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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economical and Political Implications of DNSSEC Deployment

Eldh, Axel Fant, Kirvesniemi, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
This report provides a summary of the current deployment of Domain Name System (DNS) Security Extensions (DNSSEC) as well as a discussion of future deployments and deployment rates. It analyses the problems that have occurred and considers those that may arise. This thesis focuses mainly on economical and political perspectives, rather than the technical perspective used in most reports regarding this subject. There were four areas that needed to be examined: the technical basis for DNSSEC, the deployment process, the current level of DNSSEC deployment, and the opinions regarding this subject. The information about the deployment process was obtained mainly through articles, but also through reports from organizations such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Electronic Privacy Information Centre. To acquire up to date data on DNSSEC deployment, SecSpider was used to research the level of deployment as of 2010-05-06. The search was restricted to the generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) and country code TLDs (ccTLDs) of the top 20 countries in terms of Internet usage as well as the OECD countries. This restriction was made to narrow down the scope to the TLDs where DNSSEC would have the greatest impact. The “Top 20” comprises 77.27 % of the world’s Internet users, hence it is where DNSSEC deployment would affect the most people. The OECD is in this thesis considered a sufficient ly large selection to represent themost technologically advanced and economically powerful countries in the world regardless of size. Major powers such as China, India, and Russia while not included in the OECD are represented in the “Top 20” due to their size. Our results show that some major TLDs have implemented DNSSEC and that the rate of deployment has increased in the last few years. However, the level of DNSSEC deployment in the TLDs is still rather low; 15.00 % in the gTLDs and ccTLDs of the Top 20 countries in Internet usage, and 20.00 % in the OECD’s ccTLDs. Deployment in the root is ongoing during spring 2010, this could have a great impact on the rate of deployment as deployment in a gTLD or ccTLD is highly dependent on deployment high up in the hierarchy due to the nature of DNSSEC. It is unlikely that corporations would implement DNSSEC without a potential return on investment (ROI) and management control measures from governments might be required to increase deployment pace at the lower levels of the DNS hierarchy. / Denna rapport innehåller en sammanfattning av den nuvarande spridningen av Domain Name System (DNS) Security Extensions (DNSSEC) och även en diskussion om framtida spridning och spridningstakt. Den analyserar problemen som uppstått och avväger de som kan uppstå. Rapporten fokuserar mer på de ekonomiska och politiska perspektiven, snarare än det tekniska som använts i de flesta rapporter inom området. Det var fyra områden som behövde undersökas: den tekniska basen, spridningsprocessen, nuvarande spridningsnivåer av DNSSEC samt åsikter kring området (om inte DNSSEC adopteras av faktiska användare kommer dess effekt att bli minimal). Informationen angående spridningsprocessen anskaffades huvudsakligen genom artiklar, men även från rapporten utgivet av organisationer likt the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) och the Electronic Privacy Information Centre. För att erhålla färsk information på spridningen av DNSSEC undersökte vi spridningsnivån 2010-05-06 med SecSpider. Vi avgränsade vår undersökning till generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) och country code TLDs (ccTLDs) från de 20 främsta länderna i Internetanvändande samt OECD-länderna. Denna avgränsning gjordes för att fokusera på de TLDs där spridning av DNSSEC skulle ge störst påverkan. ”Topp 20” innehåller 77.27 % av världens Internetanvändare och det är här spridning av DNSSEC skulle nå flest användare. OECD anses i denna rapport vara ett tillräckligt urval för att representera de mest teknologiskt avancerade och ekonomiskt mäktiga ländrena oavsett storlek. Betydande makter såsom Kina, Indien och Ryssland som inte ingår i OECD är inkluderade i ”Topp 20” tack vare sin storlek. Resultaten visar att några betydande TLDs har implementerat DNSSEC och att spridningstakten har ökat de senaste åren. Dock är spridningsnivån i TLDs fortfarande ganska låg; 15.00 % i gTLDs och ccTLDs i ”Topp 20”, och 20.00 % i OECDs ccTLDs. Implementering i rooten pågår under våren 2010, något som skulle kunna ha stor påverkan på spridningstakten eftersom den är starkt beroende av spridning högt upp i hierarkin på grund av DNSSECs natur. Det är osannolikt att företag skulle implementera DNSSEC utan möjlig avkastning på investerat kapital och ekonomiska styrmedel från regeringar kan behövas för att öka spridningstakten på de lägre nivåerna.

