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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Регионално-географске основе одрживог развоја Шљивовичке планине и њене подгорине у Источној Србији / Regionalno-geografske osnove održivog razvoja Šljivovičke planine i njene podgorine u Istočnoj Srbiji / Regional Geography Basis for Sustainable Development of the Mountain Šljivovička planina and its footfall in Eastern Serbia

Živković Jelena 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Планинским подручјима као областима са природним ограничењима за развој у Србији се не посвећује довољно пажње. Са социо-економског аспекта то су најсиромашнији крајеви у држави. Проблеми са којима се ови простори суочавају су: депопулација, привредна заосталост, сиромаштво и други процеси изазвани глобалним променама. Концепт одрживог развоја планина&nbsp; представља регионално специфичан процес који се не бави само планинама, већ и становништвом подножја и суседних области. Дисертација представља покушај давања&nbsp; географског доприноса овој комплексној проблематици на примеру једног, по просторном обухвату, малог планинског подручја. Шљивовичка планина са подгорином до сада није изучавана као посебна просторна целина. Истраживања су подразумевала парцијалну и комплексну&nbsp;валоризацију природних и друштвено-географских елемената простора у оквиру претходно утврђених граница. Циљ истраживања је био утврђивање регионално-географске основе одрживог развоја проучаваног простора. Основни проблем&nbsp;истраживања је социо-економска стагнација и питање могућности деловања свих присутних природних и антропогених елемената простора на ублажавање негативних трендова у развоју. Током израде дисертације спроведена су и два анкетна истраживања. Прво истраживање се бавило узроцима ниског&nbsp;&nbsp; фертилитета и спроведено је на узорку од 160 жена. Друго анкетно истраживање се бавило питањем привредне активације простора, а спроведено је на узорку од 437 становника. Статистичка обрада прикупљених података обрађена је помоћу програма СПСС 17 (Statistical&nbsp; Package for Social Science). Резултати анкетног истраживања су показали какви су ставови становништва о&nbsp; могућностима подизања нивоа наталитета, као и активације одређених делатности,за које се на основу истраживања у дисертацији утврдило да постоје потенцијали. Мишљење становништва о проблемима са којима се њихов&nbsp;крај суочава је веома важно, јер развој не сме бити у конфликту са локалном културом, као и обичајима који се традиционално негују. Осим тога, одрживим системом коришћења ресурса морају управљати људи који од њега живе. Резултати истраживања у дисертацији могу представљати основу за планирање одрживог развоја локалних заједница којима овај простор административно&nbsp;припада. Такође, сазнања до којих се дошло кроз овај рад употпунила су досадашња географска знања о простору Шљивовичке планине и њене&nbsp;подгорине.</p> / <p>Planinskim područjima kao oblastima sa prirodnim ograničenjima za razvoj u Srbiji se ne posvećuje dovoljno pažnje. Sa socio-ekonomskog aspekta to su najsiromašniji krajevi u državi. Problemi sa kojima se ovi prostori suočavaju su: depopulacija, privredna zaostalost, siromaštvo i drugi procesi izazvani globalnim promenama. Koncept održivog razvoja planina&nbsp; predstavlja regionalno specifičan proces koji se ne bavi samo planinama, već i stanovništvom podnožja i susednih oblasti. Disertacija predstavlja pokušaj davanja&nbsp; geografskog doprinosa ovoj kompleksnoj problematici na primeru jednog, po prostornom obuhvatu, malog planinskog područja. Šljivovička planina sa podgorinom do sada nije izučavana kao posebna prostorna celina. Istraživanja su podrazumevala parcijalnu i kompleksnu&nbsp;valorizaciju prirodnih i društveno-geografskih elemenata prostora u okviru prethodno utvrđenih granica. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje regionalno-geografske osnove održivog razvoja proučavanog prostora. Osnovni problem&nbsp;istraživanja je socio-ekonomska stagnacija i pitanje mogućnosti delovanja svih prisutnih prirodnih i antropogenih elemenata prostora na ublažavanje negativnih trendova u razvoju. Tokom izrade disertacije sprovedena su i dva anketna istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje se bavilo uzrocima niskog&nbsp;&nbsp; fertiliteta i sprovedeno je na uzorku od 160 žena. Drugo anketno istraživanje se bavilo pitanjem privredne aktivacije prostora, a sprovedeno je na uzorku od 437 stanovnika. Statistička obrada prikupljenih podataka obrađena je pomoću programa SPSS 17 (Statistical&nbsp; Package for Social Science). Rezultati anketnog istraživanja su pokazali kakvi su stavovi stanovništva o&nbsp; mogućnostima podizanja nivoa nataliteta, kao i aktivacije određenih delatnosti,za koje se na osnovu istraživanja u disertaciji utvrdilo da postoje potencijali. Mišljenje stanovništva o problemima sa kojima se njihov&nbsp;kraj suočava je veoma važno, jer razvoj ne sme biti u konfliktu sa lokalnom kulturom, kao i običajima koji se tradicionalno neguju. Osim toga, održivim sistemom korišćenja resursa moraju upravljati ljudi koji od njega žive. Rezultati istraživanja u disertaciji mogu predstavljati osnovu za planiranje održivog razvoja lokalnih zajednica kojima ovaj prostor administrativno&nbsp;pripada. Takođe, saznanja do kojih se došlo kroz ovaj rad upotpunila su dosadašnja geografska znanja o prostoru Šljivovičke planine i njene&nbsp;podgorine.</p> / <p>Mountain areas as areas with natural constraints to development in Serbia are not paid enough attention. From a socio-economic point of view these are the poorest regions in the country. The problems that these areas face are: depopulation, economic backwardness, poverty and other processes caused by global changes.&nbsp; The concept of sustainable development is a regional mountain-specific process that deals not only with mountains, but also the population of the foothills and adjacent areas. The dissertation is an attempt of giving geographical contribution to this complex problem in the case of one, according to spatial coverage, a small mountain area. The mountain &Scaron;ljivovička planina with its footfall has not been studied as aseparate spatial unit. Studies have implied a partial and complex appreciation of natural and socio-geographical space elements within the preestablished limits. The aim of the research was to establish the regional geography basis for sustainable development of this area. The main problem is the socio-economic stagnation and the possibility of operation of all the present natural and anthropogenic elements of space at alleviating the negative trends in development. During the drafting of the thesis two surveys were carried out. The first study examines the causes of low fertility and was conducted on a sample of 160 women.Other survey dealt with the issue of economic activation space, and was conducted on a sample of 437&nbsp; residents. Statistical analysis of the collected data is processed&nbsp; using SPSS 17 Statistical Package for Social Science). The results of the survey showed what the attitude of the population about the possibilities of raising the birth rate are, as well as the activation of certain activities that are based on research in the thesis found that the potentials exist. Opinion of the population about the problems that their habitat is facing is very important, because development cannot be in conflict with the local culture and customs that are traditionally fostered. In addition, the system sustainable use of resources must be governed by people who live out of it. The research results in the dissertation can be the basis for planning the sustainable development of local communities which administratively belong to this area.&nbsp; Also, findings that have been reached through this dissertation complemented the current geographical knowledge of the area of the mountain &Scaron;ljivovička planina and its footfall.</p>

