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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling of a monostatic borehole radar antenna

Gouws, Marcel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The successful operation of a pulsed monostatic borehole radar system requires that cur- rent on the antenna due to transmitter pulses subsides quickly. Deterioration of the radar antenna feed-point current settling times when deployed in water-¯lled boreholes showed that the radar system's performance is highly environmentally sensitive. Electromagnetic models are used to investigate this e®ect, since measuring the feed-point and radiative characteristics of an insulated antenna deployed in a borehole is practically impossible at present. A transmission line model for insulated antennas is utilized to model the borehole radar antenna in electrically dense media. Predicted input impedance values however do not correspond well to those from numerical ¯eld simulation software and the model is shown to be inadequate for modelling insulated antennas in environments of low conductivity. Radiated ¯eld results are however found to be accurate. A study of the feed-point and radiative characteristics of the borehole radar antenna in a range of di®erent borehole environment is performed using electromagnetic ¯eld simulation software. Results con¯rm that the borehole radar antenna has longer feed- point current settling times and degraded radiated pulse waveforms when deployed in water-¯lled boreholes. Simple lumped element networks with driving-port impedances approximately equal to antenna input impedances are synthesized from simulated input impedance results for a range of borehole environments. This allows diagnostics on the radar system to be performed in the laboratory, with the antenna load appearing as if the system were deployed in a borehole. The use of an antenna with distributed resistive and capacitive loading is proposed as a modi¯cation that would result in improved feed-point characteristics in water-¯lled boreholes. Results from simulations and experiments are presented that con¯rm that the new antenna design substantially reduces feed-point current settling times after the transmitter ¯res.

Investigation and design of a slotted waveguide antenna with low 3D sidelobes

Maritz, Andries Johannes Nicolaas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An investigation into the cause of undesired sidelobes in the 3D radiation pattern of slotted waveguide arrays is conducted. It is hypothesized that the cross-polarization of the antenna is at fault, along with the possibility that an error is made when designing a linear array. In investigating and finding a solution to the problem, the “Z-slot ” is introduced in conjunction with polarizer plates. The base components are used by a custom optimization algorithm to design reference and solution antennas. Results of the antennas are then compared to ascertain the cause and possible solutions for the unwanted sidelobes. The generic nature of the process may be used to characterize other arbitrary aperture configurations and to design larger antennas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Ondersoek om die oorsaak van ongewensde sylobbe in die 3D uitstraalpatroon van golfleier-antennas vas te stel. Die hipotese is dat die probleem ontstaan uit die kruis-polarisasie van die antenna, tesame met ‘n verkeerdelikke aanname dat die opstelling liniêr is. Die “Z-Gleuf” tesame met polariseringsplate word voorgestel as hulpmiddel om die moontlikke oorsake te ondersoek. ‘n Gespesialiseerde optime erings-algoritme benut hierdie basiskomponente om beide verwysings- en oplossing-antennas te ontwerp. Resultate van die ontwerpde antennas word dan vergelyk om die oorsaak van die ongewensde sylobbe te vas te stel. Die generiese aard van die proses kan toegepas word op enige gleuf-konfigurasie en om groter antennas mee te ontwerp.

Medium frequency radar studies of meteors

Grant, Stephen Ian. January 2003 (has links)
"July 2003." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 459-484) Electronic publication; full text available in PDF format; abstract in HTML format. Details the application of a medium frequency Doppler radar to observations of meteorites entering the Earth's atmosphere. Techniques were developed that verified system performance was to specification Electronic reproduction.[Australia] :Australian Digital Theses Program,2001. xx, 485 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.