IPv6 multicast home proxy

Kullberg, Elis, Junnila, Hannes January 2010 (has links)
The Internet is becoming increasingly fragmented, leading to a more heterogeneous end-user experience depending on the user's network location (i.e., point of attachment to the network). This is a consequence of several ongoing changes of the Internet. Different regions of the world are in different phases of their rollout of IPv6, making intercommunication increasingly challenging. Copyright legislation has caught up with ICT technology, but differences in licensing agreements may very from nation to nation which often hinders content being accessed beyond borders. Finally, several high-profile government attempts have been made to enforce stringent censorship of data. Therefore, we believe that a demand exists for simple consumer-oriented technologies for proxying and tunneling data between separate regions of the Internet. Furthermore, we believe that this demand will increase dramatically during the coming years. A key success factor for this next generation of proxies will be the ability to handle multicast IPv6 packets, as these packets represent the most probable distribution method for IPTV in the future. This thesis examines the challenges presented by IPv6 multicast-routing in the context of constructing a proxy. It also presents a best-practice solution to the problem of designing, implementing, and utilizing such a proxy. The thesis also contains a review of current IPv6 multicast routing technology. Several implementations are benchmarked against each other, with the goal of building a prototype for a consumer-oriented IPv6 multicast proxy. The prototype is presented and was tested. These tests demonstrate the functionality of the prototype proxy and reveal areas where the prototype could be improved. Finally a possible capitalization strategy is suggested. / Internet utvecklas mot att bli mer fragmenterat. Detta leder till en heterogen användarupplevelse beroende på uppkopplingspunkt. Utvecklingen är en konsekvens av flera pågående trender. Världens olika regioner ligger i ofas i utbyggnaden av IPv6 vilket medför nya tekniska utmaningar. Samtidigt har upphovsrättslagstiftningen hunnit ikapp teknikutvecklingen, så att länder med olika licensieringsmodeller inte kan dela innehåll. Slutligen försöker flera länder aktivt censurera datatrafik. Som konsekvens av detta ökar behovet för enkla konsumentorienterade metoder för att knyta ihop olika delar av Internet, så att åtkomst till data garanteras oavsett uppkopplingspunkt. Därmed förutspår vi att efterfrågan på produkter baserade på sofistikerad tunnelteknik kommer öka under de kommande åren. Denna rapport undersöker de utmaningar IPv6 multicast routing medför i samband med byggandet av en IPv6 multicast proxy. Rapporten presenterar en grundlig teoretisk genomgång av tekniken bakom IPv6 multicast routing. Vidare föreslås ett optimalt tillvägagångssätt för att designa, bygga och använda en sådan proxy. Flera existerande tekniker för multicast forwarding utvärderas och jämförs. Utifrån utvärderingen byggdes tre implementeringar av en IPv6 multicast proxy. Därefter analyseras dessa, tillsammans med förslag för fortsatta studier. Slutligen presenteras en möjlig kapitaliseringsstrategi för tekniken.

Messaging and positioning in a dynamic TETRA environment

Eidlert, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Advanced communication with capabilities such as voice, data, and messaging usually requires an infrastructure with base stations, servers, and etcetera. The TETRA technology offers such communication not only in TMO (infrastructure-based network) but also in DMO where all nodes communicate directly (or via a repeater) with each other. This master’s thesis concerns messaging (specifically short messages) in a dynamic multi link TETRA DMO network. It examines what type of messaging technique to use and how to do path selection. The messages will be clear text, status, and GPS location information. The solution is implemented as a part of the ISIS software (which is developed by Know IT Dataunit). The planned multi link-part of the thesis could not be tested, so there is no implementation or evaluation of this. The evaluation of the implementation concerning sending and reception of messages shows that the proposed solution fulfils the demands for this kind of product. During a four day long test, messages (short text messages and positioning messages) were sent and received while a normal number of voice conversations took place, without packet loss. / Avancerad kommunikation med funktioner såsom röstsamtal, dataöverföring samt meddelandetjänster kräver ofta en infrastruktur med basstationer, servrar etcetera. TETRA-tekniken erbjuder sådan kommunikation, inte bara i TMO (infrastrukturbaserade nätverk), utan även i DMO där alla noder kommunicerar direkt (eller via en repeater) med varandra. Detta examensarbete undersöker hanteringen av meddelanden (framförallt korta meddelanden) i ett dynamiskt multilänkat TETRA nätverk. Det som behandlas är vilken typ av meddelande som bör användas samt hur man väljer väg. De meddelanden som hanteras är klartextmeddelanden, status samt GPS positionsmeddelanden. Den lösning som tagits fram är implementerad som en del i ISIS programvaran (som är utvecklad av Know IT Dataunit). Multilänkdelen kunde inte testas, därför gjordes aldrig någon implementering eller utvärdering. Utvärderingen av implementeringen som hanterar sändning och mottagning av meddelanden visar att den föreslagna lösningen uppfyller de krav man kan ställa på en sådan produkt. Under ett fyra dagar långt test skickades meddelanden (korta textmeddelanden samt positioneringsmeddelanden) medan ett normalt antal röstsamtal pågick, utan någon förlust av paket.