Výuka regionální geografie v Montessori školách / The teaching of regional geography in Montessori schools

Čechová, Simona January 2020 (has links)
The teaching of regional geography in Montessori schools Abstract The goal of this thesis is to present the importance and position of the curriculum of regional geography and to analyze the approaches to teaching methods of regional geography, which are used in Montessori schools in the Czech Republic and are applicable in teaching geography in other types of schools. Specifically, we study pupils in the higher grades of primary schools and the lower grades of a grammar school. The work deals with this topic in two main parts. The first theoretical part is devoted to familiarization with the history of regional geography as a scientific discipline and, subsequently, with the functions and subject of study of regional geography in general. The next section deals with the curriculum and teaching of regional geography. At the end of the theoretical part, there are chapters devoted to Montessori education and methodology utilized in this thesis. The second part summerizes results of qualitative research, including the method of semi-structured interviews with teachers of regional geography and participatory observations in classes. At the end of the thesis, the summary results of qualitative research are proposed and further discussed. Keywords: Teaching geography, regional geography, Montessori, qualitative...

Místo, odkud pocházím - Velké Březno a okolí / Where I Come From - Velké Březno and the surrounding area

Zatloukalová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Where I Come From - Velké Březno and the surrounding area The aim of this work is to create an educational project for pupils of the fourth and fifth grades to help them understand the connections between countryside, natural resources, population density, economic use of resources and development of transportation networks in the 19th and 20th centuries. The scope of this thesis is determined by the area encompassed by the school district of Velké Březno, that is, the right bank of the Elbe from Ústi nad Labem to Těchlovice. The theoretical part describes the area for which the project has been proposed from the socio- geographic point of view, and includes methods and lesson formats. The practical part contains work material meant as didactic inspiration for teaching local history.

Детекција и анализа климатских региона у Србији / Detekcija i analiza klimatskih regiona u Srbiji / Detection and analysis of climate regions in Serbia

Stojsavljević Rastislav 15 December 2015 (has links)
<p>За дефинисање климатских региона у Србији су коришћени следећи параметри: просечна средња месечна темперература ваздуха, просечна средња месечна максимална температура ваздуха, просечна средња месечна минимална температура ваздуха, укупна месечна сума падавина. Истраживани период је износио 30 година (1981-2010). За температурне низове је коришћено 69<br />станица, а за падавинске низове 78. У обзир су рађене станице које имају минимум 80% попуњеног низа, док су за недостајући низ коришћени методи интерполације и<br />екстраполације. За дефинисање климатских региона коришћене су следеће методе: кластер, АНОВА, Пирсонов тест корелације, анализа поузданости, факторска анализа и геостатистичке анализе кригинг и метода полинома. На основу напоменутих параметара издвојено је 12 температурних и 8 падавинских региона.</p> / <p>Za definisanje klimatskih regiona u Srbiji su korišćeni sledeći parametri: prosečna srednja mesečna tempereratura vazduha, prosečna srednja mesečna maksimalna temperatura vazduha, prosečna srednja mesečna minimalna temperatura vazduha, ukupna mesečna suma padavina. Istraživani period je iznosio 30 godina (1981-2010). Za temperaturne nizove je korišćeno 69<br />stanica, a za padavinske nizove 78. U obzir su rađene stanice koje imaju minimum 80% popunjenog niza, dok su za nedostajući niz korišćeni metodi interpolacije i<br />ekstrapolacije. Za definisanje klimatskih regiona korišćene su sledeće metode: klaster, ANOVA, Pirsonov test korelacije, analiza pouzdanosti, faktorska analiza i geostatističke analize kriging i metoda polinoma. Na osnovu napomenutih parametara izdvojeno je 12 temperaturnih i 8 padavinskih regiona.</p> / <p>To define climate regions in Serbia, it has been used following parameters:&nbsp; average monthly mean tempereratura air, the average monthly mean maximum air temperature, average monthly mean minimum air temperature, total monthly sum of precipitation. The studied period was 30 years (1981-2010). For the temperature sequences were used 69 stations and for precipitation 78.&nbsp; Station which were used&nbsp;had&nbsp; a minimum of 80% of the completed series, while for the missing series was used methods of interpolation and extrapolation. To define climate regions were used&nbsp; following methods cluster, ANOVA, Pearson correlation test, reliability analysis, factor analysis and geostatistical analyzes kriging and method polynomials. On the basis of abovementioned parameters Serbia has 12 temperature and 8 precipitation regions</p>

Rußland' in Zedlers 'Universal-Lexicon

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 18 July 2014 (has links)
Das 'Universal-Lexicon' ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Umwandlung von Wissen, das in Reiseberichten, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften verfügbar war, in eine Lexikongestalt. Es kann als Beispiel für eine bürgerliche Lesekultur verstanden werden, die sehr verschiedene Gegenstände konsumiert und sowohl nach Informationen wie nach deren Zusammenfassung verlangt. Das 'Universal-Lexicon' ist schon aus Gründen des enormen Umfangs dem 'allgemeinen Wissen' verpflichtet, wobei 'Rußland' ein Element des Wissens unter vielen ist: über 288.000 Artikel besetzen etwa 68.000 Folioseiten.