Development of a cavity backed bowtie antenna with dielectric matching for ground penetrating radar

Birch, Max (Max Lariviere) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An antenna for ground level deployed Ground Penetrating Radar applications is presented. The antenna is matched to the ground via a low impedance dielectric matching section improving the radiation pattern and input impedance characteristics. A bowtie antenna was used for the design with the edges rounded to stabilize the resonant frequency. The radiation pattern was focused to the one side of the antenna for ground penetration using a non-absorptive metallic cylindrical air filled cavity. Edge reflections from the antenna were reduced by means of discrete resistor terminations between the antenna and the cavity. A wire equivalent of the solid metallic antenna was investigated giving similar characteristics to that of the solid antenna. The radiation pattern deformation arising from transmitting a wave from an antenna in air into the ground due to the impedance mismatch was investigated. This was overcome with the use of a polypropylene dielectric slab inserted between the antenna and the ground. Together with improving the radiation pattern the antenna was less sensitive to ground parameter variations and to an air gap introduced between the slab and the ground. This was implemented as a wheel mounted system with adjustable height settings depending on the terrain. A pair of mounted antennas was constructed to be tested on an existing bistatic Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave radar operating in the 50-400 MHz band developed by the University of Cape Town. This antenna is seen as providing a solution to the problem of coupling an antenna to a low wave impedance medium such as ground. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Antenne word vir Grond Penetrerende Radar toepassings voorgestel. Dit is spesifiek ontwikkel vir oppervlak ontplooide stelsels ontwerp. Die antenne is aangepas tot die grond deur middel van 'n diëlektriese aanpassingseksie wat die starlingspatroon en intree-impedansie karakteristieke verbeter. Die antenne is tot die grond toe aangepas deur middel van 'n diëlektriese aanpassingseksie wat die starlingspatroon en intree-impedansie karakteristieke verbeter. 'n Strikdas antenne was gebruik vir die ontwerp, met die kante gerond om die resonante freqwensie te stabiliseer. Om die stralingspatroon van die antenne na een kant toe te fokus was 'n nie-absorbeerede metaleiese, luggevulde, silindriese holte daaragter geplaas om die energie vorentoe te weerkaats. Weerkaatsings van die rand van die antenne word onderdruk met behulp van koppelende weerstande tussen die antenne en die holte. A draad ekwivalent van die antenne was ook ondersoek met goeie ooreenstemming met die soliede strikdas. Die impedansie wanaanpassing wat ontstaan as 'n antenne wat in lug is, in die grond in straal veroorsaak dat die stralingspatroon van die antenne vervorm word. Dit was gevind dat deur 'n aanpassings blad van 'n diëlektriese materiaal, naamlik polipropileen, gebruik te maak tussen die antenne en die grond dat dit die probleem oplos. Saam met dit was gevind dat die antenne minder sensitief was vir veranderings in grondparameters en ook vir 'n lug gaping tussen die blad en die grond. Die het gemaak dat die antenne op wiele gemonteer kon word met verstelbare hoogte afhangend van die terrein. 'n Stel geskaleerde antennes was gemaak om op 'n beskikbare bistatiese Trap Frekwensie Kontinue Golf radar te werk. Dit werk oor die 50-400 MHz band en was ontwikkel deur die Universitiet van Kaapstad. Die antenne word gesien as 'n oplossing vir antenne koppelingsprobleme ondervind by laë golf impedansie materiale.

