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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The dynamics and energetics of radio-loud active galaxies

Harwood, Jeremy James January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, I use the new generation of radio interferometer along with X-ray observations to investigate the dynamics and energetics of radio-loud active galaxies which are key to understanding AGN feedback and the evolution of galaxies as a whole. I present new JVLA observations of powerful radio source and use innovative techniques to undertake a detailed analysis of JVLA observations of powerful radio galaxies. I compare two of the most widely used models of spectral ageing, the Kardashev-Pacholczyk and Jaffe-Perola models and also results of the more complex, but potentially more realistic, Tribble model. I find that the Tribble model provides both a good fit to observations as well as providing a physically realistic description of the source. I present the first high-resolution spectral maps of the sources and find that the best-fitting injection indices across all models take higher values than has previously been assumed. I present characteristic hot spot advance speeds and compare them to those derived from dynamical ages, confirming that the previously known discrepancy in speed remains present in older radio sources even when ages are determined at high spectral and spatial resolutions. I show that some previously common assumptions made in determining spectral ages with narrow-band radio telescopes may not always hold. I present results from a study of the powerful radio galaxy 3C223 at low frequencies with LOFAR to determine its spectrum on spatially small scales and tightly constrain the injection index, which I find to be consistent with the high values found at GHz frequencies. Applying this new knowledge of the low energy electron population, I perform synchrotron / inverse-Compton model fitting and find that the total energy content of the radio galaxy lobes increases by a factor greater than 2 compared to previous studies. Using this result to provide revised estimates of the internal pressure, I find the northern lobe to be in pressure balance with the external medium and the southern lobe to be overpressured. I go on to present the first large sample investigation of the properties of jets in Fanaroff and Riley type I radio galaxies (FR-I) at X-ray energies based on data from the Chandra archive. I explore relations between the properties of the jets and the properties of host galaxies in which they reside. I find previously unknown correlations to exist, relating photon index, volume emissivity, jet volume and luminosity, and find that the previously held assumption of a relationship between luminosities at radio and X-ray wavelengths is linear in nature when bona fide FR-I radio galaxies are considered. In addition, I attempt to constrain properties which may play a key role in determination of the diffuse emission process. I test a simple model in which large-scale magnetic field variations are primarily responsible for determining jet properties; however, we find that this model is inconsistent with our best estimates of the relative magnetic field strengths in my sample.

Multi-messenger constraints and pressure from dark matter annihilation into electron-positron pairs

