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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radiographically recognizable? An investigation into the appearance of osteomalacic pseudofractures

Jennings, E., Buckberry, Jo, Brickley, M.B. 07 November 2019 (has links)
Yes / Pseudofractures, lucent bands that occur due to a build-up of osteoid, are a key feature of osteomalacia. In paleopathology, pseudofractures are often marked by small, linear cracks in the cortex of the bone surrounded by irregular, bony spicule formation. Radiography can be used to help diagnose pseudofractures, both clinically and in paleopathology. A detailed understanding of the radiographic appearance of pseudofractures and their development is, therefore, necessary to aid a diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency. The present study examined the clinical literature to determine current ideas on the appearance of pseudofractures with the aim of applying this knowledge to paleopathology. A radiographic study of the characteristics of pseudofractures was performed on five individuals with clear skeletal features of osteomalacia from archaeological sites in Canada and the United Kingdom dating to the medieval period (5th to 15th centuries) and the 18th to 19th century. Results show that the radiographic appearance of pseudofractures could potentially reveal information about the cause of the deficiency and the chronicity of pseudofractures. This type of information has the potential to further our understanding of the lived experiences of archaeological individuals with osteomalacia. / The equipment used at McMaster University was provided by the Canada Foundation for Innovation John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI-JELF), Ontario Research Fund Research Infrastructure (ORF-RI) and Institutional Support from McMaster University (#29497). Financial support was also provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC CGS-M). This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program.

"Making it work in the face of extreme adversity" - Exploring perceptions for the future of the imaging and oncology workforce using 'soundbite' interviews

Harcus, James, Ferrari, Gina, Berry, Erin, Cadogan, Edward, McNally, Ciara, Bardwell, Ash, Singh, N., Becj, Jamie J.W. 18 October 2024 (has links)
Yes / Background: Public demand and scrutiny, an aging population, inefficient funding and the legacy of Covid-19 are just some of the challenges the United Kingdom's health service faces. In imaging and oncology, there has been an exponential growth in service need against a workforce which is struggling to recruit and retain. This project aims to explore what the current, and future, workforce perceive the main opportunities and solutions, threats and risks are. Method: Very short structured ‘soundbite’ interviews were employed to capture brief opinions or ‘snippets’ of dialogue. Participants recruited at a large imaging and oncology congress were asked what they considered the most significant opportunity/solution and threat/risk related to the future workforce. Descriptive and content analysis was undertaken to provide evaluation of role, regions, and frequency of themes. Results: 88 ‘soundbite’ interviews were undertaken lasting between 30 s and 4 min in length. The most common themes relating to opportunities/solutions considered education and students, workforce development and skill mix, and the use of technology. The most common threats/risks were identified as a lack of support for the workforce, recruitment and retention, national strategic issues, and barriers to workforce development. Conclusion: The current workforce perceives a greater number of threats/risks for the future than potential opportunities/solutions. In particular, burnout and staff attrition were the most frequent perceptions of risk, though role development was often highlighted as the biggest opportunity. Interestingly AI and technology were frequently considered both opportunity and threat. Implications for practice This study highlights that a lot needs to be done to support our future workforce and make best use of the potential opportunities and solutions.

Patient Centred Care & Considerations

Hyde, E., Hardy, Maryann L. 17 June 2021 (has links)

The evaluation of normal radiographic measurements of the lumbar spine in young to middle aged Indian females in Durban

