Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rotary encoder"" "subject:"notary encoder""
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Framtagande av ny höjdmätningsmetod till försvarets antennhiss 861 / The development of a new method of measuring vertical displacement of the elevator mounted search radar PS861Åhs, Karl-Johan January 2012 (has links)
This bachelor degree project was carried out at Saab AB Service and Repair, Arboga, Sweden. The objective was to design, construct and implement a new stable and reliable method of measuring the continuous vertical displacement (height) of the military search radar PS861 mounted on a hydraulic powered elevator. The end product needs to be durable enough to be fully operational in the harsh environment of an outdoor elevator shaft and yet as accurate and precise as possible since one of its purposes is to calibrate control equipment. Previously used technique has proven not to meet any of the above mentioned properties. A prototype using a high resolution quadrature output rotary encoder has been developed, allowing a completely digital interface. This new method has been evaluated in laboratory environment where tests have been conducted regarding both reliability and validity. The tests show that the new digital system provides highly improved accuracy and precision and in addition to that, the sensor with its IP-64 classification ensures operation even in the worst conditions. The technology developed in this project is also versatile and may be used in other situations where rotational motions are to be measured. Real life tests have not yet been carried out, but future test results will determine whether the product will replace the old system or not.
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Kalibrace snímačů úhlu / Calibration of angular encoderŠindelář, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with calibration of incremental encoders. Introduces basic principles and terms in the field of rotary encoders and its calibration. The first part describes angular displacement sensors. Especially it focuses on optoelectrical incremental encoders. It also includes market research of very high-accuracy encoders. The second part contains description of precision calibration techniques with uncertainty to the thousandth of an arc-sec level. In the last part, the development of a calibration stage is presented and consequently the error map of an encoder is obtained.
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Zařízení pro ovládání mikroposuvu / Microposition control deviceKokeš, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
Presented thesis analyses a function of the particular type of the nanopositioner with aim to suggest and construct an electronic device suitable for control of the nanopositioner slider. In presented material there is a description of the control signals and possibility of their generating in the respect of slider movement accuracy. The main goal of the thesis is to describe electronic units ranging from power supply, control processor unit part to end part that directly joint nanopositioner. There is also programme equipment for microcontroller and computer, communication description, movement measuring and calibration and draft for the close-up of the control loop for additional increase of the movement accuracy.
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Torque Sensor Free Power Assisted WheelchairJohansson, Jonas, Petersson, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>A power assisted wheelchair combines human power, which is delivered by the arms through the pushrims, with electrical motors, which are powered by a battery. Today’s electric power assisted wheelchairs use force sensors to measure the torque exerted on the pushrims by the user. The force sensors in the pushrims are rather expensive and this approach also makes the wheels a little bit clumsy. The objective with this project is to find a new, better and cheaper solution that does not use expensive force sensors in the pushrims. The new power assisted wheelchair will instead only rely on its velocity, which is measured with rotational encoders, as feedback signal and thereby the project name “Torque Sensor Free Power Assisted Wheelchair”. </p><p> </p><p>The project consisted of two main parts; an extensive construction part, where an ordinary joystick controlled motorized wheelchair has been rebuild to the new power assisted wheelchair without torque sensors and a development part, where different torque sensor free controllers has been designed, simulated, programmed and tested.</p><p>The project resulted in a torque sensor free power assisted wheelchair, where the final implemented design is a proportional derivative controller, which gives a very good assisting system that is robust and insensitive to measurement noise. The proportional derivative control design gives two adjustable parameters, which can be tuned to fit a certain user; one parameter is used to adjust the amplification of the user’s force and the other one is used to change the lasting time of the propulsion influence.</p><p>Since the new assisting control system only relies on the velocity, the torque sensor free power assisted wheelchair will besides giving the user assisting power also give an assistant, which pushes the wheelchair, additional power. This is a big advantage compared to the pushrim activated one, where this benefit for the assistant is not possible.</p>
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Aplicación de sensores de flujo óptico para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de medida de bajo costeTresánchez Ribes, Marcel 23 December 2011 (has links)
En aquesta memòria es presenten diversos treballs relacionats amb la utilització dels sensor de flux òptic de baix cost pel desenvolupament de nous sistemes de mesura compactes i de molt baix cost. Les aplicacions plantejades permeten aprofitar tot el potencial industrial d’aquest tipus de sensors.
