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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

RFI mitigation in radio astronomy

Thompson, Nicholas Christopher 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technical advances in electromagnetics, signal processing and processing power have led to a significant increase in sensitivity and accuracy in radio telescopes. With this increase in sensitivity, radio frequency interference (RFI) has become a much larger problem. The notable growth in wireless communication as well as self generated RFI has further escalated this problem. In order to utilise the full capabilities of modern radio telescopes, RFI mitigation is required on the captured signals. With the enormous data rates of modern radio telescopes, managing RFI has become increasingly difficult, and in order to utilise the full captured radio spectrum, more accurate RFI mitigation strategies will be necessary. The use of different RFI mitigation strategies is studied in the form of online and offline techniques. This includes Spectral Kurtosis, Spectral Flatness and the Var/SumThreshold method. The special case for RFI mitigation in timing pulsars will also be studied. These techniques are well known in the radio astronomy community; here, spectral kurtosis and spectral flatness will be implemented on the raw data as well as the post correlated data. System speed and accuracy will be the deciding factors when testing these methods as possible solutions to this problem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Toename in die sensitiwiteit van hedendagse radioteleskope kan toegedra word aan die tegniese bevordering in elktromagnetika en seinverwerking. Die toename in sensitiwiteit het egter tot die gevolg dat radiofrekwensiesteuring ‘n groter rol speel in hedendaagse radioteleskope. Die groei in die gebruik van radioverbindings asook die gevolge van self gei¨nduseerde radiofrekwensiesteuring dra ook verder by tot hierdie probleem. Radiofrekwensiesteuring matiging word toegepas op die opgevangde seine, om sodoende gebruik te maak van die volle kapasiteit van moderne radioteleskope. Die bestuur van radiofrekwensiesteuring word bemoeilik deur die groot hoeveelheid intydse data van die radioteleskope. Meer akurate radiofrekwensiesteuring matigingstegnieke word vereis om die bandwydte ten volle te hanteer. Daar word op ‘n aantal verskillende matingstegnieke gefokus. Hierdie tegenieke kan in twee kategorieë verdeel word, naamlik aanlyn- en aflyntegenieke. Onderafdelings van hierdie kategorieë sluit in: spektrale kurtose, spektrale matheid en “Var/SumThreshold”. Daar word ook na ‘n spesiale geval van radiofrekwensiesteuring matiging gekyk, in die opmeeting van tydsberekening-pulsars. Alhoewel hierdie tegnieke bekend is in die radioastronomie gemeenskap, word spektrale kurtose en spektrale matheid egter toegepas op die rou data sowel as postgekorreleerde data. Daar sal op stelsel spoed en akuratheid gefokus word, om vas te stel of hierdie metodes wel moontlike oplossings bied tot die probleem bespreek.

