Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reverse engineering"" "subject:"reverse ingineering""
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Preserving dynamic reconfiguration consistency in aspect oriented middlewareSurajbali, Bholanathsingh, Grace, Paul, Coulson, Geoff January 2010 (has links)
Aspect-oriented middleware is a promising technology for the realisation of dynamic reconfiguration in heterogeneous distributed systems. However, like other dynamic reconfiguration approaches, AO-middleware-based reconfiguration requires that the consistency of the system is maintained across reconfigurations. AO-middleware-based reconfiguration is an ongoing research topic and several consistency approaches have been proposed. However, most of these approaches tend to be targeted at specific contexts, whereas for distributed systems it is crucial to cover a wide range of operating conditions. In this paper we propose an approach that offers distributed, dynamic reconfiguration in a consistent manner, and features a flexible framework-based consistency management approach to cover a wide range of operating conditions. We evaluate our approach by investigating the configurability and transparency of our approach and also quantify the performance overheads of the associated consistency mechanisms.
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Exploring the Boundaries of Gene Regulatory Network InferenceTjärnberg, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
To understand how the components of a complex system like the biological cell interact and regulate each other, we need to collect data for how the components respond to system perturbations. Such data can then be used to solve the inverse problem of inferring a network that describes how the pieces influence each other. The work in this thesis deals with modelling the cell regulatory system, often represented as a network, with tools and concepts derived from systems biology. The first investigation focuses on network sparsity and algorithmic biases introduced by penalised network inference procedures. Many contemporary network inference methods rely on a sparsity parameter such as the L1 penalty term used in the LASSO. However, a poor choice of the sparsity parameter can give highly incorrect network estimates. In order to avoid such poor choices, we devised a method to optimise the sparsity parameter, which maximises the accuracy of the inferred network. We showed that it is effective on in silico data sets with a reasonable level of informativeness and demonstrated that accurate prediction of network sparsity is key to elucidate the correct network parameters. The second investigation focuses on how knowledge from association networks can be transferred to regulatory network inference procedures. It is common that the quality of expression data is inadequate for reliable gene regulatory network inference. Therefore, we constructed an algorithm to incorporate prior knowledge and demonstrated that it increases the accuracy of network inference when the quality of the data is low. The third investigation aimed to understand the influence of system and data properties on network inference accuracy. L1 regularisation methods commonly produce poor network estimates when the data used for inference is ill-conditioned, even when the signal to noise ratio is so high that all links in the network can be proven to exist for the given significance. In this study we elucidated some general principles for under what conditions we expect strongly degraded accuracy. Moreover, it allowed us to estimate expected accuracy from conditions of simulated data, which was used to predict the performance of inference algorithms on biological data. Finally, we built a software package GeneSPIDER for solving problems encountered during previous investigations. The software package supports highly controllable network and data generation as well as data analysis and exploration in the context of network inference. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>
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Rétro-ingénierie des diagrammes de séquence par visualisation interactiveGrati, Hassen 08 1900 (has links)
Nous proposons une approche semi-automatique pour la rétro-ingénierie des diagrammes de séquence d’UML. Notre approche commence par un ensemble de traces d'exécution qui sont automatiquement alignées pour déterminer le comportement commun du système. Les diagrammes de séquence sont ensuite extraits avec l’aide d’une visualisation interactive, qui permet la navigation dans les traces d'exécution et la production des opérations d'extraction. Nous fournissons une illustration concrète de notre approche avec une étude de cas, et nous montrons en particulier que nos diagrammes de séquence générés sont plus significatifs et plus compacts que ceux qui sont obtenus par les méthodes automatisées. / We propose a semi-automated approach for the reverse engineering of UML sequence diagrams. Our approach starts with a set of execution traces that are automatically aligned to determine the common behavior. Sequence diagrams are then extracted with the help of an interactive visualization, which allows navigating though execution traces and performing extraction operations. We provide a concrete illustration of our approach with a case study, and show in particular that the resulting diagrams are more meaningful and more compact than those extracted by automated approaches.
