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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of Mould Opening and Closing Cam-Link Mechanism

Chen, Shih-han 20 January 2011 (has links)
Composed of a left mold and a right one, an open and close molding mechanism is widely used in various plastic industries. The aim of this study is to design cam-link mechanisms whose right mold motions can rapidly synchronize with their left mold motions so that the mechanisms have higher stiffness for reducing residual vibration. In structural design of a molding mechanism, the device is actuated by a planar cam mechanism. And a set of cam actuated links is synthesized to drive the left mold. Then, another set of links connected to one of the left mold links is used to synchronously actuate the right mold together with the left mold. This study first is to synthesize the B-Spline curves for the left mold motion. Subsequently, the linkage sizes are modified base on the mechanical advantages. Then, the motion curves of the right mold and the cam follower device can be analytically determined. And the rigid body dynamic behavior of the mechanism is analyzed. Finally, the geometry of the cam is analyzed and the size of the cam follower rollers are selected to achieve the longer life time at the working speeds. This research presents eight different design cases to investigate the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the molding mechanism. As a result, a case with improved kinematic and dynamic performance is selected.

Design of an Intermittent Gear Cam Mechanism

Huang, Chih-wei 06 August 2009 (has links)
Intermittent Mechanisms are widely used in automation equipment, including delivery, assembly, and indexing systems. The aim of this research is to set up a systematic design and analysis procedure of a conjugate intermittent gear cam mechanism. The output of a conjugate intermittent gear cam mechanism is the intermittent motion of sun gear, which has a dwell function in a working period. The intermittent of sun gear is the combination of carrier constant rotation and planet gear variable rotation that is influenced by the conjugate cam profiles. This research first is to set up the design and analysis procedure including applications of rational B-splines to synthesis of output intermittent motion curve and the ALM optimization method for motion tuning to meet specific demands. Secondly, for kinematic analysis, the rigid body transformation methos is used to determinate the conjugate cam profiles so that the geometric analysis can be performed. Then, the rigid body dynamic behavior of the mechanism is analyzed. Finally, to verify the usefulness and effectiveness of the developed procedure, it is conducted to design and analyze a real paper conveyor system of a die cutting and creasing machine. The research results obtained in this study have been applied in the industry due to its validation.

Design and Analysis of Cam-Link Mechanisms

Chen, Hsin-pao 16 July 2009 (has links)
The basic planar cam mechanisms and link mechanisms are widely used in industrial automatic machines. In determining the design method and design procedure for the cam-link mechanism, the basic kinematic synthesis and motion curve generation method require effective design procedure and optimization method to determine the kinematic structure of the mechanism and its kinematic performance clearly. In order to determine the result of the multi-objective optimization problem for the cam-link mechanism, the genetic algorithm is defined as the problem solver and begins this dissertation. By considering the influences of the parameters in the evolving procedure and by defining the conditions of the parameters and variables properly, the best solutions of the multi-objective optimization problem can then be solved successfully. By comparing the curves for the motion synthesis of the cam-link mechanism, the existing motion functions with their kinematic characteristics used in cam mechanisms are introduced and the rational B-spline motion function is proposed. By using the genetic algorithm to approximate the motion curves that is combined with trigonometric functions, the flexibility of the rational B-spline is demonstrated. Furthermore, to minimize different kinematic characteristics of the single-objective minimization problems, these problems are also searched by using rational B-splines with genetic algorithm for having better results. For synthesizing different structures of cam-link mechanisms, first of all is to derive the kinematics of the two planar link mechanisms and four planar cam mechanisms and then the genetic algorithm is used here to find out the minimal cam dimension with the limits of the motion curves, the pressure angles, and the radius of curvatures. Then, the kinematic synthesis problem of the function generation slider-crank mechanisms as the slider starts at the toggle position is discussed. Through the analysis finds out that when using the traditional motion functions with acceleration continuity to synthesize the slider motion, the angular acceleration of the crank cannot be continuous. To achieve the acceleration continuity of the crank motion, the curve that contains the fourth derivatives of the displacement with respect to time are set to be zeros can fulfill the continuity requirement. Then using the structural synthesis design procedure, by following the input and output relations of the link mechanisms and cam mechanisms with design constraints to select the proper structures of the mechanisms. To apply the cam-link mechanism in real application, a machine containing a slider-crank mechanism as toggle mechanism is introduced. Through the design constraints of space and motion limits to find out the possible mechanism structure and define the dimensions and then analyze the kinematics and kinetostatics of the machine. By using the genetic algorithm to solve the multi-objective optimization problem, the parameters of the rational B-spline are adjusted to have optimal kinematics and minimal kinetostatics to reduce the contact stress and to improve the fatigue life of the cam follower. Due to the existing problem of the slider-crank mechanism that contains discontinuous acceleration at the toggle position, to prove the correctness of the theoretical results, the experimental tests are measured and verified with the theoretical results in high similarity. The results show that when the slider motion curves begin at the toggle position with boundary motion constraints up to fourth or more than fourth derivatives of the displacement with respect to time that are set to be zeros, the angular accelerations of the cranks are continuous. In summary, this dissertation provides suggestions of the kinematic characteristics for the designer to design cam-link mechanisms that contain a slider-crank mechanism as the toggle mechanism and design methods for the synthesis, analysis and experimental test of the simple function generation cam-link mechanism.

