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Parametrização das rotações em teorias de barras e cascas. / Rotation parameterization in rod and shell theories.Moreira, Maria de Lourdes Teixeira 23 June 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação tensorial genérica para parametrização das rotações do tipo vetorial destinada ao estudo de grandes rotações no espaço tridimensional. Esta formulação é compatível com as parametrizações de Euler e de Rodrigues. É dada ênfase aos que aqui se denominou parâmetros generalizados de Rodrigues, que fornecem expressões simples, computacionalmente mais eficientes que a parametrização clássica de Euler. A formulação apresentada é adequada para uso em métodos numéricos baseados nas projeções de Galerkin, como o método dos elementos finitos, podendo ser implementada com facilidade em programas já existentes de elementos finitos. Apresentam-se aqui expressões para o tensor das rotações e suas derivadas, bem como os tensores necessários à análise incremental. As formas fracas são construídas tanto com projeção ortogonal como não-ortogonal, correspondentes à aplicação do Teorema dos Trabalhos Virtuais e Teorema das Potências Virtuais, respectivamente. Os modelos propostos foram aplicados em um programa de elementos finitos utilizando formulações cinemáticas Lagrangiana total e Lagrangiana atualizada e foram resolvidos vários exemplos, dentre eles alguns clássicos da literatura, de forma a avaliar sua validade e aplicação. / This work presents a generic formulation of vector-type for the parameterization of large rotations in three-dimensional space. This formulation adapts to the Euler and the Rodrigues parameterization. Special distinction is made to the here named generalized Rodrigues parameters which result in very simple and computationally efficient expressions. The attained formulation is convenient for numerical procedures employing Galerkin projection like the finite element method and can be readily implemented in a FE code. The expressions of rotation tensor and its derivatives, which lead to a consistent linearization, are herein derived. The necessary tensor quantities employed in the derivation of the tangent bilinear weak form of incremental analysis are obtained too. The weak forms are constructed here with both orthogonal and non-orthogonal projections, corresponding to the application of the virtual work theorem or virtual power theorem respectively. The formulation is implemented within a finite element code in total Lagrangian and updated Lagrangian framework and assessment of the scheme is made by means of several numerical simulations.
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Quelques contributions à la modélisation numérique de structures élancées pour l'informatique graphique / Some contributions to the numerical modeling of slender structures for computer graphicsCasati, Romain 26 June 2015 (has links)
Il est intéressant d'observer qu'une grande partie des objets déformables qui nous entourent sont caractérisés par une forme élancée : soit filiforme, comme les cheveux, les plantes, les fils ; soit surfacique, comme le papier, les feuilles d'arbres, les vêtements ou la plupart des emballages. Simuler (numériquement) la mécanique de telles structures présente alors un intérêt certain : cela permet de prédire leur comportement dynamique, leur forme statique ou encore les efforts qu'elles subissent. Cependant, pour pouvoir réaliser correctement ces simulations, plusieurs problèmes se posent. Les modèles (mécaniques, numériques) utilisés doivent être adaptés aux phénomènes que l'on souhaite reproduire ; le modèle mécanique choisi doit pouvoir être traité numériquement ; enfin, il est nécessaire de connaître les paramètres du modèle qui permettront de reproduire l'instance du phénomène souhaitée. Dans cette thèse nous abordons ces trois points, dans le cadre de la simulation de structures élancées.Dans la première partie, nous proposons un modèle discret de tiges de Kirchhoff dynamiques, de haut degré, basé sur des éléments en courbures et torsion affines par morceaux : les Super-Clothoïdes 3D. Cette discrétisation spatiale est calculée de manière précise grâce à une méthode dédiée, adaptée à l'arithmétique flottante, utilisant des développements en séries entières. L'utilisation des courbures et de la torsion comme degrés de liberté permet d'aboutir à un schéma d'intégration stable grâce à une implicitation, à moindres frais, des forces élastiques. Le modèle a été utilisé avec succès pour simuler la croissance de plantes grimpantes ou le mouvement d'une chevelure. Nos comparaisons avec deux modèles de référence