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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Didactic strategies for the use of lyrics in religious education

Kim, Young-Mi 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to identify didactic strategies for the use of lyrics in children's religious education. This is done to enhance and facilitate children's spiritual growth by means of singing lyrics. The study pays particular attention to the recognition of the role of lyrics in Christian religious education as a maturing agent. Lyrics help to provide children with the opportunity to communicate with God by revealing God's characteristics through theoretical and doctrinal content in an artistic form. Lyrics enrich children's religious development by helping them to express their joy and praise of God. Lyrics can also help children to experience a special quality of fellowship when they sing together. Lyrics ease the stiffness which can occur during the process of education. The survey of lyrics in Christian history also reveals that lyrics played an essential role in the lives of Christians throughout history. Lyrics have been used for worship, education, evangelisation and fellowship. Lyrics have functioned as a medium in which people have conversations with God and worship Him. They have also been a delightful source through which people learn about God through joyful experiences. Lyrics have helped Christians to establish true fellowship in their faith by singing together. The study reveals, however, that lyrics today do not seem to be effective in supporting people, including children, in their encounters with God. As much as lyrics can help children, they can also be obstacles to children's spiritual growth because of their inappropriate contents or improper ways of presentation. Children might misunderstand religious concepts by acquiring "unfamiliar" doctrine from lyrics. It seems that children can also develop inappropriate ideas and attitudes about worshipping under the influence of self-oriented or fun-seeking styles of lyrics. This potential of lyrics to influence children either positively or negatively is often overlooked. The question that may be raised is: what should be done to facilitate the lyric's maturing role and to keep it from being a hindrance in children's religious education? This study attempts to identify systematic and scientific didactic approaches of teaching lyrics as a way of heightening the positive role of lyrics in children's spiritual growth. For the identification of didactic strategies which are best suited for children's spiritual growth, the study presents approaches in which systems of coherent ideas, findings, activities and views concerning instruction and learning are performed. The didactic strategies are illustrated in three main phases, i.e. introductory, executive and assessment phases. Essential characteristics of the instruction-learning phenomenon in all its facets are absorbed into the theory as an overall guide for every teaching situation. The study makes an effort to apply these didactic strategies to the practical situation of teaching lyrics. Korean children are chosen as the subjects for the teaching oflyrics and their religious development is empirically investigated as the basic research on the understanding of the learner in the didactic situation. The application of the general approaches to the definite and specific situation of teaching Korean children is explained. Didactic approaches are redesigned, taking the specific didactic situation of Korea, including Korean children's specific religious characteristics, into consideration. These programmes can be effectively applied to other didactic situations, keeping them flexible in the light of the uniqueness of each lesson. The ultimate aim of this study - the recognition of systematically organised didactic strategies and exemplification of their practical application to the detailed situation of teaching lyrics - is to maximise the effectiveness of lyrics for children's spiritual goodness, particularly in enriching children's religious knowledge and experience. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om didaktiese strategieë te identifiseer vir die gebruik van lirieke in kinders se religieuse opvoeding. Dit word gedoen om leerders se sprituele groei deur middel van die sing van liedjies te fasiliteer. Die studie fokus in die besonder op die herkenning van die rol wat lirieke, in hoofsaaklik Christelike religieuse onderrig, in die proses van volwassewording speel. Lirieke verskaf aan kinders die geleentheid om met God te kommunikeer deurdat God se eienskappe deur middel van teoretiese en dogmatiese inhoud as 'n vorm van kuns openbaar word. Lirieke verryk kinders se religieuse ontwikkeling deurdat dit hulle help om hul blydskap en eer vir God uit te druk. Lirieke kan kinders ook help om 'n besondere kwaliteit van gemeenskap ("fellowship") te ervaar wanneer hulle saam sing. Deur die gebruik van lirieke kan die stramheid wat dikwels met die opvoedingsproses gepaard gaan, in 'n groot mate verlig word. Die opname wat van lirieke in die Christelike geskiedenis gedoen is toon aan dat lirieke dwarsdeur die geskiedenis 'n baie belangrike rol gespeel het in die lewens van Christene. Lirieke is deur die eeue gebruik vir aanbidding, opvoeding, evangelisasie en geloofsgemeenskap. Lirieke funksioneer as 'n medium waardeur mense in gesprek tree met God en Hom aanbid. Dit dien ook as 'n bron waardeur mense deur vreugdevolle ervaring van God leer. Lirieke help Christene om ware geloofsgemeenskap deur hul samesang te bewerkstellig. Dit blyk uit die studie dat lirieke vandag nie meer effektief is om mense, insluitende kinders, in hulontmoeting met God te ondersteun nie. Alhoewel lirieke kinders kan help, kan hulle in dieselfde mate struikelblokke wees in kinders se sprituele groei weens onaanvaarbare inhoud of onvanpaste aanbieding. Kinders kan religieuse konsepte misverstaan deurdat hulle met "vreemde" dogmas vanuit lirieke gekonfronteer word. Dit blyk dat kinders ook onaanvaarbare idees en houdings oor aanbidding kan ontwikkel weens die invloed van die selfgeoriënteerde of pretsoekende styl van sommige lirieke. Die potensiaal van lirieke om kinders óf positief óf negatief te beïnvloed word dikwels misgekyk. Die vraag wat ontstaan is: Wat moet gedoen word om die lirieke se rol in die verwerwing van volwassenheid te fasiliteer en te verhoed dat dit 'n hindernis in kinders se religieuse opvoeding word? Hierdie studie poog om sistematiese en wetenskaplik-didaktiese benaderings te identifiseer om die onderrig van lirieke te bevorder ten einde die positiewe rol van lirieke in kinders se spritiuele groei te versterk. Om didaktiese strategieë te identifiseer wat die beste by kinders se spirituele groei pas, bied die studie benaderings aan wat stelsels van samehangende idees, bevindinge, aktiwiteite en sieninge betreffende onderrig en leer behels. Die didaktiese strategieë word in drie hooffases geïllustreer, nl. die inleidende fase, die uitvoerende fase en die assesseringsfase. Essensiële kenmerke van die onderrig-leerverskynsel in alle fasette daarvan is in die teorie opgeneem as 'n allesomvattende riglyn vir elke leersituasie. Die studie poog voorts om hierdie didaktiese strategieë toe te pas in 'n praktiese lirieke-onderrigsituasie. Koreaanse kinders is gekies as proefpersone vir die onderrig van lirieke, en hul religieuse ontwikkeling is empmes ondersoek as die basiese navorsing ten opsigte van die begrip van die leerder in die didaktiese situasie. Die toepassing van die algemene benaderings tot die bepalende en spesifieke situasie van onderrig aan Koreaanse kinders word verduidelik. Didaktiese benaderings word herontwerp met inagneming van die spesifieke didaktiese situasie in Korea. Koreaanse kinders se besondere religieuse karaktertrekke word tegelykertyd in aanmerking geneem. Hierdie plooibare programme kan ook effektief op ander didaktiese situasies toegepas word, wat beteken dat hulle by elke unieke les aangepas kan word. Die uiteindelike doel van hierdie studie - die erkenning van sistematies georganiseerde didaktiese strategieë en die toeligting van hul praktiese aanwending in die onderrig van lirieke - is om die effektiwiteit van lirieke vir kinders se sprituele welsyn te optimaliseer en veralom leerders se religieuse kennis en ervaring te verryk.