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Identification of behavioral and creational design patterns through dynamic analysisNG, Janice Ka-Yee January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Supporting Reuse by Reverse Engineering Software Architecture and Component from Object-Oriented Product Variants and APIs / Support à la réutilisation par la rétro-ingénierie des architectures et des composants logiciels à partir du code source orienté objet des variantes de produits logiciels et d'APIsShatnawi, Anas 29 June 2015 (has links)
La réutilisation est reconnue comme une démarche intéressante pour améliorer la qualité des produits et la productivité des projets logiciels. L'ingénierie des logiciels à base de composants (CBSE en anglais) et l'ingénierie des lignes de produits logiciels (SPLE en anglais) sont considérées parmi les plus importants paradigmes de réutilisation systématique. L'ingénierie à base de composants permet de développer de nouveaux systèmes logiciels par composition de briques préconstruites appelées composants. L'ingénierie des lignes de produits logiciels permet de dériver (construire) de nouveaux produits par simple sélection de leurs caractéristiques (feature en anglais). Cette dérivation est rendue possible grâce à la représentation et à la gestion de la variabilité et de la similarité des produits d'une même famille. Cependant, une des difficultés vers une large adoption de l'ingénierie des logiciels à base de composants et des lignes de produits est le coût à investir pour construire, à partir de rien, les composants et les artefacts de lignes de produits. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de cette thèse proposent de réduire ce coût par une démarche basée sur la rétro-ingénierie.La première contribution de cette thèse consiste à proposer une approche permettant d'identifier, par l'analyse d'un ensemble de variantes d'un produit logiciel orienté objet, les éléments du code source pouvant servir à l'implémentation de composants. Au contraire des approches existantes d'identification de composants basées sur l'analyse d'un seul produit, l'originalité de notre approche consiste en l'analyse de plusieurs variantes de produits en même temps. Notre objectif est l'amélioration de la réutilisabilité des composants extraits. L'évaluation expérimentale menée dans le cadre de cette thèse a montré la pertinence de cette démarche.La deuxième contribution consiste en la proposition d'une approche pour l'extraction d'une architecture à base de composants d'un ensemble de variantes d'un produit logiciel orienté objet. Il s'agit d'identifier la variabilité des composants architecturaux et la configuration architecturale. L'identification de la configuration architecturale est principalement basée sur l'utilisation de l'analyse formelle de concepts pour trouver les dépendances entre les éléments architecturaux. L'expérimentation conduite pour l'évaluation de l'approche proposée confirme la pertinence des éléments identifiés.La troisième contribution de cette thèse permet de restructurer les APIs orientées objet en composants. Nous exploitons la spécificité des classes des APIs d'être conçues pour être utilisées par des applications clientes pour identifier ces composants. Le code source de ces APIs et celui de leurs applications clientes sont analysés afin d'identifier des groupes de classes qui peuvent servir à l'implémentation de composants à extraire. L'identification de ces groupes de classes est basée sur l'analyse des liens structurels entre ces classes et sur la probabilité que ces classes soient utilisées ensemble par les applications clientes. Nous montrons à travers les résultats expérimentaux que la restructuration des API orientées objet en composants facilite la réutilisation et la compréhension des éléments de ces APIs. / It is widely recognized that software quality and productivity can be significantly improved by applying a systematic reuse approach. In this context, Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are considered as two important systematic reuse paradigms. CBSE aims at composing software systems based on pre-built software components and SPLE aims at building new products by managing commonalty and variability of a family of similar software. However, building components and SPL artifacts from scratch is a costly task. In this context, our dissertation proposes three contributions to reduce this cost.Firstly, we propose an approach that aims at mining reusable components from a set of similar object-oriented software product variants. The idea is to analyze the commonality and the variability of product variants, in order to identify pieces of code that may form reusable components. Our motivation behind the analysis of several existing product variants is that components mined from these variants are more reusable for the development of new software products than those mined from single ones. The experimental evaluation shows that the reusability of the components mined using our approach is better than those mined from single software.Secondly, we propose an approach that automatically recovers the component-based architecture of a set of object-oriented software product variants. Our contribution is twofold: the identification of the architectural component variability and the identification of the configuration variability. The configuration variability is based on the identification of dependencies between the architectural elements using formal concept analysis. The experimental evaluation shows that our approach is able to identify the architectural variability.Finally, we propose an approach that aims at restructuring object-oriented APIs as component-based ones. This approach exploits specificity of API entities by statically analyzing the source code of both APIs and their software clients to identify groups of API classes that are able to form components. Our assumption is based on the probability of classes to be reused together by API clients on the one hand, and on the structural dependencies between classes on the other hand. The experimental evaluation shows that structuring object-oriented APIs as component-based ones improves the reusability and the understandability of these APIs.