de la littérature ont montré que pour des tiges bouclées, notre approche offre un meilleur compromis en termes de précision spatiale, de richesse de mouvements générés et d'efficacité en temps de calcul.Dans la seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à l'élaboration d'un algorithme capable de retrouver la géométrie au repos (non déformée) d'une coque en contact frottant, connaissant sa forme à l'équilibre et les paramètres physiques du matériau qui la compose. Un tel algorithme trouve son intérêt lorsque l'on souhaite simuler un objet pour lequel on dispose d'une géométrie (numérisée) « à l'équilibre » mais dont on ne connaît pas la forme au repos. En informatique graphique, un exemple d'application est la modélisation de vêtements virtuels sous la gravité et en contact avec d'autres objets : simplement à partir de la forme objectif et d'un simulateur de vêtement, le but consiste à identifier automatiquement les paramètres du simulateur tels que la forme d'entrée corresponde à un équilibre mécanique stable. La formulation d'un tel problème inverse comme un problème aux moindres carrés nous permet de l'attaquer avec la méthode de l'adjoint. Cependant, la multiplicité des équilibres, donnant au problème direct son caractère mal posé, nous conduit à « guider » la méthode en pénalisant les équilibres éloignés de la forme objectif. On montre enfin qu'il est possible de considérer du contact et du frottement solide dans l'inversion, en reformulant le calcul d'équilibres en un problème d'optimisation sous contraintes coniques, et en adaptant la méthode de l'adjoint à ce cas non-régulier. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus sont très encourageants et nous ont permis de résoudre des cas complexes où l'algorithme se comportait de manière intuitive. / It is interesting to observe that many of the deformable objects around us are characterized by a slender structure: either in one dimension, like hair, plants, strands, or in two dimensions, such as paper, the leaves of trees or clothes. Simulating the mechanical behavior of such structures numerically is useful to predict their static shape, their dynamics, or the stress they undergo. However, to perform these simulations, several problems need to be addressed. First, the model (mechanical, numerical) should be adapted to the phenomena which it is aimed at reproducing. Then, the chosen mechanical model should be discretized consistently. Finally, it is necessary to identify the parameters of the model in order to reproduce a specific instance of the phenomenon. In this thesis we shall discuss these three points, in the context of the simulation of slender structures.In the first part, we propose a discrete dynamic Kirchhoff rod model of high degree, based on elements with piecewise affine curvature and twist: the Super-Space-Clothoids. This spatial discretization is computed accurately through a dedicated method, adapted to floating-point arithmetic, using power series expansions. The use of curvature and twist as degrees of freedom allows us to make elastic forces implicit in the integration scheme. The model has been used successfully to simulate the growth of climbing plants or hair motion. Our comparisons with two reference models have shown that in the case of curly rods, our approach offers the best trade-off in terms of spatial accuracy, richness of motion and computational efficiency.In the second part, we focus on identifying the undeformed configuration of a shell in the presence of frictional contact forces, knowing its shape at equilibrium and the physical parameters of the material. Such a method is of utmost interest in Computer Graphics when, for example, a user often wishes to model a virtual garment under gravity and contact with other objects regardless of physics. The goal is then to interpret the shape and provide the right ingredients to the cloth simulator, so that the cloth is actually at equilibrium when matching the input shape. To tackle such an inverse problem, we propose a least squares formulation which can be optimized using the adjoint method. However, the multiplicity of equilibria, which makes our problem ill-posed, leads us to "guide" the optimization by penalizing shapes that are far from the target shape. Finally, we show how it is possible to consider frictional contact in the inversion process by reformulating the computation of equilibrium as an optimization problem subject to conical constraints. The adjoint method is also adjusted to this non-regular case. The results we obtain are very encouraging andhave allowed us to solve complex cases where the algorithm behaves intuitively.
