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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two-dimensional Finite Volume Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Euler Schemes With Different Flux Algorithms

Akturk, Ali 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to implement Finite Volume Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (FV-WENO) scheme to solution of one and two-dimensional discretised Euler equations with different flux algorithms. The effects of the different fluxes on the solution have been tested and discussed. Beside, the effect of the grid on these fluxes has been investigated. Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) schemes are high order accurate schemes designed for problems with piecewise smooth solutions that involve discontinuities. WENO schemes have been successfully used in applications, especially for problems containing both shocks and complicated smooth solution structures. Fluxes are used as building blocks in FV-WENO scheme. The efficiency of the scheme is dependent on the fluxes used in scheme The applications tested in this thesis are the 1-D Shock Tube Problem, Double Mach Reflection, Supersonic Channel Flow, and supersonic Staggered Wedge Cascade. The numerical solutions for 1-D Shock Tube Problem and the supersonic channel flow are compared with the analytical solutions. The results for the Double Mach Reflection and the supersonic staggered cascade are compared with results from literature.

Gravitational Waves and the Stability of Binary Systems

Pereira, Rheymisson January 2017 (has links)
This project contains an exposition of the basics of General Relativity up to the study of Gravitational Waves. The goal is to apply this theory to understand binary systems, how they generate gravitational waves and the energy they lose in doing so. Gravitational waves have been a topic of interest in relativity ever since their theoretical prediction in 1916. Now the interest in the subject has been renewed since LIGO's announcement of the first detection of gravitational waves, proving once again the power of General Relativity. This topic is very promising because of its implications in the future of astronomy and cosmology as a new method to obtain information about our universe.

A study of skeleta in non-Archimedean geometry / Une étude des squelettes en géométrie non Archimédienne

Welliaveetil, John 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'appuie sur et reflète l'interaction entre la théorie des modèles et la géométrie de Berkovich. En utilisant les méthodes de Hrushovski et Loeser, nous montrerons que plusieurs phénomènes topologiques concernant des analytifications de variétés sont contrôlés par certains complexes simpliciaux contenus dans les analytifications. Ce travail comporte les résultats suivants. Soit $k$ un corps algébriquement clos et complet pour une valuation non-archimédienne non-triviale à valeurs réelles. 1) Soit $\phi : C' \to C$ un morphisme fini entre deux courbes projectives, lisses et irréductibles. Le morphisme $\phi$ induit un morphisme $\phi^{an} : C'^{an} \to C^{an}$ entre les deux analytifications. Nous construisons une paire de rétractions par déformations qui sont compatible pour le morphisme $\phi^{an}$. Les images des déformations $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$, $\Upsilon_{C^{an}$ sont des sous-espaces fermés de $C'^{an}$ and $C^{an}$ et homéomorphes à des graphes finis. Ce type de sous-espace est appelé \emph{squelette}. En outre, les espaces analytiques $C'^{an} \smallsetminus \Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$ et $C^{an} \smallsetminus \Upsilon_{C^{an}}$ se décomposent en une union disjointe de copies de disques unités de Berkovich. Un squelette $\Upsilon \subset C^{an}$ peut-être décomposé en un ensemble des sommets et un ensemble d'arêtes et on peut définir son genre $g(\Upsilon)$.Nous montrons que $g(\Upsilon)$ est un invariant bien défini de la courbe $C$. On appelle cet invariant $g^{an}(C)$. Le morphisme $\phi^{an}$ induira un morphisme $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}} \to \Upsilon_{C^{an}}$ entre les deux squelettes. Nous montrons que le genre du squelette $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$ peut être calculé en utilisant certains invariants associés aux points de $\Upsilon_{C^{an}}$. 2) Soit $\phi$ un endomorphisme fini de $\mathbb{P}^1_k$. Soit $x \in \mathbb{P}^1_k(k)$ et $f(x)$ le rayon de la plus grande boule de Berkovich de centre $x$, sur laquelle le morphisme $\phi^{an}$ est une fibration topologique. Nous voyons que la fonction $f : \mathbb{P}_k^1(k) \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ est contrôlée par un graphe fini et non-vide contenu dans $\mathbb{P}^{1,an}_k$. Nous montrons que ce résultat peut être généralisé au cas d'un morphisme fini $\phi : V' \to V$ entre deux variétés intégrales, projectives avec $V$ normale. / This thesis is a reflection of the interaction between Berkovich geometry and model theory. Using the results of Hrushovski and Loeser, we show that several interesting topological phenomena that concern the analytifications of varieties are governed by certain finite simplicial complexes embedded in them. Our work consists of the following two sets of results. Let k be an algebraically closed non-Archimedean non trivially real valued field which is complete with respect to its valuation. 1) Let $\phi : C' \to C$ be a finite morphism between smooth projective irreducible $k$-curves.The morphism $\phi$ induces a morphism $\phi^{an} : C'^{an} \to C^{an}$ between the Berkovich analytifications of the curves. We construct a pair of deformation retractions of $C'^{an}$ and $C^{an}$ which are compatible with the morphism $\phi^{\mathrm{an}}$ andwhose images $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$, $\Upsilon_{C^{an}}$ are closed subspaces of $C'^{an}$, $C^{an}$ that are homeomorphic to finite metric graphs. We refer to such closed subspaces as skeleta.In addition, the subspaces $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$ and $\Upsilon_{C^{an}}$ are such that their complements in their respective analytifications decompose into the disjoint union of isomorphic copies of Berkovich open balls. The skeleta can be seen as the union of vertices and edges, thus allowing us to define their genus. The genus of a skeleton in a curve $C$ is in fact an invariant of the curve which we call $g^{an}(C)$. The pair of compatible deformation retractions forces the morphism $\phi^{an}$ to restrict to a map $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}} \to \Upsilon_{C^{an}}$. We study how the genus of $\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$ can be calculated using the morphism $\phi^{an}_{|\Upsilon_{C'^{an}}$ and invariants defined on $\Upsilon_{C^{an}}$. 2) Let $\phi$ be a finite endomorphism of $\mathbb{P}^1_k$. Given a closed point $x \in \mathbb{P}^1_k$, we are interested in the radius $f(x)$ of the largest Berkovich open ball centered at $x$ over which the morphism $\phi^{\mathrm{an}}$ is a topological fibration. Interestingly, the function $f : \mathbb{P}_k^1(k) \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ admits a strong tameness property in that it is controlled by a non-empty finite graph contained in $\mathbb{P}^{1,an}_k$. We show that this result can be generalized to the case of finite morphisms $\phi : V' \to V$ between integral projective $k$-varieties where $V$ is normal.

