Spelling suggestions: "subject:"omance"" "subject:"pomance""
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Os primeiros testemunhos da tradução galego-portuguesa do romance arturianoAilenii, Simona January 2012 (has links)
A matéria arturiana representa uma página muito significativa na história da literatura e da língua em romance e, já desde o século XIX, se tem reflectido sobre o papel fulcral que os romances arturianos desempenharam também no conhecimento do mundo medieval. Esta matéria narrativa configura-se nas primeiras duas décadas do século XIII como uma organização cíclica em prosa designada por Ciclo da Vulgata. Este conjunto cíclico conhece, entre 1230-1240, uma versão expandida ou condensada, de acordo com diferentes estudiosos que se debruçaram sobre o problema, designada por Pseudo Robert de Boron. Originário de solo francês, o romance arturiano conta desde a segunda metade do século XIII com expressões transpirenaícas. A Península Ibérica será o primeiro berço das traduções da matéria arturiana e os testemunhos preservados atestam também versões em três línguas: galego-português, castelhano e catalão. Este trabalho propõe-se realizar um estudo interdisciplinar dos primeiros testemunhos da tradução galego-portuguesa do romance arturiano conservados nos arquivos e nas bibliotecas hispânicas - os fragmentos da Estaria do Santo Graal, do Livro de Merlin e do Livro de Tristan que chegaram até nós. Para avançar solidamente neste estudo, considerámos oportuno a análise pormenorizada da sua materialidade física e textual. O carácter arcaico dos textos arturianos transmitidos nas traduções galego-portuguesas tem sido debatido com base em testemunhos tardios (a Demanda portuguesa, o Livro de José de Arimateià), que revelam um substrato de língua muito antigo (Nunes, 1908, Castro, 1984). Ora, a confirmação deste pressuposto veio com a descoberta, como veremos, de alguns dos manuscritos literários mais antigos em galego-português, que atestam um estado da língua literária muito antigo, configurando-se como os mais antigos testemunhos do ciclo do Pseudo Robert de Boron. (...)
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Artur, Tristão e o Graal : a escrita romanesca no ciclo do Pseudo-BoronLaranjinha, Ana Sofia January 2005 (has links)
Artur, Tristão e o Graal. A escrita romanesca no ciclo do Pseudo Boron é uma tentativa de reconstituição dos processos de escrita que terão estado na origem deste conjunto textual e que o individualizam face ao primeiro ciclo arturiano em prosa, geralmente designado «Lancelot-Graal». O estudo do motivo da fonte (cap. I), da figura da Besta Ladrador (cap. II), da personagem régia (cap. III) e do tema do ódio entre linhagens (cap. IV) permitiu a detecção de muitosaspectos que unem os textos do ciclo mas levou também à constatação da heterogeneidade de alguns dos romances que o constituem, nomeadamente ao longo Tristan en Prose, onde foi possível identificar pelo menos quatro redactores com técnicas de escritra e objectivos bem diferenciados. A Suite du Merlin e a primeira fase de redacção de TP, que partilham inúmeros traços ideológicos e processos de escrita, terão sido os primeiros textos propositadamente redigidos para integrar o novo ciclo, associando-se aos romances do primeiro ciclo arturiano em prosa (Estoire del Saint Graal, Merlin, Lancelot en Prose, Queste del Saint Graal e Mort Artu primitivas). A segunda fase de redacção do Tristan en Prose é uma tentaiva de autonomização deste romance, tendência que os terceiro e quarto redactores contrariam fortalecendo os laços com a Suite e a Queste. A demanda do Santo Graal (refundição da Queste primitiva paralela à Queste da Vulgata), por fim, une habilmente fios temáticos e narrativos (por vezes divergentes) oriundos da Suite du Merlin e de várias fases de redacção do Tristan en Prose, mas apresenta também algumas especificidades no tratamento de personagens e temas herdados destes textos.
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Signed With a KissSerna, Jasmine Iliana 18 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 36-08, Section: A, page: 5343. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1975.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 33-06, Section: A, page: 2956. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1971.
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Un cycle infernal: La violence contre la femme dans "La Curee," "L'Assommoir," "La Terre" de Zola. (French text);Cremers, Martine Francoise Unknown Date (has links)
This study examines the theme of violence against women, in three novels of Emile Zola, representing respectively the bourgeoisie, the working class, and the peasant class: La Curee, L'Assommoir, and La Terre. Some of Rene Girard's ideas, as put forth in La Violence et le sacre, The Scapegoat, and Des Choses cachees depuis la fondation du monde, provide the theoretical basis for our analysis. / The suffering of the female characters, be it psychological or physical or both, strongly reflects the position of women as scapegoats, and thus transcends all classes. Also vital to the interpretation of this issue are the relationship between sexuality, violence, and original sin, as well as mythological forces at work in each of the novels, such as the Sphinx, the Still, and the Earth. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 49-09, Section: A, page: 2678. / Major Professor: Antoine Spacagna. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1988. / This study examines the theme of violence against women, in three novels of Emile Zola, representing respectively the bourgeoisie, the working class, and the peasant class: La Curee, L'Assommoir, and La Terre. Some of Rene Girard's ideas, as put forth in La Violence et le sacre, The Scapegoat, and Des Choses cachees depuis la fondation du monde, provide the theoretical basis for our analysis. / The suffering of the female characters, be it psychological or physical or both, strongly reflects the position of women as scapegoats, and thus transcends all classes. Also vital to the interpretation of this issue are the relationship between sexuality, violence, and original sin, as well as mythological forces at work in each of the novels, such as the Sphinx, the Still, and the Earth.