The design and analysis of a rotman lens with reduced conjugate-port coupling

Ibbotson, Alex 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project comprises the design, analysis, and construction of a Rotman lens with reduced conjugate-port coupling. The Rotman lens is a beam-forming network, used in wide-angle scanners to feed an antenna array. The scanning operation is based on optics and is therefore frequency invariant, a desirable feature of the Rotman lens compared to other beam-forming networks which employ phase shifters. The antenna array is connected to the lens's array ports via transmission lines. These array ports lie on the array contour which is designed so that a signal incident onto the antenna array will propagate into the lens and focus at a particular point. The position of this focal point depends on the signals direction of arrival at the array. Ports are placed on these focal points to feed and receive signals. Bootlace lenses allow up to four focal points for linear arrays whereas the Rotman lens is designed for three foci. Scanners usually require to scan many beam-widths, thus ports are employed along a focal arc which intersect these foci. Inter-focal ports do not focus perfectly and result in phase errors distributed across the array aperture. The derivation of three and four foci lenses is provided. There are several degrees of freedom at the designer's disposal, the e ect which these available parameters have on the lens geometry and phase errors is investigated. The waveguide implementa- tion of these lenses is examined, in which we use vertically polarised horns as feed ports and coaxial probes as array ports. Some designs of Rotman lenses published in literature show excess mutual cou- pling between symmetrically opposed feed ports. Using a model which approximates the array contour as a re ecting wall, we show that this is due to the re ected energy focusing on conjugate ports. It is identi ed that Rotman lenses designed for mini- mum phase errors will have near maximum conjugate-port coupling. Two Rotman lenses have been designed at 3; 5GHz for ve feed ports, eleven elements, and up to 30 scan angles. The rst is designed for minimum phase errors, and the second for the defocusing of the re ected energy from the focal arc. Simulations show up to a 10dB reduction in conjugate-port coupling for the second lens with a negligible degradation in performance from the phase errors. Measurements show that the re ected energy is spread between the feed ports as expected, compared to the focusing at a single port of the traditional Rotman lens. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie projek behels die ontwerp, analise en konstruksie van 'n Rotmanlens met verminderde simmetries oorstaande poort koppeling. Die Rotmanlens is 'n patroon- vormingsnetwerk wat gebruik word as samestellingvoer in wye hoek skandeerders. 'n Gewensde eienskap van die Rotmanlens bo faseskuif voernetwerke is dat die skan- deerwerking gebasseer is op optika en dus frekwensie onafhanklik is. Die antennasamestelling word deur transmissielyne verbind aan die antennapoorte van die lens. Hierdie poorte l^e op die samestellingkontoer wat ontwerp is om te verseker dat seine wat inval op die antennasamestelling sal voortplant in die lens en fokus op 'n spesi eke punt. Die posisie van die fokuspunt hang af van die invalshoek van die sein op die samestelling. Poorte word op hierdie fokuspunte geplaas om te seine te ontvang en te lanseer. Hierdie tipe lense kan tot vier fokuspunte h^e , waar die Rotman lens spesi ek vir drie fokuspunte ontwerp word. Skandeerders moet normaalweg etlike bundelwydtes wyd kan skandeer, en daarom word poorte geplaas op 'n straal wat die fokuspunte onderskep. Poorte wat weg van die fokus geplaas word toon 'n e ens uit fokus gedrag, wat vertaal na fasefoute in die samestelling stralingsvlak. Die a eiding van drie en vier fokus lense word verskaf. Daar is verskeie grade van vryheid tot die beskikking van die ontwerper, en die e ek wat die beskikbare parameters op die geometrie van die lens en die fase foute het word ondersoek. Die gol eier implimetering van hierdie lense word beskryf, waar vertikaal gepolariseerde horings as voerpoorte, en ko-aksiale lyne as antennapoorte gebruik word. Sommige Rotman lens ontwerpe in die literatuur toon beduidende koppeling tussen die simmetries oorstaande voerpoorte. Deur van 'n model gebruik te maak wat die samestellingkontoer as 'n weerkaatsende muur benader toon ons aan dat die koppeling geskied as gevolg van die weerkaatsde energie wat fokus in die simme- tries oorstaande poorte. Dit word identi seer dat Rotman lense wat vir minimum fasefoute ontwerp word bykans maksimum koppeling tussen simmetries oorstaande poorte tot gevolg het. Twee Rotman lense is ontwerp by 3; 5GHz vir vyf voerpoorte, elf antenna ele- mente en skandeer hoeke van 30. Die eerste is ontwerp vir minimum fasefoute en die tweede vir uit fokus weerkaatsde energie vanuit die fokus straal. Simulasies toon tot 10 dB vermindering in koppeling tussen simmetries oorstaande poorte vir die tweede lens met weglaatbare werkverrigting verswakking as gevolg van fasefoute. Metings toon dat die weerkaatsde energie, soos verwag, versprei word tussen die voerpoorte vergeleke met energie gefokus in 'n enkele poort soos by die tradisionele Rotman lens.

