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Regional policies of decarbonisation in Europe : case of Silesia in Poland and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France / Les politiques régionales de décarbonisation en Europe : le cas de la Silésie en Pologne et du Nord-Pas de Calais en FranceWaciega, Kamila Olga 11 March 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique de l’Européanisation qui peut être saisi à travers la notion d’usages instrumentaux, stratégiques, cognitifs et légitimant. L’objet de l’étude est un examen comparatif de l’adaptation des deux régions au nouveau contexte politique, légal et financier qui résulte du développement et de l’extension de l’intégration de l’UE dans le domaine de l’énergie et du changement climatique. Les ‘usages’ réfèrent à la capacité et à la volonté des acteurs de saisir des opportunités et des contraintes européennes pour formuler des politiques nationales (et dans ce cas régionales) traduisant l’impératif de la décarbonisation. Nous avons cherché à mesurer jusqu’à quel point des exécutifs régionaux étaient capables de mobiliser des ressources de l’UE dans le but de poursuivre leurs stratégies dans le domaine de la décarbonisation, ainsi que de déterminer si leur capacité d’utiliser des ressources européennes dépend de leur appartenance à un ‘ancien’ ou à un ‘nouvel’ Etat membre de l’UE. Au final, il s’agit d’évaluer jusqu’à quel point leur capacité d’innover et d’organiser la résilience territoriale à l’aide d’outils européens est liée à la division Est/Ouest. L’analyse est conduite sur deux cas d’études : deux régions européennes qui sont aujourd’hui des émettrices majeures en CO2, parce qu’elles sont encore industrialisées, densément peuplées, qu’elles abritent des sites de production en énergie, et que les bâtiments et les logements (publics et privés) sur leurs territoires sont des passoires énergétiques. La haute Silésie en Pologne et le Nord-Pas de Calais en France peuvent toujours être considérés comme des territoires industrialisés et peuvent être comparés dans une perspective « nouveau/ancien » Etat membre de l’UE. La présente recherche examine les différences dans les usages dans les deux cas d’études. Nous recherchons des variables explicatives pour ces divergences qui peuvent être trouvées dans le passé de chacune des régions. En procédant de cette manière, nous plaçons notre modèle dans une perspective de dépendance au sentier et nous regardons ce qui est pertinent dans le dispositif régional. / The object of the study is a comparative examination of two regions' adaptation to the new political, legal and financial context that results from the development and extension of the EU integration in the field of energy and climate change – or decarbonisation agenda. The ‘usages’ refer to stakeholders’ ability and willingness to take advantage of the European opportunities and constraints provided to them to shape national (and in this case regional) policies. In addition to the intentional dimensions ‘usages’ also cover the actual practices observed in each region. We search to determine to what extent the ability of the regional executives to mobilise EU resources for the purpose of pursuing their strategies in the field of decarbonisation depends on whether they are situated in an ‘old’ or a ‘new’ member state of the EU. We attempt to assess to what extent their ability to innovate and to organise a territorial resilience is related to the East/West divide.The analysis is conduced on two case studies: two European regions that are today major CO2 emitters, because they are still industrialized, densely populated, they host energy production sites, and their housing requires deep and extensive thermal renovation. Two regions in Europe appeared particularly fitting that description, and cumulate all disadvantages (as regards the importance of CO2 emissions). Upper Silesia in Poland and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France can still be considered as industrialized territories that can be compared in a “new/old” member state of the EU perspective. The present research looks at differences in usages in the two case studies. We search for pertinent explanatory variables for those divergences to be found in each region’s past, deconstructed in institutional, interest-related and ideational components. We place our model in a path-dependence perspective and we look at how it is relevant in a regional setting.