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Conjunto de procedimentos de engenharia reversa para projeto de banco de dados espaciais / Set of reverse engineering procedures for spatial database designMatté, Lia Cláudia January 2002 (has links)
Projetos de SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica), em geral, ainda não apresentam modelo conceitual de banco de dados geográficos. Os implementadores de SIG se preocupam com a aquisição dos dados (captura e adaptação), que é a etapa mais cara, e dão, ainda, pouca atenção à modelagem. A utilização de modelos conceituais faz com que os usuários controlem melhor sua base de dados e tirem maior proveito do SIG. O objetivo deste trabalho é definir um conjunto de procedimentos de engenharia reversa de bancos de dados espaciais que auxiliem na criação e manutenção de modelos conceituais para aplicações de SIG a partir de dados já existentes. Estes procedimentos podem contribuir para um aumento na qualidade dos SIG implementados, auxiliando na popularização da prática de modelagem conceitual de banco de dados geográficos. São estudados três formatos de transferência utilizados por usuários de SIG. A partir daí, é proposto uma arquitetura de sistema de engenharia reversa para SIG. / Even with the increasing use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), conceptual modeling of geographic databases (GDB) is not yet usual among GIS professionals. This fact can in part be explained by the professional profile of most GIS designers. They usually are more familiar with specific GIS applications than with database technology. Among them, one can find cartographers, geographers, agricultural engineers, and architects. Besides that, the cost of geographic data acquisition is so high that much important is given to acquisition plans during GIS design and less interest is given to the database design process. Especially first time designers do not perceive the importance of a database schema that is independent of a specific GIS product. Conceptual design preserves the independence between data types and the logical schema of the product. Moreover, relying on the GDB conceptual schema users can better understand what part of the geographic reality is represented in the database. The main goal of this research work is to define a set of reverse engineering procedures for spatial databases that can support either creation or evolution if conceptual GDB schemas. It is expected that these procedures can enhance the quality of GDB design as well as contribute to the popularization of GDB conceptual modeling. Three different geographic data input formats to GIS are investigated and a reverse engineering system architecture for them is proposed. Resulting conceptual (sub)schemas are based on the framework GeoFrame.
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Identification of behavioral and creational design patterns through dynamic analysisNG, Janice Ka-Yee January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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CAD e engenharia reversa como ferramentas de aux?lio na fabrica??o de cartuchos para pr?teses ortop?dicasPereira, Edson Jorge Alc?ntara 10 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-10 / The manufacturing of above and below-knee prosthesis starts by taking surfac measurements of the patient s residual limb. This demands the making of a cartridg with appropriate fitting and customized to the profile of each patient. The traditiona
process in public hospitals in Brazil begins with the completion of a record file (according to law n?388, of July 28, 1999 by the ministry of the health) for obtaining o the prosthesis, where it is identified the amputation level, equipment type, fitting type
material, measures etc. Nowadays, that work is covered by the Brazilian Nationa Health Service (SUS) and is accomplished in a manual way being used commo measuring tapes characterizing a quite rudimentary, handmade work and without an accuracy.In this dissertation it is presented the development of a computer integrate tool that it include CAD theory, for visualization of both above and below-knee prosthesis in 3D (i.e. OrtoCAD), as well as, the design and the construction a low cos electro-mechanic 3D scanner (EMS). This apparatus is capable to automatically obtain geometric information of the stump or of the healthy leg while ensuring smalle uncertainty degree for all measurements. The methodology is based on reverse engineering concepts so that the EMS output is fed into the above mentioned academi CAD software in charge of the 3D computer graphics reconstruction of the residualimb s negative plaster cast or even the healthy leg s mirror image. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed model is valid, because it allows the structura analysis to be performed based on the requested loads, boundary conditions, material chosen and wall thickness. Furthermore it allows the manufacturing of a prosthesis cartridge meeting high accuracy engineering patterns with consequent improvement in the quality of the overall production process / A fabrica??o de pr?teses para amputados de membros inferiores (transfemural e transtibial) exige a confec??o de um cartucho com encaixe adequado e personalizado ao perfil de cada paciente. O processo tradicional de atendimento a pacientes em
hospitais p?blicos no Brasil inicia-se com o preenchimento de uma ficha conforme portaria n?388, de 28 de Julho de 1999 do minist?rio da sa?de para obten??o da pr?tese, onde ? identificado o n?vel de amputa??o, tipo de equipamento, tipo de encaixe, material, medidas etc. Atualmente, esses cartuchos s?o fabricados de forma manual atrav?s de instrumentos de baixa precis?o, caracterizando um trabalho bastante rudimentar, artesanal e sem nenhuma acuracidade. Nesta disserta??o prop?e-se o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta integrada que envolva o CAD, para visualiza??o das pr?teses dos tipos transfemural/transtibial em 3D (OrtoCAD), bem como, o projeto e a constru??o um leitor eletromec?nico (esp?cie de scanner tridimensional), capaz de obter automaticamente e qualitativamente, com menor grau de incerteza as informa??es geom?tricas do coto ou da perna sadia. A metodologia inclui a aplica??o de conceitos de engenharia reversa para gerar computacionalmente a representa??o do coto e/ou a imagem reversa do membro sadio. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o modelo posposto ? v?lido, pois permite a an?lise estrutural em fun??o do carregamento solicitado e a confec??o de um cartucho de pr?tese atendendo elevados padr?es de acuracidade da engenharia com conseq?ente melhoria na qualidade do processo de fabrica??o