Gateways between ad hoc and other networks

Ha, Nguyen Manh January 2007 (has links)
Multi-hop wireless ad hoc wireless networks have no fixed network infrastructure. Such a network consists of multiple nodes that maintain network connectivity through wireless links. Additionally, these nodes may be mobile and thus the topology of the network may change with time. It will be useful if the nodes in this network could communicate with the Internet; this can be done via gateways which in turn interconnect to the Internet. This functionality requires that the nodes in the ad hoc network to discover the gateway, using a gateway discovery protocol. However, a limiting factor (particularly for mobile nodes) is suing their limited energy supply provided by batteries. In order to understand the potential effect this thesis considers two key areas: internetworking between a multi-hop mobile wireless ad hoc network and the Internet and the energy utilization as a function of number of gateways and the mobility pattern of nodes. Using simulation on various mobility patterns and networks density scenarios, we show that increase the number of gateways in ad hoc network significantly improves the power efficiency of mobile node and therefore prevent network partition due to death nodes. The thesis also discusses about the impact of different environment and mobility patterns on the power consumption of mobile nodes which is a very important factor in the building and deployment of the cost-effective high performance wireless ad hoc networks.

A Machine Learning Approach for Securing Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

Acharya, Abiral January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Energy-Efficient Routing for Greenhouse Monitoring Using Heterogeneous Sensor Networks

Behera, Trupti Mayee, Khan, Mohammad S., Mohapatra, Sushanta Kumar, Samail, Umesh Chandra, Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam 01 July 2019 (has links)
A suitable environment for the growth of plants is the Greenhouse, that needs to be monitored by a continuous collection of data related to temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, humidity, illumination intensity using sensors, preferably in a wireless sensor network (WSN). Demand initiates various challenges for diversified applications of WSN in the field of IoT (Internet of Things). Network design in IoT based WSN faces challenges like limited energy capacity, hardware resources, and unreliable environment. Issues like cost and complexity can be limited by using sensors that are heterogeneous in nature. Since replacing or recharging of nodes in action is not possible, heterogeneity in terms of energy can overcome crucial issues like energy and lifetime. In this paper, an energy efficient routing process is discussed that considers three different sensor node categories namely normal, intermediate and advanced nodes. Also, the basic cluster head (CH) selection threshold value is modified considering important parameters like initial and residual energy with an optimum number of CHs in the network. When compared with routing algorithms like LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) and SEP (Stable Election Protocol), the proposed model performs better for metrics like throughput, network stability and network lifetime for various scenarios.

An intelligent gateway for LoRaWAN coverage extension

Olsson, Robert January 2020 (has links)
LoRaWAN is one of the most adopted low-power wide-area networks, which use theproprietary LoRa modulation developed by Semtech to provide high sensitivity at lowdata rates for long ranges. LoRaWAN providing coverage using single-hop gatewaysto thousands of end-devices (sensors) running on batteries. Each gateway requires aconnection to the internet or a private network (Ethernet, 3G/4G, Wifi) to communicatewith the network server. In obstructed areas, with mountains, foliage, or simplyvast areas, multiple gateways are required to provide coverage for the end-devices.Internet/mobile coverage might be missing in some areas. Which quickly brings upthe cost of internet connection in these areas, unless a solution is developed that routesmessages between the gateways using the existing LoRa radio communication standard.Thus reducing required internet connections while providing coverage. This solutionwas developed and evaluated, with a focus on supporting LoRaWAN deviceswith bidirectional capabilities, following the regional regulations, and providing arouting protocol that minimizes the extra data that comes with routing messages overa network. Experiments of three gateways showed that the solution provides a functioningrouting protocol, with as low as 3 extra bytes for routing. While fast enough toprovide bidirectional communication support for end-devices located farthest awayfrom the gateway with the server connection.