Els sensors de flux òptic tenen la peculiaritat d’incorporar dins d’un únic encapsulat un sistema d’adquisició d’imatges i un processador digital preprogramat per a realitzar el còmput de flux òptic (optical flow) de la imatge. D’aquesta manera, aquest tipus de sensors no requereixen cap sistema processador addicional i, en alguns casos, poden funcionar sense cap altre element addicional de control.
Actualment, l’èxit dels sensors de flux òptic ha facilitat la seva producció industrial massiva amb costos de fabricació molt baixos el que ha incentivat el desenvolupament de noves aplicacions en camps tan diversos com la robòtica on el cost és un element fonamental en les aplicacions destinades a un mercat de consum.
En aquesta memòria es presenta, per una banda, l’anàlisi de l’estat de l’art dels sensors de flux òptic i les seves aplicacions, i per l’altra, el treball de recerca realitzat sobre l’ús d’aquest sensor per a desenvolupar un codificador rotatiu incremental, un codificador absolut, un sistema de detecció de monedes falses de 2 euros, i per a realitzar el seguiment de la pupil•la de l’ull d’una persona amb discapacitat. Els resultats obtinguts a partir de les proves experimentals realitzades amb els diferents sensors de flux òptics utilitzats als dispositius proposats han permès validar les propostes realitzades i la versatilitat del disseny del sensor. / En esta memoria se presentan diversos trabajos de investigación relacionados con la utilización de sensores de flujo óptico de bajo coste para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de medida compactos y de muy bajo coste. Las aplicaciones planteadas permiten aprovechar todo el potencial industrial de este tipo de sensores.
Los sensores de flujo óptico tienen la particularidad de incorporar dentro de un único encapsulado un sistema de adquisición de imágenes y un procesador digital preprogramado para realizar el cómputo de flujo óptico (optical flow) de la imagen. De esta manera, este tipo de sensores no requieren ningún sistema procesador adicional y, en algunos casos, pueden funcionar sin ningún otro elemento adicional de control.
Actualmente, el éxito comercial de los sensores de flujo óptico ha facilitado su producción industrial masiva con costes de fabricación muy bajos lo que ha incentivado el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones en campos tan diversos como la robótica donde el coste es un elemento fundamental en las aplicaciones destinadas a un mercado de consumo.
En esta memoria se presenta, por un lado, el análisis del estado del arte de los sensores de flujo óptico y sus aplicaciones, y por el otro, el trabajo de investigación realizado sobre la utilización del sensor para el desarrollo de un codificador rotativo incremental, un codificador absoluto, un sistema de detección de monedas falsas de 2 euros y para realizar el seguimiento de la pupila del ojo de una persona con el fin de desarrollar un dispositivo apuntador que pueda ser de utilidad para una persona con discapacidad. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas experimentales realizadas con los diferentes sensores de flujo óptico utilizados en los dispositivos propuestos han permitido validar las propuestas realizadas y la versatilidad del diseño del sensor. / This work presents the research performed with optical flow sensors and the proposal of several new compact and low cost applications developed to take full advantage of the industrial potential of these sensors.
Optical flow sensors include into the same chip an image acquisition system and a digital signal processor programmed to compute the optical flow of the image acquired. These sensors do not require additional post-processing and can operate without any other additional external control or processing device.
Currently, the commercial success of the optical flow sensors has fostered its massive industrial production and has reduced its final cost. This characteristic, combined with the versatility of the design of the sensor, has also fostered the development of a huge range of new applications in different areas, such as robotics, where the cost is a fundamental factor that prone the development and commercialization of new consumer applications.
