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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Έκφραση πολυπεπτιδίων των καταλυτικών τομέων του μετατρεπτικού ένζυμου της αγγειοτενσίνης-Ι και μελέτη της δομής αυτών σε διάλυμα

Βαμβακάς, Σωτήριος-Σπυρίδων 24 February 2009 (has links)
Το μετατρεπτικό ένζυμο της αγγειοτενσίνης (ACE) είναι μία διπεπτιδυλκαρβοξυπεπτιδάση ψευδαργύρου που ανήκει στην οικογένεια των gluzincin πεπτιδασών της οποίας η θερμολυσίνη θεωρείται ως πρωτότυπο μέλος. Το ένζυμο πήρε το όνομά του από τη δυνατότητά του να μετατρέπει το βιολο- γικώς ανενεργό δεκαπεπτίδιο αγγειοτενσίνη-Ι στο οκταπεπτίδιο αγγειοτεν- σίνη-ΙΙ, το οποίο εμφανίζει ισχυρή αγγειοσυσπαστική δράση. Μία άλλη βασική δυνατότητα του ACE είναι η αδρανοποιήση του εννεαπεπτιδίου βραδυκινίνη που έχει αγγειοδιασταλτική δράση. Αυτές οι δύο σημαντικές ιδιότητες του ACE το καθιστούν ένα από τα σημαντικότερα συστατικά του συστήματος ρενίνης-αγγειοτενσίνης-αλδοστερόνης. Υπάρχουν δύο ισομορφές του ACE που μεταγράφονται από το ίδιο γονίδιο κατά τρόπο ιστοειδικό. Η σωματική ισομορφή του ACE, η οποία εμφανίζεται στην επιφάνεια των ενδοθηλιακών κυττάρων, είναι μία γλυκοπρωτεΐνη η οποία αποτελείται από μία ενιαία, πολυπεπτιδική αλυσίδα 1306 αμινοξέων. Η σπερματική ισομορφή που εμφανίζεται στους όρχεις και στα κύτταρα σπέρματος είναι μία χαμηλότερης-μοριακής μάζας γλυκοπρωτεΐνη 732 αμινοξέων. Η σωματική ισομορφή αποτελείται από δύο ομόλογες περιοχές (περιοχή Ν και C). Κάθε περιοχή περιέχει ένα ενεργό κέντρο με ένα συντηρημένο δεσμευτικό μοτίβο ψευδαργύρου HEXXH, όπου οι δύο ιστιδίνες είναι οι δύο πρώτοι υποκαταστάτες του ιόντος ψευδαργύρου. Μετά από 24 αμινοξέα στην αλληλουχία του μορίου, βρίσκεται ένα γλουταμινικό οξύ που είναι ο τρίτος υποκαταστάτης του ιόντος ψευδαργύρου. Η ύπαρξη αυτών των Ν- και C- περιοχών είναι πιθανότατα το αποτέλεσμα ενός αρχέγονου γεγονότος διπλασιασμού γονιδίων το οποίο έλαβε χώρα κατά την διάρκεια της εξέλιξης των σπονδυλωτών. Οι δύο περιοχές εμφανίζουν εκλεκτικότητα έναντι διαφόρων υποστρωμάτων, αναστολέων και διαφορές στην απαιτούμενη συγκέντρωση ιόντων χλωρίου προκειμένου να έχουν καταλυτική δραστικότητα. Υπάρχουν δύο υποστρώματα τα οποία εμφανίζουν εκλεκτικότητα έναντι του Ν-ενεργού κέντρου: το Ν-ακετυλ-σερυλασπαραγυλο-λυσυλ-προλυλ πεπτίδιο, το οποίο ρυθμίζει τη διαφοροποίηση και τον πολλαπλασιασμό των πολυδύναμων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων και το πεπτίδιο αγγειοτενσίνη-(1-7) που είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δράσης της βραδυκινίνης. Αφ' ετέρου, τα ενεργά κέντρα και των δύο περιοχών καταλύουν την υδρόλυση της αγγειοτενσίνης-Ι και τη βραδυκινίνης με παρόμοια αποτελασματικότητα. Εντούτοις, η αναστολή του Ν-ενεργού κέντρου με το φωσφινικό πεπτίδιο RXP407 δεν έχει καμία επίδραση στην ρύθμιση της αρτηριακής πίεσης. Διαγονιδιακά ποντίκια τα οποία εκφράζουν μόνο το Ν-ενεργό κέντρο εμφανίζουν φαινότυπο παρόμοιο με αυτόν που εμφανίζεται σε ποντίκια στα οποία το γονιδίο του ACE έχει απαλειφθεί πλήρως. Κατά συνέπεια, το C-ενεργό κέντρο φαίνεται να είναι απαραίτητο και σημαντικό για τον έλεγχο της αρτηριακής πίεσης και της καρδιαγγειακής λειτουργίας. Η σπερματική ισομορφή του ACE είναι πανομοιότυπη με την C-περιοχή της σωματικής εκτός από μία μοναδική ακολουθία 36 αμινοξέων που βρίσκεται στο Ν-τελικό άκρο του. Επίσης έχει αποδειχθεί ότι η σπερματική ισομορφή του ACE διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην ωρίμανση του σπέρματος και στη δέσμευση αυτού στο επιθήλιο του ωαγωγού των ωοθηκών. Ο στόχος αυτής της διατριβής ήταν α) η υπερέκφραση, σε βακτηριακά κύτταρα, ο καθαρισμός και η λήψη σε διαλυτή μορφή δύο πεπτιδίων του ACE μεγέθους 108 αμινοξέων(Ala361-Gly468 (ACE_N), Ala959-Ser1066 (ACE_C)). Αυτή η πειραματική προσέγγιση επελέγη λόγω της ευκολίας χειρισμού και καλλιέργειας που εμφανίζουν τα βακτηριακά κύτταρα και λόγω της δυνατότητας της χρήση επισημασμένων με 15Ν ή/και 13C θρεπτικών μέσων. β) Η