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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontrastivní analýza norského a českého pasiva / Contrastive analysis of passive voice in Norwegian and Czech

Grossová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the various uses of the passive voice in Norwegian and Czech. The theoretical part defines the category of voice and describes different ways of expressing the passive voice in both languages. The practical part comprises two largely independent chapters. The first one uses text corpora to explore the ratio between the active and passive voice as well as the frequency of different passive constructions in technical, journalistic and literary styles. The second chapter focuses mainly on methods of translating the passive voice used in Norwegian literature to Czech; however, it also touches the topic of the overall frequency of the passive voice in translation.

Estudo da influência da taxa de resfriamento e temperatura nos últimos passes de laminação de fio máquina sobre a resposta ao tratamento térmico de esferoidização em um aço DIN 41Cr4

Becker, Renata Helena Santer January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho visa analisar a influência das taxas de resfriamento e temperatura no último passe de laminação a quente de fio máquina de um aço DIN 41Cr4 sobre a microestrutura obtida após a laminação e a sua correlação com aquela resultante do tratamento térmico de esferoidização. Foi avaliado a influência da microestrutura prévia de laminação nos tempos e taxa de resfriamento do tratamento térmico necessários para garantir adequada microestrutura do aço DIN 41Cr4. Foram aplicados conceitos de laminação termomecânica através da variação dos parâmetros: temperatura no último passe de laminação (acabador) e após o último passe de laminação (formador de espiras); velocidade das esteiras do “cooling conveyor” e consequente tempo de permanência das espiras sobre a região de ventiladores e alguns parâmetros no ciclo de tratamento térmico: tempo em patamar e taxa de resfriamento durante a produção de fio máquina redondo de bitolas entre 15,88mm e 16,15mm. A avaliação da resposta às variações impostas ao processo foi realizada através de análises metalográficas de microestrutura no material laminado e no material esferoidizado (grau de esferoidização), descarbonetação e de ensaios de propriedades mecânicas como dureza e tração. A partir dos resultados buscou-se determinar a influência dos parâmetros de laminação na microestrutura do material laminado e a influência desta na resposta ao tratamento térmico de esferoidização. Foram analisadas oito diferentes condições e os resultados mostraram que maiores taxas de resfriamento resultam em microestruturas mais refinadas proporcionando uma simplificação no tratamento térmico, atendendo as propriedades desejáveis no produto final (fio máquina redondo esferoidizado). / This work aims to analyze the influence of the cooling rate, the temperature of the finishing pass and at the coil-forming during hot rolling of DIN 41Cr4 steel wire rod on the microstructure and its influence on plateau times and cooling rate during the spheroidizing heat treatment. For this study thermomechanical rolling concepts were applied through the variation of some hot rolling parameters such as: temperature at the finishing pass and at the coils-former, the cooling conveyor belts velocity and some parameters in the heat treatment cycle: soak temperature and cooling rate during the production of round wire rod with 15,88 mm and 16,15 mm diameter. The evaluation response to changes imposed on the process was evaluated by metallographic analysis of microstructure in hot rolled and spheroidized material (spheroidizing degree), hardness, decarburization and tensile test. Eight rolling conditions and cooling rates were analyzed and results showed that higher cooling rates result in finer microstructures allowing a reduction in heat treatment time to achieve the desirable properties in the final product (spheroidized round wire rod).

Formalno i neformalno obrazovanje i profesionalni status novinarki u Vojvodini - rodna perspektiva / Formal and informal education and professional status of female journalists in Vojvodina - gender perspective

