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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards Design of Lightweight Spatio-Temporal Context Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

Martirosyan, Anahit 29 March 2011 (has links)
Context represents any knowledge obtained from Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) about the object being monitored (such as time and location of the sensed events). Time and location are important constituents of context as the information about the events sensed in WSNs is comprehensive when it includes spatio-temporal knowledge. In this thesis, we first concentrate on the development of a suite of lightweight algorithms on temporal event ordering and time synchronization as well as localization for WSNs. Then, we propose an energy-efficient clustering routing protocol for WSNs that is used for message delivery in the former algorithm. The two problems - temporal event ordering and synchronization - are dealt with together as both are concerned with preserving temporal relationships of events in WSNs. The messages needed for synchronization are piggybacked onto the messages exchanged in underlying algorithms. The synchronization algorithm is tailored to the clustered topology in order to reduce the overhead of keeping WSNs synchronized. The proposed localization algorithm has an objective of lowering the overhead of DV-hop based algorithms by reducing the number of floods in the initial position estimation phase. It also randomizes iterative refinement phase to overcome the synchronicity of DV-hop based algorithms. The position estimates with higher confidences are emphasized to reduce the impact of erroneous estimates on the neighbouring nodes. The proposed clustering routing protocol is used for message delivery in the proposed temporal algorithm. Nearest neighbour nodes are employed for inter-cluster communication. The algorithm provides Quality of Service by forwarding high priority messages via the paths with the least cost. The algorithm is also extended for multiple Sink scenario. The suite of algorithms proposed in this thesis provides the necessary tool for providing spatio-temporal context for context-aware WSNs. The algorithms are lightweight as they aim at satisfying WSN's requirements primarily in terms of energy-efficiency, low latency and fault tolerance. This makes them suitable for emergency response applications and ubiquitous computing.

Quasi-Dynamic Network Design Considering Different Service Holding Times

Kanie, Koichi, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Sato, Ken-ichi 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An Efficient Hierarchical Optical Path Network Design Algorithm based on a Traffic Demand Expression in a Cartesian Product Space

Yagyu, Isao, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Sato, Ken-ichi 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Hierarchical optical path network design algorithm that can best utilize WSS/WBSS based cross-connects

Hai-Chau, Le, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Sato, Kenichi 15 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Multi-Route Coding in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks

Okada, Hiraku, Nakagawa, Nobuyuki, Wada, Tadahiro, Yamazato, Takaya, Katayama, Masaaki 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Offset time-emulated architecture for optical burst switching-modelling and performance evaluation