Time domain metrology for MeerKAT systems

Matthysen, Nardus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work in this study covers a powerful technique to derive propagation and scattering information in an expedient fashion. Expedient because time-domain (TD) data gathers a broad spectrum in a single transmitted pulse. TD has been criticised because of a lack of dynamic range, which has now been overcome by the direct sampling system, RATTY and RTA. This study focuses on the investigation of a TD metrology system, to assist with the characterisation of MeerKAT systems. The elementary components of the system include a fast-rising impulse generator that was coupled with an impulse radiating antenna (IRA). The system was calibrated and tested before practical measurements and preliminary testing in the Karoo were done. For TDmetrology a larger bandwidth accelerates measurements without the loss of accuracy. The pulse generator’s (PG’s) fundamental components are an avalanche transistor and a step recovery diode (SRD), to sharpen the leading edge of the pulse. Improving the rise-time of a pulse increases its bandwidth in the spectrum. The external circuitry around these components is pivotal and it determines the shape, amplitude and rise-time of the pulse. In the course of the investigation, the general circuitry around the PG was improved to obtain the best possible pulse for measurements inside a reverberation chamber (RC) and for measurements in the Karoo. In light of this, a second and third PG source were obtained. For measurements in the Karoo, a larger amplitude pulse was required to increase the spectral content and this is essential for propagation measurements over distance and the shielding effectiveness (SE) of structures. Stacking avalanche transistors allow larger amplitude pulses and it improves the dynamic range of the spectrum. A PG incorporating stacked avalanche transistors, was designed, built and measured to assist with RC and small-scale field measurements in the Karoo. The third PG was bought for the practical measurements in the Karoo. The PG produces kilovolt pulses with pico-second rise-times that extend the spectral range of the current PGs at our disposal. With these PGs, an antenna is required for the radiation of impulse-like transients. The IRA is a high-gain large-bandwidth antenna. The IRA consists of a parabolic reflector, conical-plate transmission lines that are terminated through resistors onto the dish, and a feeding balun. The IRA design was thoroughly discussed and a first model for metrology was designed, measured and optimised. The IRA was also simulated with computation software code, FEKO. Before deployment of theTDsystem, calibration and characterisation measurements are required. The measuring devices used within this study were sampling oscilloscopes and direct sampling systems. The limitations of each device were explored and are discussed. The final measurements that were conducted contribute to work related to the SKA. This incorporated antenna pattern calibration, propagation over distance and the SE of a berm built from Karoo soil. The system investigated the propagation attenuation over the Karoo soil and vegetation, with great promise. A broad spectrum was measured over a few kilometres and compared to free-space loss. The SE of the berm covered the same spectral bandwidth. In this measurement, scattering effects and knife-edge diffraction were observed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werk in hierdie studie dek ’n kragtige tegniek wat gebruik kan word om die voortplanting en die verstrooiingsinligting van elektromagnetiese golwe op ’n voordelige manier af te lei. Dit is voordelig, want tydgebieddata versamel ’n wye spektrum in ’n enkele oordraagbare puls. Tydgebied is in die verlede baie gekritiseer omdat dit ’n dinamiese reikwydte kortkom en dit is nou oorwin deur die direkte steekproefnemingstelsel, RATTY en RTA. Hierdie studie fokus op die ondersoek van ’n tydgebiedmetingssisteem en dit help met die karakterisering van MeerKAT sisteme. Die elementêre komponente van die sisteem bestaan uit ’n vinnig-stygende impulsgenerator wat gekoppel is aan ’n impulsuitstralende-antenna (IRA). Die sisteem is gekalibreer en getoets voordat praktiese metings en toetse in die Karoo uitgevoer kon word. Vir tydgebiedmetings versnel ’n groter bandwydte die metings sonder om die akkuraatheid daarvan te beïnvloed. Die pulsgenerator se fundamentele komponente is ’n stortvloedtransistor en ’n stap-herstel diode (SRD) wat die voorpunt van die puls verskerp. Die eskterne stroombaan rondom hierdie komponente is noodsaaklik en dit bepaal die vorm, amplitude en die stygtyd van die puls. Deur die loop van hierdie ondersoek is die algemene stroombaan rondom die puls verbeter, om die beste moontlike puls vir metings binne in die weerkaatsingskamer en vir metings in die Karoo, te verkry. Na aanleiding van dit is ’n tweede en derde pulsgenerator bron verkry. Vir die metings in die Karoo is ’n puls met ’n groter amplitude vereis om die spektrale inhoud te vermeerder. Dit is noodsaaklik vir elektromagnetiese golf voortplantingsmetings oor afstand asook die beskermings effektiwiteit (SE) van die strukture. Stapel-stortvloed transistors skep pulse met groter amplitudes en dit verbeter die dinamiese reikwydte van die spektrum. ’n Pulsgenerator wat gestapelde stortvloedtransistors insluit is ontwerp, gebou en gemeet om te help met metings in die weerkaatsingskamer en kleinskaal veldmetings in die Karoo. Die derde pulsgenerator is gekoop vir praktiese metings in die Karoo. Die pulsgenerator vervaardig kilovolt pulse met pikosekond stygtye, wat die reikwydte van die spektrum van ons huidige puls uitbrei. Hierdie pulsgenerators vereis ’n antenna vir die uistraling van impulsagtige seine. Die IRA is ’n hoë-wins, groot-bandwydte antenna. Die IRA bestaan uit ’n paraboliese weerkaatser, konieseplaat transmissielyne wat deur weerstande op die skottel getermineer word, asook ’n voedings "balun". Die IRA ontwerp is deeglik bespreek en ’n model is ontwerp, gemeet en verbeter. Die IRA is ook gesimuleer met behulp van ’n rekenaarsagtewareprogram, FEKO. Voordat die tydgebiedsisteem benut kan word, moet dit gekalibreer word en karakteriseringsmetings moet ook daarmee uitgevoer word. Die meetinstrumente wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is steekproefneming-ossilloskope en direkte steekproefneming-sisteme. Die tekortkominge van elke instrument is ondersoek en bespreek. Die finale meting wat uitgevoer is, dra by tot die werk wat geassosieer word met die SKA. Dit behels antennapatroonkalibrasie, voortplanting van elektromagnetiese golwe oor afstand en die SE van ’n "berm"wat gebou is uit Karoo-grond. Hierdie sisteem is gebruik om die voortplantings-verswakking oor die Karoo-grond en plantegroei te ondersoek en dit lyk baie belowend. ’nWye spektrumis oor ’n paar kilometer gemeet en dit is met wrywinglose ruimte vergelyk. Die SE van die "berm"het dieselfde spektrale bandwydte gedek. In hierdie meting is verstrooiingseffekte en mespunt-diffraksie waargeneem.