Wechakama, Maneenate January 2013 (has links)
Despite striking evidence for the existence of dark matter from astrophysical observations, dark matter has still escaped any direct or indirect detection until today. Therefore a proof for its existence and the revelation of its nature belongs to one of the most intriguing challenges of nowadays cosmology and particle physics. The present work tries to investigate the nature of dark matter through indirect signatures from dark matter annihilation into electron-positron pairs in two different ways, pressure from dark matter annihilation and multi-messenger constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross-section. We focus on dark matter annihilation into electron-positron pairs and adopt a model-independent approach, where all the electrons and positrons are injected with the same initial energy E_0 ~ m_dm*c^2. The propagation of these particles is determined by solving the diffusion-loss equation, considering inverse Compton scattering, synchrotron radiation, Coulomb collisions, bremsstrahlung, and ionization. The first part of this work, focusing on pressure from dark matter annihilation, demonstrates that dark matter annihilation into electron-positron pairs may affect the observed rotation curve by a significant amount. The injection rate of this calculation is constrained by INTEGRAL, Fermi, and H.E.S.S. data. The pressure of the relativistic electron-positron gas is computed from the energy spectrum predicted by the diffusion-loss equation. For values of the gas density and magnetic field that are representative of the Milky Way, it is estimated that the pressure gradients are strong enough to balance gravity in the central parts if E_0 < 1 GeV. The exact value depends somewhat on the astrophysical parameters, and it changes dramatically with the slope of the dark matter density profile. For very steep slopes, as those expected from adiabatic contraction, the rotation curves of spiral galaxies would be affected on kiloparsec scales for most values of E_0. By comparing the predicted rotation curves with observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies, we show that the pressure from dark matter annihilation may improve the agreement between theory and observations in some cases, but it also imposes severe constraints on the model parameters (most notably, the inner slope of the halo density profile, as well as the mass and the annihilation cross-section of dark matter particles into electron-positron pairs). In the second part, upper limits on the dark matter annihilation cross-section into electron-positron pairs are obtained by combining observed data at different wavelengths (from Haslam, WMAP, and Fermi all-sky intensity maps) with recent measurements of the electron and positron spectra in the solar neighbourhood by PAMELA, Fermi, and H.E.S.S.. We consider synchrotron emission in the radio and microwave bands, as well as inverse Compton scattering and final-state radiation at gamma-ray energies. For most values of the model parameters, the tightest constraints are imposed by the local positron spectrum and synchrotron emission from the central regions of the Galaxy. According to our results, the annihilation cross-section should not be higher than the canonical value for a thermal relic if the mass of the dark matter candidate is smaller than a few GeV. In addition, we also derive a stringent upper limit on the inner logarithmic slope α of the density profile of the Milky Way dark matter halo (α < 1 if m_dm < 5 GeV, α < 1.3 if m_dm < 100 GeV and α < 1.5 if m_dm < 2 TeV) assuming a dark matter annihilation cross-section into electron-positron pairs (σv) = 3*10^−26 cm^3 s^−1, as predicted for thermal relics from the big bang. / Trotz vieler Hinweise auf die Existenz von dunkler Materie durch astrophysikalische Beobachtungen hat sich die dunkle Materie bis heute einem direkten oder indirekten Nachweis entzogen. Daher gehrt der Nachweis ihrer Existenz und die Enthüllung ihrer Natur zu einem der faszinierensten Herausforderungen der heutigen Kosmologie und Teilchenphysik. Diese Arbeit versucht die Natur von dunkler Materie durch indirekte Signaturen von der Paarzerstrahlung dunkler Materie in Elektron-Positronpaare auf zwei verschiedene Weisen zu untersuchen, nämlich anhand des Drucks durch die Paarzerstrahlung dunkler Materie und durch Grenzen des Wirkungsquerschnitts für die Paarzerstrahlung dunkler Materie aus verschiedenen Beobachtungsbereichen. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf die Zerstrahlung dunkler Materie in Elektron-Positron-Paare und betrachten einen modellunabhängigen Fall, bei dem alle Elektronen und Positronen mit der gleichen Anfangsenergie E_0 ~ m_dm*c^2 injiziert werden. Die Fortbewegung dieser Teilchen wird dabei bestimmt durch die Lösung der Diffusions-Verlust-Gleichung unter Berücksichtigung von inverser Compton-Streuung, Synchrotronstrahlung, Coulomb-Streuung, Bremsstrahlung und Ionisation. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass die Zerstrahlung dunkler Materie in Elektron-Positron-Paare die gemessene Rotationskurve signifikant beeinflussen kann. Die Produktionsrate ist dabei durch Daten von INTEGRAL, Fermi und H.E.S.S. begrenzt. Der Druck des relativistischen Elektron-Positron Gases wird aus dem Energiespektrum errechnet, welches durch die Diffusions-Verlust-Gleichung bestimmt ist. Für Werte der Gasdichte und des magnetischen Feldes, welche für unsere Galaxie repräsentativ sind, lässt sich abschätzen, dass für E_0 < 1 GeV die Druckgradienten stark genug sind, um Gravitationskräfte auszugleichen. Die genauen Werte hängen von den verwendeten astrophysikalischen Parametern ab, und sie ändern sich stark mit dem Anstieg des dunklen Materie-Profils. Für sehr große Anstiege, wie sie für adiabatische Kontraktion erwartet werden, werden die Rotationskurven von Spiralgalaxien auf Skalen von einegen Kiloparsek für die meisten Werte von E_0 beeinflusst. Durch Vergleich der erwarteten Rotationskurven mit Beobachtungen von Zwerggalaxien und Galaxien geringer Oberflächentemperatur zeigen wir, dass der Druck von Zerstrahlung dunkler Materie die Übereinstimmung von Theorie und Beobachtung in einigen Fällen verbessern kann. Aber daraus resultieren auch starke Grenzen für die Modellparameter - vor allem für den inneren Anstieg des Halo-Dichteprofils, sowie die Masse und den Wirkungsquerschnitt der dunklen Materie-Teilchen. Im zweiten Teil werden obere Grenzen für die Wirkungsquerschnitte der Zerstrahlung der dunkler Materie in Elektron-Positron-Paare erhalten, indem die beobachteten Daten bei unterschiedlichen Wellenlängen (von Haslam, WMAP und Fermi) mit aktuellen Messungen von Elektron-Positron Spektren in der solaren Nachbarschaft durch PAMELA, Fermi und H.E.S.S. kombiniert werden. Wir betrachten Synchrotronemission bei Radiound Mikrowellenfrequenzen, sowie inverse Compton-Streuung und Final-State-Strahlung bei Energien im Bereich der Gamma-Strahlung. Für die meisten Werte der Modellparameter werden die stärksten Schranken durch das lokale Positron-Spektrum und die Synchrotronemission im Zentrum unser Galaxie bestimmt. Nach diesen Ergebnissen sollte der Wirkungsquerschnitt für die Paarzerstrahlung nicht größer als der kanonische Wert für thermische Relikte sein, wenn die Masse der dunklen Materie-Kandidaten kleiner als einige GeV ist. Zusätzlich leiten wir eine obere Grenze für den inneren logarithmische Anstieg α des Dichteprofiles des dunklen Materie Halos unserer Galaxie ab.

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