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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental sampling for detection of norovirus using a real-time RT-PCR Assay: A Tool for Foodborne Outbreak Investigations

Fowler, Jana Margaret 01 July 2012 (has links)
This project was designed to develop a method for the collection of environmental samples during prolonged Norovirus (NoV) outbreak investigations, and to develop real-time RT-PCR assays to analyze environmental samples for GI and GII noroviruses. The collection and processing of environmental samples could provide epidemiological data to facilitate investigations of prolonged NoV outbreaks and could guide public health NoV intervention strategies. Real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of GI and GII NoVs were developed by adapting the State Hygienic Laboratory clinical GI and GII assays to the AB 7500 Fast platform. Analysis of the GI assay performance yielded a dilution curve slope = 3.28, R2 = 0.999 and a calculated amplification efficiency of 102%. The GII assay yielded a dilution curve slope = 3.39, R2 = 0.999 and a calculated amplification efficiency of 97%. Amplification efficiencies determine the sensitivity and the limit of detection of real-time RT-PCR assays. Optimum efficiencies range from 95%-105%, with a 100% efficiency indicating exponential amplification of targeted nucleic acid. To develop a method for the collection of environmental samples, multiple swab types were tested to determine their ability to recover NoV from laboratory spiked environmental surfaces. It was determined that foam swabs moistened with viral transport media were most effective in recovering NoV from spiked surfaces. A field test of the environmental sampling method was conducted by sampling environmental surfaces in four restaurants in one Iowa community. NoVs were not detected in the environmental samples. The collection and processing of environmental samples when conducting an investigation of a prolonged NoV outbreak could provide additional information on the epidemiology of NoV transmission and infection.

Real Time RT-PCR for Direct Detection of Viable Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies paratuberculosis in Chron's Disease Patients and Association of Map Infection with Downregulation in Interferon-Gamma Receptor (INFG1) Gene in Crohn's Disease Patients

Chehtane, Mounir 01 January 2005 (has links)
Association of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) with Crohn's disease (CD) and not with ulcerative colitis (UC), two forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), has been vigorously debated in recent years. This theory has been strengthened by recent culture of MAP from breast milk, intestinal tissue and Blood from patients with active Crohn's disease. Culture of MAP from clinical samples remained challenging due to the fastidious nature of MAP including its lack of cell wall in infected patients. The advent of real time PCR has proven to be significant in infectious disease diagnostics. In this study, real time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assay based on targeting mRNA of the IS900 gene unique to MAP has been developed. All variables included in RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and real time PCR amplification have been optimized. Oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify 165 bp specific to MAP and the assay demonstrated sensitivity of 4 genomes per sample. In hope this real time RT-PCR may aid in the detection of viable MAP cells in Crohn's disease patients, a total of 45 clinical samples were analyzed. Portion of each sample was also subjected to 12 weeks culture followed by standard nested PCR analysis. The samples consisted of 17 cultures (originated from 13 CD, 1 UC and 3 NIBD subjects), 24 buffy coat blood (originated from 7 CD, 2 UC, 11 NIBD and 4 healthy subjects) and 4 intestinal biopsies from 2 CD patients. Real time RT-PCR detected viable MAP in 11/17 (65%) of iii suspected cultures compared to 12/17 (70%) by nested PCR including 77% and 84% from CD samples by both methods, respectively. Real time RT-PCR detected MAP RNA directly from 3/7 (42%) CD, 2/2 (100%) UC and 0/4 healthy controls similar to results following long term culture incubation and nested PCR analysis. Interestingly, real time RT-PCR detected viable MAP in 2/11 (13%) compared to 4/11 (26%) by culture and nested PCR in NIBD patients. For tissue samples, real time RT-PCR detected viable MAP in one CD patient with the culture outcome remains pending. This study clearly indicates that a 12-hr real time RT-PCR assay provided data that are similar to those from 12 weeks culture and nested PCR analysis. Consequently, use of real time In our laboratory, we previously demonstrated a possible downregulation in the Interferon-gamma receptor gene (IFNGR1) in patients with active Crohn's disease using microarray chip analysis. In this study, measurement of RNA by real time qRT-PCR indicated a possible downregulation in 5/6 CD patients compared to 0/12 controls. The preliminary data suggest that downregulation in INFGR1 gene, and the detection of viable MAP in CD patients provides yet the strongest evidence toward the linkage between MAP and CD etiology.