Measurements of diffuse galactic emission at 5 GHz with C-BASS

Jew, Luke January 2017 (has links)
The C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS) is a project to produce an all-sky map in intensity and polarization at a central frequency of 5 GHz with 1 GHz bandwidth and approximately 1 degree resolution. The central frequency is low enough for the map to be dominated by synchrotron and free-free emission but high enough so that Faraday rotation and depolarization are small across most of the sky. The C-BASS map will enable a more accurate removal of contaminating foregrounds from measurements of the cosmic microwave background, particularly in polarization where the B-mode signal from inflation is likely to be orders of magnitude weaker than the diffuse Galactic foreground emission. To produce an all-sky map from the ground requires two telescopes, one in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere. This thesis focuses on analysis of C-BASS North data. The noise properties of time-ordered data are characterised by fitting a noise model to periodograms. Using simulations, the errors introduced into the C-BASS maps by a destriping mapmaker are quantified and we reduce the signal error by masking the brightest pixels during baseline offset estimation. Jackknife tests are used to test the C-BASS data for systematics and to test the accuracy of the sensitivity maps. In total intensity, the spectral index of diffuse Galactic emission between 5 GHz and 408 MHz is measured using an extended T-T plot method and the results are compared to simulations. The spectral index of polarized diffuse Galactic emission between 5 GHz and 30 GHz is estimated in 55 arcminute pixels, modelling the polarized intensity as a Rician random variable.

