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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Women in Top Management:The Case Study of EY company / Ženy v top managemente: Prípadová štúdia spoločnosti EY

Tomčovčíková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis analyses the course and tempo of women´s careers in comparison with those of men, based on an analysis of my own research conducted at the company EY. The results of the research demonstrates, whether it is more challenging for women or men to achieve a managerial position. The thesis identifies and analyse the different factors that may influence the career of women, based on the theoretical findings and on a qualitative interview.

"Rodni identiteti i interkulturalnost: kritička analiza afirmativnih mera na visokoškolskim institucijama u Srbiji: 2000-2013. godine" / Gender identities and interculturality: a critical analysis of affirmative action in higher education institutions in Serbia: 2000-2013.

Denić Slavica 20 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Mere afirmativne akcije u oblasti obrazovanja se u Srbiji primenjuju od 2003. godine i njihov cilj je povećana dostupnost obrazovnih institucija pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine i olak&scaron;ani upis u srednje &scaron;kole, na fakultete i visoko&scaron;kolske<br />ustanove ĉiji je osnivaĉ Republika Srbija. I ako one jesu deo sistema, nedostaje jasno i sveobuhvatno sistemsko re&scaron;enje njihove strukture, sprovoĊenja, praćenja i vrednovanja efikasnosti.<br />Cilj rada je da popi&scaron;em, sistematizujem i analiziram razliĉite oblike primene afirmativnih mera za upis i studiranje na visokoobrazovnim institucijama u Srbiji i da predloţim mere za pobolj&scaron;anje istih u praksi. U istraţivanju obrazlaţem potrebu za njihovim detaljnijim ureĊenjem i to tako &scaron;to se aktualizuju sve karike u lancu afirmativnih mera: poĉev&scaron;i od mature, pripreme za prijemni ispit, sam prijemni ispit, dobijanja mesta u studentskom domu, finansijskih i motivacionih barijera, pre svega za romske studentkinje kao dvostruko marginalizovane u dru&scaron;tvu. Analiza obuhvata i zakone, preporuke i druge dokumente kojima se reguli&scaron;e primena afirmativnih mera u obrazovanju predstavnika romske populacije kod nas.<br />Polustukturirani upitnik je osnova intervjua sa 80 studenata/kinja romske nacionalnosti koji studiraju na fakultetima i visokim &scaron;kolama na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu (a upisani su na osnovne, master i doktorske studije), studentima koji su diplomirali u periodu od 2008-2013. godine na fakultetima i visokim &scaron;kolama na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, kao i studentima privatnih fakulteta u AP Vojvodini.<br />Ispitujem i rad pedago&scaron;kih asistenata u osnovnim &scaron;kolama u Vojvodini, koji su kao oblik afirmativne akcije, uvedeni od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo&scaron;kog razvoja. Polustrukturirani upitnik je osnova intervjua sa 15 pedago&scaron;kih asistenata u osnovnim &scaron;kolama i pred&scaron;kolskim ustanovama u Vojvodini.<br />Analiziram i rad koordinatora za romska pitanja u lokalnim samoupravama u Vojvodini, koji su kao deo programa za unapreĊenje poloţaja Roma uvedeni 2007. godine. Osnova analize je polustukturirani upitnik sa 13 koordinatora za romska pitanja u AP Vojvodini.<br />Ispitujem i rad zdravstvenih medijatorki koje su uvedene od strane Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije 2008. godine, kao program namenjen unapreĊenju zdravlja romske zajednice. Osnova analize su intervjui sa dve medijatorke, iz Novog Sada i iz op&scaron;tine Ţabalj.<br />Zakljuĉujem da su u većem broju ukljuĉene Romkinje nego Romi u visoko obrazovanje, kao i u rad institucija i implementaciju programa i projekata koji se sprovode na planu unapreĊenje poloţaja Roma. Zalaganje je da u budućnosti vladajući stavovi u afirmativnim merama vode raĉuna o rodnim i identitetskim (interkulturnim) osobinama romske populacije, pre svega Romkinja.</p> / <p>The measures of affirmative actions thein field of education are applied in Serbia since 2003, and their goal is to increase the availability of educational institutions to the Roma national minority and to ease the enrollment in secondary schools, colleges and higher education institutions founded by the Republic of Serbia. Although they are part of the system, it lacks a clear and comprehensive system solution to their structure, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness.The aim of this paper is to crawl, systematize and analyze various forms of the implementation of affirmative measures for enrollment and studying in higher education institutions in Serbia and to suggest measures to improve them in practice. In the study, I elaborate the need for their more detailed arrangement in a way that all the links in the chain of affirmative measures would be actualizated: starting from the graduation, preparation for the preliminary examination, enrollment exam, dorm room, financial and motivational barriers, especially for Roma female students who are double marginalized in the society. The analysis includes the laws, recommendations and other documents governing the use of the measures of affirmative action in education for the Roma population in Serbia.Semi-structured questionnaire is based on the interviews with 80 students / activists of Roma ethnicity who study at the faculties and colleges of the University of Novi Sad (and enrolled at the undergraduate, master&#39;s and doctoral studies), students who have graduated in the period from 2008 to 2013. at the faculties and colleges at the University of Novi Sad, as well as students private faculties in AP Vojvodina.I am exploring the work of teaching assistants in primary schools in Vojvodina, which are a form of affirmative action, introduced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Semi-structured questionnaire is based on the interviews with 15 teaching assistants in primary schools and kindergartens in.I&#39;m analyzing the work of coordinators for Roma in local governments in Vojvodina, who as part of the program for improving the position of Roma were introduced in 2007. The basis of the analysis of the semi-structured questionnaire with 13 Coordinator for Roma issues in AP Vojvodina. I am exploring the work of health mediators that have been introduced by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia in 2008, as a program aimed at improving the health of the Roma community. The bases of the analysis are the interviews with two mediators from Novi Sad and the municipality Ţabalj.<br />I conclude that the greater number of Roma women are involved in higher education than Roma men, as well as in the work of institutions and the implementation of programs and projects that are implemented in the area of improving the position of Roma. Commitment is that in the future, the dominant positions in to the affirmative measures take account of gender and identity (intercultural) characteristics of the Roma population, especially Roma women.</p>