Kinetic analysis of Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 gene expression

Li, Min January 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Ferriol Safont, Inmaculada 06 June 2012 (has links)
Los virus producen graves pérdidas económicas en la agricultura. Esta problemática es muy dinámica ya que cada año aparecen nuevas virosis y es frecuente los fenómenos de emergencia con una rápida expansión de los virus. El control de las enfermedades víricas resulta poco eficaz en muchos casos porque la población viral es capaz de evolucionar y superar dichas estrategias. Por ello es clave entender la dinámica de las poblaciones y los factores implicados en la evolución de los virus con respecto a distintos aspectos de su biología del ciclo viral: replicación, movimiento dentro de la planta, respuesta a los mecanismos de defensa de la planta, transmisión a otras plantas, etc. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido el estudio de los factores implicados en la evolución de dos virus que difieren en su variabilidad genética y gama de huéspedes: i) el Virus 1 del marchitamiento del haba (Broad bean wilt virus 1, BBWV-1), del género Fabavirus; y ii) el Virus del mosaico del tabaco (Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV) del género Tobamovirus. Primero se han desarrollado una serie de herramientas metodológicas que han permitido la detección rápida de BBWV-1 mediante hibridación molecular de improntas, la detección y cuantificación de BBWV-1 y TMV y su diferenciación de otras virosis del mismo género mediante RT-PCR cuantitativa a tiempo real. Se ha llevado a cabo la construcción de clones de cDNA del genoma completo de BBWV-1 para obtener transcritos infecciosos que puedan ser usados para estudiar la biología molecular, evolución y epidemiología. Una vez desarrollado esta metodología se ha usado para evaluar la eficacia biológica de BBWV-1 en el huésped y el efecto de algunos factores: concentración del inóculo, estado de desarrollo de la planta, tipo de huésped, aplicación de un activador de la defensa de la planta, y la infección con otro virus. Así mismo se han estudiado los factores relacionados con la eficacia biológica del virus durante su transmisión por pulgones: título viral / Ferriol Safont, I. (2012). FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE EVOLUTION OF BROAD BEAN WILT VIRUS 1 AND TOBACCO MOSAIC VIRUS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16000

Prisustvo i raširenost virusa životinja i ljudi u površinskim vodama Vojvodine / Presence and prevalence of animal and human viruses in surface water in Vojvodina Province