Community-based discipleship : a missional approach to urban African youth, the case of Nairobi, Kenya

Rangoonwala, Abid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In response to the declining interest and participation of youth in urban churches in Africa, with a specific focus on churches in Nairobi, this study investigates a missiologically related problem of ecclesial praxis that seems to ignore or fail to address the social needs of youth, particularly concerning the need to belong. The churches in Nairobi, as in other parts of Africa, have inherited ecclesial praxis that was shaped in the dualistic cultural context of the Western Enlightenment and the clerical paradigm of Christendom. This dualistic view of reality has dichotomised the understanding of the gospel by compartmentalising it into a spiritual sphere while failing to address the social and cultural dimensions of human life. Consequently, the church hermeneutically understands its primary mission as saving souls and meeting the spiritual needs of its members through the institution of clergy and laity. In order to address the problem, the study proposes the praxis of discipleship based on a community approach that correlates three integrated dimensions of mission (worship, fellowship, and intentional mission) with a community structure guided by specific urban context, cultural values and missional theology. This constitutes the thesis of this research study and also provides a methodological framework for organising the study. In the first chapter, discipleship is conceptualised in the comprehensive missional understanding of the church as missionary in its nature and calling, sent by Christ into the world for the redemption of the world. In that sense, the proposed discipleship community must be understood as missionary in nature. The second chapter focuses on understanding the urban context. It examines some of the urban features of Nairobi that could be typical of other African cities, like rapid urban growth, high proportion of youth in the population, housing problems, unemployment, increasing poverty, family disintegration, crime, violence and disease. In that context, the study assessed the church’s youth ministry by gathering primary empirical data through observation and personal interviews with youth pastors and leaders. The findings confirmed that most youth ministries are based on the clerical paradigm and are driven by programmes. Participation by youth has been found to be low in most churches. Many churches do not seem to address their real needs. Often the youth ministry is seen as a marginal ministry in the church. In response to understanding the community from an African cultural perspective, the study investigated the traditional African community on the basis of literature and by using the ancestral anamnesis (remembrance of ancestors) as the interpretative framework for analysis. In traditional African society, the community is understood as the heart of the culture, the stage where the whole of life is dramatised. Even those who live in modern urban contexts carry with them African community values which have their origin in the traditional African community. Some of the African community values were measured among the urban youth through a survey questionnaire; most of the young people regarded these as important in their lives (Chapter Five). Empirical findings have shown the validity of considering cultural factors in constructing any kind of model for community-based discipleship. The importance of community was also validated theologically and missiologically by demonstrating the normative praxis of discipleship through community structure in the life of the early church. Theologically, the early church understood itself as the community of Christ on the basis of the concept of koinonia, a fellowship based on common faith in Christ. Missiologically, the church perceived itself from its inception as a missionary community sent into the world to witness to the gospel. The research demonstrated that community was the means through which the normative praxis of discipleship formation was carried out in the early church. There was no sense of dichotomy between the spiritual and social dimensions of the gospel as it is normally understood in today’s church. The importance of community as a means for the formation of identity and character was demonstrated through this having been the cultural norm in traditional African society and the theological norm in the life and praxis of the early church. Through the empirical research, the study also confirmed the positive perception of community values among the urban youth. Based on the evidence that was gathered, the study confronts the church in Nairobi and elsewhere to examine its present praxis critically and consider approaching its youth ministry from a community perspective in response to the present missiological problem in youth ministry. In order to construct youth ministry on community foundation, the study suggests a model called the covenant model. It takes the form of a small group existing as a part of the local church but coming together specifically as a community guided by a discipleship covenant that integrates three missional dimensions. The group seeks to adapt in its specific urban context and integrate cultural values that complement the gospel. The covenant model assumes that the urban context is complex and diverse. It allows each group to develop its own shape and features, informed by its context, culture and tradition. It calls for diversity in cultural and contextual expression while maintaining unity as God’s people in Christ. The early church exemplified it in being one, holy, catholic and apostolic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In reaksie op die afname in belangstelling en inskakeling van die jeug in stedelike kerklike aktiwiteite in Afrika, toegespits op gemeentes in Nairobi, wil hierdie studie ’n missiologiesverwante probleem ondersoek. Die vraag is of die ekklesiologiese praksis daarin slaag om te beantwoord aan die