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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Purchasing governance and control for the Rand Afrikaans University.

Voogt, Thea Louisa 06 May 2008 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif is in twee dele verdeel. Die doel van hierdie proefskrif is die bestudering van aankope beheer en die daarstelling van beheer oor die aankopefunksie van die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. Die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit bevind homself in ‘n maalkolk van verandering waarbinne die Regering ‘n belangrike rol speel in rigtinggewing en die beheer van hoëronderwysinstellings. Alhoewel die Regering nog nie betrokke geraak het by die mikro bestuur van hoëronderwysinstellings nie, het hierdie studie bewys gelewer dat daar wel gronde is vir groter inmenging in die finansiële bestuur van universiteite en technikons. Van die metodes wat die Regering kan gebruik om beter korporatiewe beheer e n finansiële bestuur te bewerkstellig is onder andere vinnige intervensie by die vind van wanadministrasie, ‘n duidelike definisie van die vertroue -verantwoordelikheidsposisie tussen hoëronderwysinstellings en die Regering, die toepassing van publieke -sektor finansiële wetgewing, sowel as korporatiewe beheerbeginsels wat spesifiek vir die publieke sektor geskryf is. Al hierdie stappe het ten doel om meer effektiewe finansiële beheer in hoëronderwysinstellings te vestig. Hierdie studie het bewys dat nie alle universiteite en technikons in die besonder goeie finansiële posisie is waarin die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit hom bevind nie. Ten einde net beter finansiële beheermaatreëls te vestig by die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit het hierdie proefskrif verder gegaan om in detail beheer daar te stel oor aankope. Die resultate van hierdie proefskrif sluit in die skryf van ‘n eenvormige aankopebeleid, prosedurehandleiding en standaard dokumente wat in die tender - en aankopeproses gebruik gaan word. Purchasing governance and control for the Rand Afrikaans University Die proefskrif sluit ook spesifieke reëls in ten opsigte van die toepassing van voorkeurverkrygingsbeginsels. Hierdie voorkeurbehandeling word toegespits op voorheen benadeeldes sowel as klein, medium, mikro en baie klein ondernemings. Die voorkeurbehandeling wat voorgestel word is in baie opsigte meer progressief as die reëls wat deur die Regering toegepas word en is ‘n refleksie van die wyer transformasie wat binne die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit plaasgevind het. Voorkeurbehandeling word egter net toegespits op tansaksies wat na die tenderkomitee verwys word. Opsigself is hierdie voorkeurbehandelingsmeganismes nie genoegsaam om blywende aankopehervorming aan die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit te weeg te bring nie. Die proefskrif maak dit duidelik dat daar normalisering moet kom in die besigheidsverhouding tussen die universiteit en verskaffers. Die metode wat voorgestel word om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is die daarstelling van ‘n omvattende goedgekeurde verskafferslys wat die demografie van die Suid-Afrikaans e samelewing weerspieël. Aangesien die beleid en prosedures wat in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel word tot ‘n groot mate afhanklik is van die mense wat die proses dryf, sluit deel A van die studie af met ‘n etiese kode vir aankopepersoneel. Deel B van die proefskrif sit die beleid, prosedures, reglemente en standaard dokumente uiteen wat ontwikkel is en wat inderdaad al ‘n geruime tyd in werking is by die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. / Dr. G. Els

Xenophobia in South Africa: the views, opinions and experiences of international students at the Rand Afrikaans University

Shindondola, Hilma Kupila 27 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / This study emerged out of the understanding that xenophobia has become a contentious issue in South Africa. International migrants have increasingly become victims of xenophobia at the hands of South African citizens. It was anchored by a commitment to shed some light on the nature of xenophobia in South Africa by examining the experiences of international students in Johannesburg. There is, indeed, evidence of some tension between a fraction of the South African population and international migrants from other African countries. In examining the experiences of international students and their views about xenophobia, the study concluded that the country’s segregated history was a contributing factor to the negative behaviour of citizens towards non-citizens. Although international students have the potential to strengthen both the development of South African institutions of higher learning and the economy at large, they are, instead sometimes regarded as being here to disrupt the social order. Even though all international students share the same sense of need to meet and get along with others in the new country, African students endure special difficulties. For, whatever unfortunate reasons, some universities seem not to be doing much to enlighten their local students about other African countries, cultures and histories. Students from elsewhere in Africa often find their South African classmates to be rather uninformed when it comes to appreciating their heritage. This lack of knowledge often sets the stage for xenophobic sentiments between the locals, international migrants in general, and international students in particular. / Prof. P. Alexander

Designing a management model for in-service teacher education : the RAU-INSET project

Steyl, Elize 17 August 2012 (has links)
D.Phil. / This research will focus on a description and exploration of the management principles, procedures and processes in a university-based, in-service training programme for unqualified practicing teachers in community schools in the Orange Farm area. It is aimed at the construction of a theoretical framework, illuminating the evolving management model in such a way that it could be conceptually transferred to similar organic training programmes. The conceptual framework, which will be constructed from a literature investigation, will be complemented and integrated with a problematised and interpretive documentation of the management structures as they evolved in the project. Main theory concepts that will be investigated are community education, inservice teacher education, educational management and adult education. The research report commences with an orientation to the study in which the groundedness of the design is presented and discussed. It includes a brief presentation of the researcher's presuppositions and assumptions as well as a - description of the context of the research. The main research question is of an open and ethnographic nature and states the problem as being the unknownness of management structures in organic community education programmes. The need for an ecologically or conceptually valid management model is expressed concisely in the literature on NGO education programmes. Management models that function successfully in formal education are assumed to fail in community programmes, which often reveal highly idiosyncratic characteristics. The literature study is presented subsequently. General management principles are explored and discussed. This is followed by a detailed discussion on educational management and its relation to general management. A discussion of the function of INSET and the management of change conclude this section. In the following section of the research report the design of the field research is discussed against the background of the paradigm of qualitative research, describing the case format as mode of exploratory descriptive research. The analysis of the written documentation as major research activity is emphasised. The data of the report are then presented in the format of examples and description of the various management activities in the programme. The final categories of data are emphasised with a view to support the construction of the envisaged management model. The report is concluded with the interpretation and validation of the data.

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