Lazić Gospava 22 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Vi&scaron;e od 100 vrsta virusa ljudi i životinja se izlučuje u spolja&scaron;nju sredinu. Prisustvo ovih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama reflektuje fekalnu kontaminaciju i ukazuje na<br />opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Na području Srbije se ne prati prisustvo patogenih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama, pa&nbsp; čak ni u vodama za piće, a nije uspostavljena&nbsp; ni&nbsp; metodologija ovih ispitivanja. Shodno tome, cilj disertacije je da se utvrdi i analizira prisustvo animalnih i humanih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama primenom najsavremenijih metoda koncentrovanja i detekcije virusa. U okviru disertacije ispitano je prisustvo sledećih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama na teritoriji Vojvodine: humanih adenovirusa (HAdV); norovirusa (NoV) i hepatitis A virusa (HAV), adenovirusa svinja (PAdV),&nbsp; poliomavirusa goveda (BPyV) i hepatitis E virus (HEV).</p><p>Ispitano je ukupno 108 uzoraka povr&scaron;inskih i otpadnih voda koji su prikupljani od oktobra 2012. godine do juna 2014. godine. U radu su primenjene najsavremenije metode koncentrovanja i detekcije virusa u vodi, koje se u Srbiji nisu koristile za ovu namenu. Sprovedenim ispitivanjima dokazano je da su animalni i humani virusi prisutni u povr&scaron;inskim vodama na području Vojvodine. Najče&scaron;će detektovan&nbsp; virus u povr&scaron;inskim vodama je humani adenovirus (42,4%), a potom norovirusi GII i GI (40,4% i 15,2%), adenovirus svinja (11,1%), poliomavirus goveda (7,1%) i hepatitis E virus (3,0%). U ukupno 9 testiranih uzoraka gradske kanalizacione vode najče&scaron;će je detektovan HAdV (44,4%), NoV GII i GI&nbsp; (66,7% i 22,2%), BPyV je detektovan u samo jednom od 9 uzoraka, a niti u jednom nisu detektovani PAdV i HEV. Hepatitis A virus nije detektovan u uzorcima, a eksperimentalno je potvrđeno da su metode primenljive i za detekciju ovog virusa. Na osnovu rezultata prinosa procesne kontrole i utvrđenog prisustva virusa u uzorcima,&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je da se ove metode mogu veoma uspe&scaron;no koristiti za detekciju virusne kontaminacije&nbsp; povr&scaron;inskih voda. Izvr&scaron;ena je igenotipizacija virusa iz odabranih uzoraka metodom sekvenciranja dela virusnog genoma. Indirektno je potvrđeno da su infekcije&nbsp;&nbsp; detektovanim virusima prisutne u populaciji životinja i ljudi. Prisustvo virusa u&nbsp;&nbsp; povr&scaron;inskim vodama i uzorcima gradske kanalizacije odražava infektivni status stanovni&scaron;tva, ali predstavlja i značajan rizik za zdravlje životinja i ljudi na području koje gravitira ispitanim vodama.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Over 100 types of pathogenic viruses are excreted in human and animal wastes. The presence of human and animal pathogenic enteric viruses in water environments reflects fecal contamination and indicates a risk to public health.&nbsp; Republic of Serbia does not implement surveillance for the presence of pathogenic human and animal viruses in surface waters and even in drinking water, neither is the established methodology of these studies in any institution in Serbia.&nbsp; Accordingly, the aim of the study was to determine and analyze the presence of human and animal viruses in surface water,&nbsp; using the latest methods&nbsp; of&nbsp; concentration and detection of the viruses.&nbsp; Within the dissertation examined the presence of the following viruses in surface waters in Vojvodina:&nbsp; Human adenoviruses&nbsp; (HAdV), noroviruses (NoV)&nbsp; and hepatitis A virus), Porcine adenovirus (PAdV) and Bovine polyomavirus (BPyV)&nbsp; and&nbsp; Hepatitis E virus (HEV).<br />A total of 108 samples of surface water and waste water were collected from October 2012 to June 2014. The paper are applied the most advanced methods and the concentration of virus detection in water, which in Serbia are not used for this purpose. The conducted tests have proven that the animal and human viruses present in surface waters in Vojvodina. The most commonly detected virus in surface water was human adenovirus (42.4%), followed by Norovirus GI&nbsp; and GII (40.4% and 15.2%),&nbsp; Porcine adenovirus&nbsp; (11,1%),&nbsp; Bovine polyomavirus&nbsp; (7.07%) and hepatitis E virus (3,0%).<br />In total of&nbsp; nine analysed sewage samples human adenovirus was detected in 44,4%&nbsp; of&nbsp; samples. The prevalence of norovirus GII and GI in sewage&nbsp; samples was&nbsp; 66,7%&nbsp; and 22,2%. Bovine&nbsp; polyomavirus was detected in one of nine samples while porcine adenovirus and hepatitis E virus were not detected in any of analyzed samples.&nbsp; Hepatitis A virus was not detected in samples, but&nbsp; it has been experimentally confirmed that the methods applicable for detection of the virus. Based on the results of process control and yield determined the presence of virus insamples, it was found that these methods can be successfully used to detect viral contamination of surface waters. Also, in these study was performed genotyping of viruses from selected samples by sequencing a part of the viral genome. Indirectly it is confirmed that the infection detected viruses present in a population of animals and humans. The presence of virus in samples of surface water and urban sewage reflects the infectious status of the population, but also constitutes a significant risk to the health of animals and people in the area that gravitates with tested waters.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>