die jeug se sosiale behoeftes en spesifiek die behoefte aan gemeenskap, om te behoort aan ‘n sosiale groep. Die kerke in Nairobi, soos in ander dele van Afrika, het ’n ekklesiologiese praksis geërf wat gevorm is aan die hand van die dualistiese kulturele konteks van die Westerse Verligting en die geestelike paradigma van die Christendom. Hierdie dualistiese uitkyk op die werklikheid het ’n tweeledige karakter aan die evangelie verleen. Aan die een kant is daar ’n spirituele sfeer, aan die ander kant word die sosiale en kulturele aspekte van menslike bestaan kwalik verdiskonteer. Gevolglik interpreteer die kerk haar primêre missie hermeneuties as synde die red van siele en die aanspreek van die spirituele behoeftes van haar lidmate met die gevolg dat lidmate leke bly en die kerk institusionaliseer. In ’n poging om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, stel die studie ’n praksis van dissipelskap gebaseer op ’n gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde benadering voor, waardeur drie geïntegreerde dimensies van gestuurdheid (aanbidding, gemeenskap van die heiliges en die bewuswording van gestuurdheid) aan die orde kom. Die gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde benadering se strukturele ontwikkeling word ontwikkel op grond van die ter sake konteks, kulturele waardes en missionale teologie. Dit vorm die basis waarop die navorsing van hierdie verhandeling gerig is, insluitend ’n metodologiese raamwerk vir die aanpak van hierdie studie. In die eerste hoofstuk word die begrip dissipelskap gedefinieer teen die agtergrond van ‘n omvattende missionale verstaan van die kerk as synde missionêr in haar aard en roeping. Christus het die totale verlossing van die wêreld in die oog en die kerk het daarin ‘n wesenlike rol. In dié sin word die dissipelskapsgemeenskap beskou as wesenlik missionêr. Die tweede hoofstuk fokus op die verstaan van die stedelike konteks. Daarin word tendense kenmerkend van Nairobi wat ook ten opsigte van ander Afrika-stede tipies kan wees, ondersoek. Voorbeelde hiervan is versnellende verstedeliking, pro-rata ’n hoë persentasie jong mense, behuisingsprobleme, werkloosheid, toenemende armoede, gesinsverbrokkeling, misdaad, geweld en siekte. Binne dié konteks en aan die hand van empiriese data verkry deur observasie en persoonlike onderhoude met jeugdiges, pastors en leiers, het die studie die kerk se jeugbediening ondersoek. Dit het aan die lig gebring dat die jeugbediening basies binne ‘n predikantskerkparadigma asook programgedrewe funksioneer. Deelname van jongmense in kerklike aktiwiteite is laag. Gemeentes spreek nie die jeug se basiese behoeftes aan nie. Die jeugediening skyn eerder ‘n terloopse bediening te wees. Ten einde gemeenskap vanuit ’n kulturele Afrika-perspektief te verstaan, is voorvaderlike anamnese (terugroeping in die herinnering) as interpretatiewe raamwerk in hierdie studie aangewend. Dit is gedoen op grond van ’n toepaslike literatuurstudie. Volgens die tradisionele Afrika-samelewing word die gemeenskap beskou as die hart van die kultuur, die plek waar die lewe sigself afspeel. Selfs diegene wat hulself in moderne voorstedelike omgewings bevind, dra die Afrika-gemeenskap se waardes wat hul oorsprong in die tradisionele Afrikagemeenskap het met hulle saam. Van hierdie waardes is geïdentifiseer deur vraelyste wat onder die voorstedelike jeug versprei is - die meeste van die jongmense het hierdie waardes hoog aangeskryf (Hoofstuk vyf). Empiriese bevindinge het getoon dat die inagneming van kulturele faktore noodsaaklik is vir die skep van ’n model vir ’n gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde dissipelskap. Die belangrike rol van die gemeenskap is ook teologies en missiologies gestaaf aan die hand van die normatiewe praksis van dissipelskap in die gemeenskapstruktuur van die vroeë kerk. Teologies het die vroeë kerk haarself beskou as die gemeenskap van Christus op grond van die begrip koinonia, ’n gemeenskap gebaseer op ‘n gedeelde geloof in Christus, Missiologies het die kerk haarself van die begin af ervaar as ’n missionêre gemeenskap wat in die wêreld ingestuur word om die evangelie uit te dra. Navorsing het getoon dat die normatiewe praksis van dissipelskap in die vroeë kerk binne gemeenskapsverbande uitgedra is. Daar was nie toe sprake van ’n tweeledigheid tussen die spirituele en sosiale dimensies van die evangelie soos dit vandag algemeen in die kerk voorkom nie. Die belangrike rol van die gemeenskap ten opsigte van vorming van die identiteit en karakter van sy lede is gedemonstreer deurdat dit die kulturele norm in tradisionele Afrika en die teologiese norm in die lewe en praksis van die vroeë kerk was. Deur empiriese navorsing is die positiewe gesindheid van die voorstedelike jeug aangaande die gemeenskapswaardes gestaaf. Op grond van bewyse versamel, konfronteer dié studie die kerk in Nairobi en elders om die heersende praksis krities te ondersoek en dit ernstig te oorweeg om in die lig van die heersende missiologiese probleem ten opsigte van die jeugbediening, dié bediening vanuit ’n gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde perspektief te benader. Ten einde die jeugbediening op ’n gemeenskapsbasis te vestig, stel hierdie studie ’n model bekend as die verbondsmodel voor. Dit kom daarop neer dat ’n kleingroep as deel van die plaaslike gemeente as ’n gemeenskap saamkom, saamgesnoer deur ‘n dissipelskapverbond wat die drie geïntegreerde missionale dimensies van die kerk se roeping verdiskonteer. Die groep streef daarna om aan te pas in hul bepaalde voorstedelike konteks en om kulturele waardes wat by die evangelie aansluit, in hul lewenswyse te integreer. Die verbondsmodel maak voorsiening vir die kompleksiteit en diversiteit van die voorstedelike konteks. Dit laat elke groep toe om ’n eiesoortigheid op grond van konteks, kultuur en tradisie te ontwikkel. Dit vereis diversiteit ten opsigte van kulturele en kontekstuele uitdrukking, terwyl die eenheid as God se mense in Christus gehandhaaf word. Dit is deur die vroeë kerk gedemonstreer in die funksionering as een, heilige, katolieke en apostoliese kerk.

