal cloud. This constitutes a different regime which we have identified as granulation. We present numerical simulations together with other theoretical considerations which allow us to interpret our observations. In this thesis we also describe the construction of a second experimental setup whose objective is to study magnetic properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb. In this new system the condensate is produced in a hybrid trap which combines a magnetic trap with an optical dipole trap. Bose-Einstein condensation has been already achieved in the new apparatus; experiments will be performed in the near future. / Neste trabalho, estudamos um condensado de Bose-Einstein de átomos de 87Rb sob os efeitos de uma excitação oscilatória. O condensado é produzido por meio de resfriamento evaporativo por radiofreqüência em uma armadilha magnética harmônica. A excitação é gerada por um campo quadrupolar oscilatório sobreposto ao potencial de aprisionamento. Para um valor fixo da freqüência de excitação, observamos a produção de diferentes regimes no condensado como função de dois parâmetros da excitação, a saber, o tempo e a amplitude. Para os valores mais baixos destes parâmetros observamos a inclinação do eixo principal do condensado, isto demonstra que a excitação transfere momento angular à amostra. Ao aumentar o tempo ou a amplitude da excitação observamos a nucleação de um número crescente de vórtices quantizados. Se incrementarmos ainda mais o valor dos parâmetros da excitação, os vórtices evoluem para um novo regime que identificamos como turbulência quântica. Neste regime, os vórtices se encontram emaranhados entre si, dando origem a um arranjo altamente irregular. Para os valores mais altos da excitação o condensado se quebra em pedaços rodeados por uma nuvem térmica. Isto constitui um novo regime que identificamos como a granulação do condensado. Apresentamos simulações numéricas junto com outras considerações teóricas que nos permitem interpretar as nossas observações. Nesta tese, apresentamos ainda a descrição da montagem de um segundo sistema experimental cujo objetivo é o de estudar propriedades magnéticas de um condensado de Bose-Einstein de 87Rb. Neste novo sistema o condensado é produzido em uma armadilha híbrida composta por uma armadilha magnética junto com uma armadilha óptica de dipolo. A condensação de Bose-Einstein foi já observada neste novo sistema, os experimentos serão realizados no futuro próximo.

Vórtices e impurezas em superfluidos atômicos: expansão auto-similar e polaron Tkachenko / Vortices and impurities in atomic superfluids: self-similar expansion and Tkachenko polaron

Caracanhas, Mônica Andrioli 06 June 2014 (has links)
Neste projeto de doutorado estudamos dois aspectos em condensados de Bose-Einstein de gases alcalinos diluídos: (i) a expansão auto-similar de um superfluido turbulento, e (ii) a física dos pólarons no contexto de misturas de superfluidos e redes de vórtices. Ambas as análises estão relacionadas com nossas tendências experimentais em átomos frios. Na primeira etapa generalizamos as equações hidrodinâmicas dos superfluidos para descrever a expansão anômala de uma nuvem condensada turbulenta. A física por detrás dessa assinatura característica da natureza turbulenta da nuvem pôde ser compreendida através das equações derivadas em nosso modelo, que considerou a energia cinética advinda de uma configuração de vórtices enovelados. Na segunda parte do trabalho abordamos a física do pólaron, analisando as propriedades de uma impureza