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Efeitos da hipóxia-isquemia perinatal sobre o comportamento motor, distribuição da Tirosina Hidroxilase na substância negra e da NADPH diaforase no hipocampo durante o desenvolvimento em ratos / Effects of hypoxia-ischemia under motor behavior, tyrosine hydroxylase distribution in the nigra substantia and the diaphorase NADPH in hippocampus in ratsMarcia Martins Dias Ferraz 05 March 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A hipóxia isquemia (HI) pré-natal é uma das principais causas de mortalidade e doenças neurológicas crônicas em neonatos, que podem apresentar déficits remanentes como: retardamento, paralisia cerebral, dificuldade de aprendizado ou epilepsia. Estes prejuízos, provavelmente, estão relacionados com o atraso no desenvolvimento neural, astrogliose e com a perda de neurônios e oligodendrócitos. Déficits funcionais e cognitivos estão associados à degeneração de vias dopaminérgicas e de estruturas hipocampais. A enzima tirosina hidroxilase (TH) é a enzima limitante na síntese de dopamina e seus níveis são alterados em eventos de HI. O óxido nítrico (NO) é um gás difusível que atua modulando diferentes sistemas, participando de eventos como plasticidade sináptica e neuromodulação no sistema nervoso central e é produzido em grandes quantidades em eventos de injúria e inflamação, como é o caso da HI. O presente estudo teve por objetivos avaliar, utilizando o modelo criado por Robinson e colaboradores em 2005, os efeitos da HI sobre o comportamento motor e avaliar o desenvolvimento de estruturas encefálicas relacionadas a este comportamento como a substância negra (SN) e o complexo hipocampal. A HI foi induzida a partir do clampeamento das artérias uterinas da rata grávida, por 45 minutos no décimo oitavo dia de gestação (grupo HI). Em um grupo de fêmeas a cirurgia foi realizada, mas não houve clampeamento das artérias (grupo SHAM). A avaliação do comportamento motor foi realizada com os testes ROTAROD e de campo aberto em animais de 45 dias. Os encéfalos foram processados histologicamente nas idades de P9, P16, P23 e P90, sendo então realizada imunohistoquímica para TH e histoquímica para NADPH diaforase (NADPH-d), para avaliação do NO. Nossos resultados demonstraram redução da imunorreatividade para a TH em corpos celulares na SN aos 16 dias no grupo HI e aumento na imunorreatividade das fibras na parte reticulada aos 23 dias, com a presença de corpos celulares imunorreativos nesta região no grupo HI. Demonstramos também aumento do número de células marcadas para NADPH-d no giro dentado nos animais HI, nas idades analisadas, assim como aumento na intensidade de reação no corno de Ammon (CA1 e CA3) aos 9 dias no grupo HI, e posterior redução nesta marcação aos 23 e 90dias neste mesmo grupo. Nos testes comportamentais, observamos diminuição da atividade motora no grupo HI com uma melhora do desempenho ao longo dos testes no ROTAROD, sem entretanto atingir o mesmo nível do grupo SHAM. Os animais HI não apresentaram maior nível de ansiedade em relação ao grupo SHAM, descartando a hipótese das alterações observadas nos testes de motricidade estarem relacionadas a fatores ansiogênicos. O modelo de clampeamento das artérias uterinas da fêmea se mostrou uma ferramenta importante no estudo das alterações decorrentes do evento de HI pré-natal, por produzir diversos resultados que são similares aos ocorridos em neonatos que passam por este evento. / Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is one of the major causes of mortality and chronic neurological diseases in newborns that can show permanent effects such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, learning difficulty and epilepsy. It is probable that these impairs may be related to a delay in the neural development, astrogliosis and to the death of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Cognitive and functional deficits are related to degeneration of dopaminergic pathways and hippocampus. The enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is a limiting step in the dopamine synthesis and its levels are impaired in HI insults. Nitric oxide (NO) is a diffusible gas that acts by modulating different systems and participates in several phenomena such as synaptic plasticity and neuromodulation in the central nervous system and is produced in higher levels in events of injury and inflamation as in the case of HI. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of HI on the motor behavior and to evaluate the development of brain structures related to this behavior as the substantia nigra (SN) and the hippocampal complex, using the model developed by Robinson and colleagues in 2005. HI was induced by clamping the uterine arteries of pregnant rats, for 45 minutes, on the eighteenth day of gestation (group HI). In a group of females, the surgery was performed, but no clamping of the arteries (group SHAM) was made. Assessment of motor behavior was performed with the ROTAROD test and open field test in animals of 45 days (P45) of age. The brains were processed histologically at ages P9, P16, P23 and P90, and then submitted to immunohistochemistry for TH and NADPH diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry for evaluation of NOS. Our results demonstrated an apparent decrease in TH immunoreactivity in cell bodies in the SN at P16 in the HI group and an increase in immunoreactivity of the fibers in the SN pars reticulata at P23 with the presence of TH immunoreactive cell bodies at this same region in the HI group. We also showed an increase in the number of NADPH-d stained cells in the dentate gyrus in the HI group, at all ages, as also an increase in the intensity of staining in the Ammons horn (CA1 and CA3) at P9 in the HI group and, after that, a decrease in this staining at P23 and P90 in this same group. In the behavioral tests we observed a decrease in the motor activity in the HI group with a partial recovery all over the several sessions in the ROTAROD test, however this group did not reach the same performance as the SHAM group. HI animals did not show a higher level of anxiety when compared to SHAM animals, ruling out the hypothesis that anxiogenic factors may be impairing the results in the motor behavior tests. Our results showed that the model of uterine arteries clamping could be an important tool in the study of the effects of perinatal HI, by producing several consequences that are very similar to the effects observed in newborn children who suffered an HI event.
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Jazyková relativita a gramatický rod v češtině / Language Relativity and Grammatical Gender in CzechMatějka, Štěpán January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with the effect of the grammatical gender of Czech nouns referring to inanimate entities on their semantic meaning and conceptualization. The thesis looks into the question whether masculines are conceptulized as "men" and feminines as "women". The thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part, theoretical insight into the question of relation between language and thought is provided. In this part, foreign experiments related to our research question are mentioned as well. In the second part, two experiments accomplished in the Czech language are presented. The objective of experiment nr. 1 was to choose such semantic differential scales which according to Czech speakers distinguish the "female and male principle" the best. In experiment nr. 2, feminine and masculine gender variants of nouns were employed (e. g. "brambor - brambora"). Experiment nr. 2 contained two tasks. The first task used the semantic differential method. In the second task, participants were asked to choose a woman's or a man's voice that the inanimate entities would have in a cartoon movie. The results of the first task indicate that the grammatical gender of nouns did not affect the decision-making as individual nouns were marked on the semantic differential scales. However, there...
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Um modelo geometricamente exato de barras com grandes deformações, que considera a distorção e o empenamento geral da seção transversal, e sua discretização pelo método dos elementos finitos. / A fully nonlinear geometrically exact multi-parameter rod model that incorporates general in-plane and out-of-plane cross-sectional changes, and its discretization by Finite Element Method.Evandro Rossi Dasambiagio 08 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma teoria de barras não-linear geometricamente exata, com multi-parâmetros para a representação geral de deslocamentos no plano da seção transversal (distorção) e também fora do plano da seção (empenamento). A formulação apresentada constitui-se em uma extensão de trabalhos anteriores, [1] a [6], [8] e [9], no sentido de que a hipótese de seção rígida (Timoshenko) e a função de empenamento elástico de Saint-Venant foram removidos. Essa abordagem define os esforços internos energeticamente conjugados, atuantes na seção transversal, em função de deformações e tensões generalizadas, baseadas no conceito de vetor diretor da seção transversal. Além da importância prática, o uso do vetor diretor simplifica a formulação das equações de equilíbrio e a