Análisis de sistemas radiantes sobre geometrías arbitrarias definidas por superficies paramétricas

Saiz Ipiña, Juan Antonio 01 December 1995 (has links)
En esta tesis se presenta un método para analizar antenas montadas sobre estructuras arbitrarias. La Optica Geométrica (GO) y la Teoría Uniforme de la difraccion (UTD), han sidoempleadas para analizar los efectos que la estructura produce sobre el diagrama de radiación de la antena emisora. Para la descripción geométrica de la estructura, han sido utilizados parches NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline), por lo que el método presentado, es compatible con la mayoría de los programas gráficos disponibles en el mercado.EL tratamiento de geometrías arbitrarias requiere un código eficiente en el análisis de tres dimensiones.Por otro lado, para obtener resultados satisfactorios, la descripción de la superficie de la estructura, debe ser muy próxima al modelo real, sin embargo, esto complica el tratamiento computacional. Aquí la estructura es modelada mediante un conjunto de parches NURBS, que unidos entre sí, describen el modelo completo. Esta descripción permite manipular superficies arbitrarias con un bajo numero de parches, lo que significa un volumen de información reducido.La descripción inicial por NURBS del modelo, es acompañada con información complemetaria como por ejemplo: la tipología de las superficies, las curvas frontera, el tipo de material, etc. Esto es imprescindible para la aplicación de criterios de selección dedicados a la aceleración del proceso.El método tras leer la descripción del modelo, descompone los parches NURBS en superficies racionales de Bezier. Un parche de Bezier es también una superficie paramétrica definida en términos de una combinación lineal de los polinomios de Bernstein.Las antenas son modeladas usando modelos numéricos simples basados en agrupaciones de dipolos infinitesimales eléctricos y magnéticos. Esta caracterización de la antena es muyventajosa ya que con un numero reducido de datos de entrada, la fuente queda definida para cualquier dirección del espacio y el valor del campo radiado puede ser calculado fácilmente.El análisis electromagnético de los efectos que contribuyen al campo dispersado por la geometría comienza con una selección rigurosa de la geometría iluminada desde la fuente.Unicamente los parches de Bezier iluminados serán almacenados por el ordenador durante el análisis. La filosofía de este proceso es descartar aquella parte de la geometría que no contribuye a los efectos de dispersión.El campo total calculado es la superposición de los siguientes efectos pertenecientes a la GO y a la UTD: campo directo procedente de la fuente, campo reflejado por los parches de Bezier, campo difractado por las aristas del modelo definidas como curvas de Bezier, ondas de superficie, dobles reflexiones, reflexione-difraccion y difraccion-reflexión. El método ha sido diseñado para analizar campo cercano y lejano. El mayor gasto computacional se debe a la búsqueda de los puntos de dispersión, por lo que antes de emplear los algoritmos de intersección es necesario aplicar un conjunto de criterios rápidos dependientes de la dirección de observación.El principio de Fermat en combinación con el Gradiente Conjugado (CGM) es usado para obtener de manera eficiente los puntos de dispersión sobre la estructura. Para cada efecto, laposible ocultación de la trayectoria completa del rayo es examinada, por ello, si el rayo corta alguno de los parches de Bezier su contribución será descartada. Los dobles efectos son tratados como una generalización de los simples efectos.El método desarrollado es eficiente ya que precisa de un numero reducido de superficies para modelar objetos complejos lo que se traduce en bajos requerimientos de memoria y reducidos tiempos de calculo. / In this thesis a method to analyze antennas on board of complex bodies is presented. The Geometrical Optics (GO) and Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) have been used to analyze the effect of the structure in the radiation pattern of the antennas. The bodies are geometrically modelled by using NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) surfaces. In addition to be accurate and efficient, the method is compatible with most of the modern CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) available programs.The treatment of arbitrary geometries requires a code which can carry out an efficient 3D analysis. To obtain accurate results the description of the surface must be close to the real model, however this complicates the computational procedure. Here the structure is modeled by a collection of individual N.U.R.B.S. surface patches joined to form a complete description of the surface model. The NURBS description is able to manipulate free form surfaces with a low number of patches, and therefore, with a low amount of information. The initial description of the model by NURBS surfaces is accompanied with other complementary data for example : the topology of the surfaces, the boundary curves, the types of material and other inputs. It is very interesting to apply criteria to make the complete analysis faster.The method reads the NURBS description of the model and transforms the NURBS into the rational BEZIER surfaces. A rational BEZIER patch is also a parametric surface defined in terms of a linear combination of Bernstein polynomials.The antennas are modelled using simple numerical models based on arrays of electric and magnetic infinitesimal dipoles. This antenna modelization is very advantageous because with a little input data, the source is defined in any direction and the field value is readily accessible.The electromagnetic analysis of the contributive effects to the scattering field by the geometry, starts with the rigorous selection of the geometry illuminated from the source. Only the Bezier patches illuminated will be in memory of the computer during the analysis. The philosophy of this previous process is to discard in the process the part of the geometry which does not contribute to the scattering effects.The total field is the superposition of the following GO and UTD field components: direct field from the source, reflected fields from the Bezier patches of the model, diffracted fields from the arbitrary edges defined as a Bezier curves, creeping waves, double reflected field and diffracted-reflected and reflected-diffracted fields. The search of specular and diffraction points are the most CPU time consuming, thus before using the intersection algorithms it is necessary to apply a set of fast selection criteria which depend on the observation direction.The Fermat principle in conjunction with the Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) is used for obtaining efficiently the reflection points and diffraction points on the structure. For each effect the complete ray path is examined to see whether or not it is interrupted by any Bezier patch of the model, in this case the field component is not computed. The double effects are treated using a generalization of the single effects algorithms. The method has been developed to analyze the near and far field cases for different frequencies.The developed method is quite efficient because it makes use of a small number of surfaces to model complex bodies, so it requires few memory and low computing time.

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