Algèbres à factorisation et Topos supérieurs exponentiables / Factorisation Algebra and Exponentiable Higher Toposes

Lejay, Damien 23 September 2016 (has links)
Cette these est composee de deux parties independantes ayant pour point commun l’utilisation intensive de la theorie des ∞-categories. Dans la premiere, on s’interesse aux liens entre deux approches differentes de la formalisation de la physique des particules : les algebres vertex et les algebres a factorisation a la Costello. On montre en particulier que dans le cas des theories dites topologiques, elles sont equivalentes. Plus precisement, on montre que les∞-categories de fibres vectoriels factorisant non-unitaires sur une variete algebrique complexe lisse X est equivalente a l’∞-categorie des EM-algebres non-unitaires et de dimension finie, ou M est la variete topologique associee a X. Dans la seconde, avec Mathieu Anel, nous etudions la caracterisation de l’exponentiabilite dans l’∞-categorie des ∞-topos. Nous montrons que les ∞-topos exponentiables sont ceux dont l’∞-categorie de faisceaux est continue. Une consequence notable est que l’∞-categorie des faisceaux en spectres sur un ∞-topos exponentiable est un objet dualisable de l’∞-categorie des ∞-categories cocompletes stables munie de son produit tensoriel. Ce chapitre contient aussi une construction des ∞-coends a partir de la theorie du produit tensoriel d’∞- categories cocompletes, ainsi qu’une description des ∞-categories de faisceaux sur un ∞-topos exponentiable en termes de faisceaux de Leray. / This thesis is made of two independent parts, both relying heavily on the theory of ∞-categories. In the first chapter, we approach two different ways to formalize modern particle physics, through the theory of vertex algebras and the theory of factorisation algebras a la Costello. We show in particular that in the case of ‘topological field theories’, they are equivalent. More precisely, we show that the ∞-category of non-unital factorization vector bundles on a smooth complex variety X is equivalent to the ∞-category of non-unital finite dimensional EM-algebras where M is the topological manifold associated to X. In the second one, with Mathieu Anel, we study a characterization of exponentiable objects of the∞-category of∞-toposes.We show that an ∞-topos is exponentiable if and only if its ∞-category of sheaves of spaces is continuous. An important consequence is the fact that the ∞-category of sheaves of spectra on an exponentiable ∞-topos is a dualisable object of the ∞-category of cocontinuous stable ∞-categories endowed with its usual tensor product. This chapter also includes a ix construction of∞-coends from the theory of tensor products of cocomplete∞- categories, together with a description of∞-categories of sheaves on exponentiable ∞-toposes in terms of Leray sheaves.