neutra acoplada com os modos Tkachenkos de um condensado de Bose-Einstein contendo uma rede de vórtices. Através da função espectral da impureza, pudemos acompanhar a evolução das propriedades de quase-partícula em função da magnitude do parâmetro de interação, à medida que caminhávamos em direção ao regime de baixas energias do sistema. A função espectral apresentou inicialmente um alargamento do seu perfil Lorentziano para baixos valores dos momentos da impureza e das excitações, mesmo a temperatura zero. Ao atingir a proximidade de um ponto fixo de baixas energias, porém, o espectro passa a adquirir um perfil de decaimento com lei de potência. Trata-se de uma assinatura do fenômeno da catástrofe de ortogonalidade, com a quebra da natureza de quase-particula do sistema. Aplicamos uma transformação canônica com operadores unitários e técnicas de grupo de renormalização para avaliar o fluxo das constantes da teoria à medida que diminuíamos as escalas de energia características do nosso sistema. Na etapa final apresentamos alguns resultados preliminares sobre o sistema de duas espécies de condensado sobrepostas, uma delas contendo a rede de vórtices. Por meio de uma analogia com superfluidos em redes ópticas, mapeamos nosso Hamiltoniano em um modelo Bose-Hubbard e variamos o comprimento de espalhamento atômico das espécies envolvidas para induzir a transição de fase quântica naquela aprisionada na rede. Mostramos que essa nossa nova configuração quântica de rede permite investigações que vão além daquelas estudadas com redes ópticas estáticas. / In this thesis we studied two aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases: (i) the self-similar expansion of a turbulent superfluidity, and (ii) the polaron physics in the context of the superfluid mixtures and vortex lattices. Both analyses are closely related to our experimental trends. Concerning the first subject, we generalized the superfluid hydrodynamic equations to describe the anomalous expansion of a turbulent condensate cloud. The physics behind this characteristic signature of the turbulence could be clarified through the expressions derived in our model, that considered the kinetic energy associated with a tangled vortex configuration. As for the second item, we present the polaron physics of a neutral impurity coupled with the Tkachenko modes of a vortex lattice Bose-Einstein condensate. Through the impurity spectral function, we tracked how the quasiparticle properties varied as a function of the interaction strength toward the lower energy regimes. The spectral function exhibits a Lorentzian broadening for small wave vectors, even at zero temperature, until it starts to reach the low energy fixed point, where it acquires a power law decay. That is the signature of orthogonality catastrophe phenomena, with the breakdown of the quasiparticle picture. We applied canonical unitary transform and renormalization group equations to evaluate the flow of the theory parameters as we go further down in the characteristic energy scales. Finally, we provide preliminary results on the calculation of a system composed of two condensate species, one immersed in a second containing an array of vortices. Making an analogy with superfluids in an optical lattice, we map our Hamiltonian onto a Bose-Hubbard type model and tune the atomic scattering length of the two species to induce a quantum phase transition in the confined cloud. This is a new quantum system which allows investigation beyond the present studies with static optical lattices.

