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Posouzení návratnosti investice do energeticky úsporného a standardního rodinného domu / Assessmen of ROI in a Passive and Standard HouseRuber, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the assessment of the return on economic investment in passive house compared to the low-energy (standard) house. The thesis deals with the issue of passive house, development, conception and division of structural parts including used materials. Their advantages, disatvantages and possibilities of use in construction are briefly discussed. The main part of the thesis focuses on the economic return on investment in passive house. Based on a detailed calculation, the costs for two buildings in low-energy and passive standards are quantified here. The passive standard is achieved by various design modifications. All this is supported by software calculation of annual energy consumption. The return on such an investment is then determined in more ways from this balance sheet, taking into account the evolution of energy prices.
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Vliv provedení zateplení zdravotního střediska na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Effect of Thermal Insulation of the Health Centre on the Operation-Related ExpensesBojko, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
These thesis deal with assessment influence thermal insulation of the health care in Jablunkov on outlay connected with operation. The first part is dedicated to demands of energy buildings in general, legislation and basic requirements on evaluation of energy performance of buildings. Afterwards there are described individual species of thermal insulation materials including different ways of thermal insulation of constructions. Then there are described methods of budgeting and economic evaluation of investment. The second part of these thesis deal with design of several variants of thermal insulation of the health care. On the basis of proposals of thermal insulation are then stated variations in expense for management of the health care without thermal insulation of perimeter structure and on the other side with the thermal insulation variants. At the end of thesis there are evaluated all proposed variants of thermal insulation in terms of economic returns if own financial resources and credit are used.
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Komplexní hodnocení tepelně technických vlastností stavební konstrukce a zdroje tepla/chladu pro rodinný dům / Complex evaluation of the thermo-technical properties of the building structure and heat / cold sources for family housesŠalšová, Bára January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with overall reduction of energy use in the family house by reducing heat loss and selecting heat and cold source. In the first part are described different types of heat loss along with ways to efectively reduce each loss. Contact insulation systems are further more described, because of beeing used more often. Newer materials are also presented to readers, although their use is less common. The next chapters describe the parameters of choosed heat and cold sources. The calculating part describes process of annual power usage calculation. Further there are three designs of thermal insulation proposed and for each one the appropriate heat and cold source is selected, using heat pump with bivalent operation for all designs. Finally these options are compared in an economic and technical way and the most advantageous of them is determined.
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Vliv provedení zateplení řadových rodinných domů na výdaje spojené s jejich provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of Terraced Houses on the Operation-Related ExpensesPolický, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis examines the influence of insulation of terraced houses on the expenses associated with their operation. Its first part deals with legislation concerning the issue and evaluation of energy performance of buildings. Furthermore, the types and properties of the used thermal insulation, methods of thermal insulation, types of filling of openings and then the used methods of budgeting are described. The second part contains several variants of insulation of terraced houses, which are assessed in terms of energy intensity and finally in terms of economic return on investment in insulation.
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Vliv provedení zateplení budovy se zelenou střechou na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / Thermal Insulation Effect of a Building with Green Roof on the Operation-Related ExpensesJílek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis entitled Influence of green roof insulation on the costs associated with one operation with an assessment of the design of alternative solutions for external contact thermal insulation system and their effects on the assessment of energy performance of the building and the associated costs of construction and operation. Alternatives for the design of a flat roof with a vegetation layer are also chosen in the construction solution of the building. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the general requirements for the design and assessment of energy performance of buildings. The second part describes the individual options of the selected contact thermal insulation system and variants of flat roofs with a vegetation layer. In the next part, the budget for individual variants of thermal insulation is solved and the price of all variants is determined. The last part demonstrates the assessment of all variants and the overall economic evaluation with the selection of the best variants. For all variants, the time for which the investment will return is evaluated.
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Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business DevelopmentZukal, Vít January 2010 (has links)
Master’s thesis focuses and analyses the present state of production company and includes entrepreneurial intention of business development. The first part of my work focuses on theoretical introduction, definitions of basic concepts and methods to be used. The second part analyzes the current situation in terms of general and major environment, proposes solutions, financing options, including an assessment of return of implementation.
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Návrh optimalizace IT infrastruktury / IT Infrastructure Optimizing DesignSmejkal, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes possible solutions of IT infrastucture optimizing using new technologies, such as cloud computing, desktop virtualization and providing software as a service. It gives an analysis of the actual state of IT infrastucture in organization and drafts a suitable economical and system solution. It also describes individual areas of information technologies and their advantages. Finally, it focuses on selecting the most suitable technology with the assessment of its economic benefit for the company.
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Financování revitalizace bytového domu s dvanácti bytovými jednotkami v Blansku / Financing to Revitalize Apartment House with Twelve Apartments in BlanskoNovotná, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possible ways of financing the comprehensive revitalization of the apartment house. This diploma thesis contains calculations of the savings, selection of the implementer and assessment of the debt financing.
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Financování revitalizace bytového domu / Financing of the Revitalization of a Block of FlatsVálková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the financing of the revitalization of a particular block of flats in Brno. The thesis contains process of reconstruction, comparison of supplier´s offers and bank credit products and return on investments. Based the selection criteria, analysis and calculations is chosen optimal supplier and bank institution. The result of this thesis is a proposal for the flat owners association how to efficiently finance revitalization.
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Zhodnocení budovy investicí do inteligentního domovního systému / Betterment of building by investment into smart building systemMenšík, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with investments issue for smart house systems. The theoretical part describes the definitions of the economic area, the area of intelligent systems and real estate valuation. In the practical part, there is detected the real estate price, accomplished a survey of public opinion and designed particular smart house system. The proposed solution is divided into sections and evaluated from economic and non-economic aspect. In the conclusion there is determined the value of the real estate after the completion of the investment.
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