Milinkov Smiljana 14 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja je da pokaţem: 1. na koji naĉin formalno i neformalno obrazovanje utiĉe na formiranje rodnog identiteta koji je u suodnosu sa profesionalnim identitetom; 2. na koji naĉin je proces feminizacije novinarske profesije u kontekstu dru&scaron;tva, porodice, obrazovanja i medija.<br />H-1: Formalno akademsko obrazovanje ima znaĉajan uticaj na kvalitetan profesionalni rad novinarki ali nedovoljan za rodno osetljiv pristup.<br />H-2: Neformalno obrazovanje u smislu celoživotnog usavr&scaron;avanja doprinosi profesionalnijem radu novinarki naroĉito u istraživaĉkom novinarstvu, kao i rodno osetljivom medijskom izve&scaron;tavanju.<br />H-3. Veći broj žena na pozicijama moći ne dovodi nužno do rodno osetljivog pristupa u medijima, te na taj naĉin ne doprinosi promeni sistema vrednosti koji bi vodio ka ravnopravnijem položaju žena u dru&scaron;tvu.<br />H-4: žene u novinarskoj profesiji potiskuju rodni identitet u odnosu na profesionalni.<br />Osnovni teorijski okvir se oslanja na teoriju &bdquo;drugosti‟.<br />Osnovni istraživaĉki metod su životne priĉe, kao jedan od dominantnih metoda u rodnim studijama, na osnovu kojeg interpretiramo iskustva žena kao svedoĉenja o dru&scaron;tvenim, politiĉkim i profesionalnim okolnostima u određenom vremenskom periodu u kontekstu multietniĉke i multikulturalne Vojvodine.<br />Korpus ĉini 16 novinarki koje rade ili su radile u medijima na jezicima razliĉitih nacionalnih zajednica i na jeziku većinskog naroda.<br />Rasvetljavanjem rodne dimenzije razvoja jedne profesije, rezultati istraživanja daju doprinos dekonstrukciji patrijarhalnog dru&scaron;tvenog okvira, te putem feministiĉke perspektive utiĉu na bolje razumevanje individualnog i dru&scaron;tvenog života u drugoj polovini 20. i poĉetkom 21. veka u Vojvodini.<br />Rezultati istraţivanja pokazuju da ţene u novinarsku profesiju danas ulaze kao &bdquo;druge‟ bez obzira na broj žena u medijima, upravljaĉke strukture i dalje pripadaju mu&scaron;karcima - oni imaju profesionalnu i politiĉku moć. Novinarke iz manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica su dvostruko &bdquo;druge‟ u odnosu na novinarke iz većinske zajednice i mu&scaron;ke kolege u sopstvenoj zajednici.<br />Rezultati pokazuju da je formalno visoko obrazovanje vaţno polazi&scaron;te za bavljenje novinarskom profesijom, ali za stepen razvoja profesionalnog identiteta je neophodno i konstatno (celoživotno) neformalno obrazovanje; edukacija o rodnoj ravnopravnosti znaĉajno utiĉe na nivo ostvarenosti rodne novinarske kulture; kod novinarki je izražen rodni identitet, ali je podređen profesionalnom, jer se u sluĉaju većine novinarki rodni identitet shvata kao statiĉki žensko-mu&scaron;ki polaritet a ne kao kategorija vi&scaron;estrukih identiteta.<br />Primena rezultata istraţivanja je dvojaka: 1. empirijski podaci o identitetu novinarski iz Vojvodine poslužiće u teorijskoj raspravi o korelaciji rodnog i profesionalnog identiteta ali i komponentama vi&scaron;estrukog identiteta žena u Vojvodini; 2. poslužiće da se pro&scaron;iri postojeća baza podataka životnih priĉa žena pripadnica većinske, ali i manjinskih nacionalnih zajednica i iskoristi za naredna komparativna istraţivanja.</p> / <p>The aim of the research is to show: 1. how formal and informal education affects the formation of gender identity in correlation with the professional identity; 2. The way of the process of feminization of the journalistic profession in the context of society, the family, education and the media.<br />H-1: Formal academic education has a significant impact on the quality professional work of female journalists, but it is insufficient for a gender-sensitive approach.<br />H-2: Non-formal education in terms of lifelong learning contributes to a more professional work of female journalists, especially the ones who are involved in investigative journalism, as well as gender-sensitive media coverage.<br />H-3. A larger number of women in positions of power does not necessarily lead to a gender-sensitive approach in the media, and thus does not contribute to a change in values that would lead to more equal position of women in the society.<br />H-4: Women in journalism suppress gender identity in relation to a professional one.<br />Basic and theoretical framework draws on the theory of &#39;otherness&#39;.<br />The basic research methods are life stories, as one of the predominant methods in gender studies. We interpret the experience of women through testimonies about social, political and professional circumstances in a particular period and in the context of a multi-ethnic and multicultural Vojvodina.<br />The corpus consists of 16 female journalists who work or have worked in the minority media of ethnic communities, as well as in the language of the majority. By hihlighting gender dimension of development of a profession, the research results should contribute to the deconstruction of patriarchal social framework and lead to better understanding of the impact of individual and social life the second half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century in Vojvodina through a feminist perspective.<br />The research results show that women in journalism today are included as &#39;subordinates&#39;. Regardless of the prevalent number of women in the media, the management structure still belongs to men - they have the professional and political power. Journalists from minority communities are double &#39;subordinates&#39; in relation to the female journalists from the majority community and male colleagues in their own community.<br />The results show that formal higher education is an important starting point for the journalistic profession, but for the further development of professional identity constant (life-long) formal education is necessary; Education on gender equity has a significant impact on the level of achievement in gender-based journalistic culture; with the journalist expressing gender identity, or is subordinate to a professional, as in the case of most journalists gender identity is understood as a static female-male polarity and not as a category of multiple identities.<br />The application of the research results are twofold: 1. empirical data on the identity of the press from Vojvodina will serve as a basis for theoretical discussion on the correlation of gender and professional identity, as well as components of multiple identities of women in Vojvodina; 2. it will serve to expand the existing database of life stories of women who are members of the majority, and minority ethnic communities and should be used for subsequent comparative studies.</p>