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Social And Institutional Impacts Of Mersin Regional Innovation Strategy: Stakeholders' / PerspectiveMetin, Hulya 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores the Regional Innovation System (RIS) approach which is an efficient policy tool for the achievement of regional development in the global competition environment and aims to evaluate the social and institutional gains of Mersin RIS following the implementation of Mersin Regional Innovation Strategy (RIStr). An analysis of Mersin RIStr, which is the first and the only RIStr of Turkey, has been taken as a case study. Mersin RIStr, as being a project supported in the context of European Union 6. Framework program, aims to improve the regional innovation infrastructure and capacity of Mersin. RIS is not only technological but is also a social process and accordingly requires intense regional interaction networks. In this context, the impact of RIStr on the improvement of RIS in Mersin has been evaluated through the determinants of new institutional structures, improvements in lobor market conditions, newly occured cooperation networks and newly produced project-products-services-skills. Indepth interview method has been used for the survey. Interviews were carried out with the stakeholders of strategy project. Throughout the survey, gains of the region in general terms and gains of the specified leading sectors / i.e. tourism, logistic and agro-food, have been evaluated from the perspective of stakeholders. Social and institutional achievements of Mersin RIS have been evaluated in detail with the aim of presenting the effectiveness and weaknesses of strategy as being a new model case for the other regions in Turkey.
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The Structure Of National And Subnational Institutons In European Union Candidate Countries And Eu ImplicationsOguzsoy, Cenk Mehmet 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The European Union is now facing with the enormous enlargement processes, which comprise thirteen new countries. Different from the European Union member states, these candidate countries are suffering significant socio-economic problems and have to face with the need for adjustment of their regional policies, administrations and institutions. In this process, the EU is intervening actively into the development of the Central and Eastern European Countries&rsquo / regional policies and institutional structures.
While twelve of these countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia) will be definitely the member states until the year of 2007, Turkey is not currently negotiating her membership and is highly backward status in comparison with the other candidate countries. In this context, the thesis study is composed of four main parts:
1. the changing system of the European Union regional policy,
2. the realized applications of the candidate countries in the field of regional policy after the year 1989,
3. the developments of the candidate countries&rsquo / institutional structures on regional policy, and
4. the position of Turkish regional policy and institutional structure.
Basically, the thesis investigates how the European Union is following a similar system for the candidate countries in the field of regional policy and institutional structure and tries to provide significant outputs in Turkish case.
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Urbanisme durable et potentialités de transferts d’expériences interculturelles entre Régions européennes : comparaison des démarches en Bretagne (France) et en Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Allemagne) au croisement de la qualité urbaine durable et de la prospective paysagère / Sustainable urban planning and potential transfers of intercultural experiences between European regions : comparison of Brittany (France) and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany) approaches to the crossing of the sustainable urban quality and the prospective landscape / Nachhaltiger Städtebau und Möglichkeiten des interkulturellen Erfahrungstransfers zwischen europäischen Regionen : vergleich der Herangehensweisen der Bretagne und Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns in Projekten der nachhaltigen Landschafts-und StadtentwicklungsplanungBaldermann-Cornec, Ute 07 November 2011 (has links)
Ma double culture d’aménagement (franco-allemande) et le travail pour la mise en place d’un dispositif encourageant l’urbanisme durable, l’innovation et l’excellence environnementale pour les élus bretons, avaient fait de mon questionnement personnel de longue date un sujet d’actualité: Peut-on transposer des méthodes et des expériences extraterritoriales d’une culture à une autre pour dynamiser et faire évoluer la qualité des projets et les approches des acteurs locaux ? La réponse à ce questionnement, déterminant pour ma propre pratique professionnelle, n’existe pasdans la littérature en 2005. Partant de la Région Bretagne, à première vue, le choix du Land de la Saxe s’imposait pour la comparaison à cause d’un jumelage datant de 1995. Après enquête, il s’avère que peu d’actions et projets concrets se sont développés. Cela n’est peut-être pas étonnant compte tenu des caractéristiques territoriales très différentes de la Bretagne et la Saxe (passé très