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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radiation Monte Carlo approcah dedicated to the coupling with LES reactive simulation. / Modélisation du rayonnement par Monte Carlo appliquée dans les flammes turbulentes simulées par LES.

Zhang, Jin 31 January 2011 (has links)
Le transfert radiatif joue un rôle important en combustion turbulente et doit donc êtrepris en compte dans les simulations numériques. Toutefois, à cause du fait que la combustionet le rayonnement sont deux phénomènes physiques très différents caractérisés par deséchelles de temps et d’espace également différentes, et la complexité des écoulements turbulents,l’effet du rayonnement est souvent négligé ou modélisé par des modèles très simples.Le couplage entre la combustion (LES) et le rayonnement avec l’environnement CORBAa été étudié. Dans le présent travail, quatre formulations de la méthode de Monte Carlo(méthode classique et méthode réciproque) dédiées à la résolution de l’équation de transfertradiatif ont été comparées sur un cas test de flamme 1D où l’on tient compte de l’absorptionet de l’émission du milieu en utilisant un maillage 3D. Le but de ce cas test est de valider lesolveur Monte Carlo et de choisir la méthode la plus efficace pour réaliser le couplage. Afind’améliorer la performance du code de Monte Carlo, deux techniques ont été développées.De plus, un nouveau code dédié au couplage a été proposé. Ensuite, deux solveurs radiatifs(Emission Reciprocity Monte Carlo Method et Discrete Ordinate Method), appliquésà une flamme turbulente stabilisée en aval d’un dièdre avec un modèle CK de propriétésradiatives, sont comparés non seulement en termes de description physique de la flamme,mais aussi en terme de performances de calcul (stockage, temps CPU et efficacité de laparallélisation). Enfin, l’impact de la condition limite a été discuté en prenant en comptel’émissivité et la température de paroi. / Radiative transfer plays an important role in turbulent combustion and should be incorporatedin numerical simulations. However, as combustion and radiation are characterized bydifferent time scales and different spatial and chemical treatments, and the complexity of theturbulent combustion flow, radiation effect is often neglected or roughly modelled. Couplinga large eddy simulation combustion solver and a radiation solver through a dedicated languageCORBA is investigated. Four formulations of Monte Carlo method (Forward Method,Emission Reciprocity Method, Absorption Reciprocity Method and Optimized ReciprocityMethod) employed to resolve RTE have been compared in a one-dimensional flame testcase using three-dimensional calculation grids with absorbing and emitting medium in orderto validate the Monte Carlo radiative solver and to choose the most efficient model forcoupling. In order to improve the performance of Monte Carlo solver, two techniques havebeen developed. After that, a new code dedicated to adapt the coupling work has beenproposed. Then results obtained using two different RTE solvers (Reciprocity Monte Carlomethod and Discrete Ordinate Method) applied to a three-dimensional turbulent reactingflow stabilized downstream of a triangular flame holder with a correlated-k distributionmodel describing the real gas medium spectral radiative properties are compared not onlyin terms of physical behavior of the flame but also in computational performance (storagerequirement, CPU time and parallelization efficiency). Finally, the impact of boundary conditionstaking into account the actual wall emissivity and temperature has been discussed.

Radiation Monte Carlo approcah dedicated to the coupling with LES reactive simulation.

Zhang, Jin 31 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Radiative transfer plays an important role in turbulent combustion and should be incorporatedin numerical simulations. However, as combustion and radiation are characterized bydifferent time scales and different spatial and chemical treatments, and the complexity of theturbulent combustion flow, radiation effect is often neglected or roughly modelled. Couplinga large eddy simulation combustion solver and a radiation solver through a dedicated languageCORBA is investigated. Four formulations of Monte Carlo method (Forward Method,Emission Reciprocity Method, Absorption Reciprocity Method and Optimized ReciprocityMethod) employed to resolve RTE have been compared in a one-dimensional flame testcase using three-dimensional calculation grids with absorbing and emitting medium in orderto validate the Monte Carlo radiative solver and to choose the most efficient model forcoupling. In order to improve the performance of Monte Carlo solver, two techniques havebeen developed. After that, a new code dedicated to adapt the coupling work has beenproposed. Then results obtained using two different RTE solvers (Reciprocity Monte Carlomethod and Discrete Ordinate Method) applied to a three-dimensional turbulent reactingflow stabilized downstream of a triangular flame holder with a correlated-k distributionmodel describing the real gas medium spectral radiative properties are compared not onlyin terms of physical behavior of the flame but also in computational performance (storagerequirement, CPU time and parallelization efficiency). Finally, the impact of boundary conditionstaking into account the actual wall emissivity and temperature has been discussed.