Klinkowski, Miroslaw 14 February 2008 (has links)
L'evolució de les xarxes publiques de transport de dades destaca per el continu augment de la demanda de tràfic a la que estan sotmeses. La causa és la imparable popularització d'Internet i del seu ús per a tot tipus d'aplicacions. Les xarxes de commutació de ràfegues òptiques (OBS: Optical Bursts Switching) són una solució extraordinàriament prometedora per la pròxima generació de xarxes, tant per la flexibilitat que ofereixen com per el seu alt rendiment fruit de l'explotació de la multiplexació estadística en el domini òptic.Aquesta tesi presenta l'anàlisi, modelització i avaluació de les xarxes de commutació de ràfegues òptiques basades en l'emulació del temps de compensació (emulated offset time: E-OBS). El concepte d'E-OBS defineix una arquitectura de xarxa OBS per al transportar i commutar ràfegues òptiques en una xarxa troncal en la que, al contrari de l'arquitectura convencional (C-OBS) en la que el temps de compensació s'introdueix des dels nodes d'accés, el temps de compensació s'introdueix en cadascun dels nodes de la xarxa per mitjà d'un retardador de fibra addicional. L'arquitectura E-OBS permet superar algunes de les desavantatges inherents a arquitectures C-OBS, però la seva gran virtut és la compatibilitat amb les xarxes de commutació de circuits òptics (OCS: Optical Circuit Switching) actuals i les futures xarxes de commutació de paquets òptics (OPS: Optical Packet Switching), de manera que les xarxes OBS basades en una arquitectura E-OBS) poden facilitat enormement la transició de unes a les altres.A ala vista dels principals requeriments de disseny de les xarxes OBS, que són la resolució de contencions en el domini òptic, la provisió de qualitat de servei (QoS) i l'òptim encaminament de les ràfegues per tal de minimitzar la congestió de la xarxa, . en aquesta tesi es proposa un disseny de l'arquitectura E-OBS basada en (i) un mètode viable per a la provisió del temps de compensació, (ii) una qualitat alta global de servei, i (iii) un mecanisme d'encaminament que minimitzi congestió de xarxa.- La primera part d'aquesta tesi proporciona la informació documental necessària per al disseny d'E-OBS.- La segona part se centra en l'estudi de la funcionalitat i viabilitat de l'arquitectura E-OBS. S'introdueixen els principis d'operació d'E-OBS i s'identifiquen els principals esculls que presenten les arquitectures C-OBS i que deixen de ser-ho en una arquitectura E-OBS. Alguns d'aquests esculls són la dificultat d'utilitzar un algorisme d'encaminament amb rutes alternatives, la complexitat dels algoritmes de reserva de recursos i la seva falta d'equitat, la complexitat en la provisió de la QoS, etc. En aquesta segona part es constata que l'arquitectura E-OBS redueix la complexitat dels de reserva de recursos i es verifica la viabilitat d'operació i de funcionament de la provisió del tremps de compensació en aquesta arquitectura a partir de figures de comportament obtingudes amb retardadors de fibra comercialment disponibles.- La tercera part encara el problema de la provisió de la QoS. Primer s'hi revisen els conceptes bàsics de QoS així com els mecanismes de tractament de la QoS per a xarxes OBS fent-ne una comparació qualitativa i de rendiment de tots ells. Com a resultat s'obté que el mecanisme que presenta un millor comportament és el d'avortament de la transmissió de les ràfegues de més baixa prioritat quan aquestes col·lisionen amb una de prioritat més alta (es l'anomenat Burst Preemption mechanism), el qual en alguns casos presenta un problema de senyalització innecessària. Aquesta tercera part es conclou amb la proposta d'un mecanisme de finestra a afegir al esquema de Burst Preemption que només funciona sobre una arquitectura E-OBS i que soluciona aquest problema.- En la quarta part s'afronta el problema de l'encaminament en xarxes OBS. S'estudia el comportament dels algoritmes d'encaminament adaptatius, els aïllats amb rutes alternatives i els multicamí distribuïts, sobre xarxes E-OBS. A la vista dels resultats no massa satisfactoris que s'obtenen, es planteja una solució alternativa que es basa en model d'optimització no lineal. Es formulen i resolen dos models d'optimització per als algoritmes encaminament de font multicamí que redueixen notablement la congestió en les xarxes OBS.Finalment, aquesta tesi conclou que l'arquitectura E-OBS és factible, que és més eficient que la C-OBS, que proveeix eficaçment QoS, i que és capaç d'operar amb diverses estratègies d'encaminament i de reduir eficaçment la congestió de xarxa. / The fact that the Internet is a packet-based connection-less network is the main driver to develop a data-centric transport network. In this context, the optical burst switching (OBS) technology is considered as a promising solution for reducing the gap between transmission and switching speeds in future networks.This thesis presents the analysis, modelling, and evaluation of the OBS network with Emulated offset-time provisioning (E-OBS). E-OBS defines an OBS network architecture to transport and switch optical data bursts in a core network. On the contrary to a conventional offset-time provisioning OBS (C-OBS) architecture, where a transmission offset time is introduced in the edge node, in an E-OBS network the offset time is provided in the core node by means of an additional fibre delay element. The architecture is motivated by several drawbacks inherent to C-OBS architectures. It should be pointed out that the E-OBS has not been studied intensively in the literature and this concept has been considered rather occasionally.Due to the limitations in optical processing and queuing, OBS networks need a special treatment so that they could solve problems typical of data-centric networks. Contention resolution in optical domain together with quality of service (QoS) provisioning for quality demanding services are, among other things, the main designing issues when developing OBS networks. Another important aspect is routing problem, which concerns effective balancing of traffic load so that to reduce burst congestion at overloaded links. Accounting for these requirements, the design objectives for the E-OBS architecture are (i) feasibility of offset-time provisioning, (ii) an overall high quality of service, and (iii) reduction of network congestion. These objectives are achieved by combining selected concepts and strategies, together with appropriate system design as well as network traffic engineering.The contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows.- At the beginning, we introduce the principles of E-OBS operation and we demonstrate that C-OBS possesses many drawbacks that can be easily avoided in E-OBS. Some of the discussed issues are the problem of unfairness in resources reservation, difficulty with alternative routing, complexity of resources reservation algorithms, efficiency of burst scheduling, and complexity in QoS provisioning. The feasibility of E-OBS operation is investigated as well; in this context, the impact of congestion in control plane on OBS operation is studied. As a result, we confirm the feasibility of E-OBS operation with commercially available fibre delay elements.- Then, we provide both qualitative and quantitative comparison of the selected, most addressed in the literature, QoS mechanisms. As an outcome a burst preemption mechanism, which is characterized by the highest overall performance, is qualified for operating in E-OBS. Since the preemptive mechanism may produce the overbooking of resources in an OBS network we address this issue as well. We propose the preemption window mechanism to solve the problem. An analytical model of the mechanism legitimates correctness of our solution.- Finally, we concern with a routing problem - our routing objective is to help the contention resolution algorithms in the reduction of burst losses. We propose and evaluate two isolated alternative routing algorithms designed for labelled E-OBS networks. Then we study multi-path source routing and we use network optimization theory to improve it. The presented formulae for partial derivatives, to be used in a non-linear optimization problem, are straightforward and very fast to compute. It makes the proposed non-linear optimization method a viable alternative for linear programming formulations based on piecewise linear approximations.Concluding, E-OBS is shown to be a feasible OBS network architecture of profitable functionality, to support efficiently the QoS provisioning, and to be able to operate with different routing strategies and effectively reduce the network congestion.