Naidoo, Melanee January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Durban University of Technology, 2008 / To evaluate the lumbar lordosis, lumbosacral angle, lumbosacral disc angle, lumbosacral lordosis angle, intervertebral disc angles and heights, interpedicular distances, sagittal canal diameters and the lumbar gravity line (selected radiographic parameters) in young to middle aged Indian females in Durban. To determine any association between the selected radiographic parameters and the age of the subjects, weight, height and body mass index of the subjects, occupation, smoking, previous pregnancy and leg length inequality (selected anthropometric and demographic factors). Methods: Sixty healthy, asymptomatic, young to middle aged, Indian females were recruited for this study. All subjects underwent a case history, a physical examination and radiographic evaluation (AP and lateral views) of the lumbar spine. SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill, USA) was used to analyze the data. Results: The mean (± SD) of the lumbar lordosis, lumbosacral angle, lumbosacral disc angle and lumbosacral lordosis angle was 49º (± 6º), 39º (± 8º), 12º (± 5º) and 143.2º (± 5º) respectively. For the lumbar intervertebral disc angles at L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5- S1 levels, the mean (± SD) was 6º (± 2º), 8º (± 2º), 10º (± 3º), 12º (± 4º) and 12º (± 5º) respectively. The anterior and posterior intervertebral disc heights at the respective vertebral levels were: L1-L2: anterior: 8 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L2-L3: anterior: 10 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L3-L4: anterior: 12 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L4-L5: anterior: 14 mm (± 3), posterior 5 mm (± 2) and L5-S1: anterior: 13 mm (± 4), posterior 6 mm (± 2). The mean (± SD) of the interpedicular distance at the L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 vertebral levels was 23 mm (± 2), 24 mm (± 2), 25 mm (± 2), 27 mm (± 2) and 31 mm (± 3) respectively. For the sagittal canal diameter at the L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 vertebral levels, the mean (± SD) was 20 mm (± 5), 21 mm (± 3), 21 mm (± 3), 21 mm (± 3) and 19 mm (± 3) respectively. The lumbar gravity line intersected the sacrum in 67.3% of the subjects. In 29.1% of the subjects, the lumbar gravity line passed anterior to the sacrum while in 3.6% of the subjects, it passed posterior to the sacrum. iv A significant association was found between lumbar lordosis and the height of the subjects in this study (p = 0.004). A decrease in the intervertebral disc height at L5-S1 was associated with smoking (p = 0.005). A decrease in the intervertebral disc height at L4-L5 was associated with previous pregnancy (p = 0.016). Body mass index of 26–30 kg.m-2 was significantly associated with an increase in the intervertebral disc angles at L3-L4 (p = 0.028) and L4-L5 (p = 0.031). A decrease in the L5-S1 intervertebral disc angle was also significantly associated with smoking (p = 0.023). There was a significant association between previous pregnancy and an increase in the intervertebral disc angle at L3-L4 (p = 0.016). A significant association was found between the age of the subjects and the L5-S1 intervertebral disc angle (p = 0.007). Specifically it was the 23–27 year group and 33–37 year group who were significantly different from each other (p = 0.033). Conclusion: Similarities and differences were found in the mean values of the radiographic parameters measured in this study and those reported in the literature. A number of the selected anthropometric and demographic factors were associated with some of the lumbar radiographic parameters. Further studies are required to establish the clinical significance of these findings.

Influência de diferentes meios de digitalização de radiografias na avalição de cáries proximais / Comparative performance of indirect digitized radiographs for detecting approximal caries

