Spelling suggestions: "subject:"esponsibility,"" "subject:"besponsibility,""
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Grön Marknadsföring, Hur en kommun kan använda sig av grön marknadsföring för att uppnå sina marknadsföringsmässiga målThuvesson, Sara, Palm, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
Den rekordartade tekniska utvecklingen som världen har utsatts för under de senaste 100 åren har lett till att vi nu får se dess negativa biverkningar, förstörelsen på vår natur. Detta har i sin tur lett till att organisationer fått upp ögonen för fördelarna som uppstår med att arbeta mot miljöförstörelsen. Nya organisationer och företag gör entré på marknaden hela tiden och alla, nya som gamla, spelar en stor roll för vår miljö. Genom att arbeta för en minskad miljöpåverkan kan en organisation inte endast skaffa sig konkurrensfördelar utan även skapa ett bättre samarbete med intressenter och sina anställda. Denna framväxt av miljömedvetna organisationer gjorde det intressant för oss som författare att titta närmare på hur dessa organisationer använder sig av grön marknadsföring. Vi valde att applicera det på en kommun, nämligen Halmstad kommun. En kommun har, precis som ett företag, mål med sin verksamhet, och detta är oftast att skapa vinst och tillväxt. Vidare har samtliga marknadsföringsmässiga mål som skall ligga i linje med organisationens övergripande mål. Det var därför intressant för oss att se vad kommunen hade för marknadsföringsmässiga mål och om grön marknadsföring användes för att uppnå dessa. Vårt huvudproblem lyder enligt följande: ” Vad har Halmstad kommun för marknadsföringsmässiga mål och används grön marknadsföring för att nå dessa?” Syftet med uppsatsen blir således att förklara, beskriva och undersöka vad Halmstad kommun har för marknadsföringsmässiga mål och om grön marknadsföring används för att uppnå dessa. Halmstad kommun är en ekokommun och vi vill även se om de kan dra någon nytta av det i sin marknadsföring. Metodkapitlet ger en närmare beskrivning kring hur vi rent praktiskt har gått tillväga med våra undersökningar. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats där vi har intervjuat åtta olika respondenter. I den teoretiska referensramen behandlar vi relevanta teorier som vi anser oss behöva för att besvara vårt problem. Vi presenterar teorier kring begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility, grön marknadsföring, varumärke och ekokommun. I empiriavsnittet redogör vi för resultatet av intervjuerna som vi gjort med personer anställda på Halmstad kommun. Vidare i analyskapitlet ställs den insamlade teorin mot vår insamlade empiri. I det avslutande kapitlet, slutsats, görs en djupare analys där vi konstaterar att Halmstad kommun i allra högsta grad använder sig medvetet eller omedvetet av grön marknadsföring för att uppnå sina marknadsföringsmässiga mål. Vi lämnar även rekommendationer på hur kommunen kan öka sin grad av grön marknadsföring.
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FROM GUILT TO REGRET : The impact of neuroscientific evidence upon our ideas of libertarian free will and moral responsibilityHallin, Nathalie January 2012 (has links)
In this essay I will investigate some different opinions about how or whether we should change our views concerning moral responsibility if neuroscience shows that contra-causal free will is implausible and also argue that holding people morally responsible is not the best method of making people act morally. A common approach is to argue that we can hold people responsible in a non-absolute sense and many argue that this has practical benefits (i.e. that people would act more morally). I evaluate different alternatives and conclude that there are different beliefs and opinions that cause disagreement in this question. I argue that moral responsibility is implausible without the existence of contra-causal free will (because it is then just a question of luck what actions you will perform) and that it is more practical to shift our focus to other ways of changing people and not blaming them.
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Resale Price Maintenance: The Shortcomings of LeeginPei, Alexander 01 January 2012 (has links)
Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) is a contentious topic in economic policy. In effect, it allows manufacturers and suppliers to impose price fixing policies upon their distributors and retailers. While RPM was per se illegal as decided in Dr. Miles in 1911, various Supreme Court decisions afterwards weakened the ability of plaintiffs to hold companies liable for violating antitrust laws. As a result of the Leegin decision in 2007, Dr. Miles was overturned and RPM cases were to ruled to be found illegal on a rule of reason basis, further adding to the difficulty of the plaintiff's burden of proof. However, the economic analysis that the Supreme Court employed in reaching this decision failed to account for the full consequences and drawbacks under RPM, in addition to placing an undue emphasis on procompetitive assumptions supporting the use of RPM. Additionally, the Supreme Court may have overstepped its responsibilities and powers with respect to Congress. Nevertheless, the Leegin decision is not necessarily binding at the state level, whereas Congress still possesses the means to override the decision through subsequent legislation.
