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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der RAGE-Ligand S100A4

Herwig, Nadine 07 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das maligne Melanom zählt zu den aggressivsten und behandlungsresistentesten aller Krebsarten. In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich die Rate der Melanom-Erkrankungen innerhalb der weißen Bevölkerung verdreifacht. Mittlerweile liegen eine Reihe von Untersuchungen zu den molekularbiologischen Mechanismen der Entwicklung und Progression des malignen Melanoms vor. Aktuelle Forschungsvorhaben beschäftigen sich vor allem mit der Identifizierung Melanom-spezifischer Biomarker, die diagnostische und prognostische Informationen liefern sowie die Entwicklung einer zielgerichteten, kombinierten und individualisierten Therapie des metastasierenden Melanoms ermöglichen. In diesem Kontext soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen weiteren Beitrag zum Verständnis der Metastasierungskaskade und der daran beteiligten Proteine leisten. Aufgrund der Überexpression in einer Reihe von Tumoren und seiner geringen Molmasse von lediglich 11,5 kDa bietet sich das S100A4-Protein als Marker mit hoher prognostischer Signifikanz für verschiedene Tumorentitäten an. Jedoch ist die Beteiligung von S100A4 bei der Ausbildung des invasiven Tumorphänotyps noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. S100A4 besitzt zahlreiche intra- und extrazelluläre Bindungspartner, wobei die Metastasierung scheinbar ausschließlich durch das extrazelluläre Protein beeinflusst wird. S100A4 wechselwirkt extrazellulär beispielsweise mit dem Rezeptor für fortgeschrittene Glykierungsendprodukte (RAGE). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, speziell die Bedeutung von S100A4 und seiner Interaktion mit RAGE für das prometastatische Verhalten von Melanomzellen in vitro und in vivo näher zu charakterisieren. Darüber hinaus sollte die Beteiligung von S100A4 bei der Gehirn-Metastasierung untersucht werden, wobei insbesondere die Regulierung der Endothelzell-Permeabilität und der transendothelialen Migration der Melanomzellen im Vordergrund stand. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass S100A4 und die Interaktion mit RAGE die prometastatischen Eigenschaften der A375-Melanomzellen förderte. Zudem verringerte extrazelluläres S100A4 die Zell-Integrität von Gehirn-Endothelzellen und erleichterte somit die Durchdringung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke. Diese Erkenntnis lässt sich möglicherweise auf andere Blut-Gewebe-Schranken übertragen. Die In-vivo-Orientierungsstudie zeigte, dass S100A4- und RAGE-überexprimierende Zellen zu einer verstärkten disseminierten Metastasierung führten, wobei sich zwei unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster ergaben. Darüber hinaus führten beide Zelllinien vereinzelt zur Bildung von Gehirnmetastasen, wodurch sich die intrakardiale Injektion durchaus als Modell für weitere Therapiestudien mit dem Augenmerk der S100A4-RAGE-stimulierten Metastasierung eignet. Die genauere Kenntnis regulativer Mechanismen bei der Synthese und Sekretion von S100A4 sowie die pathophysiologische Differenzierung der S100A4-Interaktion mit RAGE eröffnen neue Wege, die S100A4-vermittelten Effekte therapeutisch zu beeinflussen. Daraus lassen sich möglicherweise neue zielgerichtete Radionuklid-basierte Therapieansätze für das metastasierende Melanom ableiten.

Nové biomarkery a kandidátní molekuly antifibrotické terapie u systémové sklerodermie / New biomarkers and candidate molecules in antifibrotic therapy in systemic scleroderma

Štorkánová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
Systemic scleroderma (SSc) is a systemic connective tissue disease affecting skin and internal organs. The pathogenesis of SSc is characterized by inflammation, vasculopathy and fibrosis. No agent has been proven effective in the treatment of SSc. There is a lack of suitable biomarkers for monitoring the disease activity or the response to the treatment of SSc. Therefore our aim was to analyse the extracellular levels of S100A4, Hsp90 (Heat shock protein 90) and IL-35 (interleukin-35) in SSc. S100A4 and Hsp90 have been initially studied in tumours; in some of them considered as suitable prognostic markers and candidates for future therapies. We have recently described the profibrotic role of S100A4 and Hsp90 in the pathogenesis of SSc. Our results showed that inactivation of S100A4 and Hsp90 effectively prevented the development of experimental skin fibrosis. This was consequently confirmed by the analysis of S100A4 and Hsp90 in the peripheral blood of patients with SSc, where significant associations with disease activity and organ involvement were detected. IL-35 may become another potential biomarker of SSc. We detected increased expression of IL-35 in the affected skin, dermal fibroblasts and in serum of patients with SSc. Moreover, the main profibrotic mediator transforming growth factor...