An exploratory study of women's experiences and place in the church: a case study of a parish in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa (CPSA), diocese of Cape Town.

Sparrow, Isabel January 2006 (has links)
This mini-thesis is a small-scale exploratory case study into the experiences of eight mature women members of a particular parish in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa (CPSA) situated in the Diocese of Cape Town. Using qualitative feminist research methodologies, this study sets out to explore how this group of non-ordained women perceives their roles in the church structure. The study examines what initially attracted the participants to this parish and what motivates them, despite the challenges, to continue performing their voluntary licensed and unlicensed roles in the church. It then goes on to consider the contradictory ways in which their roles as individuals, gendered as women, serve to simultaneously reinforce and challenge the patriarchy of the church. In this respect the participants often held conflicting views within themselves, thus demonstrating the complexities surrounding such issues. Upon reflection the researcher acknowledges that, similar to the participants, she also holds contradictory views on some of these issues. The research therefore identifies and explores three main themes in this regard, firstly the reasons why women originally joined the parish church, secondly the ways in which these women are active in the church and lastly the ways in which women&rsquo / s activities simultaneously challenge and reinforce the patriarchy and continued male domination of church.

A threat to Zulu patriarchy and the continuation of community : a queer analysis of same sex relationships amongst female traditional healers at Inanda and KwaNgcolosi.