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Ethics and Ecologies: Negotiating Responsible and Sustainable Business in IrelandMc Carthy, Elise 05 September 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is about the development of corporate responsibility and sustainability advocacy in Ireland. It shows how the biopolitics of corporate responsibility (or CR) and sustainability was rendered—by CR advocates and interested companies—as an ethical ecology, not dissociated from the biopolitical but rooted in it. By ‘ecology’ I mean to refer to the growing consciousness and deliberate cultivation of the interconnections, dependencies and feedback as well as responsibilities between heretofore discreet parts of the social landscape—between business and employees for example. These nascent interconnections—between what we might think of as systems and their environment—were also being presented as compelling ethical striving and to an extent, facilitating it. Importantly this effort was to be directed towards what was coming to be understood by the terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘responsible business.’ Hence, I also used the word ‘ecology’ in the sense of how this argument for ethics had roots in concern for the planet itself and for the very survival of the human race. In a deeper sense then, the matrix or the features of biopower—“[1] one or more truth discourses about the ‘vital’ character of living human beings; [2] an array of authorities considered competent to speak that truth; [3] strategies for intervention upon collective existence in the name of life and health; [4] and modes of subjectification, in which individuals work on themselves in the name of individual or collective life or health” (Rabinow and Rose 2006, 195)—permeated this concern with sustainability (the ecology or the engagement of systems and environments in the name of ‘life’ as such) and certainly as it was rendered in this arena of business and all that surrounds it, sustainability weighed heavily on ethical quest or government of the self for its potential for success. Furthermore, these logics could be extended into the less biological concern with the sustainability of our ways of life—including communities, businesses and markets; as proxies for vital human bodies, they too were at risk and dependent on changed dispositions to action for their durability.
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Drug Addiction and Personal ResponsibilityReagan, Andrew Shawn 04 April 2009 (has links)
This project examines drug addiction and personal responsibility from the perspective of three different types of theories of addiction: full responsibility, diminished responsibility, and no responsibility. The rational theory of addiction is the fully responsibility theory. The philosophical insights by R. Jay Wallace and George Graham are the diminished responsibility theories. Berridge and Robinson’s Incentive Salience theory of drug addiction is the no responsibility theory examined. My conclusion is that diminished responsibility frameworks are the most suitable in a therapeutic context because they are most sensitive to relevant normative aspects.
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The Functions of Information System in The Management of Corporate Social ResponsibilityKan, Xuan, Lu, Junchao January 2012 (has links)
Background: Most organizations rely on their information system on a daily basis to generate opportunities and advantages. Meanwhile, with the increasing emphasize on corporate social responsibility (CSR), more directors and CEOs are shifting their sights to CSR by developing business models that underline responsible and ethical disciplines for running businesses. However, studies that combine the analysis of IS and CSR are few. Therefore, the potential benefits of utilizing IS from a more intan-gible view, which means CSR in our case, are less likely be discovered. Besides, sen-ior managers have a hard time on shifting perceptions on CSR from being an add-on activity to be integrated in core operations of the organizations. Aim & Purpose: The aim of our research is to investigate the functions that IS has in CSR management from managers' perspectives. As mentioned above, the main reason for con-duction this research is the existing knowledge gap through the subjects being investigated. The overall purpose for this study is to adopt EFQM Excellence Model and Work System Model to contribute to CSR value creation of the organization. Method: The current research approach is qualitative and a case study is applied as re-search strategy. Data collection is carried out by means of documents and interviews. Doc-uments include company annual reports and website information. Semi-structured inter-views are conducted with managers from Lasfosaringar Jokoping and PwC. Conclusions: The functions of IS in the management of CSR can be concluded into four aspects, which are information management, customer relationship management, monitor-ing daily affairs and corporate governance. Information system have changed the way data is being sorted, spread, disseminated and have accelerated the information exchange fre-quency in business operation. Those changes in turn reflect on the performance of cus-tomer, employee and corporate governance of the organization.
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Corporate Social Responsibility in China¡Gcontinuity and changeChung, Ming-fei 28 July 2006 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), originated from the West, has undergone significant changes along with time and context. Under the wave of globalization, it is imperative that corporate fulfill their social responsibilities worldwide. As various scholars hold different viewpoints, debates on the role of CRS and whether it is a positive or negative force continue to thrive. Based on the bipolarity, this paper analyzes the CSR in China, as well as its development and future perspectives.