VHF radar studies of the troposphere / by Peter T. May

May, Peter T. January 1986 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 163-172 / x, 173 leaves : ill ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, 1986

A comprehensive investigation of retrodirective cross-eye jamming

Du Plessis, W.P. (Warren Paul) 12 June 2010 (has links)
Cross-eye jamming is an Electronic Attack (EA) technique that induces an angular error in the radar being jammed. The main benefit of cross-eye jamming is that it is effective against monopulse tracking radars, which are largely immune to other forms of jamming. The objective of this research is to gain a complete understanding of cross-eye jamming so that systems that might be developed in future can be properly specied. The main contribution of this work is a comprehensive mathematical and experimental study of retrodirective cross-eye jamming. The mathematical analysis considers all aspects of an isolated, single-loop, retrodirective cross-eye jamming engagement, thereby avoiding the approximations inherent in other cross-eye jamming analyses. Laboratory experiments that accurately represent reality by using the radar for both transmission and reception, and simulating a true retrodirective cross-eye jammer were performed to validate the theoretical analysis. Lastly, the relationship between the angular error induced in the radar being jammed and the matching required from a cross-eye jammer system is explored. The most important conclusion of this work is that the traditional analyses of cross- eye jamming are inaccurate for the conditions under which cross-eye jammers operate. These inaccuracies mean that the traditional analyses are overly conservative, particularly at short ranges and for high cross-eye gains, suggesting that practical cross-eye jammers can be realised more easily than is generally believed. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

A Study On Effects Of Phase - Amplitude Errors In Planar Near Field Measurement Facility

Varughese, Suma 01 1900 (has links)
Antenna is an indispensable part of a radar or free space communication system. Antenna requires different stringent specifications for different applications. Designed and fabricated for an intended application, antenna or antenna array has to be evaluated for its far-field characteristics in real free space environment which requires setting up of far-field test site. Maintenance of the site to keep the stray reflections levels low, the cost of the real estate are some of the disadvantages. Nearfield measurements are compact and can be used to test the antennas by exploiting the relationship between near-field and far-field. It is shown that the far-field patterns of an antenna can be sufficiently accurately predicted provided the near-field measurements are accurate. Due to limitation in the near-field measurement systems, errors creep in corrupting the nearfield-measured data thus making error in prediction of the far field. All these errors ultimately corrupt the phase and amplitude data. In this thesis, one such near-field measurement facility, the Planar Near Field Measurement facility is discussed. The limitations of the facility and the errors that occur due to their limitations are discussed. Various errors that occur in measurements ultimately corrupt the near-field phase and amplitude. Investigations carried out aim at a detailed study of these phase and amplitude errors and their effect on the far-field patterns of the antenna. Depending on the source of error, the errors are classified as spike, pulse and random errors. The location of occurrence of these types of errors in the measurement plane, their effects on the far-field of the antenna is studied both for phase and amplitude errors. The studies conducted for various phase and amplitude errors show that the near-field phase and amplitude data are more tolerant to random errors as the far-field patterns do not get affected even for low sidelobe cases. The spike errors, though occur as a wedge at a single point in the measurement plane, have more pronounced effect on the far-field patterns. Lower the taper value of the antenna, more pronounced is the error. It is also noticed that the far-field pattern gets affected only in the plane where the error has occurred and has no effect in the orthogonal plane. Pulse type of errors which occur even for a short length in the measurement affect both the principle plane far-field patterns. This study can be used extensively as a tool to determine to the level to which various error such as mechanical, RF etc need to be controlled to make useful and correct pattern predictions on a particular facility. Thereby, the study can be used as a tool to economise the budget of the facility wherein the parameters required for building the facility need not be over specified beyond the requirement. In general, though this is a limited study, it is certainly a trendsetter in this direction.

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