Lu, Zhengchun 01 January 2012 (has links)
There is an urgent need for detection of viral respiratory pathogens to identify the causal agent(s) involved and to prevent the spread of related diseases. The first part of this dissertation focuses on development, optimization and validation of Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assays for the detection of several common equine viral pathogens: equine arteritis virus (EAV), equine influenza virus and equine rhinitis viruses A and B. Emphasis of the second part of this dissertation is on studying the role of EAV envelope proteins in virus attachment and entry. Using an infectious cDNA clone of EAV and reverse genetics, a panel of chimeric viruses was generated by swapping the N-terminal ectodomains and full-lengths of the two major envelope proteins (GP5 and M) from porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). The recombinant viruses expressing the N-terminal ectodomain of PRRSV GP5 or M or both (GP5ecto, Mecto, and GP5&Mecto, respectively) in an EAV backbone were viable and genetically stable. Compared to the parental virus, these three chimeric viruses produced lower titers and smaller plaque sizes indicating that they have a crippled phenotype. Interestingly, the three chimeric viruses could only infect EAV susceptible cell lines but not the PRRSV susceptible cell line. Therefore, the exchange of GP5 and/or M protein N-terminal ectodomains from PRRSV did not alter the cellular tropism of the chimeric viruses. We also investigated the role of one of the minor envelope proteins (E) of EAV in virus attachment and entry. The results showed that EAV infection of equine endothelial cells is heparin-dependent and the Cterminus of the E protein contains a putative heparin-binding domain. We generated a panel of arginine to glycine mutations in the conserved region of both the full-length EAV infectious cDNA clone and individual E protein expression vectors. The triple mutation R52,60,65G construct grew significantly slower and produced much smaller plaques. The double mutant R52,60G completely blocked the interaction between E protein and heparin. Taken together, these data indicated that E protein interacts with heparin to facilitate virus attachment and plays a major role in EAV infection.

Detecção e tipificação do vírus da dengue por RT-PCR em tempo real / Detection and typing of dengue virus by real time RT-PCR assays

Poloni, Telma Regina Ramos Silva 28 May 2009 (has links)
A dengue é uma doença infecciosa de transmitida pela picada de mosquitos do gênero Aedes. O vírus da dengue (DENV), pertencente ao gênero Flavivirus, família Flaviviridae, é atualmente um importante problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. São reconhecidos quatro sorotipos antigenicamente distintos (DENV-1, -2, -3 e -4). A doença causada por qualquer um dos sorotipos cursa de forma assintomática ou com quadro clínico que varia desde uma febre indiferenciada e autolimitada, passando pela febre clássica da dengue (FD) até quadros graves de febre hemorrágica da dengue (DHF). O diagnóstico clínico é difícil de ser realizado principalmente na fase aguda da doença em que os sintomas são muito similares aos de outras infecções febris agudas, ficando a cargo do laboratório o diagnóstico definitivo. Os métodos sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos IgM/IgG são os mais amplamente utilizados, mas inadequados para diagnóstico precoce uma vez que detectam anticorpos a partir do sexto dia do início dos sintomas. Os métodos moleculares estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados para o diagnóstico precoce por serem mais rápidos e sensíveis que a sorologia e o isolamento viral. Neste estudo comparamos a sensibilidade de uma RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica com um ELISA para detecção da proteína NS1 comercialmente disponível analisando amostras de soro de pacientes com dengue. Também foram desenvolvidos dois protocolos de RT-PCR em tempo real para identificação do sorotipo viral, uma contendo primers para extremidade 5 do genoma viral e outra contendo primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. A RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica mostrou-se mais sensível que o ELISA, principalmente nas amostras que apresentavam baixa carga viral. A RT-PCR em tempo real contendo os primers para a extremidade 5 apresentou uma sensibilidade baixa quando comparada com a RT-PCR genérica, porém foi mais sensível que aquela contendo os primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. Considerando os resultados obtidos, sugerimos uma estratégia de triagem dos casos suspeitos de dengue utilizando a RT-PCR genérica para posteriormente identificar o sorotipo viral com o protocolo que utiliza os primers da extremidade 5. Embora este último protocolo tenha sido pouco sensível, a identificação do sorotipo infectante em algumas amostras é suficiente para definir qual o sorotipo circulante durante uma epidemia. / Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by the biting of mosquitoes of Aedes genus. Dengue virus (DENV), belonging to the Flavivirus genus, Flaviviridae family, is an important public health problem worldwide. Four antigenically distinct viruses are recognized (DENV-1, -2, -3, e -4). Infection with any of the virus serotypes causes a spectrum of the illness ranging from inapparent or mid viral syndrome to classic dengue fever (DF) and severe hemorrhagic disease (DHF). The clinical diagnosis is difficult especially in the acute phase of the disease when the symptoms are very similar to other febrile illness, corresponding to the laboratory the definitive diagnosis. Serological methods detecting antibodies IgM/IgG are the more widely used; however, they are inappropriate for early diagnosis since these methods detect antibodies after six day of the onset of symptoms. The molecular methods are more frequently used for the early diagnosis because they are faster and more sensitive than serological methods and virus isolation. In this study, we have compared the sensitivity of a generic real time RT-PCR with a commercial ELISA for the NS1 protein analyzing serum samples from patients with dengue virus infection. We have also developed two protocols of real time RT-PCR to identify dengue serotype, one of them containing primers to the 5 end and the other, primers to the NS5 coding region. The generic real time RT-PCR showed to be more sensitive than the ELISA, principally, between the samples with low viral load. The real time RT-PCR containing primers to the 5 end showed a lower sensitivity than the generic real time RT-PCR; however, it was more sensitive than that containing primers to the NS5 coding region. Considering these results, we suggest the use of the generic real time RT-PCR to screen the dengue suspected cases and then to identify the serotype using the protocol that include the primers to the 5 end. Although the last protocol has shown a low sensitive, the identification of the infecting serotype in some of the samples is enough to define which serotype is circulating during the epidemic period.