κατοχή ενός τόσο μεγάλου πεπτιδίου σε διάλυμα, επισημασμένο ή μη, δίνει τη δυνατότητα μελέτης του ως προς τα δομικά χαρακτηριστικά του χρησιμοποιώντας τη φασματοσκοπία κυκλικού διχροϊσμού ή/και πυρηνικού μαγνητικού συντονισμου (NMR). Τα προαναφερθέντα πρωτεϊνικά τμήματα υπερεκφράστηκαν σε βακτηριακά κύτταρα και ελήφθησαν σε καθαρή μορφή. Η καθαρότητά τους ήταν μεγαλύτερη από 99%. Η απόδοση για το πρωτεϊνικό τμήμα ACE_N ήταν 9mg και για το πρωτεϊνικό τμήμα ACE_C ήταν 6mg από 1L καλλιέργειας βακτηριακών κυττάρων. Τα τμήματα αυτά μελετήθηκαν ως προς την δευτεροταγή τους διαμόρφωση με φασματοσκοπία κυκλικού διχρωϊσμού. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης αυτής έδειξαν ότι παρουσία 1,1,1-τριφθοροαιθανόλης, σε συγκέντρωση μεγαλύτερη από 60% και τα δύο τμήματα λαμβάνουν διαμόρφωση η οποία βρίσκεται σε συμφωνία με τη θεωρητικώς υπολογιζόμενη και με αυτή που έχει βρεθεί από κρυσταλλογραφικές μελέτες του ενζύμου. Το αποτέλεσμα αυτό μερικώς επιβεβαιώθηκε για το πρωτεϊνικό τμήμα ACE_N με τη μελέτη αυτού με φασματοσκοπία Πυρηνικού Μαγνητικού Συντονισμόυ. Η πλήρης επιβεβαίωση δεν κατέστει δυνατή λόγω της αδυναμίας λήψης καλής ποιότητας φάσματος 2D-NOESY. Συμπερασματικά, η περιγραφόμενη σε αυτή τη Διατριβή μεθοδολογία εμφανίζει πλεονεκτήματα όσον αφορά την ταχύτητα παραγωγής, τη δυνατότητα καθαρισμού των παραγομένων πεπτιδίων, καθώς και καλή επαναληψιμότητα. Οι in vitro επαναδιατεταγμένες ανασυνδυασμένες πρωτεΐνες εμφάνισαν χαρακτηριστικά δευτεροταγούς δομής, όμοια σχεδόν με αυτά που έχουν αποκαλυφθεί από την κρυσταλλογραφική μελέτη του ACE, έχοντας υψηλό ποσοστό σε α-έλικα. Κατά συνέπεια, αυτή η μελέτη περιγράφει ένα αποτελεσματικό σύστημα για την παραγωγή μεγάλων ποσοτήτων καθαρών πεπτιδίων του ACE που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για διάφορες μελέτες. / Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is a gluzincin zinc dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I, of which thermolysin is considered the prototypical member. This enzyme took its name from its ability to convert the decapeptide Angiotensin-I to octapeptide Angiotensin-II, which is a highly potent vasoconstrictor. Another basic ability is to inactivate bradykinin, a vasodilatory peptide. These two major activities render ACE through the renin– angiotensin–aldosterone system. There are two isoforms of ACE that are transcribed from the same gene in a tissue-specific manner. Somatic ACE, which is present in brush-border epithelial cells and endothelial cells, exists as a glycoprotein composed of a single, large polypeptide chain of 1,306 amino acids, whereas in sperm cells it is a lower-molecular-mass glycoform of 732 amino acids. The somatic form consists of two homologous domains (N and C domain). Each domain contains an active site with a conserved HEXXH zinc binding motif, where the two histidines are zinc ligands, with a glutamate 24 residues downstream forming the third ligand. These N- and C-domains most likely are the result of an ancient gene duplication event that occurred during vertebrate evolution. The two domains differ in their substrate specificities, inhibitor, chloride activation profiles, and physiological functions. There are two N-domainspecific substrates: the peptide N-acetyl-serylaspartyl-lysyl-proline, which regulates haematopoietic stem cell differentiation and proliferation; and the bradykinin-potentiating peptide angiotensin-(1-7). On the other hand, the active sites of both domains catalyse the hydrolysis of angiotensin I and the vasodilator bradykinin with similar efficiency. However, inhibition of the N domain with a phosphinic peptide RXP407 has no effect on blood pressure regulation and expression in transgenic mice of the N domain alone produces a phenotype similar to that seen in complete ACE knockout mice. Thus, the C domain seems to be necessary and sufficient for controlling blood pressure and cardiovascular