Xavier, Claudio Roberto Gaião 26 October 2007 (has links)
Avaliar a influência no diagnóstico de cáries proximais das imagens geradas por dois escâneres e quatro máquinas fotográficas digitais, em formato JPEG e TIFF, e comparar o desempenho destes equipamentos ao das radiografias convencionais em relação à presença e profundidade de lesões de cárie proximais. 56 dentes extraídos foram radiografados com filme Kodak Insight em um aparelho de raios X Yoshida Kaycor, operando com 70kv e 7mA, com tempo de exposição de 0,40s. As radiografias resultantes foram digitalizadas pelos escaneres CanonScan e Genius ColorPage, e máquinas fotográficas digitais Canon Powershot G2, Canon RebelXT, Nikon Coolpix 8700 e Nikon D70s, nos formatos JPEG e TIFF. As radiografias convencionais e as imagens digitais obtidas foram avaliadas por três examinadores em duas sessões de observação. Classificaram a presença de acordo com uma escala de três níveis e a profundidade de acordo com uma escala de três níveis, quando julgassem que havia lesão. Os dentes foram seccionados no sentido mésiodistal e observados ao microscópio em luz polarizada com aumento de 10x, para a verificação da presença e profundidade da lesão de cárie. Foram determinados concordância intra e interexaminadores, probabilidade de não diagnóstico, sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia para cada equipamento, em ambos os formatos, e para as radiografias convencionais. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância a dois critérios, demonstrando que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os formatos. A concordância intraexaminadores foi de moderada a satisfatória, e a interexaminadores de regular a moderada. A probabilidade de não diagnóstico variou de 1,34% (Convencional) a 52,83% (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). A sensibilidade variou de 0,24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) a 0,53 (Convencional), a especificidade de 0,93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG; Canon Powershot/TIFF; Cânon RebelXT/JPEG e TIFF) a 0,97 (Escaner CanonScan/TIFF e JPEG), e a acurácia variou de 0,82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) a 0,91 (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). O teste de proporções indicou diferenças estatisticamente significantes para o Escaner CanonScan, para ambos os formatos, quando comparado aos demais equipamentos e à radiografia convencional. Foi possível concluir que os formatos não influenciaram o desempenho no diagnóstico de cárie para qualquer equipamento usado. O Escaner CanonScan apresentou o pior desempenho e não se mostrou adequado para digitalização de radiografias para o diagnóstico de lesões de cárie. / To evaluate the performance of conventional and indirect digital radiography and the effect of JPEG and TIFF file formats for detecting proximal surface caries. Fifty-six extracted teeth were mounted in blocks and radiographed with Insight conventional film. Films were digitized by two flatbed scanners (Canon CanonScan and Genius ColorScan) and four digital cameras (Canon Powershot G2, Canon Rebel XT, Nikon Coolpix 8700 and Nikon D70), in both JPEG and TIFF file formats. Three observers recorded the presence and depth of caries on 112 proximal surfaces for the conventional and digitized radiographs. They scored lesion presence in a 3-point confidence scale and depth on another 3-point scale. Radiographs were evaluated twice. The observer\'s scores were compared with the results from a histological examination. Intra-observer agreement was moderate to good and interobserver agreement was fair to moderate. Sensitivities varied from 0.24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.53 (Convencional) and specificities from 0.93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG; Canon Powershot/TIFF; Canon RebelXT/JPEG e TIFF) to 0.97 (Escaner CanonScan/TIFF e JPEG). The accuracy varied from 0.82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.91 (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). Images from CanonScan, both JPEG and TIFF, showed significant statistically differences compared with digital radiographs from the others devices and conventional film radiographs. File formats did not influences the detection of proximal caries. Digitizing conventional radiographs using the scanner CanonScan did not produce images of diagnostic quality.

The evaluation of normal radiographic measurements of the lumbar spine in young to middle aged Indian females in Durban