Mainland China (People's Republic of China) has become a focal point of global economic development in recent years, and this 'world factory' has a crucial role to play in the world's finance and industry chains. Corporate in China, therefore, cannot avoid being evolved in responsibilities in addition to making profits. The paper also made further observation on the change of corporate-social relations and drew conclusion of how Chinese corporate carry their social responsibilities.
The paper began by analyzing the CSR of state-owned enterprises in the context of Chinese traditional planed economy; it then further looked into how the westernized concept evolved and developed during the economic reform in 1978 with the open policy for foreign direct investment (FDI), and how CSR in China was adapted in accordance with the ideology of socialism.
The paper, through both domestic and international literature reviews, aimed to examine the course of evolution of CSR in China. Major case studies were utilized to describe the diversity of CSR development in China, and for comparison between CSR in China and that in the West.
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noneWANG, TAI-FENG 22 June 2001 (has links)
The social responsibility for enterprise is an important and crucial topic nowadays. Every enterprise can hardly avoid the issue. Enterprises are not only to fulfill the obligation of a social citizen, but also to further concern the people in the community, solve social problems as well as give an active and automatic response to the request of community, If can take the responsibility for the community and keep a good relationship with the community, enterprise will have the advantage of surviving in the community for a long term and preserve the competitive strength to run business.
A poll among enterprises is carried out through papers in the research. After the analysis of the poll, several conclusions are reached as follows¡G
1.Generally, there is no much difference in the performance of social responsibility for the scale and class of enterprise and the background of entrepreneur.
2.Whether an enterprise participates charity groups or not will show a pronounced difference in the performance of social responsibility. The enterprise taking part in charity groups exhibit a better performance than the enterprise without joining charity groups.
3.The enterprises participating in charity groups have better performance in terms of profit , revenue and the growth of employee.
4.According to the research, the performance of social responsibility for small and middle enterprise can be classified as the passive, the in-between, the active. The percentage of passivity is 31.71% and the average score on the basis of maximum 5 is 3.25. The percentage of in-between is 35.61% and the average score is 3.73. The percentage of activity is 32.68% and the average score is 4.09. The total percentage for enterprises being active and in-between is 68.29% and the average score is 3.91. Therefore, the performance of social responsibility for small and middle enterprise tends to be active.
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Study on Empirical Verification of the Responsibility of National Compensation ¡ÐUsing the Issues of National Compensation of Kaohsiung City Government as ExamplesCheng, Chiu-Hung 30 June 2001 (has links)
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The Research of Cognition and Conflict of Administrative Ethics: Using First-level Directors in Taitung County Government as ExamplesLo, Kuan-huei 10 July 2008 (has links)
Due to the critical corruptions revealed in superior governments in recent years,
people tended to question the probity of the government, even resulted in crisis of
governance and attenuation of national competitiveness. Therefore the issues with ethics
decision among government and moral principles of functionaries have undoubtedly
become significant to be examined and solved, after the 2008 election.
The moral value cognitions and dicisions of functionaries currently appear to be
dinamic and complex. This research thus adopts in-depth interviews with first-level
directors in Taitung County Government. Concepts of Normative Ethics and Applied
Ethics, which were introduced in the research of domestic scholar Xiao Wu-tong, were
adopted as the foundation of this research. Ten decisive values and controversial issues
were employed in this research to examine local government director¡¦s dilemma of
moral deciding based on their personal judgments and basic assumptions.
This research discovered that most directors, who were interviewed, consider
pursuing on long-term loyalty on the basis of laws and regulations as the objective.
Directors, who are local elites and also subordinates of magistrate, always have moral
conflicts. They highly agree with that a superintendent¡¦s promises and model himself
are beneficial to form an incorruptible organization culture. Unified rules are lacked to
regulate service ethics of functionaries. The establishment of exclusive organizations
dealing with ethics and laws, and the integration of against corruption agencies, still
require more efforts. For instance, the mechanism of civil services professions, the
legislation of protection to expose bribery, the set up of crime of properties from
unknown source into current ¡§Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants¡¨ are
practical matters need to be concerned. In the end, this research proposed several
suggestions, providing government as references for planning acting administrative
ethics, and rehabilitate peoples¡¦ trust toward government.
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