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Receiver Function Analysis and Acoustic Waveform Modeling for Imaging Earth’s Crust: New Techniques and Their ApplicationsLiu, Huafeng 16 September 2013 (has links)
The crust is the outer-most layer of the earth with thickness up to 80 km. Massive seismic waveform data have enabled imaging fine crustal structures with the aid of new imaging techniques. In this thesis, I develop seismic imaging techniques to take full advantage of the expanding dataset as well as apply the imaging techniques to understand crustal seismic structures. First, I apply receiver function techniques to image the crustal thickness and average Vp/Vs in Northeast China. I found an uplifted Moho in eastern flank of the Songliao Basin and the Changbaishan region and suggest that dynamic mantle upwelling might be the cause of the observed uplift. With accumulated waveform data available, it becomes possible to extract more subtle structural information from receiver function. Second, I develop a new technique to robustly estimate seismic azimuthal anisotropy with radial and transverse receiver functions. I apply this technique to estimate the crustal anisotropy in Southeast Yunnan region and found that the significant crustal anisotropy may be caused by lower crust flow in this region. Full-wave based imaging techniques such as reverse time migration and full-wave inversion does not assume flat interfaces or infinite frequency rays as that the receiver function techniques do and are desirable in imaging more complex crustal structures. However, their high computational cost is one of the issues that prevent their practical applications. In the last part, I developed an effective waveform modeling technique to efficiently simulate wave propagation in acoustic media. With this novel modeling technique, the full-wave based imaging techniques are accelerated by a factor up to 400%.
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Mapping the Rivera and Cocos subduction zoneSuhardja, Sandy Kurniawan 11 March 2014 (has links)
The crust and upper mantle seismic structure beneath southwestern Mexico was investigated using several techniques including teleseismic tomography using 3D raytracing, a joint tomographic inversion of teleseismic and regional data that included relocation of regional seismicity, and a P to S converted wave study. The data used in these studies came from a broadband seismic deployment called MARS. The seismic deployment lasted 1.5 years from January 2006 to June 2007 and the stations covered much of Jalisco and Colima states as well as the western part of Michoacan states.
At depth less than 50 km, P-wave receiver function images show a clear dipping slow velocity anomaly above a fast velocity layer. The slow anomaly convertor seen in receiver functions is directly above a fast dipping seismic anomaly seen in regional tomography results. The slow velocity with high Vp/Vs ratio is interpreted as a high pore fluid pressure zone within the upper layer of subducting oceanic crust. Regional seismicity was located using the double difference technique and then relocated in a tomography inversion. The seismicity is located very close to the slow dipping boundary to depths of 30-35 km and thus along the plate interface between the subducted and overlying plate. Deeper events are below the slow layer and thus are intraplate. Receiver function results also show a weaker continental Moho signal above the dipping slab that I interpret as a region of mantle serpentinization in the mantle wedge. Inland of the subduction zone, a clear Moho is observed with a maximum thickness of near 42 km although it thins to near 36 km depth towards the north approaching the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift. Using H-K analysis to examine Vp/Vs ratios in the crust, I find a band of very high Vp/Vs along the Jalisco Volcanic lineament as well as beneath the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field. These observations suggest the continental crust is warm and possibly partially molten over broad areas associated with these two magmatic regions and not just locally beneath the volcanoes. I also found seismicity associated with the Jalisco Volcanic Lineament but it was trenchward of the volcanoes. This may indicate extension in this region is part of the explanation for this magmatic activity.