Designing and implementing a web-based Network Controlling System (NCS) for automated real time routing service over the web, based on open source technologies: a case study for Tehran

Sadidi, Javad 25 November 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, web-based applications are being developed every day. Web services play a main role in mutual information dissemination. Web-based routing services provide the possibility to use a routing service without needing to install professional spatial information software. Nor is it necessary to spend time gathering data, updating spatial data or running complicated algorithms. By using a web-based routing service, a client just opens a browser and defines the start and destination points. Then, the web-service can show the best route to the client. There are a number of free web-based routing services such as Google Maps, however, these services do not exploit a real time and dynamic routing services. The inability for current routing services to provide up to the second route information, offering automatic live correction with proprietary routing methods for classified users along with local database controlling facility for local administrators, can be a debilitating weakness for emergency and security personnel. This research aims to develop current routing services to real time web-based service using open source technologies. The resulting program, Network Controlling System (NCS) updates and warns online users about closed or reopened parts of the network and corrects the found route whenever any update has happened. It is notable that all the mentioned processes happen automatically. NCS also exploits a live vectorial engine for segment controlling. To implement and run the NCS, the following steps were taken: • Running a simple routing service over the web according to the PgRouting project (FOSS4G2010) (http://pgrouting.org/) instruction • Designing the conceptual architecture of the NCS • Formulating the conceptual architecture to the programming codes • Suggesting and evaluating new methods to offer real time capability to the routing system • Integrating the NCS into the simple routing service • Piloting the program in Tehran (capital of Iran) After running a simple routing project without real time and controllable capabilities, the conceptual architecture of NCS was defined and programmed including the following components: • A security protected administrator page as the entry web page for the administrator side. • A text live search engine to search the target part of the network and submit updates. • A vectorial search engine to find and locate the target part and its peripheral environment in larger scale of auxiliary information on other map servers like Google Maps/satellite/ terrain. • Live vectorial warning to inform online users about closed parts and the ability to then re-open the after the closed street or segments. • Live correction of the found route for online users. This facility would correct the found route whenever any update is happened for example a street or a subset of street is closed or reopened. To program the conceptual architecture, the NCS was divided into two distinguishable parts: client-side and server-side. open source Technologies including open source Software and Open Standards web programming languages were used to program and run the model on the server. AJAX, JQuery, OpenLayers, GeoExt, ExtJS, JavaScript and HTML5 programming languages on the client-side along with PHP, SQL and PostGIS languages on the server-side were used to formulate the conceptual architecture of the NCS. GeoJSON and XML languages also work as exchange formats to act like brokers between the client and server-side. Ubuntu 12,04 (2013) was installed on the server as the platform and PostgreSQL server along with PostGIS and PgRouting extensions installed as relational database management system. NCS integrated into the simple routing service offers designated real time service equipped with proprietary routing methods for classified users (from the simple routing service FOSSG2010 Pgrouting project), such as law officials and emergency personnel, who have authority to disregard traffic laws and restrictions. To offer the routing live correction system in this research, three methods were designed, programmed and implemented. Then, a test was done to select the best method in which the least calculation capacity of the server is consumed. The evaluation results show that Check-Change-Correct method (designed and programmed for the first time in this research) imposes the least load average values to the server and subsequently, is able to serve more simultaneous users compare to other methods. Finally, the research introduces a mobile controllable and real time routing service over the web, which can be used to decrease travelling time. This is very important in cities like Tehran, which suffers from a daily average of 182 accidents (http://www.jamejamonline.ir/ newstext.aspx, 28/3/ 2012), voice and chemical pollutions.

Thompson sampling-based online decision making in network routing

Huang, Zhiming 02 September 2020 (has links)
Online decision making is a kind of machine learning problems where decisions are made in a sequential manner so as to accumulate as many rewards as possible. Typical examples include multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems where an agent needs to decide which arm to pull in each round, and network routing problems where each router needs to decide the next hop for each packet. Thompson sampling (TS) is an efficient and effective algorithm for online decision making problems. Although TS has been proposed for a long time, it was not until recent years that the theoretical guarantees for TS in the standard MAB were given. In this thesis, we first analyze the performance of TS both theoretically and practically in a special MAB called combinatorial MAB with sleeping arms and long-term fairness constraints (CSMAB-F). Then, we apply TS to a novel reactive network routing problem, called \emph{opportunistic routing without link metrics known a priori}, and use the proof techniques we developed for CSMAB-F to analyze the performance. / Graduate

Návrh univerzitního firewallu na platformě Cisco

Burian, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on design of university firewall on Cisco platform. The design deals with important functionalities, which are used in the current solution. These include routing, network address translation, access control lists, VPN. The thesis furher deals with dynamic insertion rules, which are generated based on traffic analysis by Flowmon probe and its ADS module. The new design is implemented in a testing environment and its funcionality is verified. The thesis will serve like feasibility study for final implementation in the production MENDELU network.

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