industriel, peu d’agriculture, pas de littoral, de nombreuses grandes villes). En conséquence, le Land du Mecklenburg-Vorpommern avec son littoral étendu, ses nombreuses îles, son économie qui separtage entre l’agriculture et le tourisme, semblait plus intéressant pour la comparaison (et pour un partenariat futur, si mes recherches montreraient l’intérêt réel d’une collaboration autour de l’urbanisme durable). Je suis convaincue de la pertinence de l’échelon régional européen (la « Région » en France et le « Land » en Allemagne) pour initier des politiques publiques et stratégies d’aménagement cohérentes sans perdre le lien avec l’identité territoriale mobilisateur. Un état des lieux des potentialités et freins aux transferts d’expériences introduit ma thèse. Un zoom sur les politiques régionales encadrant les dispositifs novateurs dédiés spécifiquement à l’urbanisme durable et la prospective paysagère (Eco-FAUR et Städtebau- und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) permet de situer ces derniers dans leur contexte. La comparaison de 16 projets exemplaires et récents en Bretagne et en Mecklenburg-Vorpommern m’a permis d’analyser en détail les approches, les méthodes, l’intervention des acteurs, les points forts et faibles des projets. Le face-à-face de ces exemples locaux se structure autour de 8 sujets, actuellement dans les discussions des experts européens de l’urbanisme durable et de la prospective paysagère : la revitalisation des coeurs de villes, le renouvellement urbain, les paysages urbains, le grand paysage et la ville, la nouvelle dynamique rurale, l’urbanisme littoral, le tourisme vert et les extensions urbaines sous forme d’éco-lotissements. Mon analyse et les échanges avec plus de 250 acteurs m’ont amenée d’émettre des conclusions positives (sous conditions) concernant les potentialités d’une coopération renforcée dans les domaines analysés entre deux régions européennes non voisines. Ma thèse de doctorat conclut avec des recommandations pour l’amélioration d’efficience des échanges, car l’intérêt pour des projets innovants, concrets et autour d’un groupe d’acteurs restreint et motivé, s’annonce prometteur / My urban planning dual culture (German and French), the works to implement of a device for encouraging the sustainable urban design, the innovation and the environmental excellence for the Brittany elected representatives, had been my personal questioning a long standing concern: Can we transpose extraterritorial experiences from one culture to another and methods to boost and develop the quality of the projects and the approaches of local actors? The answer to this question, determinant for my own professional practice and my standing concern, does not exist in the literature in 2005. Starting from the Brittany region, at first glance, the choice of the Saxony Land was required for comparison resulting of a twinning since 1995. After investigation, it turns out that only few concrete projects and actions were developed. This is, perhaps, not surprising given the very different territorial characteristics from Britain and Saxony (very industrial past, little agriculture, no coastline, many large cities).. Accordingly, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Land with its extensive coastline, its many islands, its economy which is shared between agriculture and tourism, seemed more interesting to compare (and for a future partnership, if my research would showed the real interest of collaboration on sustainable urban design). I am convinced of the relevance of the European regional level (the "region" in France and the "Land" in Germany) to introduce public policies and consistent urban planning strategies without losing the link with the mobilizing territorial identity.A State of art of the potential and limits of the transfer experiences introduced my thesis. A focus on the regional policies give a framework for the innovative devices specifically dedicated to the sustainable urban design and the prospective landscape (Eco-FAUR and Städtebau-und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) to place them in context. Comparison of 16 best and recent projects in Brittany and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern allowed me to analyze in detail the approaches, methods, the intervention of the actors, the best and weak points of the projects. The face to face of these local examples give a framework on 8 topics currently in the discussions of the prospective and sustainable urban landscape Europeanexperts: the revitalization of the cities centers, the urban renewal, the urban landscapes, the great landscape and the city, the new rural dynamic, urban coastal planning, green tourism and urban eco-subdivisions as extensions. My analysis and exchanges with more than 250 actors led me some positive issues (under conditions) concerning the potential of enhanced cooperation between two non-adjacent European areas. My PhD thesis concludes with recommendations for the improvement of trade efficiency, because the interest for the innovative and concrete projects, and around a limited motivated actors group looks promising / Meine doppelte deutsch-französische Raumplanungskultur und meine Arbeit für Politiker der Bretagne (Aufbau eines Förderprogrammes für nachhaltigen Städtebau, Innovation und hohe Umweltverträglichkeit) machen aus meiner