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Panting Fatigue of Welded Steel Tee DetailsShohel, Muhammad Shah Newaz 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Comportamento em fadiga da liga Al-Li AA 2050 / Fatigue behavior of Al-Li alloy AA 2050Bonazzi, Luís Henrique Camargo 10 July 2013 (has links)
As novas ligas de alumínio que contém lítio são atraentes devido à sua baixa densidade, alto módulo elástico, elevada resistência mecânica e por terem boa resistência à corrosão em comparação com ligas similares que não contém lítio. A degradação do material devido à fadiga e corrosão são os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o envelhecimento de uma aeronave. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a resistência à fadiga de uma nova liga de Al-Li, denominada de AA 2050-T84, considerando os estágios de nucleação e de propagação. No primeiro caso são avaliados o efeito da variação do concentrador de tensão (kt) e o efeito da razão de tensões (R), enquanto que no segundo caso são estudados os efeitos da direção de laminação e da razão de tensões (R) na taxa de propagação da trinca por fadiga. Para o estágio de iniciação é possível observar que quanto maior o valor de R, menor é a vida em fadiga. Para um R constante, o concentrador de tensão reduz significantemente a vida em fadiga. Considerando a vida de propagação de trinca por fadiga, observa-se que, independente da direção de laminação, quanto maior o valor de R, para um mesmo ΔK, maior foi a taxa de propagação de trinca. Para um mesmo R, o expoente m da equação de Paris é maior na direção TL indicando maior velocidade de crescimento de trinca. Independentemente da direção tomada, quanto maior o valor de R maior o valor de m. O modelo matemático utilizado previu muito bem o efeito de R na taxa de propagação de trinca. A liga AA 2050 apresenta resistência à fadiga similar ligas das famílias 2XXX e 7XXX e similar a da liga Al-Li AA 2198 T8. / The new Al-Li alloys are very attractive due to its low density, high elastic modulus, increased mechanical strength, as well as good corrosion resistance in comparison with similar alloys that don\'t contain lithium. The material\'s degradation due to fatigue and corrosion are the main factors of aircrafts aging, and it is quite important to take them in account to guarantee the aircraft structural integrity. The aim of this work is to study the fatigue strength of a new Al-Li alloy, denominated as AA 2050 T84, considering both nucleation and propagation fatigue lives. In the first case were evaluated the effect of the variation of the stress concentrator (kt) and the effect of the stress ratio (R), while in the propagation life were considered the effect of the rolling direction and the stress ratio (R). From the initiation life results, it is possible to observe that as higher was R, lower is fatigue life and that the intensity of the stress concentrator reduces fatigue life significantly, independent of the R value. The results from the propagation life shows that in both LT e TL directions and for a constant ΔK, higher R induces larger fatigue crack propagation rates. Considering a constant R, the TL direction presents a larger exponent m of Paris equation, which is an indicative of higher larger crack propagation rate. Also, larger R causes larger m, independently of the rolling direction. The mathematical model used was able to take in account the R effect on the crack propagation rate. Considering the more traditional Al alloys from 2XXX and 7XXX families, and the Ali-Li alloys AA 2198 T8, the AA 2050 presented a quite similar fatigue behavior.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a vida-fadiga de
dois ferros fundidos
nodulares modificados metalurgicamente, sendo uma classe
predominantemente ferrítica e
outra.perlítica. Inicialmente, amostra dos dois ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico
foram fundidas adotando-se moldação em areia na geometria
padrão Y-block. Em
seqüência, corpos de prova para ensaios mecânicos e de
fadiga foram usinados das
amostras ferríticas e perlíticas. Após os ensaios de tração
e dureza, realizaram-se análises
metalográficas qualitativas e quantitativas em ambos os
materiais, com o intuito de se
determinar suas características metalúrgicas, tais como
contagem, distribuição e classe dos
nódulos de grafita, bem como quantidade da matriz ferrítica
e perlítica. Dando
continuidade a etapa experimental, as curvas tensão versus
número de ciclos para a falha do
ferro fundido nodular ferrítico e do ferro fundido nodular
perlítico foram levantadas por
meio de ensaios de flexão rotativa. A vida útil em fadiga
dos dois materiais foi relacionada
com as suas características metalúrgicas. Quanto a
resistência à fadiga, as amostras do ferro
fundido nodular perlítico tiveram um melhor comportamento
sob carregamento cíclico do
que as amostras do ferro fundido nodular ferrítico. Tal
comportamento superior foi
atribuído a maior microdureza da matriz e a presença da
estrutura olho-de-boi.