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La relacion entre la fisionomia y el caracter de los personajes en "Don Quijote de la Mancha"Unknown Date (has links)
This dissertation attempts to determine the physiognomical characteristics of the main characters in Cervantes' Don Quixote, in particular of the hero, Sancho Panza, Aldonza/Dulcinea, Don Quixote's horse Rocinante, and Sancho's donkey. This is achieved by comparing the characters' tangible and intangible attributes to those established by books on physiognomy available to Cervantes, especially Juan Huarte de San Juan's Examen de ingenios, Alfonso Martinez de Toledo's Corbacho; and Jeronimo Cortes' Libro de fisionomia natural, of which an edition of the first 31 chapters appears in the appendix. Close analysis of the descriptions of the physical appearance and emotional reactions of the aforesaid characters indicates that Don Quixote exhibits a choleric nature throughout the novel, except for the final chapters of each Part, when his hot and dry nature cools to a melancholic state. Sancho Panza, on the other hand, is eternally sanguine (hot and wet). The two protagonists' steeds are both phlegmatic, although they often participate in the physiognomic characteristics of their masters. Aldonza/Dulcinea, curiously, is the humoral equivalent of the particular imagination that embodies her, and so shifts physiognomy throughout the novel. In all these cases, Cervantes followed unerringly the prevailing beliefs of his time concerning physical appearance and character. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 53-03, Section: A, page: 0828. / Major Professor: David H. Darst. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1992.
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The archetype of Christ in the works of Albert Camus and Antoine de Saint-ExuperyUnknown Date (has links)
This study focuses on the Christ archetype as manifested in the works of two twentieth century French authors: Albert Camus and Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The Christ archetype is treated as a primordial image that transcends time, history, and religion. / As representatives of the crisis of the bourgeoisie in the first half of this century both writers repudiate traditional religious convictions. The existentialist philosophy of the absurd propagates the belief that God is irrelevant, or indifferent to the life of man. Modern man, feeling abandoned and alienated is forced to develop a new consciousness of self, one that recognizes a new yet problematic freedom that places full responsibility on the individual. In the absence of a saving deity man must find a terrestrial savior. In spite of divergent and at times opposing philosophies, the archetypal approach nonetheless demonstrates that Camus and Saint-Exupery share common ground in the belief that man's certain and final mortality notwithstanding, man must become his own Christ. Both writers exhibit an appreciation for the christian virtues of charity, fraternity and sacrifice. The human savior, acknowledging the futility of his task, must persevere, for through his actions he revolts against a senseless human condition. / Herein lies man's greatness and the basis for the Christ archetype. Through his indefatigable efforts man transcends his condition while remaining firmly entrenched in his human but courageous struggle for life. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 52-08, Section: A, page: 2943. / Major Professor: Victor Carrabino. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1991.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 32-09, Section: A, page: 5242. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1971.
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Die Verbalflexion im Französischunterricht an Deutschsprachige : Lehrinhaltsbestimmung und Progressionsplanung ; Lehrplan- und LehrwerkanalyseEggensperger, Karl-Heinz January 1993 (has links)
Die Arbeit hat die Inhalte der Verbalflexion im Französischunterricht an Deutschsprachige und ihre Progression zum Gegenstand. Es wird ein von unbeabsichtigten Lücken freies und zugleich auf ein Minimum beschränktes System von temporalen und modalen Kategorien, Verbklassen und Regeln zur Bildung der zusammengesetzten Tempora und Modi sowie zur Angleichung des Participe passé vorgeschlagen. Die Notwendigkeit, die sprachlichen Lehrinhalte zu reduzieren, ohne die Äußerungsmöglichkeiten der Schüler auf bestimmte Themen, Situationen oder Absichten zu beschränken, wird belegt durch Lücken, z.T. überhöhte, z.T. in anderer Hinsicht korrekturbedürftige Pensen in Grammatiken für den Französischunterricht, in Lehrplänen und Lehrwerken.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit enthält präzise Empfehlungen für die chronologische Anordnung und Gruppierung der Lehrinhalte, da den Lehrplan- und Lehrwerkautoren bisher auch für die Planung der Progression verläßliche Grundlagen fehlten. Insgesamt soll die Arbeit einen nicht zeitgebundenen Beitrag zur Planung des Französischunterrichts und zugleich eine Dokumentation des Forschungsstandes darstellen, der in Schulgrammatiken, Lehrplänen und Lehrwerken der letzten 30 Jahre erreicht wurde.
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