A New Digital Receiver For The Ooty Radio Telescope

Prabu, T 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
A new digital receiver was built for the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). This new digital receiver system functionally replaces many systems custom-built for various applications at ORT. The thesis presents the receiver design, tests conducted, contributions made, revisions to the receiver architecture and future scopes. The novelty of the receiver design is in treating the ORT as an array of 22 antenna elements. Simulation studies were carried out to analyze the array performance of ORT. The IF signals are digitized and processed by a combination of multiple FPGAs and computers. Major transport of data in the receiver is through high speed serial communication. Programs were developed for configuration, control, data acquisition and off-line analysis. The functionality of the proposed digital receiver was verified through laboratory tests. The proposed receiver enables several new modes of operation of the ORT and field tests were carried out to verify these features of the system. These tests are briefly described below. The radio waves received on earth from celestial sources are extremely weak and their presence can only be detected by sensitive receivers associated with large radio telescopes. The resulting vulnerability of such observations to the ever increasing presence of radio frequency interference has prompted us to to develop new procedures to identify RFI at ORT through time and frequency domain analysis. The digital receiver has also been used in carrying out RFI study at ORT module level for the first time. Our study demonstrates that a major challenge to realizing the full potential of the ORT will be to detect weakly interfering RFI features and occasionally appearing RFI spikes and correct for their contamination in the observations. The examples provided by our analysis of data collected using the digital receiver are very useful for interpreting the data obtained during sensitive spectral line observations and has already enabled several new studies, the most notable being a sensitive recombination line survey conducted using our digital receiver at ORT as part of another research work. A spectral line emission detection procedure using our receiver has been evolved and an example result obtained by observing a region is presented in the thesis. Formation of phased array of ORT modules using the digitized IF signal is discussed and its implementation is verified through observation of celestial sources. An important requirement for proper phasing of the array is the calibration of differential delay/phase variations across the modules of the ORT, for which a powerful method was implemented based on the cross correlation of signals arriving at the 22 modules. This new method employs Hilbert Transform technique to introduce phase information in the sampled signal and the estimated delay and phase corrections are found to be consistent and repeatable. An interplanetary scintillation observation was made with the phased array and the resultant fluctuation spectra obtained are presented. Several pulsar observations and continuum sources have been observed and the results are presented. Another notable feature of the proposed digital receiver is the enhanced field of view which will lead to a reduced observing time observing extended regions. The improved spectral and temporal resolutions have also been demonstrated by the observations presented in the thesis. In particular, the single pulse observations of pulsars reported in the thesis were enabled by the high time resolution supported by the receiver.. The present work also demonstrated the digital beam formation with ORT modules in arbitrary directions. The digitally synthesized beam was compared within the first null positions of the central analog beam (beam-7) of ORT and the result is reported in the thesis. The new digital receiver enabled all the above mentioned analyses which were carried out for the first time at ORT. The results of the field trials emphasized the need for future observations to include RFI monitoring and characterization as part of the observing strategy and continuously evolve the algorithms for RFI mitigation by using different statistical signatures of the celestial signals. The need for providing a layer of buffering and preprocessing before the final beam formation or correlation is emphasized. To facilitate such development in the future, the final operational system provides for software based correlator which can be developed using the algorithms presented in this thesis. This transforms our original target of a reconfigurable platform to a much more flexible re-programmable platform. In particular, this simplifies the application of windowing functions and polyphase filters to control the beam shapes to (a) reduce beam dilution effects and, (b) to enhance RFI rejection by side lobe suppression. Such techniques can be used to reduce spectral leakage and reduce the effect of RFI on adjacent frequency channels in critical observations. Our receiver is adequate for realizing the maximum potential of the IF signals entering the receiver room. Any further enhancement of the ORT spectral coverage and instantaneous sky coverage will require telescope's front end modification and digitization of signals at the RF stage. The real time processing capabilities can be further enhanced by using multi-core processors and multi gigabit ethernet interfaces that are starting to appear as commodity hardware. Thus the present work opens up several new avenues for future work.