Models and Algorithms for Location-Routing and Related Problems

Albareda Sambola, Maria 02 June 2003 (has links)
The most common decisions to be taken in the design of logistic systems are related to the location of facilities and the management of vehicle fleets.In this thesis, we study three of the optimization problems arising around this kind of decisions; namely the LRP, the SGAP and the SLRP. The first problem analyzed in this work is a capacitated LRP with one single uncapacitated vehicle at each open plant. To model this problem we resort to an auxiliary network that allows us to represent feasible solutions as families of paths satisfying a series of side constraints.The solutions of a reinforced LP relaxation of this model are used as the basis of a rounding heuristic designed to build feasible solutions of the problem. Those solutions are then improved with a TS heuristic.Two lower bounds, distinct from that obtained with the LP relaxation of the model, are proposed for this problem. The first one is obtained by bound ing separately the two different parts of the cost of any feasible solution, namely the fixed costs for opening plants and the route costs. The second lower bound is the result of applying CG to the Lagrangian dual obtained by dualizing the assignment constraints. The pricing problem obtained from our formulation is an ESPPRC. The complexity of this problem, and the fact that optimality of the obtained solutions is not always necessary, have motivated us to develope a simple heuristic for it.The computational experiences show a very good behavior of the TS procedure both, for the computational effort required and the quality of the solutions. The first lower bound proposed gives satisfactory results in reasonable amounts of time. In the case of the CG approach, results are very encouraging. In some of the tested instances the program terminated because of the CPU time limit specification, before succeeding to find a valid lower bound.In those instances, the algorithm was always stalled in the exact resolution of an ESPPRC. The difficulties encountered to solve this problem represent a limitation of this approach and suggest the future study of alternative solution methods. In spite of this limitation, in a high proportion of the instances the algorithm succeeded, and the final gap between the upper and the lower bound was always 0. The success in these instances is partially due to the use of our heuristic to generate new columns whenever this is possible.The second problem studied in this thesis is a SGAP. In this assignment problem the jobs are interpreted as customers that can request a service with a given probability, and each agent can serve a limited number of customers. This uncertainty about the presence of each customer is represented by modelling the demands of the customers as Bernoulli distributed independent random variables. The problem consists of finding an a priori assignment of customers to agents. Once the actual requests for service are known, an adaptive action is taken to tackle violations of the capacity constraints. On the one hand, part of the customers assigned to overloaded agents can be reassigned. On the other hand, some of the service requests can be disregarded. Different penalties for reassignment and for unattended service requests are pre-specified. The problem is formulated as a recourse model, where the recourse function gives the expected penalties for reassignments and unattended service requests.Since this recourse function is defined as the expected value of an integer programming recourse model, it does not have the regularity properties characteristic of those defined by linear recourse models. To overcome the difficulties caused by this, we construct a convex approximation of the recourse function that is tight in all feasible points. Moreover, as illustrated in the computational experiences, the use of this approximation reduces the computational effort required to evaluate the recourse function is some orders of magnitude. The convex approximation of the recourse function allows us to adapt the well-known L-shaped method to our problem. Integrality of the first stage variables is tackled in three different ways, giving raise to three versions of the algorithm. The difference among them resides in the hierarchy between the branching and the addition of violated cuts. On the one hand, we present a version where cuts are only added when integer solutions are found. On the other hand, a version is proposed where branching is only performed when no more violated cuts can be identified. The remaining version is designed as a tradeoff of these two; at each node of the search tree, new optimality cuts are added, if needed, and branching is performed if the solution at hand is fractional. Computational experiences point out this last version as the best of the three, since the efforts devoted to obtain a rich approximation of the recourse function and to achieve integrality are more balanced.We have also derived both, lower and upper bounds for this specific SGAP. Upper bounds are obtained from three simple heuristics. All them are based on solving deterministic approximations of the SGAP and provide good quality solutions in small amounts of CPU time. A lower bound is derived from a family of linear stochastic subproblems. Althoug in some of the tested instances the gap between the bounds exceeded the 30%, in the general case we obtained small gaps.One of the heuristics was used in the exact algorithm to provide it with a good upper bound. The lower bound is also used in the three versions of the algorithm, as the basis of some of the optimality cuts and also to identify optimal solutions. The quality of these bounds is one of the factors that explain the success of the exact algorithm.The last problem studied in this thesis is a SLRP. The stochasticity considered here is of the same type as that considered for the SGAP. Again, customers may request a service with a given probability and this is modeled by introducing Bernoulli random variables to represent the demands. A two stage model is proposed for this problem. In a first stage, a set of plants to open has to be chosen together with a family of disjoint routes (one rooted at each open plant) that visit all the customers. In the second stage, once all the demands become available, the actual routes have to be designed. For plants whose number of service requests does not exceed the capacity, the actual route is derived from that designed a priori by skipping customers with no demand. When the requests for service allocated to a plant exceed its capacity, a subset of them is randomly chosen to be served, and they are visited in the order defined by the a priori route.Penalties are paid for the unattended service requests. The expected total cost of the actual routes and the expected penalties for unserviced customers are contained in the recourse function.We present a two phase heuristic to solve this problem. In the first phase, a series of subproblems are sequentially solved to build an initial solution. In the second phase, this solution is successively improved using LS. This improving phase requires a high number of evaluations of the recourse function. Although we have developed an analytical expression for this recourse function, the computational effort required for its evaluation is considerable due to its combinatorial nature. For this reason, we approximate it with a simpler auxiliary function that has allowed us to obtain solutions in small computational times.We also propose a lower bound obtained from bounding different parts of the objective function independently. Unfortunately, we only could find reasonable bounds for the sum of fixed costs for opening the plants plus the expected penalty paid for unserviced customers. Further research is intended to improve the bounding of the expected total cost of the routes.The evaluation of the quality of the solutions obtained with our heuristic is not easy due to the lack of a tight global lower bound. However, the partial bound on the costs relative to the plants allows to conclude that the heuristic makes in general a good choice of the set of plants. As for the allocation of customers to plants and the design of the routes we can only evaluate the evolution along the search. In the computational experiences reported it can be seen that this evolution is satisfactory.