Finalmente, as curvas experimentais tensão versus número de
ciclos para a falha dos ferros
fundidos nodulares ferrítico e perlítico foram modeladas
pela equação de Coffin-Manson,
que se mostrou eficiente no tratamento de dados
experimentais da vida em fadiga de ambos
os materiais. / [en] The objective of the present work was to evaluate the
fatigue life of two nodular cast
irons with metallurgical modifications and resulting in
ferritic and perlitic different classes of
material. Initially, samples of both materials were cast in
sand moulds adopting the
standard Y-block geometry. In the sequence, tensile and
fatigue specimens were
machined from the ferritic and perlitic samples. After the
tensile and hardness tests, the
microstructure of the both materials were analyzed by
qualitative and quantitative
metallography, aiming to characterize their metallurgical
aspects as content, distribution
and class of graphite nodules, as well as the contents of
the ferritic and perlitic matrix.
Following the metallurgical characterization, rolating bend
fatigue tests were performed in
order to estabilish the stress-life curves of the ferritic
and perlitic nodular cast irons.
Regarding the fatigue resistance, the specimens machined
from the perlitic nodular
sample showed a longer fatigue life than that related to
the ferritic nodular specimens. The
longer fatigue life of the perlitic nodular specimens was
associated with a higher
microhardness of the perlitic matrix and the preserve of
the bull`s-eye structure. Finally,
the experimental stress-life curves of the ferritic and
perlitic nodular cast irons were
modeled adopting the Coffin-Manson law, which was
considered efficient in fitting
experimental fatigue life data of both materials.
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Characterization and Modeling of Transformation Induced Fatigue of Shape Memory Alloy ActuatorsBertacchini, Olivier Walter 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The main focus of this research is the transformation induced fatigue behavior of shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators undergoing thermally induced martensitic phase transformation. The recent development of aerospace applications employing shape memory alloys (SMAs) has expanded the need for fatigue life characterization and modeling. Lightweight, compact and with a great work output, SMAs are ideal materials for actuated structural components. However, fatigue life becomes a key factor in applications such as commercial airplanes. Therefore, it is necessary to not only perform fatigue testing but also to investigate the causes of fatigue failure. As a new class of materials, SMAs have unique characteristics and require novel test methodologies to conduct repeatable and reliable fatigue testing. For this research, two materials are being investigated: TiNiCu and Ni-rich NiTi. The experiments performed on the first selected alloy, i.e. TiNiCu SMA, explore three major parameters: the applied stress level, the amount of actuation, and the corrosive nature of the environment. Experimental results show that SMAs undergoing transformation induced fatigue exhibit a low-cycle fatigue behavior and the measurement of the accumulated plastic strain at failure is associated to a Manson-Coffin type failure criterion. Investigations conducted on the post-mortem microstructure showed evidence of a multiphysical coupling between corrosion and cyclic phase transformation, from which a novel cyclic damage mechanism is proposed and explained using the micromechanical shear lag model accounting for actuation and accumulated plastic strains. Thereafter, based upon the identified failure mechanism and considering damage accumulation through crack formation, a stress renormalization procedure is proposed in combination with the Miner’s rule to predict the reduction of number of cycles to failure due to cyclic phase transformation and corrosion. A direct method is first presented and the predictions show good agreement with experimental results. However, both corrosion and corrosion-free fatigue data are required. Therefore, a new approach is proposed: the inverse Miner’s rule, which requires corrosion fatigue data only to predict corrosion-free life. The new and attractive properties of the selected second alloy, i.e. Ni-rich NiTi SMA, have revived the motivation of the aerospace industry to design SMA actuators. One particular property is cyclic stability generated by precipitation hardening mechanism using precipitates. However, are also precipitates due to high Nickel content (60 wt.% or 55 at.%). Parameters such as processing, heat treatments, size effects, surface quality and environment are investigated. Thermomechanical response and fatigue life are discussed and the greatest impact is found to come from specimen surface quality. Finally, a detailed fractography presents the different microstructural aspects of the fatigue damage and concludes to a precipitation driven fatigue failure mechanism cause by precipitates.