Design of a hexapod mount for a radio telescope

Janse van Vuuren, Frank 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The world's astronomy community is working together to build the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world namely: the SKA (Square Kilometre Array). It will consist of approximately three thousand dishes which will each require accurate positioning. The Square Kilometer Array has a testbed called the Phased Experimental Demonstrator (PED) in Observatory, Cape Town. A hexapod positioning mechanism is required to position a 3.7 m radio telescope which forms part of an array of seven radio telescopes. This thesis details the design process of the hexapod system. The design consists of the mechanical design of the joints and linear actuators, a kinematic and dynamic model, a controller and a user interface. In order to verify the design for the PED hexapod a scaled prototype was designed, built and tested. The hexapod's repeatability as well as ability to track a path was tested using an inclinometer. The tests confirmed the design feasibility of the PED hexapod and also highlight issues that require care when constructing the full scale hexapod, such as the amount of play in the platform joints. The designed full scale hexapod will have an error angle less than 0.13°, a payload capacity of 45 kg, withstand wind speeds of 110 km/h and cost R160 000. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreld se sterrekundige gemeenskap is besig om saam te werk om die grootste en mees sensitiewe radioteleskoop in die wêreld te bou, naamlik: die SKA (Square Kilometre Array). Dit sal uit ongeveer drie duisend skottels bestaan wat elkeen akkurate posisionering benodig. Die SKA het 'n toetssentrum, genaamd die “Phased Experimental Demonstrator” in Observatory, Kaapstad. 'n Sespoot posisionering meganisme word benodig om die 3.7 m radioteleskoop te posisioneer, wat deel vorm van 'n stelsel van sewe radioteleskope. Hierdie tesis beskryf die proses om die sespoot stelsel te ontwerp. Die ontwerp bestaan uit die meganiese komponent van die koppelings en lineêre aktueerders, 'n kinematiese en dinamiese model, 'n beheerder, asook 'n gebruikersintervlak. 'n Geskaleerde prototipe is ontwerp, gebou en getoets om die ontwerp te verifieer. Die platform se herhaalbaarheid sowel as akkuraatheid om 'n pad te volg was getoets met 'n oriëntasie sensor. Die toetse het probleme uitgelig wat versigtig hanteer moet word gedurende die konstruksie van die volskaalse sespoot, veral die hoeveelheid speling in die koppelings. Die volskaalse sespoot ontwerp het 'n hoek fout van minder as 0.13°, 'n ladingsvermoë van 45 kg en kan 'n windspoed van 110 km/h weerstaan en kos R160 000.

Development of a real-time transient analyser for the SKA

Botha, Antheun 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The extension of the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT), MeerKAT, will be the most sensitive radio telescope in the southern hemisphere until it is superseded by the completion of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These instruments are to be constructed in the Karoo which is an area in South-Africa that is protected against Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) by the Astronomy Geographical Advantage (AGA) act. However, the telescope is also vulnerable to self-generated interference and specialised measurement systems are required to monitor RFI levels. The development of a ReAl Time Transient AnalYser (RATTY) is described and two Experimental Development Models (XDM) are compared. The first uses a mixing philosophy, and the second direct-sampling. The selection of these models was based on the evaluation of several analogue Front-End (FE) designs. A stripline-filter design process is presented along with the results obtained for custom filters developed for the FEs. Several analyses were compared to measurements performed with one of the devices and good agreement was shown between the system characteristics. Issues regarding the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of the FE designs were identified in the process and measurement-corrected simulations used to predict the achievable ranges. The outcome of the XDM comparison promotes the continued development of a direct-sampling strategy to fulfil the short-term goals of the project. A static calibration procedure is demonstrated for the mixing system and implemented to account for different FE configurations. An overview of the digital and software components of the RATTY system is given and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) principles are applied during the construction of both systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finale fase van die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT), MeerKAT, sal die sensitiefste radio teleskoop in die suidelike halfrond wees. Dit sal egter oortref word deur die vierkante kilometer reeks, wat die sensitiefste radio teleskoop ter wêreld sal word. Beide instrumente sal vatbaar wees vir radiofrekwensie steurings en sal opgerig word in ‘n wet-beskermde omgewing. Die teleskope is ook vatbaar vir radiofrekwensie steurings wat deur interne stelsels opgewek kan word. Dus word gespesialiseerde meetapparate benodig om die betrokke area en substelsels van die teleskope te monitor. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n meetinstrument vir die ontleding van kort-durasie tydseine (RATTY) word beskryf en twee eksperimentele ontwikkelings modelle word vergelyk. Hierdie modelle is gebaseer op die verfyning van voorafgaande ontwerpe vir die analoog substelsel van die instrument en hierdie proses word verduidelik. Die eerste model volg ‘n menger strategie waar die tweede model direkte-monstering implementeer. ‘n Dubbel-laag, mikrostrookfilter ontwerpsproses word beskryf en die gemete resultate vir die ontwikkelde filters word bespreek. Verskeie ontledings is aangewend en vergelyk met die gemete resultate van die stelsels. Hieruit word bevredigende ooreenkomste getref. Die beperkings van die modelle, weens interne distorsie, word geïdentifiseer in dié proses en verdere skattings word gemaak d.m.v. simulasies. Die eksperimentele modelle word vergelyk en die voorkeur van ‘n direkte-monsterings stelsel word gemotiveer. Die digitale en sagteware komponente word oorsigtelik behandel. Tydens die konstruksie van die modelle word die toepassing van elektromagnetiese verenigbaarheids beginsels verduidelik. Laastens word ‘n eenvoudige kalibrasie toegepas op die menger stelsel en ‘n toepassing daarvan word behandel.