function, suggesting that the C domain is the dominant angiotensin-converting site. Testis ACE is identical to the Cterminal half of somatic ACE, except for a unique 36-residue sequence constituting its amino terminus. It has also been shown that testis ACE is thought to play a role in sperm maturation and the binding of sperm to the oviduct epithelium. Objective of this thesis was the overexpression, in bacterial cells, purification and solubilazation of two ACE peptides of 108 aa (Ala361-Gly468 (ACE_N), Ala959-Ser1066 (ACE_C)). This experimental approach was chosen because of the ease of culturing bacterial cells and the advantage of using label mediums with 15N and/or 13C. Such large peptides labelled or nonlabelled, can be studied for their structural features using circular dichroism and/or NMR spectroscopy. The above mentioned protein fragments overexpressed in bacteria and purified. Their purity was greater than 99%. The yield was 9mg for ACE_N and 6mg for ACE_C protein fragment from 1L bacterial culture. Their secondary structure was studied using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Deconvolution of ACE_N and ACE_C CD spectra had shown that the presence of trifluoroethanol, at concentrations of 60% or higher, is necessary for the correct folding of the protein. This result was partially confirmed for ACE_N protein fragment by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Complete conformation was not succeded due to the inability of recording the 2DNOESY spectrum of ACE_N. Conclusively, the described procedure in this research proved to be advantageous in speed and facility of purification. It demonstrated good reproductively for ACE peptides during purification. The in vitro refolded recombinant proteins had almost identical secondary features compared with these found using crystallographic data, with a high content in a-helix secondary structure motif. Thus, this study offers an effective system for producing large amounts of pure ACE peptides which can be used for several studies.

Angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas Axis Compensates Absent Bradykinin in <i>Bdkrb2<sup>-/-</sup></i> and <i>Klkb1<sup>-/-</sup></i> Mice to Regulate Thrombosis Risk

Fang, Chao 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Bloqueadores do sistema renina-angiotensina em ilhotas pancreáticas e fígado na obesidade induzida por dieta em camundongos / Renin-angiotensin system blockers in pancreatic islets and liver on diet-induced obesity in mice

Eliete Dalla Corte Frantz 16 January 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As associações entre obesidade, doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (NAFLD) e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são bem estabelecidas, e o sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) pode proporcionar uma ligação entre eles. O bloqueio do SRA em diferentes níveis pode estar relacionado a respostas na resistência à insulina, remodelagem do pâncreas e do fígado em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta hiperlipídica (HF) durante oito semanas e depois tratados com alisquireno (50 mg/kg/dia), enalapril (30 mg/kg/dia) ou losartana (10 mg/kg/dia) por um período adicional de seis semanas. As drogas foram incorporadas na dieta. Avaliou-se a massa corporal (MC), pressão arterial, consumo e gasto energético (GE), metabolismo da glicose e lipídico, histopatologia pancreática e hepática, análise hormonal, imunohistoquímica, perfil gênico e/ou proteico do SRA no pâncreas, gliconeogênese hepática, sinalização da insulina, oxidação e acúmulo lipídico. Todos os inibidores do SRA reduziram significativamente o aumento da pressão arterial nos camundongos alimentados com dieta HF. O tratamento com enalapril, mas não alisquireno ou losartana, reduziu o ganho de MC e a ingestão alimentar; aumentou o GE; amenizou a intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina; melhorou a massa de células alfa e beta; impediu a redução da adiponectina plasmática e restaurou a sensibilidade à leptina. Além disso, o tratamento com enalapril melhorou a expressão proteica nas ilhotas pancreáticas de Pdx1, GLUT2, ECA2 e do receptor Mas. O tratamento com losartana apresentou uma elevação na expressão proteica de AT2R no pâncreas. No fígado, a administração de enalapril atenuou a esteatose hepática, o acúmulo de triglicerídeos e preveniu o aumento dos níveis de PEPCK, G6Pase e do GLUT2. Do mesmo modo, o enalapril melhorou a transdução dos sinais da insulina através da via IRS-1/Akt, bem como reduziu os níveis de expressão gênica e/ou proteica de PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c e FAS. Esses resultados sugerem que a inibição da ECA com enalapril atenuou muitos efeitos deletérios provocados pelo consumo da dieta HF, incluindo: normalização da morfologia e função das ilhotas pancreáticas, proteção contra a resistência à insulina e acúmulo de lipídios no fígado. Estes efeitos protetores do enalapril podem ser atribuídos, principalmente, à redução no ganho de MC e ingestão alimentar, aumento do GE, ativação do eixo ECA2/Ang(1-7)/receptor Mas e dos níveis de adiponectina, o que promove uma melhora na ação hepática da insulina e leptina, normalização da gliconeogênese, amenizando a NAFLD. / The associations between obesity, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and diabetes are well established, and the reninangiotensin system (RAS) may provide a link among them. . The blocking of the RAS at different levels may be related to responses on insulin resistance, remodeling of the pancreas and liver in a model of diet-induced obesity. Mice (C57BL/6) were fed on a high-fat (HF) diet for 8 weeks and then treated with aliskiren (50 mg/kg/day), enalapril (30 mg/kg/day) or losartan (10 mg/kg/day) for an additional 6 weeks. The drugs were incorporated into the diet. We assessed body mass (BM), blood pressure, energy intake and expenditure (EE), glucose and lipid metabolism, pancreatic and hepatic histopathology, hormonal analysis, immunohistochemistry, the expression profile of genes and/or proteins affecting pancreas RAS, hepatic gluconeogenesis, insulin signaling and lipid oxidation and accumulation. All RAS inhibitors significantly attenuated the increased blood pressure in mice fed a HF diet. Treatment with enalapril, but not aliskiren or losartan, significantly attenuated BM gain, increased EE, enhanced the glucose intolerance and insulin resistance; improved the alpha and beta cell mass; prevented the reduction of plasma adiponectin and restored leptin sensibility. Furthermore, enalapril treatment improved the protein expression of the pancreatic islet Pdx1, GLUT2, ACE2 and Mas receptors. Losartan treatment showed the greatest AT2R expression in the pancreas. In the liver, the enalapril administration improved hepatic steatosis, triglycerides and prevented the increase hepatic protein levels of PEPCK, G6Pase and GLUT2. Additionally, enalapril improved the deleterious effects on the HF diet by upregulating the signal transduction through the IRS-1/Akt pathway, as well as downregulatin the protein levels and mRNA expression of PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and FAS. Our findings indicate that ACE inhibition with enalapril attenuated several of the deleterious effects of the HF diet. In summary, enalapril appears to be responsible for the normalization of islet morphology and function, a protective role against hepatic insulin resistance and lipid accumulation in the liver. These protective effects of enalapril were attributed, primarily, to the reduction in body mass gain and food intake, increasing EE, the enhancement of the ACE2/Ang (1-7)/Mas receptor axis and adiponectin levels, enhancing hepatic insulin action, leptin and gluconeogenesis, and attenuating NAFLD.