Investigations on momentum distributions and disorder in strongly out-of-equilibrium trapped Bose gases / Investigações nas distribuições de momento e na desordem em gases de Bose armadilhados fortemente fora do equilíbrio

Vivanco, Franklin Adán Julca 27 June 2017 (has links)
From almost one century, Bose-Einstein condensation has become progressively more important especially due to its connection with superfluidity, superconductivity and manybody physics. Nowadays quantum gases are powerful experimental tools to discover new physics and to emulate systems in condensed matter due to their versatility and very high control. Despite the increasing use of quantum gases as platforms for studying many problems in physics, their comprehension is very limited if we consider systems that are out-of-equilibrium due to the lack of experimental controllability of all the parameters involved in these systems. Another limitation in the understanding of this kind of systems comes from the limitation of the theoretical frameworks used to understand non-equilibrium dynamics, although many efforts have been made in this direction. Hence, many interesting phenomena in non-equilibrium quantum systems have not yet been discovered or well understood from a theoretical and experimental point of view, and thus its physics have not been the focus of much attention, although this situation has recently changed due to the rapid development of experimental techniques which enables a better control of parameters of these systems. Motivated by this progress, we study non-equilibrium Bose gases in the search of turbulence using an oscillatory excitation performed in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atoms. In this thesis, we describe these experiments and characterize our non-equilibrium quantum system through some quantifiers. One of these quantifiers is a dimensionless value that represent the exponent &gamma; obtained from the cascade of the transverse momentum distribution ñ(k). ñ(k) is obtained from absorption images of atoms in expansion using the time-of-flight technique in a well defined range of momenta. We analyze the dependence of &gamma; with the amount of the pumped energy, and we found a steady-value which describe a well-established non-equilibrium regime. Also, it is analyzed the viability of using the fluctuations statistics in order to extract some quantifier from the power-spectrum of the fluctuations assuming that it represents an analog to the energy spectrum, due to the consideration of the time-of-flight technique. From the powerspectrum it is extracted an exponent, in the same range as for ñ(k), and compared with &gamma; 2, that will be the exponent for the pseudo-energy spectrum in the kinetic dominated regime. Finally, we consider, again with the time-of-flight technique, the continuous Shannon entropy as quantifier that measure the disorder of the excited clouds and study their dependence with the pumped energy. These studies show us that there is an out-ofequilibrium regime that takes place when we inject a fixed quantity of energy into the system. / Desde há quase um século a condensação de Bose-Einstein vem se tornando cada vez mais importante, especialmente devido à sua forte conexão com superfluidez, supercondutividade e física de muitos corpos. Hoje em dia, os gases quânticos são poderosas ferramentas experimentais para descobrir-se nova física e para emular sistemas em matéria condensada devido à sua grande versatilidade e altíssimo controle. Apesar do uso crescente de gases quânticos como plataformas para se estudar diversos problemas na física, sua compreensão é muito limitada se considerarmos sistemas que estão fora de equilíbrio, devido à falta de controle experimental de todos os parâmetros envolvidos deste tipo de situações. Outra limitação na compreensão deste tipo de sistemas vem da limitação das abordagens teóricas usadas para entender a dinâmica em regimes de não equilíbrio, embora muitos esforços tem sido feitos nessa direção. Assim, muitos fenômenos interessantes em sistemas quânticos fora do equilíbrio ainda não foram descobertos ou bem compreendidos do ponto de vista teórico e experimental, e portanto, sua física não tem sido foco de muita atenção, embora esta situação tenha mudado recentemente devido ao rápido desenvolvimento de técnicas experimentais que permitem um melhor controle dos parâmetros destes sistemas. Motivados por estes progressos, estudamos aqui gases de Bose fora do equilíbrio, na busca de turbulência, através de excitações oscilatórias em um condensado de Bose-Einstein de átomos de 87Rb. Nesta tese, descrevemos estes experimentos e caracterizamos o nosso sistema quântico fora do equilíbrio através de alguns quantificadores. Um desses quantificadores é o valor adimensional que representa o expoente &gamma; obtido da de cascata na distribuição de momento transversal ñ(k). ñ(k) é obtido da imagem de absorção da nuvem atômica em expansão usando a técnica de tempo de voo em um intervalo de momento bem definido. É analisada a dependência de &gamma; com energia bombeada e encontramos um valor constante o qual descreve um regime de não equilíbrio bem estabelecido. Analisamos também a viabilidade do uso da estatística das flutuações para extrair algum quantificador do espectro de potências das flutuações, supondo que ele representa um análogo ao espectro de energia, devido à consideração da técnica de tempo de voo. Do espectro de potências é extraído outro expoente, no mesmo intervalo que para ñ(k), e este é comparado com &gamma; 2, que por sua vez, pode ser considerado como o expoente do espectro de pseudo-energia no regime cinético dominado. Finalmente, consideramos, novamente com a técnica do tempo de voo, a entropia continua de Shannon como quantificador que mede a desordem das nuvens excitadas e estuda sua dependência com a energia bombeada. Estes estudos mostram que há um regime do fora de equilíbrio bem definido que acontece quando injetamos uma quantidade fixa de energia no sistema.

Determinação da distribuição de momento em superfluidos atômicos aprisionados: regimes turbulento e não turbulento / Determination of momentum distribution in a superfluid atomic trap: turbulent and non-turbulent regimes