Detecção e tipificação do vírus da dengue por RT-PCR em tempo real / Detection and typing of dengue virus by real time RT-PCR assays

Telma Regina Ramos Silva Poloni 28 May 2009 (has links)
A dengue é uma doença infecciosa de transmitida pela picada de mosquitos do gênero Aedes. O vírus da dengue (DENV), pertencente ao gênero Flavivirus, família Flaviviridae, é atualmente um importante problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. São reconhecidos quatro sorotipos antigenicamente distintos (DENV-1, -2, -3 e -4). A doença causada por qualquer um dos sorotipos cursa de forma assintomática ou com quadro clínico que varia desde uma febre indiferenciada e autolimitada, passando pela febre clássica da dengue (FD) até quadros graves de febre hemorrágica da dengue (DHF). O diagnóstico clínico é difícil de ser realizado principalmente na fase aguda da doença em que os sintomas são muito similares aos de outras infecções febris agudas, ficando a cargo do laboratório o diagnóstico definitivo. Os métodos sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos IgM/IgG são os mais amplamente utilizados, mas inadequados para diagnóstico precoce uma vez que detectam anticorpos a partir do sexto dia do início dos sintomas. Os métodos moleculares estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados para o diagnóstico precoce por serem mais rápidos e sensíveis que a sorologia e o isolamento viral. Neste estudo comparamos a sensibilidade de uma RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica com um ELISA para detecção da proteína NS1 comercialmente disponível analisando amostras de soro de pacientes com dengue. Também foram desenvolvidos dois protocolos de RT-PCR em tempo real para identificação do sorotipo viral, uma contendo primers para extremidade 5 do genoma viral e outra contendo primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. A RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica mostrou-se mais sensível que o ELISA, principalmente nas amostras que apresentavam baixa carga viral. A RT-PCR em tempo real contendo os primers para a extremidade 5 apresentou uma sensibilidade baixa quando comparada com a RT-PCR genérica, porém foi mais sensível que aquela contendo os primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. Considerando os resultados obtidos, sugerimos uma estratégia de triagem dos casos suspeitos de dengue utilizando a RT-PCR genérica para posteriormente identificar o sorotipo viral com o protocolo que utiliza os primers da extremidade 5. Embora este último protocolo tenha sido pouco sensível, a identificação do sorotipo infectante em algumas amostras é suficiente para definir qual o sorotipo circulante durante uma epidemia. / Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by the biting of mosquitoes of Aedes genus. Dengue virus (DENV), belonging to the Flavivirus genus, Flaviviridae family, is an important public health problem worldwide. Four antigenically distinct viruses are recognized (DENV-1, -2, -3, e -4). Infection with any of the virus serotypes causes a spectrum of the illness ranging from inapparent or mid viral syndrome to classic dengue fever (DF) and severe hemorrhagic disease (DHF). The clinical diagnosis is difficult especially in the acute phase of the disease when the symptoms are very similar to other febrile illness, corresponding to the laboratory the definitive diagnosis. Serological methods detecting antibodies IgM/IgG are the more widely used; however, they are inappropriate for early diagnosis since these methods detect antibodies after six day of the onset of symptoms. The molecular methods are more frequently used for the early diagnosis because they are faster and more sensitive than serological methods and virus isolation. In this study, we have compared the sensitivity of a generic real time RT-PCR with a commercial ELISA for the NS1 protein analyzing serum samples from patients with dengue virus infection. We have also developed two protocols of real time RT-PCR to identify dengue serotype, one of them containing primers to the 5 end and the other, primers to the NS5 coding region. The generic real time RT-PCR showed to be more sensitive than the ELISA, principally, between the samples with low viral load. The real time RT-PCR containing primers to the 5 end showed a lower sensitivity than the generic real time RT-PCR; however, it was more sensitive than that containing primers to the NS5 coding region. Considering these results, we suggest the use of the generic real time RT-PCR to screen the dengue suspected cases and then to identify the serotype using the protocol that include the primers to the 5 end. Although the last protocol has shown a low sensitive, the identification of the infecting serotype in some of the samples is enough to define which serotype is circulating during the epidemic period.