GMPLS-OBS interoperability and routing acalability in internet

Mendoça Pedroso, Pedro Miguel 16 December 2011 (has links)
The popularization of Internet has turned the telecom world upside down over the last two decades. Network operators, vendors and service providers are being challenged to adapt themselves to Internet requirements in a way to properly serve the huge number of demanding users (residential and business). The Internet (data-oriented network) is supported by an IP packet-switched architecture on top of a circuit-switched, optical-based architecture (voice-oriented network), which results in a complex and rather costly infrastructure to the transport of IP traffic (the dominant traffic nowadays). In such a way, a simple and IP-adapted network architecture is desired. From the transport network perspective, both Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) and Optical Burst Switching (OBS) technologies are part of the set of solutions to progress towards an IP-over-WDM architecture, providing intelligence in the control and management of resources (i.e. GMPLS) as well as a good network resource access and usage (i.e. OBS). The GMPLS framework is the key enabler to orchestrate a unified optical network control and thus reduce network operational expenses (OPEX), while increasing operator's revenues. Simultaneously, the OBS technology is one of the well positioned switching technologies to realize the envisioned IP-over-WDM network architecture, leveraging on the statistical multiplexing of data plane resources to enable sub-wavelength in optical networks. Despite of the GMPLS principle of unified control, little effort has been put on extending it to incorporate the OBS technology and many open questions still remain. From the IP network perspective, the Internet is facing scalability issues as enormous quantities of service instances and devices must be managed. Nowadays, it is believed that the current Internet features and mechanisms cannot cope with the size and dynamics of the Future Internet. Compact Routing is one of the main breakthrough paradigms on the design of a routing system scalable with the Future Internet requirements. It intends to address the fundamental limits of current stretch-1 shortest-path routing in terms of RT scalability (aiming at sub-linear growth). Although "static" compact routing works fine, scaling logarithmically on the number of nodes even in scale-free graphs such as Internet, it does not handle dynamic graphs. Moreover, as multimedia content/services proliferate, the multicast is again under the spotlight as bandwidth efficiency and low RT sizes are desired. However, it makes the problem even worse as more routing entries should be maintained. In a nutshell, the main objective of this thesis in to contribute with fully detailed solutions dealing both with i) GMPLS-OBS control interoperability (Part I), fostering unified control over multiple switching domains and reduce redundancy in IP transport. The proposed solution overcomes every interoperability technology-specific issue as well as it offers (absolute) QoS guarantees overcoming OBS performance issues by making use of the GMPLS traffic-engineering (TE) features. Keys extensions to the GMPLS protocol standards are equally approached; and ii) new compact routing scheme for multicast scenarios, in order to overcome the Future Internet inter-domain routing system scalability problem (Part II). In such a way, the first known name-independent (i.e. topology unaware) compact multicast routing algorithm is proposed. On the other hand, the AnyTraffic Labeled concept is also introduced saving on forwarding entries by sharing a single forwarding entry to unicast and multicast traffic type. Exhaustive simulation campaigns are run in both cases in order to assess the reliability and feasible of the proposals.