Makroregionální struktury světa: reprezentace, percepce a objektivizace / Macroregional structures of the world: representation, preception, and objectivisation

Polonský, Filip January 2012 (has links)
The thesis brings insight to the problem of geosocietal differentiation of the world and its interpretation in the schemes of (major) world regional structures. These schemes are matter of different presentation and representation and have utility in organization of both scientific and non-scientific practices. A more detailed analysis and discussion of academic approaches to global macroregionalization was provided, which was followed by an analysis of the views of so-called global actors. Assessed was also situation in Czech and Slovak education (geographical textbooks). Perceptions of regional schemes are represented by views of geography students. Struggles with objectification were related to several-variant-based consideration of internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity of macroregions. Also assessed were world economic flows, distribution of integrated power potential and its development (1950 - 2008). Conclusions bring synthesis of the findings, as well as an outline of possible future research topics.

Aktivizující metody ve výuce zeměpisu: náměty pro výuku regionální geografie v 7. ročníku ZŠ

LEŽÁKOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to create educational material for teaching of regional geography in the 7th year of primary school. The thesis uses a variety of activating methods. Teaching activities have three main themes - Tribes, Globalization and Colonialism. The thesis contains also a methodological guide for teachers that includes instructions, utilities, benefits and other information that will help teachers with the application of these materials in the teaching of geography. The author of all processed according to existing curricula in force in the Czech Republic, especially FEP and SEP of five primary schools.

Metodika výuky přírodovědy regionu na příkladu Klatovska / The teaching of region-general science on the Klatovsko example

NOVOTNÁ, Anežka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is The teaching of region-general science on the Klatovsko example. In the first part of the work is the theoretical introduction composed from special literature which describes Klatovsko in many views. The region is characterized, defined and divided to the sub regions; either physical-geographical and socio-economical data as well as environment-conservation are reviewed in the theoretical part of this thesis. The work is not focused only on range of general science but also logical attaches it with information from regional geography. This data together gives allover review on the resolved region. The necessary part of this diploma these is own resolving which is based on seeking for knowledge about the region in 4th and 5th classes of elementary schools. The little spread method of mental mapping was used for research and the method was extended with questionary investigation. The results of own resolving are discussed and interpreted by suitable graphs. The teaching-utilities for either region-general science and geography were created on base of obtained results. The learning texts are prepared for direct-teaching of pupils and connected working sheets for reviewing their knowledge and quality-control of teaching were attached. As an alternative learning-method the funny projects are provided with this work. These projects are useful for teaching of Klatovy region.

Koncept regionálnej identity vo výskume sociálne konštruovaných regiónov: multimierková perspektiva / The concept of regional identity in the research of socially constructed regions: a multiscale perspective

Nikischer, Richard January 2015 (has links)
It has been approximately three decades since "new" approaches to studying regions began to appear in the context of socio-cultural turn in geography. From the perspective of the so-called new regional geography, the region does not represent a naturally given spatial unit nor a semantically empty construction of the analysis of the society's spatial organization. The "new" regional geographer perceives regions as dynamic social structures linked to a collective consciousness. In this respect, the research of regions represents a study of the social organization of space. While research of the spatial (geographic) organization of society in Czech geography has a rather long tradition, a similar statement cannot be made regarding the research into the social organization of space (the other side of the relationship between space and society). Despite the fact that even in Czechia the number of academics interested in the process of the institutionalization of regions is gradually growing, i.e. about how and why regions are constructed/deconstructed as a part of social life, domestic research of the social organization of space is still only in its early stages. The present doctoral dissertation represents a relevant contribution to the current debate regarding the issues of the social organization...

City branding krajských měst v Česku / City branding of Czech regional capital cities

Jenček, Lubor January 2020 (has links)
Lubor JENČEK: City branding krajských měst v Česku Abstract This thesis deals with city branding of Czech regional capital cities. Its goal is to compare city branding of Czech regional capital cities and reveal a functional mechanism of city branding in practice. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the concept of branding, which is first discussed in general and later theoretically and practically expanded. Its functions in general are discussed. In the empirical part, the main research attention is dedicated to concepts of place branding and city branding on the case of the contemporary city branding of Czech regional capital cities The thesis aims to answer six research questions divided into three thematical groups - interpretation of Czech regional capital cities' brands, motivation for their creating and use, and the ways how to manage them. Answers to these questions should reveal actual condition of Czech city branding. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used in this thesis. Data were acquired by questionnaire survey targeted at all Czech regional capital cities' representatives, and semi-structured interviews with representatives of four selected cities (Ostrava, Zlín, Plzeň and Ústí and Labem) as case studies. The results of the thesis can be applied in...

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