Naidoo, Melanee January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Durban University of Technology, 2008 / To evaluate the lumbar lordosis, lumbosacral angle, lumbosacral disc angle, lumbosacral lordosis angle, intervertebral disc angles and heights, interpedicular distances, sagittal canal diameters and the lumbar gravity line (selected radiographic parameters) in young to middle aged Indian females in Durban. To determine any association between the selected radiographic parameters and the age of the subjects, weight, height and body mass index of the subjects, occupation, smoking, previous pregnancy and leg length inequality (selected anthropometric and demographic factors). Methods: Sixty healthy, asymptomatic, young to middle aged, Indian females were recruited for this study. All subjects underwent a case history, a physical examination and radiographic evaluation (AP and lateral views) of the lumbar spine. SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill, USA) was used to analyze the data. Results: The mean (± SD) of the lumbar lordosis, lumbosacral angle, lumbosacral disc angle and lumbosacral lordosis angle was 49º (± 6º), 39º (± 8º), 12º (± 5º) and 143.2º (± 5º) respectively. For the lumbar intervertebral disc angles at L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5- S1 levels, the mean (± SD) was 6º (± 2º), 8º (± 2º), 10º (± 3º), 12º (± 4º) and 12º (± 5º) respectively. The anterior and posterior intervertebral disc heights at the respective vertebral levels were: L1-L2: anterior: 8 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L2-L3: anterior: 10 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L3-L4: anterior: 12 mm (± 2), posterior 5 mm (± 2); L4-L5: anterior: 14 mm (± 3), posterior 5 mm (± 2) and L5-S1: anterior: 13 mm (± 4), posterior 6 mm (± 2). The mean (± SD) of the interpedicular distance at the L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 vertebral levels was 23 mm (± 2), 24 mm (± 2), 25 mm (± 2), 27 mm (± 2) and 31 mm (± 3) respectively. For the sagittal canal diameter at the L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 vertebral levels, the mean (± SD) was 20 mm (± 5), 21 mm (± 3), 21 mm (± 3), 21 mm (± 3) and 19 mm (± 3) respectively. The lumbar gravity line intersected the sacrum in 67.3% of the subjects. In 29.1% of the subjects, the lumbar gravity line passed anterior to the sacrum while in 3.6% of the subjects, it passed posterior to the sacrum. iv A significant association was found between lumbar lordosis and the height of the subjects in this study (p = 0.004). A decrease in the intervertebral disc height at L5-S1 was associated with smoking (p = 0.005). A decrease in the intervertebral disc height at L4-L5 was associated with previous pregnancy (p = 0.016). Body mass index of 26–30 kg.m-2 was significantly associated with an increase in the intervertebral disc angles at L3-L4 (p = 0.028) and L4-L5 (p = 0.031). A decrease in the L5-S1 intervertebral disc angle was also significantly associated with smoking (p = 0.023). There was a significant association between previous pregnancy and an increase in the intervertebral disc angle at L3-L4 (p = 0.016). A significant association was found between the age of the subjects and the L5-S1 intervertebral disc angle (p = 0.007). Specifically it was the 23–27 year group and 33–37 year group who were significantly different from each other (p = 0.033). Conclusion: Similarities and differences were found in the mean values of the radiographic parameters measured in this study and those reported in the literature. A number of the selected anthropometric and demographic factors were associated with some of the lumbar radiographic parameters. Further studies are required to establish the clinical significance of these findings.

Calibration of ionization chambers for measuring air kerma integrated over beam area in diagnostic radiology : factors influencing the uncertainty in calibration coefficients /

Larsson, Peter, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Influência de diferentes meios de digitalização de radiografias na avalição de cáries proximais / Comparative performance of indirect digitized radiographs for detecting approximal caries