imposição das condições de contorno, tanto na forma fraca quanto na forma forte do equilíbrio. Além disso, facilita a obtenção da matriz de rigidez tangente, resultando sempre simétrica pra materiais hiper-elásticos e carregamento externo conservativo, mesmo em situações distantes da condição de equilíbrio. Permite também a introdução de graus de liberdade independentes para descrever tanto os deslocamentos no plano quanto fora do plano da seção transversal. Equações constitutivas tri-dimensionais adequadas para problemas com grandes deslocamentos e grandes deformações podem ser implementadas sem a ocorrência de enrijecimentos espúrios. A formulação é absolutamente geral e sua extensão para materiais inelásticos, em particular materiais elasto-plásticos, é imediata uma vez qua a integração de tensões com carregamentos incrementais está disponível. Rotações finitas são tratadas através da expressão de Euler-Rodrigues em uma abordagem puramente Lagrangeana. Assume-se o eixo reto como configuração de referência da barra, porém, barras inicialmente curvas também podem ser consideradas como configurações de referência deformadas, sem tensões iniciais, obtidas a partir de configurações inicialmente retas [11]. É importante ressaltar que a teoria apresentada permite uma modelagem consistente e precisa de distorções da seção transversal, típicas de perfis metálicos esbeltos dobrados a frio. Acredita-se que esta seja uma das principais contribuições dessa formulação como opção ao uso de modelos de cascas. / The main purpose of this work is to present a fully nonlinear geometrically-exact multi-parameter rod model that incorporates general in-plane cross-sectional changes as well as general out-of-plane cross-sectional warping. The formulation constitutes an extension of the earlier works presented in [1] to [6], [8] and [9], in the sense that the restrictions to a rigid cross-section and to a Saint-Venant-like elastic warping are now removed from the theory. Our approach defines energetically conjugated cross-sectional resultants in terms of generalized stresses and strains, based on the concept of a cross-section director. Besides their practical importance, the use of cross-sectional resultants simplifies the derivation of equilibrium equations and the enforcement of boundary conditions, in either weak or strong senses. In addition, the corresponding tangent bilinear weak form is obtained in a more expedient way, rendering always symmetric for hyperelastic materials and conservative loadings (even far from equilibrium states). Definition of a cross-section director plays a central role in the present model. Accordingly, it allows the introduction of independent degrees-of-freedom to describe both the in-plane cross-sectional changes and the out-of-plane warping. Fully three-dimensional finite strain constitutive equations can therefore be employed with no spurious stiffening. The ideas are general and extension to inelastic rods, in particular to those of elastoplastic materials, is straightforward once a stress integration scheme within a time step is at hand. Finite rotations are treated here by the Euler-Rodrigues formula in a pure Lagrangean framework. We assume a straight reference configuration for the rod axis, but initially curved rods can also be considered if regarded as a stress-free deformed state from the straight position (see [11]). The use of convective non-Cartesian coordinate systems is this way avoided and only components on orthogonal frames are employed. Moreover, initial curvatures that are completely independent of the isoparametric concept are possible to be attained, which can be used even in (for example) straight finite elements. Altogether, the present assumptions allow a consistent basis for the proper representation of profile (distortional) deformations, which are typical of coldformed thin-walled rod structures. We believe this is one of the main features of our formulation, as the use of more complex shell models in order to capture such phenomena becomes unnecessary.
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Konstrukční úprava upínaní tlakových zásobníků vstřikovacího systému Common Rail při výrobě / Rail Production Machine Clamping Device Design ModificationSedláček, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The present master’s thesis deals with the appropriate measuring methods to determine the technical state of the machine tool for production of pressure tanks of Common Rail injection system. The main topic of this thesis is also a constructional adjustment of problem clamping components whose function affects the quality of the pressure tank.
