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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’institution prud’homale, cette excentrique que l’on voulait rationaliser / The french labour court, this eccentric institution which one wanted to rationalize

Swierczek, Nicolas 29 March 2010 (has links)
Institution hybride et singulière, la juridiction prud‟homale évolue à l‟intersection de trois univers institutionnels : le système judiciaire, le monde du travail et l'espace syndical. Les conseillers prud‟hommes, poly-engagés, aux profils variés, gèrent les difficultés pratiques à concilier les attentes et valeurs propres à chacune de leurs sphères d‟appartenance en régulant de façon normée leur action autour d‟un commun, dont ils peuvent s‟éloigner de manière séquencée. La récente série de réformes de la juridiction prud‟homale, introduisant une logique de rationalisation du traitement du contentieux, bouscule les fondements identitaires d‟une institution déjà fragilisée par un affaiblissement des croyances dans son efficacité et dans la légitimité de son action. Confrontés à des incertitudes croissantes, les conseillers se trouvent contraints d‟orienter leur action vers un objectif instrumental d‟efficacité, laissant définitivement entrer l‟organisation au sein de l‟institution prud‟homale. Les désaccords entre conseillers, relatifs aux moyens et limites à apporter à ce processus de rationalisation, perturbent la dimension paritaire de l‟institution, déjà ébranlée par l‟arrivée de conseillers d‟un genre nouveau, dont l‟identité de collège est peu déterminée. La déstabilisation des référentiels communs, la perturbation de la parité, auxquelles s‟ajoute une évolution de la nature des conflits portés devant les prud‟hommes, affaiblissent l‟institution et conduisent à reconsidérer ses rôles et sa mission. / The French Labour Court is a formal legal jurisdiction where several institutional spaces meet. Judges have to deal with various influences. On the one hand, they are supposed to represent the law in the legal system ; on the other hand, they are elected workers and may be trade-unionists. It makes the conflict resolution process sensitive for the judges. They attempt to keep common definitions of problems to promote the same ideas, customs, rules and interests, in normative terms (this is what we call the « common » of the judges). They may wander from this « common » in special cases. The recent reforms of the institution, drived by the Ministry of justice, introduce some procedural rules and a formal quality control. Reforms, when the legitimacy of the institution is already shaken, call into questions the foundations of the judges identity. Facing the crisis and growing uncertainties, judges have to concentrate on instrumental actions. The institution of French Labour Court has to deal with the formal organization. The dissensions between judges, related to the means and limits to bring to this process of rationalization, disturb the « joint » governance of the institution. When, in addition, new kinds of conflicts are carried in front of the institution, the “common” of the judges are hurt. Thereby, the institution becomes weaker and weaker. It results in reconsidering its roles and its mission.

Le processus de rationalisation du soin en psychiatrie publique : les nouveaux dispositifs de gestion / The rationalization process of mental health services : the new complex management systems