langjährigen persönlichen Fragestellung ein Thema der Aktualität: Kann man Erfahrungen, die auf einer anderen, außerterritorialen Planungskultur aufbauen transferieren, um die Qualität der Projekte und die Herangehensweise der Akteure vor Ort zu „dynamisieren“, zu verbessern ? Die Antwort auf diese Frage existierte im Jahr 2005 nicht in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Von der Bretagne ausgehend bot sich eigentlich Sachsen zum Vergleich an, da eine offizielleRegionalpartnerschaft seit 1995 besteht. Bei den Voruntersuchungen stellte sich aber heraus, dass sich sehr wenige Aktionen und konkrete Projekte entwickelt haben. Das ist vielleicht nicht verwunderlich wenn man sich die sehr unterschiedlichen territorialen Charakteristiken der Bretagne und Sachsens (Industriestandort, wenig Landwirtschaft, keine Küste und viele große Städte) vor Augen führt. So schien mir der Vergleich mit Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ausgedehnte Küste mit Inseln, eine auf Landwirtschaft und Tourismus basierende Wirtschaftsstrukture) viel versprechender, vor allem wenn meine Forschungen ein reelles Interesse für eine Zusammenarbeit im Gebiet des Nachhaltigen Stadtbaus und der Landschaftsentwicklungsplanung aufzeigen sollten. Ich bin überzeugt, dass es der regionale Ansatz (die Region in Frankreich und das Land in Deutschland) ist, der im europäischen Rahmen kohärente Lösungen für lokale Entwicklungsstrategien hervorbringt, weil ein genügend großes Territorium mit der mobilisierenden Identität der Akteure verbunden werden kann. Eine Bestandsanalyse der positiven und negativen Faktoren für einen Erfahrungstransfer führtmeine Dissertation ein. Eine Fokussierung auf die Rahmenbedingungen (globale Regionalpolitik) ermöglicht, die beiden auf nachhaltigen Städtebau- und Landschaftsentwicklungsplanung spezialisierten Programme (Eco-FAUR und Städtebau- und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) einzuordnen. Der Vergleich von 16 innovativen und aktuellen Projekten der Bretagne und Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns gab mir die Möglichkeit, im Detail die Herangehensweisen, Methoden, Beteiligung derAkteure sowie die Stärken und Schwachpunkte der Projekte aufzuzeigen. Die Gegenüberstellung bedient sich 8, die aktuelle Fachdebatte der europäischen Experten in Städtebau und ländlicher Entwicklung anregende, Themen: Innenstadtrevitalisierung, Stadtumbau, Stadtlandschaft, Landschaftsplanung und Stadt, Dynamik des ländlichen Raumes, Küstenbebauung, Ökotourismus, Ökoquartiere. Meine Analyse und der Austausch mit über 250 Akteuren erlauben mir einen optimistische Einschätzung (unter entsprechenden Rahmenbedingungen) der Möglichkeiten der Intensivierungder Zusammenarbeit in den analysierten Gebieten und zwischen nichtbenachbarten europäischen Regionen. Meine Dissertation schließt mit Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung des Erfahrungsaustausches ab, da die Zusammenarbeit von motivierten, kleinen Gruppen von Akteuren mit konkreten, innovativen Projekten, vielversprechend erscheint
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Quinze anos sem Política Regional: uma análise dos Planos do Governo Federal para o Nordeste de 1994 a 2009Arruda, Danilo Raimundo de 22 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The aim of this study is to critically identify and analyze, from a theoretical and
methodological point of view, the actions and developmental projects stated and implemented
in the Brazilian Northeast region between 1994 and 2009. The analyses circumscribe a
moment that marks the trajectory of the Brazilian and Northeast economy due to the stability
level of prices, started with the Real Plan implementation in 1994. This period is
characterized by a series of new both and politics elaborated and implementing Northeast
region. The analysis was made based on the neo-schumpeterian approach of system of
innovation as well as the Latin American Structural Approach (LASA). This study argues that
the neo-schumpeterian approach is as important as the LASA in order to better understand the
peripheral economies. The main argument is related to the technical progress as a pivot
element to the economic and social promotion and transformation, emphasizing the
intangibles factors responsible for its generation and endogenous diffusion, as such:
innovative learning and knowledge locally contextualized. Both bibliographical and
documentary surveys were carried, mainly being analyzed the following plans and programs:
National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR) and Strategic Plan for Sustainable
Development of the Northeast (PDNE). In addition, it was also carried a field research where
a semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 14 social actors, such as regional scholars and
policy-makers. Based on the research of documents, plans, programs and projects, the
following results are summarized: concentrated investments in tangibles factors; absence of
scientific and technological strategies throughout the period, and disjointed actions in other
areas whenever present; enterprises were concentrated in the States of Pernambuco, Bahia
and Ceará; inappropriate diagnostic for understanding the systemic reality, not taking into
consideration specific features of the Region, such as political and institutional characteristics.