Bagnato, Guilherme de Guzzi 23 July 2013 (has links)
A turbulência clássica é um fenômeno de natureza caótica, mas de difícil estudo por ser constituída pela fusão e superposição de vórtices aleatórios, dificultando sua descrição matemática. A turbulência quântica (TQ), embora também caótica, é composta por vórtices quantizados, que favorecem o controle experimental e sua definição teórica. Embora a evidência experimental da TQ tenha sido obtida em sistemas de He líquido, sua caracterização em condensados de Bose-Einstein (BEC) ainda não foi totalmente realizada. Neste trabalho, estudamos a distribuição de momento em BECs expandidos em tempo de voo, nos regimes convencional e turbulento. Para a produção experimental da amostra quanticamente degenerada, utilizamos a técnica do resfriamento evaporativo em átomos de 87Rb, previamente resfriados em uma armadilha puramente magnética do tipo QUIC. A turbulência quântica foi produzida no sistema através de um par de bobinas de excitação capaz de produzir uma perturbação oscilatória na nuvem previamente condensada. O diagnóstico da amostra aprisionada é feito por imagem de absorção durante expansão livre da nuvem. Durante a expansão, tanto a nuvem condensada quanto a turbulenta, alcançaram um valor assintótico no aspect ratio, indicando uma evolução isotrópica. A partir deste resultado, elaboramos um método teórico capaz de determinar a projeção isotrópica da distribuição de momento, baseado na imagem produzida experimentalmente. Através de argumentos de simetria e de uma transformada integral, recuperamos a densidade de momento tridimensional da projeção, para então determinar o espectro de energia cinética da nuvem, observando uma lei de escala para um estreito intervalo de momento. A lei de escala já foi prevista teoricamente para sistemas quânticos e medida para o He superfluido, mas pela primeira vez foi evidenciada em um BEC. Desta forma, os resultados corroboram a existência da turbulência quântica em uma amostra quanticamente degenerada, introduzindo os BECs como candidatos alternativos ao He líquido superfluido no estudo deste fenômeno. / Classical turbulence is a chaotic phenomenon that requires labored work, because of its merging and overlapping of random vortices nature, which hinders its mathematical description. Quantum turbulence (QT), although chaotic, is comprised of quantized vortices that favor the experimental control and its theoretical definition. Although experimental evidence of QT has been proved in liquid helium systems, its characterization in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) has not been fully accomplished. In this work, we studied the momentum distribution of expanding turbulent and non-turbulent BEC. For experimental achievement of the quantum degenerated sample, we used evaporative cooling in rubidium atoms, previously cooled in a QUIC trap. Quantum turbulence was produced through a pair of excitation coils capable of producing an oscillatory perturbation in the cloud previously condensed. The diagnosis of the trapped sample is done by absorption image during free expansion of the cloud. During the expansion, both clouds achieved a asymptotic value of the aspect ratio, indicating an isotropic evolution. From this result, we have developed a theoretical method able to determine the projection of the isotropic distribution of momentum, based on the image produced experimentally. Through symmetry arguments and an integral transformation, we recovered the tridimensional momentum distribution of the projection and then determined the kinetic energy spectrum of the cloud, observing a scaling power law for a narrow range of momenta. The scaling law has been theoretically predicted for quantum systems and has been proved to liquid helium superfluid, but, in this work, was for the first time evidenced in a BEC. Thus, the results support the existence of quantum turbulence in our quantum degenerated sample, introducing the BECs as potential candidates besides liquid helium superfluid for the study of this phenomenon.

Developing a Toolkit for Experimental Studies of Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence in Bose-Einstein Condensates

Wilson, Kali Elena January 2015 (has links)
Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), with their superfluid behavior, quantized vortices, and high-level of control over trap geometry and other system parameters provide a compelling environment for studies of quantum fluid dynamics. Recently there has been an influx of theoretical and numerical progress in understanding the superfluid dynamics associated with two-dimensional quantum turbulence, with expectations that complementary experiments will soon be realized. In this dissertation I present progress in the development of an experimental toolkit that will enable such experimental studies of two-dimensional quantum turbulence. My approach to developing this toolkit has been twofold: first, efforts aimed at the development of experimental techniques for generating large disordered vortex distributions within a BEC; and second, efforts directed towards the design, implementation, and characterization of a quantum vortex microscope. Quantum turbulence in a superfluid is generally regarded as a disordered tangle of quantized vortices in three dimensions, or a disordered planar distribution of quantized vortices in two dimensions. However, not all vortex distributions, even large disordered ones, are expected to exhibit robust signatures of quantum turbulence. Identification and development of techniques for controlled forcing or initialization of turbulent vortex distributions is now underway. In this dissertation, I will discuss experimental techniques that were examined during the course of my dissertation research, namely generation of large disordered distributions of vortices, and progress towards injecting clusters of vortices into a BEC. Complimentary to vortex generation is the need to image these vortex distributions. The nondeterministic nature of quantum turbulence and other far-from-equilibrium superfluid dynamics requires the development of new imaging techniques that allow one to obtain information about vortex dynamics from a single BEC. To this end, the first vortex microscope constructed as part of my dissertation research enabled the first in situ images of quantized vortices in a single-component BEC, obtained without prior expansion. I have further developed and characterized a second vortex microscope, which has enabled the acquisition of multiple in situ images of a lattice of vortex cores, as well as the acquisition of single in situ images of vortex cores in a BEC confined in a weak hybrid trap. In this dissertation, I will discuss the state-of-the-art of imaging vortices and other superfluid phenomena in the University of Arizona BEC lab, as indicated by the examined performance of the quantum vortex microscope.