Bélart, Claire 30 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse examine le processus d’institutionnalisation d’une expertise gestionnaire dans le champ de la psychiatrie publique à travers la mise en œuvre d’un système d’information standardisé (le RIM-P) censé permettre une description détaillée de l’activité soignante. Le questionnement que nous proposons est double. Il s’agit d’une part, de définir les conditions par lesquelles ce dispositif parvient à investir le fonctionnement des secteurs psychiatriques. D’autre part, nous proposons de développer une réflexion sur les formes de mobilisation collective déployées par les acteurs de ces organisations pour faire face à l’imposition d’un nouveau système normatif. En reconstituant le processus d’imposition du RIM-P, nous montrons comment il participe à l’intrusion de la logique de la performance et de la rationalité instrumentale à finalité économico-financière au sein des établissements de soins. Nous montrons ensuite qu’une hybridation entre connaissance médicale et gestionnaire constitue un préalable indispensable à sa mise en œuvre. Puis, à partir d’une enquête par observation transversale, nous rendons compte des usages, par les agents rationalisateurs et par les soignants, de ce système d’information standardisé. Nous révélons des situations très diversifiées selon les établissements et liées notamment à leur capacité à mettre en place une « technostructure » dont la légitimité repose sur la maîtrise de dispositifs de gestion complexes dédiés à la coordination et au contrôle du travail soignant. Nous montrons enfin la force de l’action critique des soignants et la manière dont est inventée une gestion alternative davantage en accord avec les expériences professionnelles des différentes catégories d’acteurs. / This thesis examines the process of institutionalization of management expertise in the field of public psychiatry through the implementation of a standardized information system (RIM-P) which is intended to allow a detailed description of the care activity. The study that we propose is twofold. On the one hand, we will attempt to define the conditions in which the system is able to invest the functioning of psychiatric sectors. On the other hand, we propose to consider the forms of collective mobilization deployed by actors in these organizations in order to deal with the imposition of a new regulatory system. By reconstructing the process of imposition of the RIM-P, we show how it contributes to intruding on the logic of performance and instrumental rationality for economic and financial purposes within healthcare institutions. We then show that hybridization between medical knowledge and management is a prerequisite for its implementation. Then, from an observational survey, we report on the use by official rationalizers and caregivers of this standardized information system. We reveal highly diversified situations depending on the institution which are linked to their ability to implement a "techno structure" whose legitimacy rests on the mastery of complex management systems dedicated to the coordination and control of healthcare work. Finally, we show the strength of the critical action of caregivers and how alternative management can be established which is more in line with the professional experience of the different categories of actors.

Représentation et manipulation de programmes dans un atelier de génie logiciel

Rouzaud, Yann. Krakoviak, Sacha. January 2008 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de docteur-ingénieur : informatique : Grenoble, INPG : 1984. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.

Des francs-tireurs aux experts : organisation de la prévision économique au Ministère des finances, 1948-1968 /

Terray, Aude. Fridenson, Patrick, January 2002 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Sci. écon.--Paris--EHESS, 2001. / En appendice, choix de textes et documents. Bibliogr. p. 559-592. Index.

Les petites catastrophes de la vie domestique : ethnographie des mutations de la relation assureur-assurés chez Axa-France : dilater l’espace, fragmenter le temps, intensifier la voix / Les petites catastrophes de la vie domestique : ethnography of the mutations in the relationship between insurer and the insured in Axa-France : spatial expansion, time fragmentation, voice intensification

Cuisance, Marie-Laure 13 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, la filiale française du groupe Axa, un des leaders mondiaux du secteur de l’assurance, s’est engagée dans un long processus de “rationalisation” de son activité. L’informatisation du travail, la création de centres d’appels, dont certains déterritorialisés à Rabat au Maroc, participent d’une mutation de la relation entre l’assureur et ses assurés. Un contrat CIFRE avec la Direction du Service aux Clients de l’entreprise a permis une immersion, durant près de trois années, dans les différents lieux de la procédure d’indemnisation des incidents survenus dans l’habitat, que nous appelons petites catastrophes de la vie domestique. L’insertion de l’ethnographe au sein d’une « équipe opérationnelle » a permis l’observation du travail quotidien puis une campagne d’entretiens semi-directifs en France et à Rabat, dans les agences Axa et au domicile d’assurés sinistrés. La thèse cherche à éclairer la confrontation entre la singularité de la petite catastrophe et le modèle assurantiel (Zelizer, 1983). La dilatation de l’espace, la fragmentation du temps et l’anonymisation des interactions, orchestrées par des pratiques de gestion outillée, tendent à faire disparaître le contact physique et à accroître la distance entre le lieu de la petite catastrophe et celui de son évaluation. Elles modifient ainsi l’équilibre des interactions autour du calcul de la compensation financière en exacerbant le rapport à la voix. / Since the beginning of the century, the French subsidiary of the AXA Group, one of the world’s leading insurance companies, has been engaged in a long process of rationalising its business activities. The reorganisation and computerisation of work and the creation of call centres, with some located in Rabat (Morocco), are factors which lead to a change in the relationship between the insurer and the insured. In the frame of a CIFRE PhD Program with Axa Customer Services Management, I was totally immersed for almost three years in the administration of the company’s indemnity procedures for home insurance. I also conducted interviews with employees in France and Rabat (Morocco), in AXA branches and with customers at their home. This thesis examines the tension between the singular nature of the “petites catastrophes de la vie domestique” and the insurance model (Zelizer, 1983). The results revealed that spatial expansion, time fragmentation and partial anonymisation of interactions tend to eliminate physical contact and increase the distance between where the incident occurred and where it is assessed. These three factors modifie interactions around the calculation of financial payouts. They ‘re-personalize’ the relationship, lead to largely imaginary representations of the Other and intensify the connection with the voice.