Význam nových prozánětlivých a/nebo profibrotických molekul v patogenezi systémové sklerodermie. / The role of new pro-inflammatory and/or pro-fibrotic molecules in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis.

Tomčík, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a generalized connective tissue disease affecting the skin and internal organs. The pathogenesis of SSc is characterized by inflammation, vasculopathy and fibrosis. To date, none of the tested drugs have demonstrated convincing efficacy in the treatment of SSc. S100A4 is involved in the regulation of cell motility, proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. It was originally described as a promoter of metastasis in tumors, however, its pro-inflammatory properties have recently been demonstrated in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the role of S100A4 in pathological activation of fibroblasts in SSc and in experimental models of dermal fibrosis. Results: The expression of S100A4 was increased in the skin of SSc patients, in SSc fibroblasts and in experimental fibrosis in a TGF-β / Smad dependent manner. Overexpression of S100A4 or stimulation with recombinant S100A4 induced an activated phenotype in resting normal fibroblasts. In contrast, inhibition of S100A4 or its complete deficit abrogated the pro-fibrotic effects of TGF-β and decreased the release of collagen. S100A4 knock-out mice (S100A4-/- ) were protected from bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis with reduced dermal thickening,...

Význam nových prozánětlivých a/nebo profibrotických molekul v patogenezi systémové sklerodermie. / The role of new pro-inflammatory and/or pro-fibrotic molecules in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis.

Tomčík, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a generalized connective tissue disease affecting the skin and internal organs. The pathogenesis of SSc is characterized by inflammation, vasculopathy and fibrosis. To date, none of the tested drugs have demonstrated convincing efficacy in the treatment of SSc. S100A4 is involved in the regulation of cell motility, proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. It was originally described as a promoter of metastasis in tumors, however, its pro-inflammatory properties have recently been demonstrated in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the role of S100A4 in pathological activation of fibroblasts in SSc and in experimental models of dermal fibrosis. Results: The expression of S100A4 was increased in the skin of SSc patients, in SSc fibroblasts and in experimental fibrosis in a TGF-β / Smad dependent manner. Overexpression of S100A4 or stimulation with recombinant S100A4 induced an activated phenotype in resting normal fibroblasts. In contrast, inhibition of S100A4 or its complete deficit abrogated the pro-fibrotic effects of TGF-β and decreased the release of collagen. S100A4 knock-out mice (S100A4-/- ) were protected from bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis with reduced dermal thickening,...

Urine S100 Proteins as Potential Biomarkers of Lupus Nephritis Activity

Turnier, Jessica L., M.D. 27 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Der RAGE-Ligand S100A4: Regulation und Einfluss der intra- und extrazellulären Kompartimentierung bei der Metastasierung des malignen Melanoms

Herwig, Nadine 21 October 2016 (has links)
Das maligne Melanom zählt zu den aggressivsten und behandlungsresistentesten aller Krebsarten. In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich die Rate der Melanom-Erkrankungen innerhalb der weißen Bevölkerung verdreifacht. Mittlerweile liegen eine Reihe von Untersuchungen zu den molekularbiologischen Mechanismen der Entwicklung und Progression des malignen Melanoms vor. Aktuelle Forschungsvorhaben beschäftigen sich vor allem mit der Identifizierung Melanom-spezifischer Biomarker, die diagnostische und prognostische Informationen liefern sowie die Entwicklung einer zielgerichteten, kombinierten und individualisierten Therapie des metastasierenden Melanoms ermöglichen. In diesem Kontext soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen weiteren Beitrag zum Verständnis der Metastasierungskaskade und der daran beteiligten Proteine leisten. Aufgrund der Überexpression in einer Reihe von Tumoren und seiner geringen Molmasse von lediglich 11,5 kDa bietet sich das S100A4-Protein als Marker mit hoher prognostischer Signifikanz für verschiedene Tumorentitäten an. Jedoch ist die Beteiligung von S100A4 bei der Ausbildung des invasiven Tumorphänotyps noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. S100A4 besitzt zahlreiche intra- und extrazelluläre Bindungspartner, wobei die Metastasierung scheinbar ausschließlich durch das extrazelluläre Protein beeinflusst wird. S100A4 wechselwirkt extrazellulär beispielsweise mit dem Rezeptor für fortgeschrittene Glykierungsendprodukte (RAGE). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, speziell die Bedeutung von S100A4 und seiner Interaktion mit RAGE für das prometastatische Verhalten von Melanomzellen in vitro und in vivo näher zu charakterisieren. Darüber hinaus sollte die Beteiligung von S100A4 bei der Gehirn-Metastasierung untersucht werden, wobei insbesondere die Regulierung der Endothelzell-Permeabilität und der transendothelialen Migration der Melanomzellen im Vordergrund stand. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass S100A4 und die Interaktion mit RAGE die prometastatischen Eigenschaften der A375-Melanomzellen förderte. Zudem verringerte extrazelluläres S100A4 die Zell-Integrität von Gehirn-Endothelzellen und erleichterte somit die Durchdringung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke. Diese Erkenntnis lässt sich möglicherweise auf andere Blut-Gewebe-Schranken übertragen. Die In-vivo-Orientierungsstudie zeigte, dass S100A4- und RAGE-überexprimierende Zellen zu einer verstärkten disseminierten Metastasierung führten, wobei sich zwei unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster ergaben. Darüber hinaus führten beide Zelllinien vereinzelt zur Bildung von Gehirnmetastasen, wodurch sich die intrakardiale Injektion durchaus als Modell für weitere Therapiestudien mit dem Augenmerk der S100A4-RAGE-stimulierten Metastasierung eignet. Die genauere Kenntnis regulativer Mechanismen bei der Synthese und Sekretion von S100A4 sowie die pathophysiologische Differenzierung der S100A4-Interaktion mit RAGE eröffnen neue Wege, die S100A4-vermittelten Effekte therapeutisch zu beeinflussen. Daraus lassen sich möglicherweise neue zielgerichtete Radionuklid-basierte Therapieansätze für das metastasierende Melanom ableiten.