Imunocaptura do vírus de Influenza aviária para dia diagnóstico em RT-PCR em tempo real /

Di Pillo, Fulvia. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Hélio José Montassier / Banca: Liana Brentano / Banca: Manoel Victor Franco Lemos / Resumo: A técnica de imunocaptura associada com a reação de transcrição reversa e reação em cadeia da polimerase (IC-RT-PCR) executadas tanto pelos procedimentos convencional como em tempo real foram testadas para a detecção rápida do gene da glicoproteína de Matriz (M) do vírus de influenza aviária (AIV) em amostras de líquido cório-alantóide (LCA) e em suabes traqueais e cloacais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e otimizar a técnica de IC-RT-PCR para o diagnóstico do vírus da Influenza aviária. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com um sistema empregando "beads" magnéticas em microplacas (AMBION), que é o método padrão de extração de RNA usado no laboratório de referência para diagnóstico de influenza aviária, o National Veterinary Services Laboratory - Ames, EUA (USDA), acrescido ainda de outros métodos de extração tradicionalmente usados nos laboratórios de referência para AIV, como os procedimentos com o uso do solvente orgânico Trizol® (Invitrogen) e com um sistema robotizado e que utiliza "beads" magnéticas (MagNA Pure - ROCHE). A técnica de IC-RT-PCR em tempo real neste estudo detectou a estirpe H2N2 do AIV, sem que nenhum outro dos RNA-vírus heterólogos testados fossem detectados (vírus das doença de Gumboro, de Newcastle e da bronquite infecciosa aviária). Os limites de detecção do IC-RTPCR foram iguais aos obtidos na técnica de extração com o kit da AMBION e menores do que aqueles que foram observados para os métodos de extração com Trizol® (Invitrogen) e com o MagNA Pure. O IC-RT-PCR demonstrou ser um sistema de diagnóstico capaz de conciliar simplicidade operacional e um menor custo com sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas iguais às do procedimento padrão atualmente adotado, podendo ser inclusive por laboratórios dotados de uma infra-estrutura mais simples / Abstract: The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), including real-time RT-PCR have been used for the rapid detection of Matrix glycoprotein gene (M gene) Avian influenza virus (AIV). Despite the availability of various RNA extraction methods for using in RT-PCR, isolation and detection of viral RNA are still difficult due to the unstable nature of viral RNA molecules and the presence of PCR inhibitory substances. In this study, a simple method using immune-capture (IC) to recover viral RNA from H2 AIV samples was developed and compared to one standard and two others reference methods used for viral RNA extraction, such as Ambion MagMAXTM kit and Trizol® (Invitrogen) and Magnapure kit (Roche), respectively, with subsequent analysis by real-time RT-PCR. The real-time IC-RT-PCR developed in was able to detect specifically H2N2 AIV strain, without detecting non-related avian RNA-virus pathogens, such as Newcastle disease virus, avian infectious bronchitis virus and Gumboro disease virus. Comparable detection limits were found for IC and the standard RNA extraction method using Ambion MagMAXTM kit, either for the detection of AIV in allantoic fluid suspension or in seeded tracheal and cloacal swab samples by conventional or real time RT-PCR techniques. These methods were less sensitive than Trizol® (Invitrogen) and Magnapure kit (Roche) procedures. Thus, IC was rapid and as sensitive and specific as current standard AIV RNA extraction method for real time or conventional RT-PCR, besides it conciliated simplicity and lower cost and can be applied simultaneously for direct detection of AIV in a large number of samples, including less-equipped laboratories / Mestre