Tasić Ivan 08 July 2008 (has links)
<p>Na osnovu postojećih iskustava u razvijenim obrazovno-prosvetnim centrima disertacija ima za cilj izgradnju optimalnog modela sadržaja nastave tehničkog obrazovanja koji će omogućiti aktuelizaciju programa i nastave predmeta. Analizom prikupljenih podataka potvrđena je hipoteza da izbor sadržaja u nastavi tehničkog obrazovanja ne prati tendencije naučnotehnolo&scaron;kog razvitka, te samim tim nastavu čini manje efikasnom i efektivnom.</p> / <p>On the first hand, this project is based on the existing<br />expiriences in developed educational centres, and<br />because of that it is use for developing this optimal<br />model witch has contents teaching technical<br />education and that will enable actuelisation of<br />program and teaching metods in this subject.<br />Secondly, to analyze existing information it is certify<br />this hypothesis in that way that selection contains in<br />teaching technical education does not follow tendency<br />education - technical development, and as a result<br />this education is less effective and actual.</p>

Designing (tools (for designing (tools for ...))))

Fischer, Thomas, sdtom@polyu.edu.hk January 2008 (has links)
Outcomes of innovative designing are frequently described as enabling us in achieving more desirable futures. How can we design and innovate so as to enable future processes of design and innovation? To investigate this question, this thesis probes the conditions, possibilities and limitations of toolmaking for novelty and knowledge generation, or in other words, it examines designing for designing. The focus of this thesis is on the development of digital design tools that support the reconciliation of conflicting criteria centred on architectural geometry. Of particular interest are the roles of methodological approaches and of biological analogies as guides in toolmaking for design, as well as the possibility of generalising design tools beyond the contexts from which they originate. The presented investigation consists of an applied toolmaking study and a subsequent reflective analysis using second- order cybernetics as a theoretical framework. Observations made during the toolmaking study suggest that biological analogies can, in informal ways, inspire designing, including the designing of design tools. Design tools seem to enable the generation of novelty and knowledge beyond the contexts in and for which they are developed only if their users apply them in ways unanticipated by the toolmaker. Abstract The reflective analysis offers theoretical explanations for these observations based on aspects of second-order cybernetics. These aspects include the modelling of designing as a conversation, different relationships between observers (such as designers) and systems (such as designers engaged in their projects), the distinction between coded and uncoded knowledge, as well as processes underlying the production and the restriction of meaning. Initially aimed at the development of generally applicable, prescriptive digital tools for designing, the presented work results in a personal descriptive model of novelty and knowledge generation in science and design. This shift indicates a perspective change from a positivist to a relativist outlook on designing, which was accomplished over the course of the study. Investigating theory and practice of designing and of science, this study establishes an epistemological model of designing that accommodates and extends a number of theoretical concepts others have previously proposed. According to this model, both design and science generate and encode new knowledge through conversational processes, in which open-minded perception appears to be of greater innovative power than efforts to exercise control. The presented work substantiates and exemplifies radical constructivist theory of knowledge and novelty production, establishes correspondences between systems theory and design research theory and implies that mainstream scientific theories and practices are insufficient to account for and to guide innovation. Keywords (separated by commas) Digital design tools, geometry rationalisation, second-order cybernetics, knowledge generation