Design and Evaluation of Primitives for Passive Link Assessment and Route Selection in Static Wireless Networks

Miskovic, Stanislav 06 September 2012 (has links)
Communication in wireless networks elementally comprises of packet exchanges over individual wireless links and routes formed by these links. To this end, two problems are fundamental: assessment of link quality and identification of the least-cost (optimal) routes. However, little is known about achieving these goals without incurring additional overhead to IEEE 802.11 networks. In this thesis, I design and experimentally evaluate two frameworks that enable individual 802.11 nodes to characterize their wireless links and routes by employing only local and passively collected information. First, I enable 802.11 nodes to assess their links by characterizing packet delivery failures and failure causes. The key problem is that nodes cannot individually observe many factors that affect the packet delivery at both ends of their links and in both directions of 802.11 communication. To this end, instead of relying on the assistance of other nodes, I design the first practical framework that extrapolates the missing information locally from the nodes' overhearing, the observable causal relationships of 802.11 operation and characterization of the corrupted and undecodable packets. The proposed framework employs only packet-level information generally reported by commodity 802.11 wireless cards. Next, I design and evaluate routing primitives that enable individual nodes to suppress their poor route selections. I refer to a route selection as poor whenever the employed routing protocol fails to establish the existing least-cost path according to an employed routing metric. This thesis shows that an entire family of the state-of-the art on-demand distance-vector routing protocols, including the standards-proposed protocol for IEEE 802.11s mesh networks, suffers from frequent and long-term poor selections having arbitrary path costs. Consequently, such selections generally induce severe throughput degradations for network users. To address this problem, I design mechanisms that identify optimal paths locally by employing only the information readily available to the affected nodes. The proposed mechanisms largely suppress occurrence of inferior routes. Even when such routes are selected their durations are reduced by several orders of magnitude, often to sub-second time scales. My work has implications on several key areas of wireless networking: It removes systematic failures from wireless routing and serves as a source of information for a wide range of protocols including the protocols for network management and diagnostics.

Selective Flooding in Ad Hoc Networks

Iu, Ming-Yee January 2002 (has links)
An ad hoc network is a collection of mobile wireless devices that cooperate with each other to route packets amongst themselves. The main difficulty in designing routing algorithms for such a network is the large number of topology changes that the network undergoes due to device movement. Selective flooding is a routing technique that is more resilient to topology changes than traditional algorithms but is more bandwidth efficient than pure flooding. An on-demand selective flooding algorithm has been designed and tested on the ns-2 simulator. In scenarios involving a large number of topology changes, selective flooding outperforms other ad hoc network routing techniques. Unfortunately, selective flooding is much more bandwidth hungry and is unable to scale to handle reasonable traffic loads. Interestingly, the analysis of selective flooding reveals major problems with traditional ad hoc networking techniques. Many current algorithms demonstrate shortcomings when dealing with bursty traffic, and current wireless hardware cannot handle ad hoc networking traffic in an efficient manner. These issues need to be addressed before ad hoc networking technology can become feasible for widespread use.

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