At depths below 100 km, the tomography results show clear fast anomalies, about 0.3 km/s faster than the reference model, dipping to the northeast that I interpret as the subducting Rivera and Cocos plates. Tomography models show that the Rivera slab is dipping much steeper than the Cocos plate at depth. Below 150 km depth, the Rivera plate shows an almost vertical dip supporting the interpretation that the slab has steepened through time beneath Jalisco leading to a coastward migration of young volcanism with mixed geochemical signatures. The location of the young volcanism of the Jalisco Volcanic Lineament is just at the edge of the steeply dipping slab seen in the tomography. The magmatism is thus likely a nascent arc. The models also display evidence of a gap between the Rivera and Cocos plates that increases in width with depth marking the boundary between the two plates. The gap lies just to the west of Colima graben and allows asthenosphere to rise above the plates feeding Colima volcano. Another interesting finding from this study is a possibility of a slab tear along the western edge of the Cocos plate at a depth of about 50 km extending 60 km horizontally. The tear is coincident with a lack of seismicity in this region although there are events below and above the tear. / text
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Der obere Mantel in der Eifel-Region untersucht mit der Receiver Function Methode / The upper mantle in the region of the Eifel, Germany, analyzed with the receiver function methodBudweg, Martin January 2002 (has links)
Die Eifel ist eines der jüngsten vulkanischen Gebiete Mitteleuropas. Die letzte Eruption ereignete sich vor ungefähr 11000 Jahren. Bisher ist relativ wenig bekannt über die tieferen Mechanismen, die für den Vulkanismus in der Eifel verantwortlich sind. Erdbebenaktivität deutet ebenso darauf hin, dass die Eifel eines der geodynamisch aktivsten Gebiete Mitteleuropas ist. In dieser Arbeit wird die Receiver Function Methode verwendet, um die Strukturen des oberen Mantels zu untersuchen. 96 teleseismische Beben (mb > 5.2) wurden ausgewertet, welche von permanenten und mobilen breitbandigen und kurzperiodischen Stationen aufgezeichnet wurden. Das temporäre Netzwerk registrierte von November 1997 bis Juni 1998 und überdeckte eine Fläche von ungefähr 400x250 km². Das Zentrum des Netzwerkes befand sich in der Vulkaneifel. <br />
Die Auswertung der Receiver Function Analyse ergab klare Konversionen von der Moho und den beiden Manteldiskontinuitäten in 410 km und 660 km Tiefe, sowie Hinweise auf einen Mantel-Plume in der Region der Eifel. Die Moho wurde bei ungefähr 30 km Tiefe beobachtet und zeigt nur geringe Variationen im Bereich des Netzwerkes. Die beobachteten Variationen der konvertierten Phasen der Moho können mit lateralen Schwankungen in der Kruste zu tun haben, die mit den Receiver Functions nicht aufgelöst werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Receiver Function Methode deuten auf eine Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone zwischen 60 km bis 90 km in der westlichen Eifel hin. In etwa 200 km Tiefe werden im Bereich der Eifel amplitudenstarke positive Phasen von Konversionen beobachtet. Als Ursache hierfür wird eine Hochgeschwindigkeitszone vorgeschlagen, welche durch mögliches aufsteigendes, dehydrierendes Mantel-Material verursacht wird. Die P zu S Konversionen an der 410 km Diskontinuität zeigen einen späteren Einsatz als nach dem IASP91-Modell erwartet wird. Die migrierten Daten weisen eine Absenkung der 410 km Diskontinuität um bis zu 20 km Tiefe auf, was einer Erhöhung der Temperatur von bis zu etwa 140° Celsius entspricht. Die 660 km Diskontinuität weist keine Aufwölbung auf. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass kein Mantelmaterial direkt von unterhalb der 660 km Diskontinuität in der Eifel-Region aufsteigt oder, dass der Ursprung des Eifel-Plumes innerhalb der Übergangszone liegt. / The upper mantle in the region of the Eifel, Germany, analyzed with the <i>receiver function</i> method: <br />
The Eifel is the youngest volcanic area of Central Europe. The last eruption occurred approximately 11000 years ago. Little is known about the deep origin and the mechanism responsible for the Eifel volcanic activity. Earthquake activity indicates that the Eifel is one of the most geodynamically active areas of Central Europe. <br />
In this work the <i>receiver function</i> method is used to investigate the upper mantle structure beneath the Eifel. Data from 96 teleseismic events (mb > 5.2) that were recorded by both permanent stations and a temporary network of 33 broadband and 129 short period stations had been analyzed. The temporary network was operating from November 1997 till June 1998 and covered an area of approximately 400x250 km² centered on the Eifel volcanic fields. <br />
The <i>receiver function</i> analysis reveals a clear image of the Moho and the mantle discontinuities at 410 km and 660 km depth. Average Moho depth is approximately 30 km and it shows little variation over the extent of the network. The observed variations of converted waveforms are possibly caused by lateral variations in crustal structure, which could not resolved by it <i>receiver functions</i>. Inversions of data and migrated it receiver functions from stations of the central Eifel array suggest that a low velocity zone is present at about 60 to 90 km depth in the western Eifel region. There are also indications for a high velocity zone around 200 km depth, perhaps caused by dehydration of the rising plume material. The results suggest that P-to-S conversions from the 410-km discontinuity arrive later than in the IASP91 reference model. The migrated data show a depression of the 410 km discontinuity of about 20 km, which correspond to an increase of temperature of about 140° Celsius. The 660 km discontinuity seems to be unaffected. This indicates that no mantel material rises up from directly below the 660 km discontinuity in the Eifel region or the Eifel-Plume has its origin within the transition zone.