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Rod i profesija u umetnosti: diplomirane izvođačice na gudačkim instrumentima na akademijama umetnosti u Novom Sadu, Banja Luci i Zagrebu (1990–2014) / Gender and profession in Arts: women string player performers graduated at music conservatories in Novi Sad, Banjaluka and Zagreb (1990–2014)Klem Aksentijević Ana 27 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Danas je gotovo nepoznat podatak da na katedrama za gudačke instrumente na akademijama umetnosti u regionu od ukupnog broja diplomiranih kadrova većinu čine žene. Otuda je vredna istraživačke pažnje analiza procesa obrazovanja i profesionalnog delovanja u njihovim sredinama tog značajnog broja muzički visoko obrazovanih žena. Upoređivanjem podataka iz tri akademske sredine jugoslovenskog prostora dolazimo do značajnih zaključaka za istoriju ženskog muzičkog nasleđa u regionu na ovom prostoru i za metodiku rada sa budućim kadrovima.<br />Cilj istraživanja je prikupljanje, selekcija i interpretacija podataka o životu diplomiranih izvođačica na gudačkim instrumentima u Novom Sadu, Banjaluci i Zagrebu od osnivanja akademskih institucija do danas, kako bi se skrenula pažnja na pitanje konstruisanja identiteta izvođačica tokom i nakon visokog muzičkog obrazovanja.<br />Hipoteza 1 je da značajan broj diplomiranih izvođačica na gudačkim instrumentima doprinosi promeni svesti o važnosti rodnog identiteta u muzičkoj umetnosti u regionu.<br />Hipoteza 2 je da povećan broj diplomiranih izvođačica na gudačkim instrumentima ne doprinosi promeni svesti o važnosti rodnog identiteta u muzičkoj umetnosti u regionu.<br />Hipoteza 3 je da je profesionalni identitet diplomiranih izvođačica na gudačkim instrumentima nadređen svim drugim komponentama identiteta, uključujući i rodni.<br />Korpus obuhvata diplomirane muzičarke gudačkih instrumenata sa Akademije umetnosti u Novom Sadu (20), u Zagrebu (4)i u Banjaluci (8).<br />Analiza 13 komponenata identiteta (detinjstvo, školovanje, devedesete godine 20. veka, brak, deca, maternji jezik, zatim nacionalni, verski, profesionalni identiteti, zdravlje, članstvo u strukovnim udruženjima i političkim strankama, hobi).<br />Rezultati pokazuju da je prva hipoteza samo delimično tačna, te da je treća hipoteza tačna za ukupan uzorak: sve muzičarke prednost daju profesionalnom identitetu od ranog detinjstva. Empirijski podaci ne potvrđuju stereotip da profesija muzičarke i braka, porodice i dece ne idu zajedno.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su važni koliko za novo sačinjavanje istorije muzike i žena u toj oblasti toliko i za rodne studije, koje se staraju za afirmaciju žena u različitim profesijama u današnjem vremenu. Posebno rezultati treba da obogate nastavnu i metodičku praksu u domenu muzike na svim nivoima obrazovanja kod nas. Podaci iz ovog rada bi mogli (zapravo, morali) da postanu deo udžbeničke literature. Na ovo se nadovezuju i podaci do kojih je došlo ovo istraživanje, a koji svedoče o tome da je u svetu i u regionu jugoslovenskog prostora značajan broj žena doprinosio i još uvek, možda i više nego ikada ranije, doprinosi razvoju muzike i muzičke kulture.</p> / <p>Today is almost unknown the fact that on the string department at the academies of arts in our region most of the graduated students are women. The analysis of this process is worth the research attention of education and professional activities of this, relatively significant number of graduated women string instrumentalists. By comparing data from three cultural backgrounds of ex-Yugoslav territory we come to significant conclusions for the history of women's musical heritage in the region in this area and the methodology of work with future personnel.<br />The aim of the research is the collection, selection and interpretation of data about the life of graduated women performers on stringed instruments in Novi Sad, Banja Luka and Zagreb since the establishment of these academic institutions to present day, in order to draw attention to the issue of constructing identity of women performers during and after the higher music education.<br />Hypothesis 1 is that a significant number of female music performance graduates on string instruments contributes to improving the awareness of the importance of gender identity in the music art in the region.<br />Hypothesis 2 is that the increased number of female music performance graduates on string instruments does not contribute to improving the awareness of the importance of gender identity in the music art in the region.<br />Hypothesis 3 that professional identity of the female music performance graduates on string instruments is superior to all other components of identity, including gender.<br />The corpus includes female music performance graduates on string instruments from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad (20), Zagreb (4) and Banja Luka (8).<br />Analysis of the 13 components of identity (childhood, education, nineties of the 20th century, marriage, children, mother tongue, then national, religious, professional identities, health, membership in professional associations and political parties, hobbies).