Rodni identiteti u intersekciji sa etniĉkim i religijskim: na primeru istraživanja Banatskih Bugarki u Srbiji, Rumuniji i Bugarskoj / Gender Identity in the Intersection with Ethnicity and Religion: the case of Banat Bulgarians Women of Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria

Vasić Slobodan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U etniĉkoj grupi Banatskih Bugara, u Srbiji,<br />Rumuniji i Bugarskoj, rodni odnosi su predmet<br />kontinuiranih transformacija. Pružajući doprinos<br />prouĉavanjima identiteta ţena iz manjinskih<br />etniĉkih grupa, kao i komparativnom prouĉavanju<br />etniciteta u zemljama koje dele sliĉne dru&scaron;tvenopolitiĉke<br />okolnosti socijalizma i postsocijalizma,<br />ovo istraživanje ima za cilj da utvrdi na koje<br />naĉine Banatske Bugarke u razliĉitim<br />dru&scaron;tvenim kontekstima, oblikuju rodni,<br />etniĉki i religijski identitet. Kako su jezik i<br />religija dva najznaĉajnija dru&scaron;tvena i politiĉka<br />domena kulturne razlike u modernom svetu, a<br />rodni identiteti ne deluju nezavisno, već u<br />sadejstvu sa drugim identitetima, intersekciju<br />rodnih identiteta sa etniĉkim i religijskim<br />posmatram sa stanovi&scaron;ta oĉuvanja identiteta<br />grupe. Analizama položaja žena u javnoj sferi<br />života posvećuje se znaĉajnija pažnja, a<br />zanemaruju se rodni odnosi u privatnoj sferi<br />života, posebno brojĉano malih etniĉkih grupa.<br />Privatna sfera života je, međutim, znaĉajna, jer<br />rodni identiteti u ovoj sferi utiĉu na<br />oblikovanje etniĉkog i religijskog ideniteta i na<br />njihovu intersekciju. Reĉ je o regionu sa<br />razliĉitim istorijskim iskustvima i tradicijama<br />multikulturalizma i koji se odlikuje ĉestim<br />promenama državnih granica. Kontekstualni<br />okvir analize, pored rodnih režima, ĉine<br />potiskivanje religije u socijalizmu, te<br />afirmacija etniĉkih i religijskih identiteta u<br />postsocijalizmu. Akcenat istraživanja je na<br />ženama, ali da bi analiza intersekcije bila<br />celovita, u ovom etnografskom istraţivanju,<br />zastupljeni su i mu&scaron;karci. Ukupno je 51 osoba<br />u osnovnom uzorku, od ĉega, 31 žena i 20<br />mu&scaron;karca. Rezultati pokazuju zadržavanje<br />patrijarhalnih rodnih odnosa u privatnoj sferi<br />života u seoskim okruženjima, uz izuzetak<br />Bugarske, u pojedinim aspektima. Intersekcije<br />identiteta se razlikuju u odnosu na<br />kontekstualne karakteristike Srbije, Rumunije i&nbsp;</p><p>Bugarske i zavise od vi&scaron;estrukih povezanosti<br />na relaciji privatna/javna sfera: od mogućnosti<br />upotrebe maternjeg jezika, karakteristika<br />etniĉki i religijski me&scaron;ovitih brakova i<br />porodica, te od rodnih razlika u religioznosti.<br />Najveći uticaj na oĉuvanje identiteta imaju<br />rodni identiteti žena, jer one socijalizaciju decu<br />i prenose etniĉki i religijski identitet u sledećoj<br />generaciji. Po&scaron;to su žene religioznije od<br />mu&scaron;karaca u sve tri države, veći stepen<br />religioznosti je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa<br />oĉuvanjem i etniĉkog i religijskog identiteta, u<br />kontekstu etnifikovane crkve. Uloge<br />mu&scaron;karaca u oĉuvanju identiteta, nalaze se u<br />javnoj sferi života i one su omogućene rodnom<br />podelom rada u privatnoj sferi ţivota. U<br />postsocijalizmu, u kontekstu desekularizacije i<br />afirmacije jezika i etniĉkog identiteta, mu&scaron;karci<br />su zastupljeniji u javnim ulogama, ali se beleži<br />postepena transformacija rodnih odnosa u<br />pravcu veće egalitarnosti, posebno u mlađoj<br />generaciji u uzorku, u urbanom okruženju i kod<br />osoba sa većim stepenom obrazovanja.