Mkasi, Lindiwe P. 30 October 2013 (has links)
Through a case study of female traditional healers who practice same sex relationships, this study attempts to provide some reasons for the opposition to same sex-relationships in Africa. The main question that the study grapples with is: If traditional healers practice same sex relationships, why does the Zulu community (and African communities in general) insist that same sex relationships are “un-African?” Given that homosexuality has been labeled as “un-African” and “un-cultural”, how does one explain the existence of homosexual relationships amongst Zulu sangomas, who are considered the custodians of culture? The study draws on the experiences of ten female traditional healers from Kwa-Ngcolosi and Inanda. The data was produced through workshops, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Queer theory and African feminist cultural hermeneutics were the lenses through which the data was analyzed. The findings show that beliefs in procreation as a means for the continual survival of the ancestors in the community and beliefs in the supremacy of the male in society as demonstrated in the killing of lesbians are the major reasons for the rejection of same sex relationships in African societies. The study concludes that within the traditional belief systems of the ancestors, women do have authority and can choose alternative relationships. Furthermore, in the sphere of traditional healing, recognition is given to different sexualities. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

A paradox in a theology of freedom and equality : the experiences of pastors' wives (amayi busa) in the Baptist Convention of Malawi (Bacoma)

Longwe, Molly. January 2012 (has links)
This study is a critical exploration and analysis of the experiences of 'being church‘ for women married to pastors in the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA). The study focused on the following research question: 'What does being church mean for women who are married to pastors in the BACOMA, whose distinctive mark is freedom of choice in matters of faith and ministry according to the Baptist-held principle of the priesthood of all believers? It is a qualitative empirical study of the life experiences of pastors‘ wives which used feminist narrative methods of inquiry. In order to get a full picture of the role perceptions and experiences of pastors‘ wives, the study used in depth interviews, group discussions and participant observation. A purposely selected group of twenty-nine pastors‘ wives from BACOMA-affiliated Lilongwe Baptist Association of Malawi were individually interviewed by the author. In addition, two group discussions with members of the Lilongwe Baptist Association Pastors‘ Fraternal group (LBAPF) were conducted and fifty church members that included women, men, and young people were also interviewed in order to determine the congregational perceptions of a pastor‘s wife. The purpose of my study was to determine the ideo-theological and socio-cultural factors that contribute to the construction of the identity of a pastor‘s wife in the BACOMA. By presenting a synthesis of the various perspectives on the experiences of pastors‘ wives, this study has demonstrated that a plurality of perspectives contribute to the construction of the identity of a pastors‘ wife. This causes her to be identified as a "dialogical self"¹ because of the many positions that contribute to the self understanding of her identity. These perspectives, which are embedded in patriarchal ideologies, include: doctrinal or biblical, ecclesiastical, congregational, cultural, and the "Self". I have also shown that the areas of conflict and tension between the Self and the "others" can be clues towards transformation. This is in addition to the alternatives suggested by feminist theologians in the study. Baptist ecclesiology in Malawi is challenged to take cognisance of these factors in order to build an inclusive ecclesiology that affirms the humanity of women in general and pastors‘ wives in particular. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

The relationship of social support and spiritual well-being to body dissatisfaction among college women / Body dissatisfaction

Crane, Amy L. January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess whether spiritual well-being and social support functioned as protective variables (moderators) for body dissatisfaction among college women. A hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine whether spiritual well-being and social support predicted body dissatisfaction, as well as if there was an interaction between the two variables. Approximately 100 female participants between the ages of 18 and 31 were recruited from the psychology department to participate in this study. Expanding the knowledge base on spiritual well-being, social support, and body dissatisfaction can facilitate awareness of preventative measures that may be beneficial to young women experiencing body dissatisfaction. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Caravaca de la Cruz (comarcal capital of northwestern Murcia) : a social anthropological study of a Spanish provincial town