Avaliação da relação entre a infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano e outros agentes sexualmente transmissíveis e a expressão de S100A4 em amostras cervicais

Wohlmeister, Denise January 2015 (has links)
A infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é a principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento de lesões intraepiteliais e, potencialmente, do câncer cervical (CC). A presença de fatores como inflamação e outros agentes infecciosos contribuem para a instalação e persistência do vírus. A inclusão da pesquisa do HPV e de outros agentes infecciosos relacionados junto a programas de rastreamento do CC ainda é controversa. Além disso, sabe-se que o processo inflamatório e as lesões celulares decorrentes da presença de HPV e seus cofatores provocam alterações na expressão de diversas proteínas, entre elas a S100A4, que poderia funcionar como biomarcador de exposição. Desta forma, foram analisadas amostras de esfregaços cervicais para investigação da relação do diagnóstico citológico com a presença de agentes infecciosos, além do padrão de expressão da proteína S100A4. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o aparecimento de lesões ou atipias citológicas apresentou associação com a presença de HPV, tanto na infecção simples como na infecção por múltiplos genótipos de alto risco oncogênico, sugerindo a pesquisa molecular do HPV complementar à citologia. A presença de infecção latente pelo HPV também foi observada, a qual deve ser acompanhada com exames citológicos periódicos. A infecção por Chlamydia trachomatis desempenha importante papel como cofator para o desenvolvimento do CC e foi prevalente na população estudada, demonstrando associação com a presença de diferentes genótipos de HPV. Tanto nas pacientes sintomáticas como nas assintomáticas houve a detecção de leveduras do gênero Candida, sendo que a mais prevalente foi a C. albicans apresentando-se sensível à Anidulafungina e Anfotericina B, na maioria dos casos, e resistente ao Fluconazol. Com relação à expressão da proteína S100A4, houve associação com as alterações citológicas características do HPV, nas quais houve redução de sua expressão à medida que aumentou o grau da lesão. No entanto, também observamos que há expressão fisiológica da proteína S100A4 no epitélio escamoso estratificado da ectocérvice que varia de acordo com o grau de maturação celular e a presença de alterações citológicas inflamatórias, onde foi demonstrado aumento da sua expressão. Portanto, a avaliação da expressão da proteína S100A4 pode auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce do câncer de colo do útero nas lesões intraepiteliais cervicais positivas para HPV. Analisando-se globalmente, estes resultados sugerem a inclusão da pesquisa molecular de HPV e C. trachomatis, bem como a identificação de leveduras do gênero Candida complementares à citologia esfoliativa junto a programas de rastreamento. Além disso, a proteína S100A4, mostrou-se promissora como biomarcador dos efeitos celulares dos fatores associados. Observa-se que a associação de diferentes metodologias permite a detecção precoce de lesões e, consequentemente, contribuem para a redução da incidência do CC. / Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main responsible for the development of intraepithelial lesions and potentially cervical cancer (CC). The presence of factors such as inflammation and other infectious agents contribute to the onset and persistence of the virus. The inclusion of HPV research and other infectious agents associated in the CC screening programs is still controversial. In addition, it is known that inflammation and cell injury caused by the presence of HPV and their cofactors cause changes in gene expression and function of several proteins, including the S100A4 which could function as a biomarker of exposure. Thereby, samples of cervical specimens were analyzed to investigate the relationship of cytological diagnosis in the presence of infectious agents, other than the standard expression of S100A4 protein. Our results demonstrated that the development of lesions or cytological atypia was associated with the presence of HPV in either simple infection or infection by multiple genotypes of high oncogenic risk, indicating the importance of molecular HPV analysis complementary to cytology. The presence of latent infection was also observed and must be monitored with periodic cytological examinations. The Chlamydia trachomatis infection plays an important role as a cofactor for the development of CC and was prevalent in the population studied, demonstrating association with the presence of different HPV genotypes. For both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients there was a yeast detection of Candida, and the most prevalent was the Candida albicans presenting sensitive to Anidulafungin and Amphotericin B, in most cases, and resistant Fluconazole. Regarding the S100A4 protein expression, there was association with abnormal cytological HPV characteristics where a reduction of expression could be observed and the degree of injury increased. However, we also observed that there are physiological expression of S100A4 protein in the stratified squamous epithelium of the ectocervix and this varies according to the degree of cell maturation and the presence of inflammatory cell alterations, increased expression where demonstrated. Therefore, the evaluation of the expression of S100A4 protein may assist in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer in cervical intraepithelial lesions positive for HPV. Overall, these results suggest the inclusion of molecular research of HPV and C. trachomatis, and the identification of yeasts Candida complementary to exfoliative cytology in screening programs. In addition, the S100A4 protein has shown to be promising as a biomarker for cellular effects of associated factors. It was observed that the association of different methodologies allows early detection of lesions and therefore contribute to reducing the incidence of CC.