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Ermüdung des Verbundes von Stahlbeton unter Querzug / Bond fatigue in reinforced concrete under transverse tensionLindorf, Alexander 28 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die gezielte Analyse des Verbundverhaltens zwischen Bewehrungsstahl und Beton unter kombinierter Beanspruchung aus Ermüdung und Querzug. Den Hintergrund bilden Stahlbetonbauteile, wie z. B. Fahrbahnplatten von Verbundbrücken, welche einen zweiaxialen Lastabtrag unter nicht vorwiegend ruhenden Belastungen aufweisen.
Die Untersuchungen für normal- und hochfesten Beton erfolgten an Ausziehkörpern mit einem durch Querzugspannungen hervorgerufenen Längsriss entlang des Bewehrungsstabes. Das Versuchsprogramm beinhaltete hochzyklische Schwellversuche mit unterschiedlichen Schwingspielen und variierenden Längsrissbreiten bis zu einer Million Lastwechseln. Anhand der Entwicklung des Schlupfes zwischen Bewehrungsstab und Beton konnte eine deutliche Abhängigkeit des Verbundwiderstandes vom Querzug beobachtet werden.
Aufbauend auf der Schlupfentwicklung erfolgt die Ableitung von normierten Wöhlerlinien der Verbundermüdung. Diese Wöhlerlinien können direkt in Beziehung zu den Wöhlerlinien der Betonstahlermüdung gesetzt werden und vereinfachen die Erstellung von Dauerfestigkeitsdiagrammen für Bemessungszwecke. Es wird deutlich, dass die Ermüdungsfestigkeit des Verbundes durch das Vorhandensein eines Längsrisses gegenüber der Betonstahlermüdung verstärkt an Bedeutung gewinnt. / The main focus of the present work is the specific analysis of the bond behaviour between reinforcement and concrete under combined loading due to fatigue and transverse tension. The background is formed by reinforced concrete elements such as bridge decks of steel-concrete composite bridges, which show a biaxial load bearing behaviour under not predominantly monotonic loading.
The investigations for both normal strength and high performance concrete were conducted on pull-out specimens with a longitudinal crack along the reinforcing bar caused by transverse tensile stresses. The experimental program included high cyclic tests with different stress ranges and varying longitudinal crack widths up to one million load cycles. By means of the slip development, a definite dependency of the bond strength on the transverse tension could be observed.
Based on the slip development, normalised S-N curves for bond fatigue have been deduced. These S-N curves can be set in direct relation to the S-N curves for steel fatigue and simplify creating constant life diagrams for design purposes. It becomes clear that the bond fatigue strength, due to an existing longitudinal crack, gains in importance in comparison to the fatigue strength of the reinforcing steel.
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Comportamento em fadiga da liga Al-Li AA 2050 / Fatigue behavior of Al-Li alloy AA 2050Luís Henrique Camargo Bonazzi 10 July 2013 (has links)
As novas ligas de alumínio que contém lítio são atraentes devido à sua baixa densidade, alto módulo elástico, elevada resistência mecânica e por terem boa resistência à corrosão em comparação com ligas similares que não contém lítio. A degradação do material devido à fadiga e corrosão são os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o envelhecimento de uma aeronave. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a resistência à fadiga de uma nova liga de Al-Li, denominada de AA 2050-T84, considerando os estágios de nucleação e de propagação. No primeiro caso são avaliados o efeito da variação do concentrador de tensão (kt) e o efeito da razão de tensões (R), enquanto que no segundo caso são estudados os efeitos da direção de laminação e da razão de tensões (R) na taxa de propagação da trinca por fadiga. Para o estágio de iniciação é possível observar que quanto maior o valor de R, menor é a vida em fadiga. Para um R constante, o concentrador de tensão reduz significantemente a vida em fadiga. Considerando a vida de propagação de trinca por fadiga, observa-se que, independente da direção de laminação, quanto maior o valor de R, para um mesmo ΔK, maior foi a taxa de propagação de trinca. Para um mesmo R, o expoente m da equação de Paris é maior na direção TL indicando maior velocidade de crescimento de trinca. Independentemente da direção tomada, quanto maior o valor de R maior o valor de m. O modelo matemático utilizado previu muito bem o efeito de R na taxa de propagação de trinca. A liga AA 2050 apresenta resistência à fadiga similar