Moreover, it was not incorporated Innovation System indicators in the analysis, such as:
innovative learning and knowledge, cooperation, interaction, among others. The data analyzed
indicate two important issues: i) around 90% of the employees earn no more than two (2)
minimal wages; and ii) it was identified a spurious competitive pattern in the Northeast of
Brazil, based on low-technology products which require low standard skill qualification, low
salaries, as well as fiscal and financial incentives. Therefore, the results outlined above show a
lack of Regional political strategy in order to foster structural economical and social change in
the Brazilian Northeast. / O objetivo deste estudo consiste em identificar e analisar criticamente, do ponto de vista
teórico-metodológico, as ações e planos de desenvolvimento formulados e implementados
para o Nordeste do Brasil, no período de 1994 a 2009. A análise circunscreve-se a um
momento que marca a trajetória da economia brasileira e do Nordeste, qual seja, a partir da
superação da instabilidade do nível de preços, iniciada com a implantação do Plano Real em
1994. Esse período é caracterizado por uma série de novas iniciativas e Políticas elaboradas e
em implantação na Região. Para isso, foi feito uso do referencial teórico neo-schumpeteriano
de Sistema de Inovação e da teoria estruturalista da CEPAL. As idéias em torno do
pensamento neo-schumpeteriano têm uma forte aproximação com as idéias desenvolvidas
pelo pensamento cepalino para se estudar as economias periféricas, principalmente quando se
trata do progresso técnico como central para se promover a transformação econômica e social,
sendo que aquele apresenta avanços ao procurar destacar os fatores intangíveis e que são
responsáveis pela geração e difusão endógena desse progresso técnico: aprendizado inovativo
e o conhecimento, localmente contextualizados. Além da pesquisa bibliográfica, realizou-se
uma pesquisa documental, sendo analisados principalmente, os seguintes planos e programas:
o Avança Brasil, o Brasil em Ação, a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional
(PNDR), e o Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Nordeste (PDNE).
Utilizou-se também de uma pesquisa de campo com questionário semi-estruturado,
entrevistando-se 14 atores sociais, entre esses, estudiosos e fazedores de políticas da
Região. A partir da pesquisa documental, dos planos, programas e projetos, e da pesquisa de
campo têm-se os seguintes resultados: investimentos concentrados em fatores tangíveis; ao
longo do período, a ausência de estratégia para o campo científico, tecnológico e, quando
presente, desarticulada de ações em outras áreas; uma distribuição espacial dos
empreendimentos concentrando-se nos estados de Pernambuco, Bahia e Ceará; um
diagnóstico insuficiente para se compreender a realidade sistêmica, não levando em
consideração a realidade política e institucional da Região e a não incorporação da análise dos
indicadores do Sistema de Inovação, quais sejam: aprendizado inovativo, conhecimento,
cooperação, interação, e outros. Os dados analisados mostram uma massa salarial com quase
90% dos trabalhadores recebendo até 2 (dois) salários mínimos, além de um padrão de
competitividade espúria do Nordeste, baseada em produtos de baixo conteúdo tecnológico,
cuja produção requer baixa capacitação da mão-de-obra, baixos salários e incentivos fiscais e
financeiros. Dos resultados acima destacados, pode-se concluir que falta uma estratégia de
Política Regional que promova a transformação da estrutura econômica e social do Nordeste.