</p> / <p>Gender relations within the ethnic group of<br />Banat Bulgarians have been a subject of<br />transformation in Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria, both during the socialist as well as<br />during the post-socialist period. By<br />contributing to the study of female identity in<br />minority ethnic groups as well as to the<br />comparative study of ethnicity in countries<br />which have similar social and political<br />circumstances in light of socialism and postsocialism,<br />this thesis aims at determining the<br />manner in which the Banat Bulgarian women<br />in different political and social contexts shape<br />and define their gender, ethnic and religious<br />identity. Given the fact that the religion and<br />language are the two most significant social<br />and political domains in terms of cultural<br />differences in the modern world and that the<br />gender identities do not act independently, but<br />rather in conjunction with other identities the<br />intersection of the gender identity and the<br />ethnic and religious identity is observed from<br />the perspective of fostering and preserving the<br />identity of the group. While much focus has<br />been put on the analyses regarding the status of<br />women in the public sphere, the gender<br />relations in the private sphere in smaller ethnic<br />groups still remain under-researched. The<br />private sphere is very important since the<br />gender identities affect the shaping of the<br />ethnic and religious identity and their<br />intersection. This region has a plethora of<br />diverse historical experiences and multicultural<br />traditions and is often characterized by changes<br />in state borders. The contextual framework of<br />the analyses, in addition to gender regimes,<br />includes suppression of religion as well as the<br />affirmation of ethnic and religious identities in<br />post-socialism. Even though the focus of the<br />research was women, in order to make a<br />comprehensive analysis of the intersection, this</p><p>research also included men. The research<br />included 51 interviewees (31 women and 20<br />men). The results indicate a preservation of<br />patriarchal gender relations in the private<br />sphere in rural areas, with the exception of<br />Bulgari, in specific aspects. The identity<br />intersections differ in relation to contextual<br />differences between Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria and mostly depend on multi-faceted<br />connections between the private and the public<br />sphere e.g. the use of the mother tongue,<br />characteristics of ethnically and religiously<br />mixed marriages and families as well as gender<br />differences in religiousness. The female gender<br />identity has the greatest impact on the<br />preservation of an identity i.e. the women<br />socialise their children and carry on their<br />ethnic and religious identity. Since women are<br />more religious in all three countries, the greater<br />degree of religiousness is in positive<br />correlation with the preserving of the ethnic<br />and religious identity, in the context of an<br />ethnically-specific church. Male roles<br />regarding the preservation of identity belong to<br />the public sphere. In post-socialism, in the<br />context of de-secularisation, the state enables<br />and promotes the affirmation of language and<br />ethnic identity. Men have more prominent<br />public roles, however the transformation of<br />gender relations slowly shifts towards equality<br />is noticeable, especially among the younger<br />generations in the sample, in urban areas and<br />among persons with a higher degree of<br />education.</p>