Tautological rings of moduli spaces of curves / Anneaux tautologiques d'espaces de modules de courbes

Camara, Malick 30 September 2016 (has links)
Les espaces de modules de Riemann répondent au problème de la classification des surfaces de Riemann compactes d'un genre donné. Le sujet de cette thèse est la cohomologie de l'espace des modules des courbes d'un genre donné avec un certain nombre de points marqués. La description de cet anneau a été initiée par D. Mumford puis C. Faber avait proposé une description de l'anneau tautologique des espaces de modules sans points marqués. Une première source de relations provient des relations A. Pixton démontrées par A. Pixton, R. Pandharipande et D. Zvonkine mais on ne sait pas si elles sont complètes. Une autre source de relations utilisée dans ce travail sont les relations de A. Buryak, S. Shadrin et D. Zvonkine. Avant cette thèse, il y avait peu de résultats sur l'anneau tautologique d'espaces de modules de courbes avec un nombre quelconque de points marqués. Cette thèse donne une description complète des l'anneaux tautologiques des espaces de modules de courbes de genres 0, 1, 2, 3 et 4. Un des résultats ayant demandé beaucoup de travail est le groupe de degré 2 de l'anneau tautologique des espaces de modules de courbes lisses de genre 4. Ce groupe demande un travail sur l'annulation de certaines classes tautologiques sur le bord de la compactification de Deligne-Mumford de l'espace des modules en plus d'un astucieux travail numérique. L'espace des modules des courbes réelles de genre 0 et sa théorie de l'intersection sont également étudiés. On peut alors démontrer plusieurs résultats analogues à ceux obtenus dans le cas complexe comme l'équation de la corde. On démontre une formule donnant les nombres d'intersection. / The problem of the moduli spaces of compact Riemann surfaces is the problem of the classification of compact Riemann surfaces of a certain genus. The topic of this thesis is the cohomology of the moduli spaces of curves of a certain genus with marked points and more precisely its subbring called tautological ring. The description of the tautological ring has been initiated by D. Mumford, then C. Faber conjectured a description of the moduli space of curves without marked points. A source of tautological relations are Pixton's relations proven by A. Pixton, R. Pabndharipande and D. Zvonkine. Another source of relations are relations of A. Buryak, S. Shadrin and D. Zvonkine. Before this thesis, there were only few results on the tautological ring of curves with any number of marked points. This thesis gives a complete description of the tautological rings of moduli curves of genera 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 with any number of marked points. A result which needed a lot of work is the group of degree 2 of the tautological ring of the moudli space of smooth curves of genus 4. We need to work on the vanishing of some tautological classes on the boundary of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of the moduli space of curves and a clever numerical work.The moduli space of real curves of genus 0 and its intersection theory are also studied. Then we can show several results which are analogous to results in the complex case like the string equation. One result of this thesis is a formula giving intersection numbers of products of xi classes.x

Eigenvalues of Differential Operators and Nontrivial Zeros of L-functions

Wu, Dongsheng 08 December 2020 (has links)
The Hilbert-P\'olya conjecture asserts that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ correspond (in a certain canonical way) to the eigenvalues of some positive operator. R. Meyer constructed a differential operator $D_-$ acting on a function space $\H$ and showed that the eigenvalues of the adjoint of $D_-$ are exactly the nontrivial zeros of $\zeta(s)$ with multiplicity correspondence. We follow Meyer's construction with a slight modification. Specifically, we define two function spaces $\H_\cap$ and $\H_-$ on $(0,\infty)$ and characterize them via the Mellin transform. This allows us to show that $Z\H_\cap\subseteq\H_-$ where $Zf(x)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(nx)$. Also, the differential operator $D$ given by $Df(x)=-xf'(x)$ induces an operator $D_-$ on the quotient space $\H=\H_-/Z\H_\cap$. We show that the eigenvalues of $D_-$ on $\H$ are exactly the nontrivial zeros of $\zeta(s)$. Moreover, the geometric multiplicity of each eigenvalue is one and the algebraic multiplicity of each eigenvalue is its vanishing order as a nontrivial zero of $\zeta(s)$. We generalize our construction on the Riemann zeta function to some $L$-functions, including the Dirichlet $L$-functions and $L$-functions associated with newforms in $\mathcal S_k(\Gamma_0(M))$ with $M\ge1$ and $k$ being a positive even integer. We give spectral interpretations for these $L$-functions in a similar fashion.