Modélisation numérique de la dynamique atmosphérique de Saturne contrainte par les données Cassini-Huygens / Numerical modelling of the atmospheric dynamics of Saturn constrained by Cassini-Huygens data

Sylvestre, Mélody 21 September 2015 (has links)
L'atmosphère de Saturne subit d'importantes variations saisonnières d'insolation, à cause de son obliquité, de son excentricité et de l'ombre de ses anneaux. Dans la stratosphère (de 20 hPa à 10-4 hPa), les échelles de temps photochimiques et radiatives sont du même ordre de grandeur que la période de révolution de Saturne (29,5 ans). On s'attend donc à mesurer des variations saisonnières et méridiennes significatives de la température et des espèces produites par la photochimie (en particulier C2H6, C2H2 et C3H8) dans cette région. Grâce à sa durée (2004-2017), la mission Cassini est l'occasion inédite de suivre l'évolution saisonnière de l'atmosphère de Saturne.Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai analysé des observations au limbe Cassini/CIRS car elles permettent de sonder à la fois la structure méridienne et verticale de la stratosphère de Saturne. Ainsi, j'ai mesuré les variations saisonnières de la température et des abondances de C2H6, C2H2 et C3H8. J'ai également contribué au développement d'un modèle radiatif-convectif et d'un GCM (Global Climate Model) de l'atmosphère de Saturne. Les prédictions de ces modèles sont comparées avec les températures mesurées avec CIRS, de façon à étudier les processus radiatifs et dynamiques qui contribuent à l'évolution saisonnière. Les simulations numériques réalisées avec ce GCM m'ont également permis d'étudier la propagation des ondes atmosphérique ainsi que les effets de l'ombre des anneaux sur l'atmosphère de Saturne. Par ailleurs, la comparaison entre les distributions de C2H6, C2H2 et C3H8 et des modèles photochimiques (Moses et Greathouse 2005, Hue et al. 2015) donne des indications sur le transport méridien. / Saturn's atmosphere undergoes important seasonal variations of insolation, due to its obliquity, its eccentricity and the shadow of its rings. In the stratosphere (from 20 hPa to 10-4 hPa), radiative and photochemical timescales are in the same order as Saturn's revolution period (29.5 ans). Hence, significative seasonal and meridional variations of temperature and photochemical by-products (especially C2H6, C2H2, and C3H8) are expected. Because of its duration (2004-2017), the Cassini mission is an unprecedented opportunity to monitor the seasonal evolution of Saturn's atmosphere. During my PhD, I analysed Cassini/CIRS limb observations as they probe the meridional and vertical structure of Saturn's stratosphere. Hence, I measured seasonal variations of temperature and abundances of C2H6, C2H2, and C3H8. I also contributed to the development of a radiative-convective model and a GCM (Global Climate Model) of Saturn's atmosphere. The predictions of these models are compared with the temperatures measured from CIRS observations, in order to study the radiative and dynamical processes which contribute to the seasonal evolution. Numerical simulations performed with the GCM also allowed me to study atmospheric waves propagation and the effects of rings shadowing in Saturn's atmosphere. Besides, comparison between C2H6, C2H2, and C3H8 distributions and photochemical models (Moses and Greathouse 2005, Hue et al., 2015) give insights on meridional transport.

L'origine des jets protostellaires à l'ère d'ALMA : de la modélisation aux observations / The origin of protostellar jets in the ALMA era : from modelling to observations