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Crustal structure of north Peru from analysis of teleseismic receiver functionsCondori, Cristobal, França, George S., Tavera, Hernando J., Albuquerque, Diogo F., Bishop, Brandon T., Beck, Susan L. 07 1900 (has links)
In this study, we present results from teleseismic receiver functions, in order to investigate the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio beneath northern Peru. A total number of 981 receiver functions were analyzed, from data recorded by 28 broadband seismic stations from the Peruvian permanent seismic network, the regional temporary SisNort network and one CTBTO station. The Moho depth and average crustal Vp/Vs ratio were determined at each station using the H-k stacking technique to identify the arrival times of primary P to S conversion and crustal reverberations (PpPms, PpSs + PsPms). The results show that the Moho depth correlates well with the surface topography and varies significantly from west to east, showing a shallow depth of around 25 km near the coast, a maximum depth of 55-60 km beneath the Andean Cordillera, and a depth of 35-40 km further to the east in the Amazonian Basin. The bulk crustal Vp/Vs ratio ranges between 1.60 and 1.88 with the mean of 1.75. Higher values between 1.75 and 1.88 are found beneath the Eastern and Western Cordilleras, consistent with a mafic composition in the lower crust. In contrast values vary from 1.60 to 1.75 in the extreme flanks of the Eastern and Western Cordillera indicating a felsic composition. We find a positive relationship between crustal thickness, Vp/ Vs ratio, the Bouguer anomaly, and topography. These results are consistent with previous studies in other parts of Peru (central and southern regions) and provide the first crustal thickness estimates for the high cordillera in northern Peru.
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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic ShieldOlsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.
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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic ShieldOlsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. </p><p>The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. </p><p>Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.</p>
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Dynamics of the eastern edge of the Rio Grande RiftXia, Yu 05 November 2013 (has links)
The Western U.S. has experienced widespread extension during the past 10’s of millions of years, largely within the Basin and Range and Rio Grande Rift provinces. Tomography results from previous studies revealed narrow fast seismic velocity anomalies in the mantle on either side of the Rio Grande Rift as well as at the western edge of the Colorado Plateau. The fast mantle anomalies have been interpreted as down-welling that is part of small scale mantle convection at the edge of extending provinces. It was also found that crust was thicker than average ab¬¬ove the possible mantle down-welling, indicating that mantle dynamics may influence crustal flow. We present results from P/S conversion receiver functions using SIEDCAR (Seismic Investigation of Edge Driven Convection Associated with the Rio Grande Rift) data to determine crustal and lithospheric structure beneath the east flank of the Rio Grande Rift. Crustal and lithosphere thickness are estimated using P-to-S and S-to-P receiver functions respectively. Receiver function migration methods were applied to produce images of the crust and lithosphere. The results show variable crustal thickness through the region with an average thickness of 45 km. The crust achieves its maximum thickness of 60km at 105W longitude, between 33.5N and 32.2N latitude. This observation confirms previous receiver function results from Wilson et al, 2005. Body wave tomography (Rocket, 2011; Schmandt and Humphreys, 2010) using similar data to what we used for the receiver function analysis, shows mantle downwelling closely associated with the thickened crust. We believe that the thickened crust might be due to lower crustal flow associated with mantle downwelling or mantle delamination at the edge of the Rio Grande Rift. In this model the sinking mantle pulls the crust downward causing a pressure gradient within the crust thus causing the flow. Our S-P images show signal from the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) with an average LAB thickness of 100 km but with a sharp transition at about 1050 W from 75 km to over 100 km. The region with abnormally thick crust overlies a region where the lithosphere appears to have a break. We interpret our results as showing that lower lithosphere has and is delaminating near the edge of the Great Plains accompanied by lower crustal flow in some places determined by lower crustal viscosity. / text