Hydrodynamics of Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates and Hydro-elasticity of the Inner Crust of Neutron Stars

Kobyakov, Dmitry January 2014 (has links)
In the present thesis, “Hydrodynamics of Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates and Hydro-elasticity of the Inner Crust of Neutron Stars”, the hydrodynamic effects, instabilities and superfluid turbulence in binary immiscible ultracold gases, and hydro-elastic macroscopic coupled modes and microscopic structure of the inner layers of the crust of neutron stars, are studied. The ultracold gas dynamics can be realized in the laboratory. The excitation modes of the inner crust determine a number of observable properties such as elasticity, thermal properties and mass transport properties. Here we focus on expanding the details, rather than repeating the results presented in the published articles. In the part of the thesis related to atomic ultracold gases, we utilize the physical parameters in the experimentally realizable parameter region. We numerically simulate the coupled non-linear Schrödinger equations, and calculate observable quantities, such as phase and modulus of the order parameter, conditions needed for observation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and for turbulence generation. The numerical calculations are accompanied by analytical description of the processes. The dispersion relation for capillary-gravitational waves at the interface between two ultracold gases, is derived straightforwardly from the superfluid Lagrangian. The equations of motion for centre-of-mass of the superfluids are derived, and then used in our model of the quantum swapping of immiscible superfluids pressed by a strong external force. By numerical simulation, we find that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability which occurs at the non-linear stage of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, can generate quantum turbulence with peculiar properties. We find that two-dimensional superfluid systems with weak inter-component repulsion are different from previously studied strongly repulsive binary superfluids, because the quantum Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in weakly repulsive superfluids rolls up the whole interface forming a vortex bundle, similarly to dynamics of the shear fluid layers in the classical hydrodynamics. Production of vortex bundles favours the Kolmogorov spectrum of turbulence, and we find that the Kolmogorov scaling indeed is present in a freely decaying turbulence. In the part of the thesis related to neutron stars, we study the inner crust of neutron stars, where the fully ionized atomic nuclei coexist with a superfluid of neutrons. The interaction between superfluid neutrons and the crystallized Coulomb plasma is due to the interaction between density perturbations (interaction of the scalar type), and between the current - the non-dissipative entrainment effect (interaction of the vector type). We calculate velocities of the collective modes of the crystal coupled to superfluid neutrons. As an input we use the results of microscopic nuclear calculations in the framework of the compressible liquid drop model (the Lattimer and Swesty equation of state), and more recent effective Thomas-Fermi calculations with shell corrections (N. Chamel, and the Brussels theoretical nuclear physics group). Knowledge of velocities as functions of the matter density in the inner crust is important for calculation of a number of dynamic and transport properties. The heat transport properties of the inner crust are directly observable in accreting binary systems (low-mass x-ray binaries). The mass transport properties of the inner crust are directly linked to the rotational evolution, being a key physical ingredient of the pulsar glitch phenomenon. The elastic properties are related to the vibrational modes of the star, and to the breaking stress of the crust. In the second part of our work on neutron stars we investigate the microscopic structure of the inner crust treating the structure as an anisotropic crystal coupled to s-wave superfluid neutron liquid. As we analyse dynamics of the elementary excitations at higher wavenumbers (smaller scales), we reach the edge of the first Brillouin zone. The Lattimer-Swesty data is applicable for wavenumbers much smaller than the edge of the first Brillouin zone. We extrapolate the data through the whole first Brillouin zone to calculate the fastest growth rate of the unstable modes. The crucial step is to calculate the mode velocities in anisotropic crystal incorporating both the induced neutron-proton interactions, and the electron screening properties. We find that the combined influence of these two effects leads to softening of the longitudinal phonon of the lattice above about the Thomas-Fermi screening wavenumber of the electrons. The critical wavenumber when the frequency becomes purely imaginary is about  1/5 - 2/3  of the reciprocal lattice vector, thus validating our assumption. The imaginary mode frequency implies instability at finite wavenumbers. Our calculations suggest that the mode at the first Brillouin zone edge is the most unstable, and thus the structure experiences a displacive phase transition when the central ion of a unit cell of the body-cubic-centred lattice, is displaced to the cube face. Thus, the electronic structure of matter at densities above the neutron drip [1], is richer than previously appreciated, and new microscopic calculations of nuclear structure are necessary which take into account the high-wavenumber physics. Such calculations will provide crucial input to models interpreting the quasi-periodic oscillations in Soft Gamma Repeaters as magnetar x-ray flares, and to the theory of glitches of neutron stars. [1] The neutron drip density is ~3×1011 g cm-3.

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