Diskursi o rodu, identitetu i profesiji: životne priče žena iz Srbije u akademskoj dijaspori / Dynamic asymmetry of judo and karate athletes different ages

Atanasov Dragan 30 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja je da se dokumentuju različiti identiteti profesorki univerziteta koje su oti&scaron;le iz Srbije u razne akademske sredine u svetu i ostvarile profesionalnu karijeru.<br />Hipoteze su shodno cilju rada:<br />H-1: Prva hipoteza je da su profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori oti&scaron;le u inostranstvo kako bi uspe&scaron;no izgradile profesionalnu karijeru u vreme kada u zemlji porekla za to nisu postojali dovoljni uslovi u onim naučnim disciplinama za koje su se one opredelile.<br />H-2: Druga hipoteza je da sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori imaju promenljive, vi&scaron;estruke identitete.<br />H-3: Treća hipoteza je da empirijski podaci o životu profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori pomažu da se izgradi strategija saradnje profesorki iz dijaspore sa univerzitetskim centrima ovde.<br />Osnovni i kontrolni korpus za analizu čini 21 životna priča profesorki koje su obrazovanje za karijeru stekle na univerzitetima u Srbiji, a profesionalnu karijeru ostvarile u raznim zemljama Evrope i sveta. Audio zapisi snimljenog razgovora za ukupno 11 profesorki, zabeleženi tokom &scaron;est godina (2009-2015), audio zapisom (24 sata) na osnovu polustrukturiranog upitnika, transrkibovani u formu pisanog teksta (256 stranica). Kao kontrolni korpus empirijskih podatka su objavljenih 10 životnih priča profesorki sa Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu (Savić 2015). Osnovni kriterijumi za odbir žena su: da su rođene u Republici Srbiji (gde su provele detinjstvo, deo ili svo obrazovanje), a ostvarile akademsku karijeru u nekoj od zemalja sveta.<br />Podaci pokazuju da su sve profesorke uskladile profesionalni i privatni život i da je jedan hranio drugi u njihovoj uspe&scaron;noj karijeri.<br />Za profesionalni rad i za odlazak u zemlje destinacije (prijema) profesorke su imale podr&scaron;ku bračnih partnera, koja je bila neohodna, s obzirom na činjenicu da su sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori nailazile na brojne prepreke i izazove od momenta odlaska iz zemlje porekla i tokom građenja karijere (na primer, neke su visoko &scaron;kolovanje ponovile, ili su promenile profesiju ili oblast kojom se bave, a deo je nastavio usavr&scaron;avanje).<br />Obrazovanje je presudno i za vaspitanje potomstva - vrhunsko obrazovanje u skladu sa željama i afinitetima svoje dece.<br />Jezički identitet profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori povezan je sa profesionalnom orijentacijom vi&scaron;e nego sa nacionalnim identitetom.<br />Profesorke su se trudile da njihova deca u dijaspori nauče maternji jezik (jezike) roditelja, iako su deca rođena, ili najveći deo svog života, provode u zemlji destinacije, pa se može govoriti o dva (ili vi&scaron;e) maternjih jezika.<br />Najupečatljivija sličnost profesorki UNS i profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori je njihova jednaka želja i volja za obrazovanjem, usavr&scaron;avanjem i napredovanjem u struci i naučnom radu, bez obzira na cenu i prepreke sa kojima su suočene.<br />Takođe, jednako važna sličnost jeste diskriminacija sa kojom se susreću u građenju svojih karijera, profesorke UNS prilikom napredovanja, a profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori prilikom zaposlenja, bavljenja svojom strukom i, takođe, eventualnog napredovanja.<br />Sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori žele profesionalno da sarađuju sa univerzitetima i naučnim (i drugim) institucijama u Srbiji, ali ne postoji sistemsko re&scaron;enje za takvu saradnju u sada&scaron;njem trenutku u Srbiji.<br />Ženska iskustva ovde objedinjena svedoče o neiskori&scaron;ćenim resursima, izostalim u saradnji i angažmanu profesorki iz akademske dijaspore u Srbiji danas. Ona mogu dobro poslužiti za sačinjavanje dugoročne strategije o implementaciji znanja i postignuća akademskih profesorki u domaćem okuženju.