Pugh, Alaric Sydney January 1983 (has links)
This work is about the secular significance of religious expression in Spain. It is also primarily an ethnographic study of several aspects of everyday life in a Spanish town in 1981. There are four main aims: to explain the relationship between local customs and beliefs and nationally sanctioned symbol systems - in particular, but among others, the relationship between the 750 year old cult of the Cross of Caravaca and the Catholic Church and Spanish State; to describe the unique behaviour of the Fiesta of the Caballos del Vino, and to give an account of one instance of the popular Moors and Christians Fiesta; to describe and analyse the social structure of a provincial town; and to show how important symbols are affected by social change. The thesis is divided into five parts and a conclusion. The first part deals with the geographical setting and the relationship of this study of Caravaca to other anthropological studies undertaken in Spain. The second is concerned with the details of everyday life. It shows the relationship between town and countryside and between everyday economic and political concerns and everyday religious activities. The third part includes a description of the largest and most influential institution in the town - the Cofradia —- and a discussion of religious devotion and the cult of the Cross of Caravaca. The fourth, a description of the Fiestas held in honour of the Cross of Caravaca, and especially the Jubilee year of the 750th anniversary of the apparition of the Cross, the pageant of Moors and Christians, and the unique 'Horses of the Wine 1 competition, provides a contrast with more mundane activities. In the fifth part an examination of the Fiesta symbols contains a discussion of festival behaviour in relation to the everyday life of the town, and changes that have taken place and continue to take place. These sections are followed by a brief conclusion.

Ist es Zeit? : der Einfluss der Eschatologie auf die Debatte um die Zeitgemassheit einer Mission unter Muslimen, 1895-1914 / Is the time right? : the influence of eschatology on the debate concerning the timeliness of a mission to Muslims, 1895-1914

Drescher, Oliver 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Expanding the Notion of Campus Climate: the Effect of Religion and Spirituality on the Perception of Campus Climate

Herrera, Christina M. 08 1900 (has links)
Religion/spirituality is a salient facet of identity for many college students, yet addressing issues related to spirituality/religion is contentious in many higher education institutions. Prior research has shown that various other facets of identity, including race/ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, affect a student’s perception of campus climate, but religious/spiritual identity has not been examined in the same manner. Using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, this study empirically tests the addition of religion/spirituality to the campus climate theory developed by Hurtado et al. (1999). Data came from the 2010 College Senior Survey administered by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Results indicate that religious and spiritual identity have significant direct effects on the perception and other aspects of campus climate. Future research is needed to extend the understanding between religious and spiritual identity and the perception of campus climate.

An analysis of the church planting strategies and methods of the Ghana Baptist Convention and Mission from 1960--2000

Akrong, James Gbadzine 13 May 2005 (has links)
This dissertation examines the church planting strategies and methods that were used by the Ghana Baptist Convention and the Ghana Baptist Mission between 1960 and 2000. The goal is to come up with strategies and methods that will help the convention to plant healthy and indigenous churches. Chapter 1 introduces the strategies and methods that the Ghana Baptist convention and mission have used in the attempt to plant healthy indigenous churches. The chapter discusses the level of evangelization of Ghana as outlined in the GEC 1993 Survey and touches on such issues as nominalism the 14000 unevangelized villages and towns and also the 3.2 million unevangelized northern people and other aliens in southern Ghana. Chapter 2 describes Ghana. The chapter describes the geography of Ghana and covers the history, culture, socio-political, and economic environment as well as the religious situation in Ghana. Chapter 3 discusses the history of the Baptist work in Ghana. It begins with history of Christianity in Ghana. The second and the main part of the chapter covers the history of the Ghana Baptist Mission and the Ghana Baptist convention from 1947 to the present day. Chapter 4 examines the strategies and methods that the convention and the mission have used to plant churches. It ties down the strategies and methods to various time periods that they were used. The chapter begins with the strategies and methods of church planting that have been used by evangelicals as basis of comparison. The fifth chapter evaluates and critiques the strategies and methods of church planting that the convention and the mission have used. The chapter, first of all, outlines the criteria for analyzing healthy indigenous church planting strategies and methods. The chapter then analyzes the strategies and methods of church planting that have been used by other denominations and organizations including the PCG, the Methodist Church of Ghana, the Church of Pentecost, the Deeper Life Ministry and the Miracle Life Church and COF. The last and major part of the chapter critiques the strategies and methods of church planting that the Ghana Baptist convention and mission have used. Chapter 6 covers recommendations to the Ghana Baptist convention based on the study and the conclusion. The chapter also covers suggestions for further research on issues church planting issues that were not addressed by this dissertation. It ends with the challenges that writer poses to the convention as it strives to plant healthy indigenous churches.

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