Claudio Roberto Gaião Xavier 26 October 2007 (has links)
Avaliar a influência no diagnóstico de cáries proximais das imagens geradas por dois escâneres e quatro máquinas fotográficas digitais, em formato JPEG e TIFF, e comparar o desempenho destes equipamentos ao das radiografias convencionais em relação à presença e profundidade de lesões de cárie proximais. 56 dentes extraídos foram radiografados com filme Kodak Insight em um aparelho de raios X Yoshida Kaycor, operando com 70kv e 7mA, com tempo de exposição de 0,40s. As radiografias resultantes foram digitalizadas pelos escaneres CanonScan e Genius ColorPage, e máquinas fotográficas digitais Canon Powershot G2, Canon RebelXT, Nikon Coolpix 8700 e Nikon D70s, nos formatos JPEG e TIFF. As radiografias convencionais e as imagens digitais obtidas foram avaliadas por três examinadores em duas sessões de observação. Classificaram a presença de acordo com uma escala de três níveis e a profundidade de acordo com uma escala de três níveis, quando julgassem que havia lesão. Os dentes foram seccionados no sentido mésiodistal e observados ao microscópio em luz polarizada com aumento de 10x, para a verificação da presença e profundidade da lesão de cárie. Foram determinados concordância intra e interexaminadores, probabilidade de não diagnóstico, sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia para cada equipamento, em ambos os formatos, e para as radiografias convencionais. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância a dois critérios, demonstrando que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os formatos. A concordância intraexaminadores foi de moderada a satisfatória, e a interexaminadores de regular a moderada. A probabilidade de não diagnóstico variou de 1,34% (Convencional) a 52,83% (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). A sensibilidade variou de 0,24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) a 0,53 (Convencional), a especificidade de 0,93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG; Canon Powershot/TIFF; Cânon RebelXT/JPEG e TIFF) a 0,97 (Escaner CanonScan/TIFF e JPEG), e a acurácia variou de 0,82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) a 0,91 (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). O teste de proporções indicou diferenças estatisticamente significantes para o Escaner CanonScan, para ambos os formatos, quando comparado aos demais equipamentos e à radiografia convencional. Foi possível concluir que os formatos não influenciaram o desempenho no diagnóstico de cárie para qualquer equipamento usado. O Escaner CanonScan apresentou o pior desempenho e não se mostrou adequado para digitalização de radiografias para o diagnóstico de lesões de cárie. / To evaluate the performance of conventional and indirect digital radiography and the effect of JPEG and TIFF file formats for detecting proximal surface caries. Fifty-six extracted teeth were mounted in blocks and radiographed with Insight conventional film. Films were digitized by two flatbed scanners (Canon CanonScan and Genius ColorScan) and four digital cameras (Canon Powershot G2, Canon Rebel XT, Nikon Coolpix 8700 and Nikon D70), in both JPEG and TIFF file formats. Three observers recorded the presence and depth of caries on 112 proximal surfaces for the conventional and digitized radiographs. They scored lesion presence in a 3-point confidence scale and depth on another 3-point scale. Radiographs were evaluated twice. The observer\'s scores were compared with the results from a histological examination. Intra-observer agreement was moderate to good and interobserver agreement was fair to moderate. Sensitivities varied from 0.24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.53 (Convencional) and specificities from 0.93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG; Canon Powershot/TIFF; Canon RebelXT/JPEG e TIFF) to 0.97 (Escaner CanonScan/TIFF e JPEG). The accuracy varied from 0.82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.91 (Escaner CanonScan/JPEG). Images from CanonScan, both JPEG and TIFF, showed significant statistically differences compared with digital radiographs from the others devices and conventional film radiographs. File formats did not influences the detection of proximal caries. Digitizing conventional radiographs using the scanner CanonScan did not produce images of diagnostic quality.

Avaliação de tres metodos radiograficos - periapical, panoramico e sistema digital - no diagnostico de lesões apicais produzidas artificialmente

