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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of caesium uptake by higher plants

Broadley, Martin Roger January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Marine chemistry tracer applications of radiocaesium

McKay, W. A. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Tracer applications of Sellafield radioactivity in British west coastal waters

Economides, B. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the accumulation of radiocaesium by plants

Dupré de Boulois, Hervé 11 January 2007 (has links)
Numerous soils have been contaminated by radiocaesium (Cs) as a result of nuclear weapon testing and accidents at nuclear power-plant facilities. Management of the areas, which have been exposed to either intense or diffuse Cs pollution, has therefore become a major environmental concern. Strategies orientated toward the use of plants and microorganisms, or both in combination, have been proposed in the recent years as potential players in removing or stabilizing Cs in contaminated soils. Among these microorganisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are of particular interest due to their unique position at the soil/root interface and their recognized role in element transport and immobilization. In the recent years, contradictory results have been published on the impact of AM fungi on Cs accumulation by plants, failing to ascertain whether AM fungi could effectively transport this radionuclide to their host. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine the role of AM fungi in plant Cs acquisition and accumulation. Using in vitro compartmented systems, we unambiguously demonstrated that AM fungi could transport Cs to their host, while its accumulation within the extraradical mycelium was rather limited. Our results also suggested that AM fungi could have an effect on Cs distribution within their host. Indeed, it appeared that AM fungi could potentially limit the translocation of Cs from roots to shoot. However, if the results obtained during this research project have shown that AM fungi could influence the acquisition and accumulation of Cs by plants, their capacity to take part in phytoremediation strategies remains questionable and would need additional investigations. In particular, attention should be focused on the mechanisms behind Cs transport by AM fungi, their influence on Cs root to shoot translocation and the subsequent validation of the findings obtained to in situ conditions.

Uppfångning och kvarhållning av 134Cs och 85Sr i olika växtutvecklingsstadier / Interception and retention of 134Cs and 85Sr at different growth stages

Mårtensson, Anna-Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Emissions of radionuclides to the atmosphere can lead to wet deposition on plants in theevent of rainfall. An increased level of radioactivity in the plants may occur due tointerception and retention of the radionuclides. If the content of the plants is above thethreshold limit value, entire yields may have to be destroyed. In order to preventcontamination or decrease the content countermeasures can be taken. The impact of thebiomass, leaf area index (LAI) and growth stage of the plant on the interception andretention is important to know in order to decide which countermeasures to use.Weather may also be an important factor. In this work the interception and retention of 134Cs and 85Sr by spring wheat, ley andspring oil-seed rape was studied. The impact of the biomass, LAI and growth stage ofthe plant and precipitation after deposition was also studied. The work was conducted asa field study with plots of the size 1 x 1 m. The plants were wet deposited with 134Cs and 85Sr by using a rain simulator. A total activity of 40 kBq/m2 for both radionuclideswas deposited on each plot. Depositions were performed during four different growthstages and the plants were sampled approximately four hours, one and five days afterdeposition. Activities of the dried plant samples were measured with a High PurityGermanium (HPGe) detector. Finally the interception fraction and the retention factorwere calculated. The study showed that the interception fraction was highest for the third growth stagefor both wheat and oil-seed rape; dough ripeness for wheat and ripening for oil-seedrape. Ley, which was harvested after two depositions, had the highest interceptionfraction at the second growth stage, flowering. Oil-seed rape and ley seemed to have aslightly higher interception fraction for 85Sr at all growth stages. There was a positiverelationship for the biomass and interception fraction, for the LAI and interceptionfraction the relationship wasn’t significant. The retention showed a weak trend ofdecreasing with time, with the decrease being largest during the first day after theinterception. However, the standard deviation was large and consequently the values uncertain. / Utsläpp av radionuklider till atmosfären kan genom regn leda till att de våtdeponeras påväxter. Radionukliderna kan då fångas upp av växterna och hållas kvar vilket kanresultera i förhöjda halter av radioaktivitet hos växterna. Om detta leder till attgränsvärden överskrids kan kassering av växter som används vid livsmedelsproduktionvara nödvändig. Motåtgärder kan vidtas för att undvika kontaminering eller minskahalterna. För att veta vilka motåtgärder som ska användas är det viktigt att veta hurväxtens biomassa, bladyteindex (LAI), utvecklingsstadium samt väderförhållandenpåverkar uppfångningen och kvarhållningen. I detta arbete undersöktes uppfångningen och kvarhållningen av 134Cs och 85Sr hosvårvete, vall och vårraps. Inverkan av växtens biomassa, LAI och utvecklingsstadiumsamt nederbörd efter deponering undersöktes också. Arbetet genomfördes som ettfältförsök med försöksrutor med storleken 1 x 1 m. Växterna våtdeponerades med 134Csoch 85Sr med hjälp av en regnsimulator. En total aktivitet på 40 kBq/m2 för bådaradionukliderna deponerades per försöksruta. Deponeringar skedde under fyra olikaväxtutvecklingsstadier och växtprover togs ungefär fyra timmar efter deponering samtett och fem dygn senare. Aktiviteten hos de torkade växtproverna mättes med en HighPurity Germanium (HPGe) detektor. Därefter beräknades uppfångningsfraktioner ochkvarhållningsfaktorer. Försöket visade att uppfångningsfraktionen var störst vid det tredjeväxtutvecklingsstadiet för både vete och raps; degmognad för vete och fröutveckling förraps. Vallen, som slogs av efter två deponeringar, uppvisade störst uppfångningsfraktionvid andra växtutvecklingsstadiet, blomning. Hos raps och vall verkadeuppfångningsfraktionen för 85Sr vara något högre vid samtliga växtutvecklingsstadier.För biomassan och uppfångningsfraktionen fanns ett positivt samband, för LAI ochuppfångningsfraktionen var sambandet inte signifikant. Kvarhållningen visade en svagtrend att minska med tiden, minskningen var störst under det första dygnet efteruppfångningen. Dock var standardavvikelsen stor och värden därmed osäkra.