Relevance and rationalisation in the Wason selection task

Lucas, Erica Jane January 2007 (has links)
Evans' (e.g., 2006) heuristic-analytic theory of the selection task proposes that card selections are triggered by relevance-determining heuristics, with analytic processing serving merely to rationalise heuristically-cued decisions. Evans (1996) provided evidence for the theory by setting up an inspection-time paradigm. He used computerpresented selection tasks and instructions for participants to indicate (with a mousepointer) cards under consideration. The theory predicts that longer inspection times should be associated with selected cards (which are subjected to rationalisation) than with rejected cards. Evans found support for this idea. Roberts (1998b) however, argued that mouse-pointing gives rise to artefactual support for Evans' predictions because of biases associated with the task format and the use of mouse pointing. In the present thesis all sources of artefact were eradicated by combining careful task constructions with eye-movement tracking to measure directly on-line attentional processing. Across a series of experiments good evidence was produced for the robustness of the inspection-time effect, supporting the predictions of the heuristicanalytic account. It was notable, however, that the magnitude of the inspection-time effect was always small. A further experiment separated the presentation of rules from associated cards to avoid possible dilution of the inspection-time effect arising from parallel rule and card presentation. However, the observed inspection time effect remained small. A series of experiments utilising think-aloud methods were then employed to test further the predictions concerning relevance effects and rationalisation processes in the selection task. Predictions in relation to these experiments were that selected cards should be associated with more references to both their facing and their hidden sides than rejected cards, which are not subjected to analytic rationalisation. Support was found for all heuristic-analytic predictions, even .,' . where 'select/don't select' decisions were enforced for all cards. These experiments also clarify the role played by secondary heuristics in cueing the consideration of hidden card values during rationalisation. It is suggested that whilst Oaksford and Chater's (e.g., 2003) information gain theory can provide a compelling account of our protocol findings, Evans' heuristic-analytic theory provides the best account of the full findings of the thesis. The mental models theory (e.g., Johnson-Laird & Byrne, 2002) fares less well as an explanation of the full dataset.

Diet and Domestic Life in 21st Century Australia: An Exploration of Time and Convenience in Family Food Provisioning

Elizabeth Schubert Unknown Date (has links)
Drawing on Weber’s rationalisation theory and feminist critiques of the consumption-production literature, this thesis describes the impacts and changes in dietary practices that have occurred in households as a result of limited or constrained time available for family food provisioning, and how these changes can be understood as a product of contemporary Australian policy, cultural and food landscapes. It adopts feminist ethnography and household food strategies as important methodological innovations to forge a culturally informed account of convenience-orientated dietary practices in family households within contemporary Australian society. The data were collected from 15 Brisbane family households between January 2002 and August 2006. The thesis argues that dietary practices observed in ‘time-poor’ households have evolved as solutions to the problem of time scarcity by women whose role has traditionally been to feed families. The ‘solutions’ are shaped by the resources to which households have access, and ideas and traditions about family care, food and its responsibility, and available alternative options. Change is observed in diets, menus, source of prepared meals and prepared ingredients, but also organisation of food provisioning and distribution of workload. Also being reshaped is the role of food in the expression of cultural identity, commensality and, in the family setting, the transmission of food skills and knowledge. An analysis that critiques the usefulness of ‘speeding up’ domestic food provisioning as a viable and sustainable solution to the retention of the family meal is drawn, highlighting the problematic nature of persistent nostalgic interpretations of commensal eating patterns in culinary, food activism, sustainability and nutrition discourses. In the absence of a coherent moral philosophy for guiding current public health policy and practice, Kittay’s public ethic of care is proposed as a suitable model. A key challenge for future research is to ensure that household level sociocultural analysis continues to enrich broader debates in food policy and public health.

College and university planning, programming, budgeting criteria for the definition of programs and program elements /

McCanna, Walter. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1969. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

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