<br />The results show that the first hypothesis is only partly true, and that the third hypothesis is true for the total sample: all the female musicians prefer the professional identity from early childhood. Empirical data do not confirm the stereotype that the profession of a female musician exclude marriage, family and children.<br />The research results are as important as the new drafting history of music and women in this area so much and for gender studies, which are undertaken for the advancement of women in various professions in modern times. In particular, the results would enrich teaching and methodical practice in the field of music education at all levels in our country. Data from this study could (indeed, must) become a part of textbooks. In addition the data that occurred in this research testify to the fact that in the world and in the region Yugoslav territory a significant number of women contributed, and still, perhaps more than ever, contributes to the development of music and musical culture.</p>
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Application Of Polynomial Reproducing Schemes To Nonlinear MechanicsRajathachal, Karthik M 01 1900 (has links)
The application of polynomial reproducing methods has been explored in the context of linear and non linear problems. Of specific interest is the application of a recently developed reproducing scheme, referred to as the error reproducing kernel method (ERKM), which uses non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) to construct the basis functions, an aspect that potentially helps bring in locall support, convex approximation and variation diminishing properties in the functional approximation. Polynomial reproducing methods have been applied to solve problems coming under the class of a simplified theory called Cosserat theory. Structures such as a rod which have special geometric properties can be modeled with the aid of such simplified theories. It has been observed that the application of mesh-free methods to solve the aforementioned problems has the advantage that large deformations and exact cross-sectional deformations in a rod could be captured exactly by modeling the rod just in one dimension without the problem of distortion of elements or element locking which would have had some effect if the problem were to be solved using mesh based methods. Polynomial reproducing methods have been applied to problems in fracture mechanics to study the propagation of crack in a structure. As it is often desirable to limit the use of the polynomial reproducing methods to some parts of the domain where their unique advantages such as fast convergence, good accuracy, smooth derivatives, and trivial adaptivity are beneficial, a coupling procedure has been adopted with the objective of using the advantages of both FEM and polynomial reproducing methods. Exploration of SMW (Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury) in the context of polynomial reproducing methods has been done which would assist in calculating the inverse of a perturbed matrix (stiffness matrix in our case). This would to a great extent reduce the cost of computation. In this thesis, as a first step attempts have been made to apply Mesh free cosserat theory to one dimensional problems. The idea was to bring out the advantages and limitations of mesh free cosserat theory and then extend it to 2D problems.
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Die Saalebrücke in AlslebenStandfuß, Friedrich 30 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Saalebrücke bei Alsleben ist ein Bauwerk mit bewegter Geschichte, die in diesem Buch detailliert rekonstruiert wird. Dabei wird – neben historisch interessanten Fakten – die Sicht vor allem auf die bautechnischen Details gelegt. So wird am Anfang die Entstehung von der ersten Idee bis zur Vergabe beleuchtet, wobei dies einen guten Einblick in die damalige Zeit gibt, in dem die Unterschiede, insbesondere aber auch die eine oder andere Gemeinsamkeit zur heuteigen Zeit aufgezeigt werden. Anschließend wird die zu diesem Zeitpunkt erstmalig verwendete Konstruktionsweise für eine Bogenbrücke mit vorgespanntem Zugband erklärt, die das Bauwerk, nicht nur wegen seines hauptverantwortlichen Planers – Franz Dischinger –, sondern vor allem konstruktiv zu einem besonders Erhaltenswerten macht.
Der Bedarf einer Erhaltungsmaßnahme entstand das erste Mal nach dem 2. Weltkrieg, als ein Bogen der Vorlandbrücke des Bauwerkes gesprengt wurde. In der Dokumentation des Wiederaufbaus wird vor allem die Schwierigkeit eines solchen Unterfangens kurz nach Kriegsende deutlich.
Aufgrund der lückenhaften Dokumentation und der mangelhaften Bauwerkserhaltung während der DDR-Zeit ist auch das nächste Kapitel in der Geschichte von Erhaltung geprägt. Ausführlich werden die Zustandsermittlung und die darauf folgende grundhafte Instandsetzung des sich in einem desolaten Zustand befindlichen Bauwerks nach der Wiedervereinigung beschrieben. Die sehr detaillierte Dokumentation von der Planung über die Bauausführung bis hin zu den Nacharbeiten infolge von Baumängeln sowie die Kostenaufstellung sind vor allem für fachliche interessierte Leser empfehlenswert.