ligas das famílias 2XXX e 7XXX e similar a da liga Al-Li AA 2198 T8. / The new Al-Li alloys are very attractive due to its low density, high elastic modulus, increased mechanical strength, as well as good corrosion resistance in comparison with similar alloys that don\'t contain lithium. The material\'s degradation due to fatigue and corrosion are the main factors of aircrafts aging, and it is quite important to take them in account to guarantee the aircraft structural integrity. The aim of this work is to study the fatigue strength of a new Al-Li alloy, denominated as AA 2050 T84, considering both nucleation and propagation fatigue lives. In the first case were evaluated the effect of the variation of the stress concentrator (kt) and the effect of the stress ratio (R), while in the propagation life were considered the effect of the rolling direction and the stress ratio (R). From the initiation life results, it is possible to observe that as higher was R, lower is fatigue life and that the intensity of the stress concentrator reduces fatigue life significantly, independent of the R value. The results from the propagation life shows that in both LT e TL directions and for a constant ΔK, higher R induces larger fatigue crack propagation rates. Considering a constant R, the TL direction presents a larger exponent m of Paris equation, which is an indicative of higher larger crack propagation rate. Also, larger R causes larger m, independently of the rolling direction. The mathematical model used was able to take in account the R effect on the crack propagation rate. Considering the more traditional Al alloys from 2XXX and 7XXX families, and the Ali-Li alloys AA 2198 T8, the AA 2050 presented a quite similar fatigue behavior.
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Ermüdung des Verbundes von Stahlbeton unter QuerzugLindorf, Alexander 01 December 2011 (has links)
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die gezielte Analyse des Verbundverhaltens zwischen Bewehrungsstahl und Beton unter kombinierter Beanspruchung aus Ermüdung und Querzug. Den Hintergrund bilden Stahlbetonbauteile, wie z. B. Fahrbahnplatten von Verbundbrücken, welche einen zweiaxialen Lastabtrag unter nicht vorwiegend ruhenden Belastungen aufweisen.
Die Untersuchungen für normal- und hochfesten Beton erfolgten an Ausziehkörpern mit einem durch Querzugspannungen hervorgerufenen Längsriss entlang des Bewehrungsstabes. Das Versuchsprogramm beinhaltete hochzyklische Schwellversuche mit unterschiedlichen Schwingspielen und variierenden Längsrissbreiten bis zu einer Million Lastwechseln. Anhand der Entwicklung des Schlupfes zwischen Bewehrungsstab und Beton konnte eine deutliche Abhängigkeit des Verbundwiderstandes vom Querzug beobachtet werden.
Aufbauend auf der Schlupfentwicklung erfolgt die Ableitung von normierten Wöhlerlinien der Verbundermüdung. Diese Wöhlerlinien können direkt in Beziehung zu den Wöhlerlinien der Betonstahlermüdung gesetzt werden und vereinfachen die Erstellung von Dauerfestigkeitsdiagrammen für Bemessungszwecke. Es wird deutlich, dass die Ermüdungsfestigkeit des Verbundes durch das Vorhandensein eines Längsrisses gegenüber der Betonstahlermüdung verstärkt an Bedeutung gewinnt. / The main focus of the present work is the specific analysis of the bond behaviour between reinforcement and concrete under combined loading due to fatigue and transverse tension. The background is formed by reinforced concrete elements such as bridge decks of steel-concrete composite bridges, which show a biaxial load bearing behaviour under not predominantly monotonic loading.
The investigations for both normal strength and high performance concrete were conducted on pull-out specimens with a longitudinal crack along the reinforcing bar caused by transverse tensile stresses. The experimental program included high cyclic tests with different stress ranges and varying longitudinal crack widths up to one million load cycles. By means of the slip development, a definite dependency of the bond strength on the transverse tension could be observed.
Based on the slip development, normalised S-N curves for bond fatigue have been deduced. These S-N curves can be set in direct relation to the S-N curves for steel fatigue and simplify creating constant life diagrams for design purposes. It becomes clear that the bond fatigue strength, due to an existing longitudinal crack, gains in importance in comparison to the fatigue strength of the reinforcing steel.
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