Spelling suggestions: "subject:"radio broadcasting."" "subject:"sadio broadcasting.""
111 |
The pioneering journey of Christian Radio through satellite distribution : a historical overview of the Moody Broadcasting Network 1982 -- 2002 /Gerstner, Kornel. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Liberty University, 2007. / Access restricted for one year per author's request.
112 |
Dissentworks : emergent collective action at the turn of the millennium /Coopman, Ted M. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 181-191).
113 |
Radio and literature in Africa : Lee Nichols' "Conversations with African writers" /Akidiva, Arbogast Kemoli. Nichols, Lee. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Alberta, 1997. / In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Secondary Education. Also available online.
114 |
Folklore and popular culture in early Newfoundland radio broadcasting : an analysis of occupational narrative, oral history and song repertoire /Hiscock, Philip. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) -- Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1987. / Typescript. Bibliography: leaves [204]-224. Also available online.
115 |
Celebrating the chaos a local re-examining of early U.S. radio regulation /Pobst, James Herbert. Hayes, Joy Elizabeth, January 2009 (has links)
Includes bibliographic references (p. 234-238).
116 |
Skirting the airwaves : the all-girl radio of WHER-AM /Meade, Melissa Diane. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 160-185).
117 |
Broadcasting in an insurgency environment USIA in Vietnam, 1965-1970.Hoffer, Thomas William, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1972. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.
118 |
Maximizing the utility of radio spectrum broadband spectrum measurements and occupancy model for use by cognitive radio /Petrin, Allen John. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006. / Dr. Stevenson J. Kenney, Committee Member ; Dr. Paul G. Steffes, Committee Chair ; Dr. Gregory D. Durgin, Committee Member ; Dr. Aaron D. Lanterman, Committee Member ; Dr. Robert G. Roper, Committee Member.
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Die gebruik van klank om nuus op die Internet oor te draDe Jager, Augustinus Kock 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this work I explore the use of sound as a means of
presenting news to the user of the Internet. I accept that
news sound as such, as it is presented on radio, is an
effective mass communication medium. From there I ask the
question if this sound, with the same underlying principles
used in radio, can be effectively used on the Internet.
This opposed to real changes made in the gathering,
preparation and presentation of sound to be effective on
the Information Superhighway.
In the first chapter I look at the methods (good and bad)
utilized to present sound on the radio. When I present a
model for Internet use later in the work (chapter 5) I use
these as a starting point. Some definitions are formulated,
which also become important in chapter 5.
In the second chapter I touch on the origins of the
Internet and the use of web sites to provide a news
service. I explore the methods employed by news specific
sites to communicate information to Internet users and I compare that to uses on a non-news site, in this case
National Geographic.com. Again I use the positive aspects
of the study of these sites to form part of the model
presented in chapter 5.
Chapter 3 is dedicated to the technological development of
the Internet and the use of multimedia to convey
information. I also touch on the future of the information
system and the expectations and requirements these
developments would put on journalists working on the
In chapter 4 I compare the way in which three news sites
handled the covering of the terrorist attack on America.
Because of the territorial advantage, I choose to look at
the coverage one year after the event. The positive use of
text, video, sound and images on these three sites are used
to format the model in the next chapter.
As said previously, chapter 5 contains a model for the use
of multimedia, specifically sound, to convey news
information on the Internet. While the focus is on sound, I
suggest here that the model is applicable to all the aids
available to the Internet producer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werkstuk ontleed ek die gebruik van klank as 'n
werktuig om nuus aan die Internetgebruiker oor te dra. Ek
gaan van die beginsel af uit dat nuusklank op sy eie, met
ander woorde soos dit op die radio uitgesaai word, wel 'n
effektiewe, vinnige metode is om nuus aan massas mense oor
te dra. Die vraag word gevra of klank op dieselfde manier,
met dieselfde grondbeginsels en gebruike, 'n effektiewe
medium is om nuus op die Internet aan te bied. Dié vraag
word in teenstelling geplaas met die moontlikhede dat klank
liefs op die radio hoort en nie deel behoort te wees van
nuuswebtuistes nie, of dat daar wesenlike veranderinge
gemaak behoort te word aan die nuus wat op die radio
aangebied word, voor dit effektief op die Internet gebruik
kan word.
In die eerste hoofstuk kyk ek na die oorsprong en
geskiedenis van radio en daarna na die ontwikkeling van
nuus op radio. Ek behandel die beginsels van radionuus, met
die doelom hierdie kenmerke dan later in die werkstuk
(hoofstuk 5) te gebruik as die grondbeginsels vir 'n model
vir die gebruik van klank om nuus op die Internet oor te
Ek kyk na die goeie en slegte praktyke wat in die oordrag
van nuus op radio ontstaan het en probeer hierdeur sif om
nie dieselfde swakplekke by die bogenoemde model in te
sluit nie. In hierdie hoofstuk formuleer ek dan definisies
vir die verskillende gebruike van klank om nuus oor die
radio oor te dra. Hierdie definisies word ook later gebruik
in die model vir die effektiewe gebruike van nuusklank op
die Internet.