Traitement spatial des interférences cyclostationnaires pour les radiotélescopes à réseau d'antennes phasé / Spatial processing of cyclostationary interferers for phased array radio telescopes

Feliachi, Rym 12 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à l’amélioration des observations pour les radiotélescopes à réseaux phasés en présence d’interférences. L’originalité de cette thèse repose sur l’utilisation de la séparation spatiale entre les sources cosmiques et les brouilleurs issus des télécommunications en se basant sur la cyclostationnarité de ces derniers. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet européen SKADS pour l’amélioration des techniques de suppression d’interférences en radioastronomie pour les futurs instruments d’observations.Nous avons proposé trois techniques de traitement d’interférences : la détection,l’estimation et la soustraction, et le filtrage spatial. Les performances des techniques proposées ont été évaluées à travers des simulations sur des données synthétiqueset/ou réelles, et comparées aux techniques existantes. / This thesis is a contribution to observation improvements for phased array radiotelescopes, in the presence of radio frequency interferers (RFIs). The originality ofthe study is the use of the cyclostationarity property, in order to improve the spatial separation between cosmic sources and telecommunication signals. This thesis is part of the European SKADS project, which aims to improve RFI mitigation techniques for future instruments in radio astronomy.We have proposed three spatial processing techniques: detection, estimation and subtraction and spatial filtering. The performance of the techniques presented have been evaluated through simulations on synthetic and/or real data, and compared to existing approaches.

Disturbance Rejection Control for The Green Bank Telescope

Ranka, Trupti 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Variability analysis of a sample of potential southern calibration sources

Hungwe, Faith January 2009 (has links)
A considerable number of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) surveys have been conducted in the northern hemisphere and very few in the southern hemisphere mostly because of a lack of telescopes and therefore adequate baseline coverage. Thus there is a deficit of calibrator sources in the southern hemisphere. Further, some of the most interesting astronomical objects eg. the galactic centre and the nearest galaxies (the small and large Magellanic Clouds) lie in the southern hemisphere and these require high resolution studies. With a major expansion of radio astronomy observing capability on its way in the southern hemisphere (with the two SKA (Square Kilometre Array) precursors, meerKAT (Karoo Array Telescope) and ASKAP (Australian SKA Pathfinder), leading to the SKA itself) it is clear that interferometry and VLBI in the southern hemisphere need a dense network of calibration sources at different resolutions and a range of frequencies. This work seeks to help redress this problem by presenting an analysis of 31 southern sources to help fill the gaps in the southern hemisphere calibrator distribution. We have developed a multi-parameter method of classifying these sources as calibrators. From our sample of 31 sources, we have 2 class A sources (Excellent calibrators), 16 class B sources (Good calibrators), 9 class C sources (Poor calibrators) and 4 class D sources (Unsuitable calibrators).

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