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Luminescence of Light Emitting Diodes of Fully Conjugated Heterocyclic Aromatic Rigid-rod PolymersWu, Chien-Chang 24 June 2003 (has links)
Poly-p-phenylenebenzazoles (PBXs) are heterocyclic aromatic rigid-rod liquid-crystalline polymers with fully conjugated backbone having excellent thermo-oxidative, as well as dimensional stabilities. PBXs are considered to be multifunctional polymers of superior mechanical tenacity, non-linear optical response, and electrical properties. The fully conjugated PBX polymers are deemed to have excellent opto-electronic properties. In the last decade, molecular light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been investigated intensively for having distinct advantages as an advanced opto-electronic technology.
This dissertation leads to rigid-rod polymer thin-films and mono-layer devices fabricated from acidic solutions. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra for poly-p-phenylenebenzobisthiazole (PBT) freestanding film were measured over a temperature range of 67 K to 300 K showing distinct electron-phonon interaction. Using an Mg cathode, the mono-layer PBT LEDs displayed a diodic electric response with a threshold voltage as low as 1 V. A blue shift in the maximum emission wavelength of the electroluminescence (EL) spectra was also observed with increasing electrical injection energy. For the multi-layer LEDs based on PBT using the same electrodes, the p-type/n-type bi-layer structure showing the most enhanced EL emission, and the tri-layer heterojunction had the least threshold voltage using the same electrodes. Our results indicated that the heterojunction architecture could be applied to balance charge carriers for increasing EL intensity. Meanwhile, the investigation also revealed the advantage in using the extra PBT layer for increasing both EL emission intensity and injection efficiency by lowering its threshold voltage.
Two schemes for making uniaxial freestanding films and LED devices for polarized optical absorption and emission were processed from uniaxial poly-p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole (PBO) fiber. The PL of the uniaxial PBO films demonstrated an emission intensity ratio I¡ü/I¡æas high as 5. Anisotropically processed mono-layered PBO LED showed a markedly decreased threshold voltage from 7 V of the isotropic PBO device to 5 V. The polarization effects in optical absorption, PL and EL emissions were acquired and correlated with the uniaxial orientation of the rigid-rod PBO polymer.
The molecular modification investigated the opto-electronic properties of poly-2,2'-m-phenylene-5,5'-bibenzimidazole (Pbi) with PBT physical blends, and monolithic 6F-PBO-OH-co-6F-PBO-di(OC10H21) copolymers. Partially conjugated polymer Pbi and fully conjugated polymer PBT were mixed for luminescence study. Their absorption spectra showed superposition of individual absorption response indicating no inter-molecular energy transfer. However, the PL and the EL emission demonstrated a blue shift with increasing Pbi content. This was attributed to the rigid-rod configuration or the aggregation of PBT perturbed by mixing with coil-like Pbi. It was recognized that the backbone of the fully conjugated rigid-rod PBT was collinear having more charge delocalization than that of not fully conjugated coil-like Pbi. The diode threshold voltage of the physical blends varied from 4 V to 14 V with decreasing PBT content. Another molecular modification was changing the composition of 6F-PBO copolymers. Their PL emission exhibited excellent chromatic tuning range from green to blue emission. The Commission Internationale de l¡¦Eclairage (C. I. E.) coordinates of the copolymer EL emission were from (0.25, 0.53) to (0.24, 0.31) covering a wide visible range and demonstrating a white light emission.
Atomic substitution of the rigid-rod polymers was utilized to examine individual atomic contribution for luminescence emission. The hydrogen bond effect for PBO-OH and PBO was evidenced in a major Stoke¡¦s shift to a longer wavelength because of protonic transfer on the excited state. Elemental electronegativities affected the delocalization of the £k electron leading to a blue shift in absorption spectra as shown in case of PBO and PBT. The PBO molecule was more collinear and co-planar, providing more charge delocalization than PBT. However the absorption edge of the PBT was about 30 nm higher than that of PBO. This suggested that the electronegativities affected the molecular delocalization. Using the solid-state physics with pseudofunction (PSF) calculation, there was good match between absorption spectra and calculated excitation energies for the rigid-rod polymer systems.
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