In die tweede hoofstuk kyk ek na die oorsprong van die
Internet, en dan (in meer detail) na die ontstaan van
nuuswebtuistes. Ek ontleed die manier waarop inligting aan
Internetgebruikers oorgedra word, op webtuistes wat
spesifiek vir nuus geskep is, maar ek vergelyk dit ook met
'n webtuiste wat na my mening die Internet se kenmerke
behoorlik aanwend om inligting oor te dra, nl.
Die goeie en slegte punte van die oordrag van inligting op
die medium word ontleed, om ook later deel te vorm van die
model in hoofstuk 5.
Ek kyk in die derde hoofstuk na die tegnologiese
ontwikkeling van die Internet en die gebruik van multimedia
op die netwerk. Daar word ook geraak aan die toekomsmoontlikhede van die oordrag van groot hoeveelhede
data (soos klank en video) op die netwerk.
Soos die tegnologie ontwikkel, moet die persoon wat die
produk daarstelontwikkel, en ek kyk na die vereistes wat
aan joernaliste/vervaardigers van Internetnuus gestel word.
In die vierde hoofstuk vergelyk ek die Internetaanbiedings
van 'n spesifieke nuusgebeurtenis, die aanval op Amerika op
11 September 2001, van drie nuuswebtuistes. Ek kyk na die
aanbiedings van die BBC, CNN en die SAUK, spesifiek na die
gebruik van teks, grafika, video en klank om nuus aan
Internetgebruikers oor te dra. Die (goeie en minder goeie)
gebruik van klank op dié drie webtuistes vorm dan die basis
van die model wat ek in hoofstuk 5 aanbied.
Die vyfde hoofstuk word gewyaan die daarstelling van 'n
model om klank as nuusmedium op die Internet te gebruik. Ek
kyk na die beginsels van die goeie gebruik van klank wat in
die eerste hoofstuk daargestel is en probeer dit verwerk
vir gebruik op die Internet.
Hoewel ek nie spesifiek die gebruik van ander media, soos
teks, video en grafika, behandel nie, doen ek in hoofstuk 5
voor dat die model vir al die hulpmiddels op die
Internetnuuswebtuiste kan geld.
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Jornalismo e princípios editoriais: estudo comparativo internacional de regulação da radiodifusãoTeodoro, Deborah Cunha [UNESP] 26 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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teodoro_dc_me_bauru.pdf: 604960 bytes, checksum: 0ea3430ddf442f8ebe1eb9ea46f3df84 (MD5) / A pesquisa em comunicação encontra na atualidade um contexto de discussões em torno de reformulação dos dispositivos regulatórios da radiofusão no Brasil, com a participação de diversas esferas que, com frequencia, apresentam perspectivas conflitantes. Nota-se a necessidade de referência para orientar o avanço do processo., Como objetivo, este estudo em nível de mestrado revisa a literatura científica especializada sobre as experiências internacionais bem-sucedidas na área, a fim de reunir conhecimentos relevantes para o esclarecimento de questões controversas em relação ao exercício do jornalismo. Como resultado, foram caracterizados fatores políticos e institucionais de regulação e autorregulação de mídia no Brasil neste período e políticas públicas de regulação e autorregulação do setor de radiodifusão vigentes na União Europeia e na América Latina. Em particular, foram organizados conhecimentos e informações sobre os seguintes princípios editoriais praticados em diversas configurações de radiodifusão no mundo: 1) precisão de apuração jornalística; 2) pluralidade e diversidade de opinião; 3) respeito às fontes; 4) cobertura jornalística de políticas públicas; e 5) prestação de contas e transparência na relação com o público / The communication research is nowadays a context of discussions on revising the regulatory devices broadcasting in Brazil with the participation of several spheres that often have conflicting perspectives. Note the need for referrals to guide the advancement of the process. Objective, this study at Master level reviews the scientific literature on the succesful international experiences in the field, in order to gather relevant knowledge to clarify controversial issues regarding the practice of journalism. As a result, were characterization political and institutional factors of regulation self-regulation of media in Brazil during this period and public policies of regulation and self-regulation of the broadcasting sector in force in the European Union and Latin America. In particular, were organized knowledge and information on the following editorial principles practiced in various setting in the broadcasting world: 1) determination of journalistic accuracy; 2) plurality and diversity of opinion; 3) toward sources; 4) coverage of public policies; and 5) accountability and transparency in the relationship with the public
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