Výpočtové porovnání ojnic zážehových motorů / SI Engine Con-rods Computational Comparison

Vetešník, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work is focused on computational comparison of con-rod of spark ignition four-cylinder engine with volume 1289 cubic centimeters and con-rod of spark ignition three-cylinder engine with volume 1198 cubic centimeters. 3-D models of inspected con-rods were based on real shape. Force loads effects were established after kinematic and dynamic analysis. Stress analysis was made for these force loads effects in selected cases with help of Finite element method. Two con-rods were compared by using of these results.

Využití CAM softwaru PowerMILL 2018 při obrábění formy / Use of the CAM software PowerMILL 2018 for machining of a mold

Drbal, Jindřich January 2018 (has links)
The subject of submitted diploma thesis is complete structure of procedures necessary for the designing and subsequent production of forging dies for production of semi-finished connecting rods. The initial part deals with the design of forging die. Following part is consisted of materials used for production of this type of tools. Ensuing is proposal of tooling for machining of the die following with simulation of the milling processes.

Zápustkové kování / Die forging

Stračánek, Rostislav January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on proposal of manufacturing technology forging of connection rod by die forging. The connection rod is made of 12 050 steel and it is part of crank mechanism in combustion engine. Production series was specified to 120 000 pcs. for year. Into technology procedure was implemented method of cross wedge rolling before die forging. The material for transverse cross wedge rolling was chosen 19 554 steel. Process of die forging was selected three operation in vertical forging press LZK 4000 with pressure force 40 MN made by company Šmeral Brno a.s. For die material was chosen 19 552 steel. And finally was carried out technical and economical evaluation of the forging production.

Zážehový sedmiválcový hvězdicový letecký motor / Petrol seven-cylinder radial aircraft engine

Horváth, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to propose a drive train of a seven-cylinder radial engine, including strength analysis of selected components. The basic parameters of the engine cylinder are based on the Škoda 1.2 HTP 12V 47kW AZQ engine.

Probiotika pro dětskou výživu / Probiotics for children's nutrition

Pokorná, Martina January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with probiotic bacterias for children nutrition. It proposes a probiotic food supplement with a probiotic blend composed of a strain of the genus Lactobacillus and of the genus Bifidobacterium, which would be most suitable for infant consumers. The theoretical part is focused on probiotics, constitution of the children´s ganstrointestinal tract and screening of probiotic and gelatine supplements which are already sold on the market. In the experimental part, probiotic bacteria were subjected to model digestion, whereby mixtures of strains having the lowest reduction in viability after digestion were blend based on the results. The blend of Bifidobacterium breve CCM 7825T, Bifidobacterium longum CCM 4990 and Lactobacillus casei CCM 4798 was chosen as the most suitable blend of the lowest viability reduction. PCR in real time was demonstrated the presence of all strains added to the blend after model digestion. Finally, from the data was suggested a more comprehensive probiotic food supplement in the form of an alginate-agar gummy-bear for children over three years of age. The probiotic food supplement was subjected to sensory analysis too. The proposed probiotic food supplement also contained Chlorella and Spirulina active compounds and higher content of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in hemp oil.

Měření nerovností povrchů vozovek / Measurement of pavement surface roughness

Ďuriš, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the master thesis is to verify the possibility of application of geodetic methods to determine longitudinal and transverse pavement surface roughnesses. Geodetic techniques are compared to techniques specified in ČSN 73 6175. Subject of testing is absolute and relative accuracy of altitude measurement and accuracy of roughness parameter determination. As a result, the graphic interpretation of these parameters and deviations from reference values are presented in the current document. Practical use of the surveying methods is evaluated based on the application of the above mentioned techniques and the results of accuracy analysis.

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