Tabone, Benoît 04 October 2018 (has links)
L’extraction du moment cinétique au sein des disques protostellaires est le processus clé qui détermine la masse finale accrétée par une étoile, ainsi que les conditions de formation de son cortège planétaire. Il a été proposé que les jets protostellaires pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans cette extraction, via un processus magnétohydrodynamique (MHD). L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est de mettre à profit le gain révolutionnaire en résolution et en sensibilité apporté par l’interféromètre submillimétrique ALMA afin de clarifier le processus d’accrétion-éjection à l’œuvre dans les protoétoiles. Cette pro- blématique est abordée selon trois axes complémentaires i) confrontation des modèles théoriques de vent de disque MHD à la dynamique du jet de HH212 observé par ALMA à haute résolution angulaire. Je présente la découverte de signatures de rotation en SO/SO2 dans le jet qui, avec la dynamique de SiO, sont cohérentes avec un vent de disque MHD lancé entre 0.05 et 40au. ii) étude analytique et numérique de l’impact de la variabilité d’un jet rapide pulsant sur un vent de disque. J’identifie des signatures observationnelles de la présence d’un vent de disque à partir de l’étude morphologique et cinématique des coquilles de choc d’étrave. iii) signatures chimiques d’un jet lancé en deçà de la région de sublimation des poussières (∼ 0.2 au). Je montre que malgré la forte irradiation du jet et l’absence de poussière, des molécules telles que SiO ou CO peuvent se former efficace- ment à partir d’une faible fraction de H2. Ce scénario pourra être confronté aux futures observations JWST. / The question of angular momentum extraction from protoplanetary disks (hereafter PPDs) is fundamental in understanding the accretion process in young stars and the formation conditions of planets. Pioneering semi-analytical work, followed by a growing body of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, have shown that when a significant vertical magnetic field is present, MHD disk winds (hereafter MHD-DWs) can develop and ex- tract some or all of the angular momentum flux required for accretion. The aim of this PhD thesis is to exploit the unprecedented capabilities provided by ALMA to clarify the accretion-ejection process in protostars. This goal is achieved following three approaches: 1) comparison of MHD-DW models with the kinematics of HH 212 jet observed by ALMA at high angular resolution. I report the discovery of a rotating SO/SO2 wind consistent with a MHD-DWs launched out to ∼40 au with SiO tracing dust-free streamlines launched from 0.05−0.3 au. 2) Analytical and numerical study of the interaction between a pulsat- ing inner jet embedded in a stationary disk wind. Observational signatures are identified from the morphology and the kinematics of bow-shock shells. 3) Chemical signatures of a jet launched inside the dust sublimation radius (∼ 0.2 au). I show that despite the strong X-FUV field and the absence of dust, molecules like SiO or CO can form efficiently from a small fraction of H2. This scenario will be confronted to JWST observations.

Parameterization, regionalization and radiative transfer coherence of optical measurements acquired in the St-Lawrence ecosystem / Propriétés optiques intrinsèques et apparentes des eaux du golfe et de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent : concordance optique, paramétrisation et variabilité spatio-temporelle

Cizmeli, Servet Ahmet January 2008 (has links)
In-water biogeochemical constituents and bio-optical properties of the St-Lawrence Gulf and Estuary were monitored during 5 cruises conducted between 1997-2001 accross different seasons. Measured inherent optical properties (IOPs) included vertical profiles of the absorption and attenuation coefficients and the volume scattering function as well as absorption by particles, non-algal particles, phytoplankton and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Apparent Optical parameters (AOPs) included vertical profiles of the upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance. The spectral shape of the major IOPs like absorption by phytoplankton, CDOM and non-algal particles as well as the particulate backscattering were parameterized using conventional models and adaptations of conventional models. Descriptive statistics of each variable in the collected dataset were analysed and compared with previous findings in the literature. The optical coherence of the measurements was verified using a radiative transfer closure approach. A complete set of IOP cross-sections for optically significant biogeochemical variables were generated. The magnitude and the spatial, temporal and spectral variation exhibited by the optically significant inwater biogeochemical constituents as well as the bio-optical parameters was consistent with our current knowledge of the ecosystem. The variation of the bio-optical parameters throughout the seasons was also coherent with our expectations. All the measured and derived parameters were found to vary within the ranges reported in the literature. Evidence was presented wherein the Gulf waters, which are usually considered as case I waters could also behave like case II waters. Moreover, spectral signatures exhibited by the IOPs and AOPs were coherent with the variation detected in the concentrations of the measured (optically significant) constituents. The extracted IOP cross-sections were consistent with the results of similar studies previously performed and could eventually be used in the estimation of the biogeochemical constituent concentrations given the related component IOPs. First-order radiative transfer closure was achieved; this underscored the validity of our experimental dataset based on considerations of higher level, integrative, physics. We argue that the current data collection campaign succeeded as a comprehensive framework for describing the behavior of the St-Lawrence bio-optical provinces within the context of remote sensing objectives. This bio-optical dataset should provide the basis for the development of a rigorous, satellite-based, remote sensing algorithm for the retrieval of near surface chlorophyll, fine-tuned to the local characteristics of the St-Lawrence system.

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