Aljurbua, Saleh 01 December 2021 (has links)
AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OFSaleh Aljurbua, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in APPLIED MATHEMATICS, presented on January 27th, 2021, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: THE EXISTENCE OF SOLUTIONS FOR FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOR ORDER q ∈ (n − 1, n], n ∈ N, WITH ANTIPERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Mingqing Xiao Differential equations play a major role in natural science, physics and technology. Fractional differential equations (FDE) gained a lot of popularity in the past three decades and they became very important in economics, physics and chemistry. In fact, fractional integrals and derivatives became essential and made a significant contribution in dynamical systems which simulate it. They fill the gaps between the integer-types of integrations and derivatives in the classical settings. This work consists of four Chapters. The first Chapter will be covering background, preliminary and fundamental tools used in our dissertation topic. The second Chapter consists of the existence of solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations of some specific orders with antiperiodic boundary conditions followed by the main topic which is the existence of solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations of order q ∈ (n−1, n], n ∈ N with antiperiodic boundary conditions of a continuous function f(t, x(t)). Moreover, definitions, theorems and some lemmas will be provided. v In the third Chapter, we offer some examples to illustrate our approach in the main topic. Finally, the fourth Chapter includes the summary and perspective researches.

Sumiranje redova sa specijalnim funkcijama

Vidanović Mirjana 11 July 2003 (has links)
<p>Disertacija se bavi sumiranjem redova sa specijalnim funkcijama. Ovi redovi se posredstvom trigonometrijskih redova svode na redove sa Riemannovom zeta funkci&shy;jom i srodnim funkcijama. U određenim slučajevima sumacione formule se mogu dovesti na takozvani zatvoreni oblik, &scaron;to znači da se beskonačni redovi predstavljaju konačnim sumama. Predloženi metodi sumacije omogućavaju ubrzanje konvergencije, a mogu se primeniti i kod nekih graničnih problema matematičke fizike. Sumacione formule uključuju kao specijalne slučajeve neke formule poznate iz literature, ali i nove sume, s obzirom da su op&scaron;teg karaktera. Pomoću ovih formula sumirani su i redovi sa integralima trigonometrijskih i specijalnih funkcija.</p> / <p>This dissertation deals with the summation of series over special functions. Through<br />trigonometric series these series are reduced to series in terms of Riemann zeta and<br />related functions. They can be brought in closed form in some cases, i.e. infinite<br />series are expressed as finite sums. Closed form formulas make it possible to accele&shy;<br />rate the convergence of some series, and have many applications in various scientific<br />fields as well. For example, closed form solutions of the boundary value problem in<br />mathematical physics can be obtained. Summation formulas include particular cases<br />known from the literature, but because of their general character one can come to<br />new sums. By means of these formul&aacute;is the sums of series over integrals containing<br />trigonometric or special functions have been found.</p>

Connection Problem for Painlevé Tau Functions

Prokhorov, Andrei 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / We derive the differential identities for isomonodromic tau functions, describing their monodromy dependence. For Painlev´e equations we obtain them from the relation of tau function to classical action which is a consequence of quasihomogeneity of corresponding Hamiltonians. We use these identities to solve the connection problem for generic solution of Painlev´e-III(D8) equation, and homogeneous Painlev´e-II equation. We formulate conjectures on Hamiltonian and symplectic structure of general isomonodromic deformations we obtained during our studies and check them for Painlev´e equations.

The Importance of the Riemann-Hilbert Problem to Solve a Class of Optimal Control Problems

Dewaal, Nicholas 20 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Optimal control problems can in many cases become complicated and difficult to solve. One particular class of difficult control problems to solve are singular control problems. Standard methods for solving optimal control are discussed showing why those methods are difficult to apply to singular control problems. Then standard methods for solving singular control problems are discussed including why the standard methods can be difficult and often impossible to apply without having to resort to numerical techniques. Finally, an alternative method to solving a class of singular optimal control problems is given for a specific class of problems.

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