Santos, Julio Cesar Bento dos 06 February 1999 (has links)
Orientador: Solange Maria Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T12:46:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_JulioCesarBentodos_M.pdf: 7612034 bytes, checksum: 606a68f5cabb358d723b7501b7c58c5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 1999 / Resumo: O presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar três métodos radiográficos, radiografia periapical, radiografia panorâmica e sistema digital, no diagnóstico de lesões apicais produzidas artificialmente em mandíbulas maceradas. E se o tamanho das lesões interferem no diagnóstico radiográfico. Para tanto, as lesões apicais foram produzidas utilizando-se brocas esféricas com diâmetros diferentes, permitindo assim que o diâmetro das lesões sofresse alteração em tamanho conforme a broca utilizada. Assim, o estudo foi dividido em 04 fases: fase inicial ou 1, caracterizada pela ausência de lesão; fase 2, caracterizada pela lesão produzida com a broca 6 com medida da ponta ativa de 1,8mm; fase 3, caracterizada pela lesão produzida com a broca 8 com medida da ponta ativa de 2,3mm; fase 4, caracterizada pela lesão produzida com a broca 10 com medida da ponta ativa de 2,7mm; e fase cortical ou 5, quando a lesão atingia as corticais ósseas. Todas as fases foram, realizadas em 04 regiões da mandíbula: incisivo, canino, pré-molares e molares. As radiografias foram obtidas após cada fase e, posteriormente, foram analisadas por 04 radiologistas. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante na fase broca 6 (R) nos incisivos a favor do sistema digital. O mesmo ocorreu na fase cortical (LI) na região de pré-molares. Na região dos molares houve uma diferença etatisticamente significante na fase broca 10 (D) para a radiografia panorâmica e na fase cortical esta técnica foi a menos eficaz. Nas demais fases e regiões não houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate three radiographys techniques: periapical radiography, panoramic and digital radiography, about diagnostic accuracy of artificially produced bony lesions in human jaw dry. The periapical diseases were done using burs numbers 6, 8 and 10 thus allowing the lesions diameter to incresing according to burs size. Therefore, the study was dividided in four phases: phase 1 without periapical disease, phase 2 periapical disease made by bur number 6, phase 3 periapical disease made by bur number 8, phase 4 periapical disease made by bur number 10 and phase 5 periapical disease touchs junction area of the cortex. The phases were in four regions in the jaw, anterior, canine, premolar and molar. The radiographies were evaluated by four oral radiologists observers. The results showed that in the anterior region there was a significant statistically difference only at phase 2, that is the lesion was produced with bur 6, the digital radiography was more successfull and it was also observed in the premolar region in the cortical phase. In the molar region there was a false true result during the inicial phase, without lesion. During phase 4 (burn 10 ) and cortical phase there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the panoramic radiography / Mestrado / Radiologia / Mestre em Odontologia

Effect of exposure charts on reject rate of extremity radiographs

Kalondo, Luzanne January 2010 (has links)
This study discusses reject film analyses (RFAs) before and after the implementation of a quality improvement intervention. RFAs were undertaken to investigate the effect of the introduction and use of exposure charts (ECs) on department and student reject rates of extremity radiographs. Methods: A quantitative comparative pre and post-treatment research design was used. Data was collected from the x-ray departments of two training hospitals in Windhoek, Namibia over a five month period. A retrospective RFA was conducted to determine the department and student reject rates for both departments before intervention. Emphasis was placed on exposure related reject films. ECs were compiled and introduced at Katutura State Hospital (venue B) by the researcher. The students were instructed to use these charts. At Windhoek Central Hospital (venue A) no ECs were used. A prospective RFA was conducted to establish department and student reject rates at both hospitals after the intervention at venue B. Results: During the retrospective phase the department reject rate for venue A was 21 percent while the student reject rate was 23 percent. At venue B 24 percent and 26 percent were scored respectively. Students at venue A produced rejected radiographs due to overexposure (49 percent) and underexposure (23 percent), whilst 37 percent was recorded for both causes at venue B. At venue A, 35 percent of films were rejected due to incorrect mAs selection, at venue B the figure was 42 percent. Undiagnostic radiographs due to inaccurate kV selection comprised 62 percent for venue A and 59 percent for venue B. During the prospective phase the department reject rate for venue A was 20 percent and that of the students was 19 percent. For venue B 12 percent and 11 percent were scored respectively. At venue A radiographs rejected due to over and underexposure were 43 percent and 33 percent respectively while those at venue B were 33 percent and 34 percent. Incorrect mAs selection caused 33 percent of discarded films at venue A and 38 percent at venue B. The figures for inaccurate kV selection were 68 percent and 62 percent for venues A and B. Conclusions: The introduction and use of ECs lowered the student reject rate at venue B in the prospective phase.

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