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Modelagem cinemática e Dinâmica de uma estrutura RRP+PRDíaz, Jorge Eliécer Rangel 18 March 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The aim of this work is to develop a non-contact 3D scanning robot to measure surfaces from
objects of small sizes. The 3D scanner is shaped for a mechanical structure and an optic
lecture system. The mechanical structure has 5 degrees of freedom. Such system is composed
by two kinematic chains used to move the laser sensor and the workpiece respectively. The
lecture system is derived from a laser sensor, based on 3D active triangulation technique that
acquires the surface workpiece data. This technique assurance the scanning of the workpiece
surface with reduced dimensional errors and consequently it makes possible the use less data
points. Therefore it is achievable the fast data processing to reverse engineering method. In
order to analyze its kinematics and dynamic model, its workspace, error analysis, and efforts
at the joints, methods for reading the surface coordinates were proposed. For the analysis
were considered the resolution and mechanical characteristics of the components used for the
construction of a prototype. / O objetivo deste trabalho consiste no estudo e desenvolvimento de um digitalizador
tridimensional robótico que será empregado para adquirir as dimensões superficiais de objetos
de tamanho reduzido. O digitalizador é composto por uma estrutura mecânica e um sistema de
leitura ótico. A estrutura mecânica do digitalizador possui 5 graus de liberdade e é composta
por duas cadeias cinemáticas acopladas cinematicamente, onde uma delas é utilizada para
movimentar o sensor laser e a outra para movimentar o objeto. O sistema de leitura é
composto por um sensor laser que é baseado no método da triangulação ativa espacial para
adquirir as medidas superficiais do objeto. Neste trabalho é utilizado o método da
triangulação espacial porque ele garante o acompanhamento superficial do objeto para
diminuir os erros nas medições, facilita a redução da quantidade de dados, facilitando o
processamento de dados nas tarefas de engenharia reversa. Para permitir analisar os modelos
cinemático e dinâmico, com o conseqüente estudo de seu espaço de trabalho de leitura,
análise de erros, e dos esforços nas articulações, foram propostas metodologias de leitura da
superfície do objeto. Para as análises foram consideradas as características mecânicas e de
resolução dos componentes utilizados para a construção de um protótipo. / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
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Conjunto de procedimentos de engenharia reversa para projeto de banco de dados espaciais / Set of reverse engineering procedures for spatial database designMatté, Lia Cláudia January 2002 (has links)
Projetos de SIG (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica), em geral, ainda não apresentam modelo conceitual de banco de dados geográficos. Os implementadores de SIG se preocupam com a aquisição dos dados (captura e adaptação), que é a etapa mais cara, e dão, ainda, pouca atenção à modelagem. A utilização de modelos conceituais faz com que os usuários controlem melhor sua base de dados e tirem maior proveito do SIG. O objetivo deste trabalho é definir um conjunto de procedimentos de engenharia reversa de bancos de dados espaciais que auxiliem na criação e manutenção de modelos conceituais para aplicações de SIG a partir de dados já existentes. Estes procedimentos podem contribuir para um aumento na qualidade dos SIG implementados, auxiliando na popularização da prática de modelagem conceitual de banco de dados geográficos. São estudados três formatos de transferência utilizados por usuários de SIG. A partir daí, é proposto uma arquitetura de sistema de engenharia reversa para SIG. / Even with the increasing use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), conceptual modeling of geographic databases (GDB) is not yet usual among GIS professionals. This fact can in part be explained by the professional profile of most GIS designers. They usually are more familiar with specific GIS applications than with database technology. Among them, one can find cartographers, geographers, agricultural engineers, and architects. Besides that, the cost of geographic data acquisition is so high that much important is given to acquisition plans during GIS design and less interest is given to the database design process. Especially first time designers do not perceive the importance of a database schema that is independent of a specific GIS product. Conceptual design preserves the independence between data types and the logical schema of the product. Moreover, relying on the GDB conceptual schema users can better understand what part of the geographic reality is represented in the database. The main goal of this research work is to define a set of reverse engineering procedures for spatial databases that can support either creation or evolution if conceptual GDB schemas. It is expected that these procedures can enhance the quality of GDB design as well as contribute to the popularization of GDB conceptual modeling. Three different geographic data input formats to GIS are investigated and a reverse engineering system architecture for them is proposed. Resulting conceptual (sub)schemas are based on the framework GeoFrame.
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