<br />Značajno je &scaron;to se u okviru interdisciplinarnih rodnim studija objedinjuje problematika migracija žena, naročito povezano sa profesijama, jer je izvesno da će migracije biti dugoročna tema u budućnosti cele civilizacije. Postoje programi i predmeti koji se bave visokim obrazovanjem žena u profesijama i na kojima se izvode istraživački projekti na kojima se sakuplja empirijski materijal.<br />Mogućnost primene rezultata:<br />1. Empirijski podaci o identitetu akademski obrazovanih žena iz dijaspore, od kojih je jedan i rodni, poslužiće u teorijskoj raspravi o odnosu elemenata identiteta u odnosu na rod.<br />2. Empirijski podaci mogu dobro poslužiti u praksi za predlog strategije za saradnju, eventualni povratak, akademski usmerenih žena iz dijaspore u akademsku elitu u Republici Srbiji (i regionu biv&scaron;e Jugoslavije).<br />3. Bogaćenje postojeće baze podataka životnih priča žena u Republici Srbiji iz različitih nacionalnih zajednica koje su svoje živote ostvarile u 20. i 21. veku.<br />Rezultati doktorske disertacije treba da posluže u razvijanju strategije o implementaciji postignuća akademskih žena u domaćem okuženju.</p> / <p>Humans are asymmetric by nature. Asymmetry occurs for the reason that two<br />corresponding part of the body that are located on each side of the body&rsquo;s central axis are not identical to each other. These differences can be seen in the means of size and appearance, as well as in various functions during motoric actions. In regards to<br />professional and recreational sports, as well as rehabilitation, training efforts are directed to make one side of the body or limb identical to other side or limb, in means of shape, size and function. Thus, with training we strive not only to balance, but also to improve each side of the body, in order to act and function as a matched system.<br />There are number of specific features established with isokinetic chair based on various testing of different athletes. These specificities are related to particular sports disciplines followed by numerous typical imbalances between antagonistic muscle groups, often with bilateral difference. The data obtained on the isokinetic chair are extremely important for every athlete and coach because they enable precise training planning. The effectiveness of training both significantly increase the targeted work, and also prevents a large number of injuries, which are the greatest danger today&#39;s sport. The main objective of this research was to determine whether there is a dynamic asymmetry for judo and karate athletes of different age. The sample of participants consisted of 120 judo and karate athletes of both gender. Participants belong to groups of cadets, juniors and seniors. Eleven variables for evaluation of morphological (anthropometric) were applied. For assessing the maximum<br />muscle force flexor and extensor of the knee joint as well as the maximum force of<br />internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint isokinetic parameters was used. To<br />analyze the differences between the age, sport and gender by groups, we used univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA).<br />The research results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the asymmetry between all groups for judo and karate athletes. However, there was a<br />significant difference in the expression of maximum force of quadriceps and the<br />hamstrings, as well as the maximum force for external and internal rotation of the<br />shoulder joint. These differences were all in favor of judo group for all age categories and gender. Yet, there were no statistically significant differences found between the<br />morphological characteristics of the left and right side of the body among all groups.<br />Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that judo and karate can be classified as sports that do not lead to the appearance of morphological nor dynamic asymmetry of its practitioners (athletes).</p>