Imunocaptura do vírus de Influenza aviária para dia diagnóstico em RT-PCR em tempo real

Di Pillo, Fulvia [UNESP] 13 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:16:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 dipillo_f_me_jabo.pdf: 266438 bytes, checksum: 248a318a5e5422d95006058e8dd1370a (MD5) / A técnica de imunocaptura associada com a reação de transcrição reversa e reação em cadeia da polimerase (IC-RT-PCR) executadas tanto pelos procedimentos convencional como em tempo real foram testadas para a detecção rápida do gene da glicoproteína de Matriz (M) do vírus de influenza aviária (AIV) em amostras de líquido cório-alantóide (LCA) e em suabes traqueais e cloacais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e otimizar a técnica de IC-RT-PCR para o diagnóstico do vírus da Influenza aviária. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com um sistema empregando “beads” magnéticas em microplacas (AMBION), que é o método padrão de extração de RNA usado no laboratório de referência para diagnóstico de influenza aviária, o National Veterinary Services Laboratory – Ames, EUA (USDA), acrescido ainda de outros métodos de extração tradicionalmente usados nos laboratórios de referência para AIV, como os procedimentos com o uso do solvente orgânico Trizol® (Invitrogen) e com um sistema robotizado e que utiliza “beads” magnéticas (MagNA Pure - ROCHE). A técnica de IC-RT-PCR em tempo real neste estudo detectou a estirpe H2N2 do AIV, sem que nenhum outro dos RNA-vírus heterólogos testados fossem detectados (vírus das doença de Gumboro, de Newcastle e da bronquite infecciosa aviária). Os limites de detecção do IC-RTPCR foram iguais aos obtidos na técnica de extração com o kit da AMBION e menores do que aqueles que foram observados para os métodos de extração com Trizol® (Invitrogen) e com o MagNA Pure. O IC-RT-PCR demonstrou ser um sistema de diagnóstico capaz de conciliar simplicidade operacional e um menor custo com sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas iguais às do procedimento padrão atualmente adotado, podendo ser inclusive por laboratórios dotados de uma infra-estrutura mais simples / The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), including real-time RT-PCR have been used for the rapid detection of Matrix glycoprotein gene (M gene) Avian influenza virus (AIV). Despite the availability of various RNA extraction methods for using in RT-PCR, isolation and detection of viral RNA are still difficult due to the unstable nature of viral RNA molecules and the presence of PCR inhibitory substances. In this study, a simple method using immune-capture (IC) to recover viral RNA from H2 AIV samples was developed and compared to one standard and two others reference methods used for viral RNA extraction, such as Ambion MagMAXTM kit and Trizol® (Invitrogen) and Magnapure kit (Roche), respectively, with subsequent analysis by real-time RT-PCR. The real-time IC-RT-PCR developed in was able to detect specifically H2N2 AIV strain, without detecting non-related avian RNA-virus pathogens, such as Newcastle disease virus, avian infectious bronchitis virus and Gumboro disease virus. Comparable detection limits were found for IC and the standard RNA extraction method using Ambion MagMAXTM kit, either for the detection of AIV in allantoic fluid suspension or in seeded tracheal and cloacal swab samples by conventional or real time RT-PCR techniques. These methods were less sensitive than Trizol® (Invitrogen) and Magnapure kit (Roche) procedures. Thus, IC was rapid and as sensitive and specific as current standard AIV RNA extraction method for real time or conventional RT-PCR, besides it conciliated simplicity and lower cost and can be applied simultaneously for direct detection of AIV in a large number of samples, including less-equipped laboratories

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