This works presents, in one hand, a review of the state of the art of the research and development related with optical flow sensors and, in the other hand, a set of new applications proposed to take full advantage of the characteristics of the sensor. The new applications proposed are: a relative encoder, an absolute encoder, a counterfeit system for the 2€ case, and an accessibility device that tracks the pupil of the user to control pointer displacement in a computer screen. This device has been designed specifically to help people with mobility impairments in the upper extremities that cannot use the computer mouse. In all cases, the experimental results achieved with the different optical flow sensors used in the new applications proposed have validated the utility and versatility of each proposal and the utility and versatility of the design of this optical sensor.
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Torque Sensor Free Power Assisted WheelchairJohansson, Jonas, Petersson, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
A power assisted wheelchair combines human power, which is delivered by the arms through the pushrims, with electrical motors, which are powered by a battery. Today’s electric power assisted wheelchairs use force sensors to measure the torque exerted on the pushrims by the user. The force sensors in the pushrims are rather expensive and this approach also makes the wheels a little bit clumsy. The objective with this project is to find a new, better and cheaper solution that does not use expensive force sensors in the pushrims. The new power assisted wheelchair will instead only rely on its velocity, which is measured with rotational encoders, as feedback signal and thereby the project name “Torque Sensor Free Power Assisted Wheelchair”. The project consisted of two main parts; an extensive construction part, where an ordinary joystick controlled motorized wheelchair has been rebuild to the new power assisted wheelchair without torque sensors and a development part, where different torque sensor free controllers has been designed, simulated, programmed and tested. The project resulted in a torque sensor free power assisted wheelchair, where the final implemented design is a proportional derivative controller, which gives a very good assisting system that is robust and insensitive to measurement noise. The proportional derivative control design gives two adjustable parameters, which can be tuned to fit a certain user; one parameter is used to adjust the amplification of the user’s force and the other one is used to change the lasting time of the propulsion influence. Since the new assisting control system only relies on the velocity, the torque sensor free power assisted wheelchair will besides giving the user assisting power also give an assistant, which pushes the wheelchair, additional power. This is a big advantage compared to the pushrim activated one, where this benefit for the assistant is not possible.
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Řídicí mikroprocesorový systém s kmitočtovým syntezátorem pro KV radiostanici / Microprocessor control unit with frequency synthesizer for SW radiostationPovalač, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of a radioamateur short-wave transceiver. The basic functions, features and parameters are described in the introduction. The bandplan and appropriate types of emission are also included in the introductory part. The frequency synthesis module is discussed in the second part of the document. Emphasis is placed on the direct digital synthesis method (DDS) using modern Analog Devices circuits. The proposed DDS module includes a high-speed clock source. The description of an intermediate frequency module with a demodulator is also placed there. The final part in devoted to the design of a transceiver control panel with a graphical display, a keyboard and a rotary encoder. The firmware for an ATmega128 microcontroller is described in detail at the end of the thesis.
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Vysokofrekvenční obvodový analyzátor s DDS / DDS Based High-frequency circuit analyzerPriškin, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
At first this thesis is dealing with the basic principles of network analyzers and afterwards goes to propose conception of a polyscope, as a special type of the scalar network analyzer, designed for magnitude frequency response measurement of two-port devices. As a result of this part of the thesis is the polyscope's block circuit diagram and also selection of key integrated circuits for sweep generator, logarithmic detector and control circuits. As the following part of the thesis is a design of the all basic analyzer's circuits resulting in their schematics diagrams and printed circuit boards, do assembly of all modules and mechanical construction of the instrument and look of the front panel. Some of the tasks is implementation of the firmware and personal computer application able to download measured data from the circuit analyzer via USB and generate chart in Microsoft Office Excel book.
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Řízený laboratorní zdroj / Controlled laboratory supplyŠtibraný, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with design of laboratory supply with precise voltage and current measuring. At the beginning it presents properties, advantages and disadvantages of linear and switching supplies, based on these facts it chooses a linear type of regulator. The design continues with detailed description of power and control analog and digital circuits. The thesis includes description of taking control over the supply from the front panel or through computer. The last part is devoted to measurement results and to presentation of some static and dynamic parameters of the designed supply.
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