A Study on the Thickness of Plate Washers for Anchor Rod Applications

Cozzens, Paul 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of Design, Manufacture, Analysis, and Test of a Composite Connecting Rod Under Compression

Rohrbach, Thomas Juhl 01 March 2019 (has links)
Composite materials hold great potential for the replacement of traditional materials in machines utilized on a daily basis. One such example is within an engine block assembly where massive components inherently reduce the efficiency of the system they constitute. By replacing metal elements such as connecting rods, cylinder caps, or a crank shaft with composite alternatives, a significant increase in performance may be achieved with respect to mechanical strength, thermal stability, and durability, while also reducing mass. Exploration of this technology applied to a connecting rod geometry was investigated through a combination of process development, manufacturing, numerical analysis and testing. Process development explored composite material options based on experimental characterization, fabrication, and machining methods. Finite element analysis provided insight into model and data accuracy, as well as a basis for study on a unidirectional composite I-beam geometry. Destructive testing of the composite connecting rods provided data for a strength to weight ratio comparison with the original steel component. The composite connecting rods exhibited weight savings of 15%-17% that of the steel component. The rod made of woven composite material exhibited an elastic modulus of 68.1 Msi in its linear behavior before failure, thereby exhibiting a higher stiffness than the steel rod tested. Although the failure strengths were 25% below the required design load, the calculated strength to weight ratios showed favor for the composite alternatives.

Racionalizace výroby součásti zemědělského stroje / On the production of an agricultural machinery part and its optimization

Tenora, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the process of machining a forged connecting rod in cooperation with the company Zetor Tractors a.s. The first chapter of the thesis is focused on a detailed introduction of the company. The second chapter includes an elaborate analysis of the technical documentation and requirements concerning the making process of the subject of study, specifically the construction of the connecting rod. In the third chapter, the current production technology is discussed and described in detail. The aim of the fourth chapter is to propose an innovative technology which can be used for the production of connecting rods in the required quality. The fifth chapter is aimed at testing the newly designed technology. In the final, sixth, chapter, a technical and economical evaluation of the proposed procedure is performed.

Zážehový tříválcový hvězdicový letecký motor / Petrol three-cylinder radial aircraft engine

Břečka, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to design a powertrain of petrol three-cylinder radial aircraft engine with the main parameters specified (bore, stroke, etc.), balancing inertia forces, stress analysis and determining of fatigue of the selected parts.

Návrh na zefektivnění procesu obrábění specifických komponent pneumatických válců / Efficiency improvement proposal of machining specific components of pneumatic cylinders

Židlický, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This Master thesis aims to increase the effectivity of the machining of pneumatic cylinders specific components. In the first chapter, the concurrent approach to the manufacture of corrosion resistant austenitic piston rod. This approach consists of the technological procedure, the analysis of the cutting tools used in the process and the cutting conditions. The machining process deals with low durability of cutting tools and the necessity of continual supervision by the operator. Therefore, an alternate design of cutting tools and cutting conditions is suggested in the next chapter. The new design has been tested in manufacture process. In the last chapter, the concurrent and the innovative approach are compared. By choosing the proper cutting tools and cutting conditions it was managed to increase the durability of cutting tools and to increase the effectivity of the whole manufacture process.

Pohon regulačního kruhu PVE Merkersbach / Drive of control ring PVE Merkersbach

Skoupý, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on determination of forces acting to regulation ring of water power plant Markersbach (Germany). Solution of the problem is realized for two variants of servomotors – with and without servomotors acting surfaces balancing. Next topics of this thesis are strenght calculation of piston rod and bottom of the servomotors. Minimalization of the size of servomotors plungers by change of regulation kinematics has been done and minimal pressure in the pressure tank is determined. At the conclusion of this thesis received results are mentioned and its interpretation has been done. This thesis is provided for company Litostroj Power, ČKD Blansko Engineering, a.s.

Využití vačkového mechanismu jako náhrady klikového ústrojí spalovacího motoru / Cam-shaft replacement of crank-shaft powertrain of combustion engine

Suk, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with possibility cam-shaft replacement of crank-shaft powertrain of combustion engine. In exordium work are designed basic engine data herewith type powertrain. Subsequently is designed several types stroke curves of lobe, after needs on course stroke. Further is in work elaborate engineering design body motor, in detail is solve construction body lobe. In last of capitol is evulate functionality virtual model. At the close are reviewed record and compared benefits and disavantages such engine type.

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