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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uvedení sklo-ocelových nosníků na trh a jejich expanze do zahraničí / Introduction of Steel-Glass Beams and Their Expansion Abroad

Palkovská, Nella January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to find an outlet for the new luxury architectonic component - steel-glass beam called GS-Beam and to introduce suitable strategies for GS-Beam rollout on the target markets. Czech market is too small and the predictions of Czech construction industry are not positive, therefore there is a need to find other markets where to pioneer GS-Beam. The United Arab Emirates were chosen as the source of current demand and the Russian Federation as future potential purchaser. Market potential is tested by PESTLE analysis and by Porter's Five Forces Model. This master thesis brings concept for foreign expansion of the company Static Solution, which should be sustainable in long-term perspective.

Rusko: ekonomika a postavení na mezinárodním trhu cestovního ruchu / Russia: macroeconomics and position at the international tourism market

Svobodová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is written on the topic of Russia: macroeconomics and position at the international tourism market. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts of tourism, describes the basic macroeconomics indicators and define the position of tourism in the global economy. The second part deals with the development of the economy of the Russian Federation from its very begining up to the present. The third part discusses the Russian Federation in the terms of tourism, international income and arrivals. The last part analyzes tourism between the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. For this part of diploma thesis has been prepared two questionnaires among residents of the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation.

Podnikatelské prostředí v Ruské federaci? Stabilita, potencionální výhody pro ČR / Business environment in Russian Federation, stability and potential advantages for Czech Republic

Polata, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze historical development, current situation and potential trends of future development of business enviroment in Russian Federation. This thesis shall provide sufficient information base especially for small and medium-sized Czech enterprises, that are deciding whether to export to the Russian market, or act on it directly. The thesis is also focussing on possible advantages of Czech enterprises in export to Russian market, as well as on various kinds of support, that are provided to them by governmental and non-governmental organizations in Czech Republic.

Východní partnerství v kontextu vztahů Evropské unie a Ruské federace / Eastern Partnership in the context of EU-Russian relations

Kotková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
After two waves of the eastern enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007, its territory reached borders of the former Soviet republics. The EU started immediately building up the business ties with these countries. To be able to cover its business activities with the common approach, the EU formulated the European neighbourhood policy. Within ENP structure was separated an eastern dimension based on the Polish-Swedish initiative called Eastern Partnership. The initiative includes both bilateral and multilateral dimension of the EU's cooperation with partner countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the development of relations between the European Union and Russia as a background of the emerging and developing EU's Eastern Partnership initiative. The aim is to analyze how the process of implementation of the Eastern Partnership developed, to what extent did the project stakeholders promoted their objectives and identify factors limiting the smooth implementation progress of the initiative objectives. Finally, the paper also focuses on the definition of Russian attitudes to the Eastern Partnership, reveals the factors and circumstances that view Russia in the context of the shapers, and explores how this view changed over time.

Interkulturní komunikace v mezinárodním obchodě / Intercultural communication in the international trade

Lukiyanova, Irina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is therefore to determine whether and how cultural differences exist between the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, and how these factors influence the mutual communication and cooperation.

Specifika vývozu investičních celků do Ruské federace financovaného ČEB a.s. / Specifics of the turn-key investment's export to Russian Federation financed by Czech Export Bank

Ruszová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis presents specifics of the turn-key investment's export to Russian Federation financed by Czech Export Bank Plc. (the "CEB"). The aim of this thesis is to outline the general procedure applied in CEB towards export financing of turn-key investments, as well as to the Russian market. Furthermore, this thesis describes mutual trade relations between the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, as well as possible difficulties that might occur during the export to Russia. Theoretical knowledge is reflected to the final case study describing the financing in form of the buyer's credit provided by CEB.

Význam světových hotelových řetězců na rozvoj a modernizaci hotelnictví v Rusku / The influence of international hotel chains on development and modernization of the hotel industry in Russia

Skrebkova, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the current state of the international hotel industry and possibility of using international experience for the development of the hotel industry in Russia. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter the hotel industry is examined from a theoretical point of view. The second chapter examines the trends of the international hotel industry, including the role of international hotel chains in the world. The third chapter is focused on the analysis of the influence of international hotel chains on the development and improvement of the hotel industry in Russia.

Vyhodnocení klíčových zahraničních trhů pro výběr dodavatelů ve společnosti. Škoda Auto / Evaluations of Key Foreign Markets for the Supplier Selection in Society Skoda Auto

Kabáč, Ľudovít January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis seeks to evaluate key markets of the SKODA Auto company in terms of purchasing and supply possibilities. It analyzes both Skoda's external and internal environments and assesses current conditions in their key foreign supply market. Furthermore, it describes the purchasing process, methods of localization of suppliers, as well as possible methods of evaluation of Skoda's suppliers. The Thesis should provide the reader with an overview of current trends and opportunities in Skoda's supplier market.

Vztahy USA-Rusko a masmédia: reprezentace Vladimira Putina v amerických médiích / US-Russia Relations and the Mass Media: The Representation of Vladimir Putin in the American Media

Alikina, Valeriia January 2018 (has links)
Russian-American Relations and the Mass Media Securitization of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in the American Press by Valeriia Alikina This thesis is focused on two issues relevant to Security Studies and Political Science: relations between the Russian Federation and the United States of America, which are currently experiencing yet another decline, and problematics of political journalism. It reviews the process of securitization of Russia through speech acts in the mass media of its historical opponent, the United States. First, the thesis provides a theoretical framework, securitization theory, introducing its main principles. To prove that the process of securitization indeed occurs, the method of discourse analysis is employed. The third chapter provides background information on the relations between the Soviet Union/Russia and the United States since the end of the World War II; this information is completed by the role mass media had in their affairs. The next chapter frames the issue of propaganda, elaborating on the meaning behind this concept, the "fake news" narrative, and the idealistic idea of media objectivity. In the fifth chapter, the case study, two processes of securitization are reviewed. The first one is the American mainstream media, namely ​The New York Times​ and ​The...

Dopady umělé inteligence a robotických systémů na revoluci ve vojenských záležitostech v ozbrojených silách Izraele a Ruské federace / The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Systems on the Revolution in Military Affairs in the Armed Forces of Israel and the Russian Federation

Dóka, Otto January 2021 (has links)
Every revolution in military affairs was always, to a large extent, driven by the appearance of new types of modern technologies. Many examples from the past revolutions reflect this fact, including the recent one between the 1970s and 1990s of the 20th century. This most recent revolution in military affairs had its roots in a Soviet concept of "military-technical revolution," which, as its name already indicates, gave the technology a great significance. Both above-mentioned theoretical concepts had a practical impact on how the battle operations were conducted, on changes in military doctrines and organization of forces, and the integration of new technologies into existing weapon systems. In the last revolution in military affairs from the 1980s and 1990s, the central role was played by precision-guided munitions, command and control systems, and also communication systems. Today there is an ongoing discussion about the potential new revolution in military affairs, which main drivers are expected to be artificial intelligence and robotic systems. This diploma thesis focuses on the definition of concepts "military-technical revolution," "revolution in military affairs," their evolution, and the new technologies that can cause a new revolution in the near future- artificial intelligence and...

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