Pasyviųjų priemaišų pernašos ypatumai Baltijos jūros Lietuvos priekrantėje / Passive admixture transfer peculiarity at the Lithuanian coast of the Baltic Sea

Daunaravičienė, Asta 21 January 2008 (has links)
Pasyviųjų priemaišų jūrinėje aplinkoje įvertinimas ypač svarbus gamtosauginiu aspektu. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas Baltijos jūros ekologinei būklei, kurią lemia jūros dubens ypatybės, silpnas ryšys su Pasauliniu vandenynu, klimatinės ir hidrometeorologinės sąlygos. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais jūros baseine didėja antropogeninės kilmės teršalų kiekis. Branduolinės fizikos ir technikos plėtra neišvengiamai sukelia technogeninės kilmės radionuklidų patekimą į jūrinę aplinką. Daug dėmesio skiriama 137Cs radionuklidui, nes iki šiol jūros vandens tyrimai rodo aukštas šio radionuklido tūrinio aktyvumo reikšmes. Be to, 137Cs radionuklidas geras indikatorius, tiriant kitų pasyviųjų priemaišų migraciją Baltijos jūros vandenyje. Daug mokslininkų nagrinėja problemas, susijusias su technogeninės kilmės radionuklidų kiekiais, jų sklaida ir poveikiu jūrinei aplinkai. Tačiau darbų, kuriuose būtų nagrinėjama radionuklidų tūrinių aktyvumų pokyčių bei pernašos Baltijos jūros priekrantės vandenyje problema, praktiškai nėra. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame darbe nustatytas 137Cs radionuklido tūrinis aktyvumas Baltijos jūros Lietuvos priekrantės paviršiniame vandenyje bei įvertinti hidrometeorologiniai parametrai. 137Cs radionuklido tūrinis aktyvumas Baltijos jūros vandenyje nėra pastovus, todėl aktualu parinkti tinkamus nustatymo metodus ir vertinti jo pokyčių tendencijas. Įvertinus radiocezio tūrinio aktyvumo pokyčius priekrantės vandenyje, galima modeliuoti ir prognozuoti taršos šaltinio atsiradimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The evaluation of the passive admixture transfer in the marine environment is very significant from the point of view of environmental protection. A particular attention is devoted to the Baltic Sea ecological state, which is strongly influenced by the peculiarities of the sea bottom, weak connection with the World Ocean, climatic and hydrometeorological conditions. During the recent decades, the tendency of increment of the amount of anthropogenic pollutants is observed. The development of nuclear energetics and technology inevitably causes the spread of radionuclides of technical origin in the marine environment. The major attention is paid to the investigation of the radionuclide 137Cs distribution, since the investigations show the high values of the volumetric activity of this radionuclide to be present in the sea water thus far. Besides that, 137Cs radionuclide can be used as a tracer in investigations of the migration of other passive admixtures in the Baltic Sea water. Quite a number of scientists research the problems related with the amounts of the radionuclide of technical origin, their spread and impact on the marine environment. However, the works considering a problem of the variations of volumetric activity of radionuclides and their transfer in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea practically are not encountered. Considering that, the volumetric activity of radionuclide 137Cs in the coastal surface waters of the Lithuanian territorial zone of the Baltic Sea... [to full text]