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The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport : a management audit of process qualityKluka, Darlene Ann 26 May 2009 (has links)
The development of gender mainstreaming programs and proactive work aimed at addressing the historical imbalances of women in all sectors of society have become the staple of most international meetings with a concern for human rights. From a sport perspective, a number of organizations are keeping this critical issue alive at global, regional, international and national levels through policy documents, declarations and calls for action since 1948 to 2008 with the Dead Sea call for action. The Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport signed in 1994 by 250 signatories is universally regarded as the ground-breaking work on Women and Sport. Yet, despite years of campaigning and numerous policy documents, legislation and world conferences on women and sport, a marked gender imbalance in sport still persists. Little or no qualitative evidence could be found of clear process strategies to be followed by signatories of the Brighton Declaration on how to translate strategic intent into quality management processes to attain the envisioned result of the Declaration. Successful implementation of the principles of the Brighton Declaration depends on quality internal organizational processes and standards. The research question for the study was hence formulated as: “Do signatories of the Brighton Declaration have appropriate management processes and standards in place to translate the principles of the Declaration into sustainable practice?” The study was approached from a qualitative perspective as the perceptions of signatories relative to the quality of management processes have been evaluated. A questionnaire (Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ∞=0.978) based on ISO 9001-2000 management standards was used as a research instrument and administered to 246 currently existing signatories of the Brighton Declaration. A response rate of 51% (n=125) was attained. Several international and regional organizations emerged as role players in women and sport. The United Nations provided leadership through conventions on human rights, Millennium Development Goals and declaring 2005 as International Year of Sport and Physical Education. The International Olympic Committee took initiative through quadrennial world conferences on women and sport since 1994. From the seminal “Women, Sport and the Challenge of Change” conference in Brighton, England in 1994, flowed three culminating results: the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport, the International Working Group on Women and Sport and the International Strategy on Women and Sport. The Brighton Declaration signed by 250 signatories, enlarged and coordinated the global debate on women and sport as the first declaration to provide a worldwide ethical frame of reference and paradigm shift in social change for the construct of women in sport and women and sport. The issue of women and sport continuously remains on the agenda of global social change. The convening power of sport makes it a compelling tool for social change provided its potential is harnessed through sustainable management and processes. Social change necessitates an understanding of social change theories, stages of change management, the role of change agents as well as change management models. The major challenge facing women and sport groups is to translate strategic intent into measurable and replicable business process standards. Designing and institutionalizing processes and standards can be the mechanism to realize strategic intent and progress signatories through the stages of change management. Dawson’s (1994) processual model is used as a theoretical framework to conceptualize process management and to build a case for mapping business processes, managing quality of the processes, and continuously auditing processes through replicable standards. ISO 9001-2000 standards were selected as the instrument to audit quality management processes of signatories. Overall results obtained from the research questionnaire indicated an alarming ignorance of the Brighton Declaration as a benchmark of efforts to improve the position of women in sport and second an absence of management processes and standards to guide the process within signatories of the declaration. Only 2.8% of respondents indicated a process management system. Signatories have not institutionalized gender mainstreaming in a sport context. Results confirmed unequivocally H1 set for the study: the quality of management processes followed by signatories of the Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport (1994) to achieve the principles of the stated declaration is unsatisfactory. It was concluded that, in essence, the Brighton Declaration is an initiative to affect social change in the context of sport. Efforts to achieve the desired social change have to be managed and benchmarked according to change management models and processes to retain credibility and attain replicable and repeatable results. The ISO 9001-2000 is deemed a reliable instrument and framework to guide management process design, mapping, documenting, implementing, supporting, monitoring and controlling management processes. The alarming lack of management processes resulted in a significant gap between strategic intent and reality and suggests that the notion of gender mainstreaming feeds on emotion rather than replicable management processes. The Brighton Declaration as a seminal document will not impact substantially on achieving gender mainstreaming in sport as signatories have not succeeded in creating a critical mass necessary to tip the scale. Results also indicated that signatories are locked into the introductory stages of change management because of the lack of organized change. Low levels of competent leadership responsible for managing the change process results in loss of corporate memory regarding the Brighton Declaration. The study is concluded with recommendations and managerial guidelines focusing on building a critical mass, revisiting the significance of the seminal Brighton Declaration. A universal declaration on women and sport is recommended to serve as the nexus for global efforts to improve the position of women in sport. Signatories should adopt a managerial approach to the implementation of the Brighton Declaration rather than a social philanthropic awareness approach to move forward. Implications for further study center around investigating possible performance management systems in order to refine or supplement the recommended ISO 9001-2000 standards for quality management processes, longitudinally audit quality management processes at international and regional levels, and probing the possibility of formulating a universal declaration on women and sport to accelerate critical mass building in the context of women and sport. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted
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