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Regional reflectivity analyses of the upper mantle using SS precursors and receiver functionsContenti, Sean M. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Mapping crustal structure of the Nechako Basin using teleseismic receiver functionsKim, Hyun-Seung 14 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes a passive-source seismic mapping project in the Nechako Basin of central British Columbia (BC), Canada, with the ultimate goal of assessing the hydrocarbon and mineral potential of the region. The Nechako Basin has been the focus of limited hydrocarbon exploration since the 1930s. Twelve exploratory wells were drilled; oil stains on drill chip samples and the evidence of gas in drill stem tests attest to some hydrocarbon potential. Seismic data collected in the 1980s were of variable quality due mainly to effects of volcanic cover in this region. For the present study, an array of nine seismic stations was deployed in 2006 and 2007 to sample a wide area of the Nechako Basin and map the sediment thickness, crustal thickness, and overall geometry of the basin. This study utilizes recordings of about 40 distant earthquakes from 2006 to 2008 to calculate receiver functions, and construct S-wave velocity models for each station using the Neighbourhood Algorithm inversion. The surface sediments are found to range in thickness from about 0.8 to 2.7 km, and the volcanic layer below ranges in thickness from 2.3 to 4.7 km. Both sediments and volcanic cover are thickest in the central part of the basin. The average crustal thickness across the basin is about 30-32 km; it is thicker in the northern and western parts of the basin, and thinner in the southern and eastern parts. This study complements other research in this region, such as independent active-source seismic studies and magnetotelluric measurements, by providing site-specific images of the crustal structure down to the Moho and detailed constraints on the S-wave velocity structure.
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Investigating the Lithospheric Structure of Northern Algeria from Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Tomography Using Earthquake and Ambient Noise dataMelouk, Billel 22 March 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we have investigated the lithospheric structure beneath the continental part of northern Algeria. We have used data provided by the Algerian Digital Seismic Network (ADSN) to create images (2D maps and cross-sections) of the Moho depth variation and the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the study region. To realize this main objective, this thesis has been divided into two main studies. In the first study, we have used teleseismic P-wave receiver functions jointly inverted with Rayleigh wave dispersion curves obtained from local earthquakes recorded by ADSN broadband stations. The seismic stations are located in different geological settings, including the Tell Atlas, the High Plateaus, and the Saharan Atlas. In the second study, we have applied a different approach by including a different type of data, namely ambient noise. We used the Rayleigh waves generated by ambient noise and recorded by ADSN’s short-period stations, as well as Rayleigh waves obtained from local earthquakes recorded by ADSN’s broadband stations to create a coverage map that allows a 3D imaging of the crustal structure of northern Algeria with an average resolution of about 100 km using the surface wave tomography method. Crustal thickness and the Vp/Vs ratio are first derived by the H–κ stacking method of receiver functions. Then, the joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion curves have showed the variation of Moho depth in different geological settings. Moho depth clearly increases from north to south and from west to east. The shallowest Moho depths (~20–30 km) have been estimated along the Algerian continental margin and in the Tell Atlas, while the deepest Moho depths are found in the Saharan Atlas and the Aurès mountains (36–44 km), passing through the High Plateaus region where Moho depths vary from 30–36 km. The crustal structure is interpreted by combining the results of both studies. The crust is divided into two main layers throughout the study region. The upper crust has a thickness of around 8 –14 km and an average shear-wave velocity of around 3.0 km/s. A zone of high velocity is also observed in the lower part of the upper crust at a depth of around 10 km under the Mitidja basin in the Tell Atlas. The lower crust has a thickness of about 12–30 km and an average shear-wave velocity of between 3.4–3.8 km/s. In general, the lower crust is thicker than the upper crust, especially in the Saharan Atlas. A thinning of the lower crust is observed approaching the interplate boundary to the north, especially in the western part of the region. Upper mantle shear-wave velocity varies from 4.1 to 4.5 km/s at maximum, and are generally stable below 60 km depth. Two low-velocity zones are clearly observed, particularly in the eastern Tell Atlas and High Plateaus. The first is around 10 km thick in the lower part of the lower crust, and the other lies in the upper mantle at depths of between 40 and 60 km. The obtained results are in accordance with those found previously in the region, particularly those using land gravimetric and seismic data. The combination of all these seismological methods has allowed the integration of a new shear-wave velocity model and 2D crustal structure cross-sections into previous results found in the northern part of Algeria, which is located on a major plate boundary. This provides a better understanding of the geodynamics and tectonics of the western Mediterranean region.
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