Bloqueadores do sistema renina-angiotensina em ilhotas pancreáticas e fígado na obesidade induzida por dieta em camundongos / Renin-angiotensin system blockers in pancreatic islets and liver on diet-induced obesity in mice

Eliete Dalla Corte Frantz 16 January 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As associações entre obesidade, doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (NAFLD) e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são bem estabelecidas, e o sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) pode proporcionar uma ligação entre eles. O bloqueio do SRA em diferentes níveis pode estar relacionado a respostas na resistência à insulina, remodelagem do pâncreas e do fígado em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta hiperlipídica (HF) durante oito semanas e depois tratados com alisquireno (50 mg/kg/dia), enalapril (30 mg/kg/dia) ou losartana (10 mg/kg/dia) por um período adicional de seis semanas. As drogas foram incorporadas na dieta. Avaliou-se a massa corporal (MC), pressão arterial, consumo e gasto energético (GE), metabolismo da glicose e lipídico, histopatologia pancreática e hepática, análise hormonal, imunohistoquímica, perfil gênico e/ou proteico do SRA no pâncreas, gliconeogênese hepática, sinalização da insulina, oxidação e acúmulo lipídico. Todos os inibidores do SRA reduziram significativamente o aumento da pressão arterial nos camundongos alimentados com dieta HF. O tratamento com enalapril, mas não alisquireno ou losartana, reduziu o ganho de MC e a ingestão alimentar; aumentou o GE; amenizou a intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina; melhorou a massa de células alfa e beta; impediu a redução da adiponectina plasmática e restaurou a sensibilidade à leptina. Além disso, o tratamento com enalapril melhorou a expressão proteica nas ilhotas pancreáticas de Pdx1, GLUT2, ECA2 e do receptor Mas. O tratamento com losartana apresentou uma elevação na expressão proteica de AT2R no pâncreas. No fígado, a administração de enalapril atenuou a esteatose hepática, o acúmulo de triglicerídeos e preveniu o aumento dos níveis de PEPCK, G6Pase e do GLUT2. Do mesmo modo, o enalapril melhorou a transdução dos sinais da insulina através da via IRS-1/Akt, bem como reduziu os níveis de expressão gênica e/ou proteica de PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c e FAS. Esses resultados sugerem que a inibição da ECA com enalapril atenuou muitos efeitos deletérios provocados pelo consumo da dieta HF, incluindo: normalização da morfologia e função das ilhotas pancreáticas, proteção contra a resistência à insulina e acúmulo de lipídios no fígado. Estes efeitos protetores do enalapril podem ser atribuídos, principalmente, à redução no ganho de MC e ingestão alimentar, aumento do GE, ativação do eixo ECA2/Ang(1-7)/receptor Mas e dos níveis de adiponectina, o que promove uma melhora na ação hepática da insulina e leptina, normalização da gliconeogênese, amenizando a NAFLD. / The associations between obesity, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and diabetes are well established, and the reninangiotensin system (RAS) may provide a link among them. . The blocking of the RAS at different levels may be related to responses on insulin resistance, remodeling of the pancreas and liver in a model of diet-induced obesity. Mice (C57BL/6) were fed on a high-fat (HF) diet for 8 weeks and then treated with aliskiren (50 mg/kg/day), enalapril (30 mg/kg/day) or losartan (10 mg/kg/day) for an additional 6 weeks. The drugs were incorporated into the diet. We assessed body mass (BM), blood pressure, energy intake and expenditure (EE), glucose and lipid metabolism, pancreatic and hepatic histopathology, hormonal analysis, immunohistochemistry, the expression profile of genes and/or proteins affecting pancreas RAS, hepatic gluconeogenesis, insulin signaling and lipid oxidation and accumulation. All RAS inhibitors significantly attenuated the increased blood pressure in mice fed a HF diet. Treatment with enalapril, but not aliskiren or losartan, significantly attenuated BM gain, increased EE, enhanced the glucose intolerance and insulin resistance; improved the alpha and beta cell mass; prevented the reduction of plasma adiponectin and restored leptin sensibility. Furthermore, enalapril treatment improved the protein expression of the pancreatic islet Pdx1, GLUT2, ACE2 and Mas receptors. Losartan treatment showed the greatest AT2R expression in the pancreas. In the liver, the enalapril administration improved hepatic steatosis, triglycerides and prevented the increase hepatic protein levels of PEPCK, G6Pase and GLUT2. Additionally, enalapril improved the deleterious effects on the HF diet by upregulating the signal transduction through the IRS-1/Akt pathway, as well as downregulatin the protein levels and mRNA expression of PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and FAS. Our findings indicate that ACE inhibition with enalapril attenuated several of the deleterious effects of the HF diet. In summary, enalapril appears to be responsible for the normalization of islet morphology and function, a protective role against hepatic insulin resistance and lipid accumulation in the liver. These protective effects of enalapril were attributed, primarily, to the reduction in body mass gain and food intake, increasing EE, the enhancement of the ACE2/Ang (1-7)/Mas receptor axis and adiponectin levels, enhancing hepatic insulin action, leptin and gluconeogenesis, and attenuating NAFLD.

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