Passive admixture transfer peculiarity at the Lithuanian coast of the Baltic Sea / Pasyviųjų priemaišų pernašos ypatumai Baltijos jūros Lietuvos priekrantėje

Daunaravičienė, Asta 21 January 2008 (has links)
The evaluation of the passive admixture transfer in the marine environment is very significant from the point of view of environmental protection. A particular attention is devoted to the Baltic Sea ecological state, which is strongly influenced by the peculiarities of the sea bottom, weak connection with the World Ocean, climatic and hydrometeorological conditions. During the recent decades, the tendency of increment of the amount of anthropogenic pollutants is observed. The development of nuclear energetics and technology inevitably causes the spread of radionuclides of technical origin in the marine environment. The major attention is paid to the investigation of the radionuclide 137Cs distribution, since the investigations show the high values of the volumetric activity of this radionuclide to be present in the sea water thus far. Besides that, 137Cs radionuclide can be used as a tracer in investigations of the migration of other passive admixtures in the Baltic Sea water. Quite a number of scientists research the problems related with the amounts of the radionuclide of technical origin, their spread and impact on the marine environment. However, the works considering a problem of the variations of volumetric activity of radionuclides and their transfer in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea practically are not encountered. Considering that, the volumetric activity of radionuclide 137Cs in the coastal surface waters of the Lithuanian territorial zone of the Baltic Sea... [to full text] / Pasyviųjų priemaišų jūrinėje aplinkoje įvertinimas ypač svarbus gamtosauginiu aspektu. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas Baltijos jūros ekologinei būklei, kurią lemia jūros dubens ypatybės, silpnas ryšys su Pasauliniu vandenynu, klimatinės ir hidrometeorologinės sąlygos. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais jūros baseine didėja antropogeninės kilmės teršalų kiekis. Branduolinės fizikos ir technikos plėtra neišvengiamai sukelia technogeninės kilmės radionuklidų patekimą į jūrinę aplinką. Daug dėmesio skiriama 137Cs radionuklidui, nes iki šiol jūros vandens tyrimai rodo aukštas šio radionuklido tūrinio aktyvumo reikšmes. Be to, 137Cs radionuklidas geras indikatorius, tiriant kitų pasyviųjų priemaišų migraciją Baltijos jūros vandenyje. Daug mokslininkų nagrinėja problemas, susijusias su technogeninės kilmės radionuklidų kiekiais, jų sklaida ir poveikiu jūrinei aplinkai. Tačiau darbų, kuriuose būtų nagrinėjama radionuklidų tūrinių aktyvumų pokyčių bei pernašos Baltijos jūros priekrantės vandenyje problema, praktiškai nėra. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame darbe nustatytas 137Cs radionuklido tūrinis aktyvumas Baltijos jūros Lietuvos priekrantės paviršiniame vandenyje bei įvertinti hidrometeorologiniai parametrai. 137Cs radionuklido tūrinis aktyvumas Baltijos jūros vandenyje nėra pastovus, todėl aktualu parinkti tinkamus nustatymo metodus ir vertinti jo pokyčių tendencijas. Įvertinus radiocezio tūrinio aktyvumo pokyčius priekrantės vandenyje, galima modeliuoti ir prognozuoti taršos šaltinio atsiradimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Nejvýznamnější radionuklidy při havárii jaderné elektrárny, zkušenosti z Černobylu / The most considerable of radionuclides at the accident of the nuclear power station, the experience of Chernobyl

HORÁKOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2007 (has links)
At the nuclear power plant accident, the radionuclides with very short half-life come to enviroment, they decay the period from several second to several months. On the other sides come to enviroment radionuclides with long half-life. Their radionuclides occur in surrounding of the power plant for hundreds of years before they decay totally. Immediately after a nuclear power plant accident, radioiodine represents the most severe health hazard for population. Because it is a radionuclide with short half-life, it causes the danger during first months after the accident. Its health hazard lies in the fact, that it gets to food chains and irradiates a man, who consumed contaminated water and food. Radiocaesium and radiostrontiom are the next important radionuclides. They have long half-lifes, it means that will decay after hundred years after the accident and they endanger population a long time after the accident yet.

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