Avaliação da relação entre a infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano e outros agentes sexualmente transmissíveis e a expressão de S100A4 em amostras cervicais

Wohlmeister, Denise January 2015 (has links)
A infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é a principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento de lesões intraepiteliais e, potencialmente, do câncer cervical (CC). A presença de fatores como inflamação e outros agentes infecciosos contribuem para a instalação e persistência do vírus. A inclusão da pesquisa do HPV e de outros agentes infecciosos relacionados junto a programas de rastreamento do CC ainda é controversa. Além disso, sabe-se que o processo inflamatório e as lesões celulares decorrentes da presença de HPV e seus cofatores provocam alterações na expressão de diversas proteínas, entre elas a S100A4, que poderia funcionar como biomarcador de exposição. Desta forma, foram analisadas amostras de esfregaços cervicais para investigação da relação do diagnóstico citológico com a presença de agentes infecciosos, além do padrão de expressão da proteína S100A4. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o aparecimento de lesões ou atipias citológicas apresentou associação com a presença de HPV, tanto na infecção simples como na infecção por múltiplos genótipos de alto risco oncogênico, sugerindo a pesquisa molecular do HPV complementar à citologia. A presença de infecção latente pelo HPV também foi observada, a qual deve ser acompanhada com exames citológicos periódicos. A infecção por Chlamydia trachomatis desempenha importante papel como cofator para o desenvolvimento do CC e foi prevalente na população estudada, demonstrando associação com a presença de diferentes genótipos de HPV. Tanto nas pacientes sintomáticas como nas assintomáticas houve a detecção de leveduras do gênero Candida, sendo que a mais prevalente foi a C. albicans apresentando-se sensível à Anidulafungina e Anfotericina B, na maioria dos casos, e resistente ao Fluconazol. Com relação à expressão da proteína S100A4, houve associação com as alterações citológicas características do HPV, nas quais houve redução de sua expressão à medida que aumentou o grau da lesão. No entanto, também observamos que há expressão fisiológica da proteína S100A4 no epitélio escamoso estratificado da ectocérvice que varia de acordo com o grau de maturação celular e a presença de alterações citológicas inflamatórias, onde foi demonstrado aumento da sua expressão. Portanto, a avaliação da expressão da proteína S100A4 pode auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce do câncer de colo do útero nas lesões intraepiteliais cervicais positivas para HPV. Analisando-se globalmente, estes resultados sugerem a inclusão da pesquisa molecular de HPV e C. trachomatis, bem como a identificação de leveduras do gênero Candida complementares à citologia esfoliativa junto a programas de rastreamento. Além disso, a proteína S100A4, mostrou-se promissora como biomarcador dos efeitos celulares dos fatores associados. Observa-se que a associação de diferentes metodologias permite a detecção precoce de lesões e, consequentemente, contribuem para a redução da incidência do CC. / Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main responsible for the development of intraepithelial lesions and potentially cervical cancer (CC). The presence of factors such as inflammation and other infectious agents contribute to the onset and persistence of the virus. The inclusion of HPV research and other infectious agents associated in the CC screening programs is still controversial. In addition, it is known that inflammation and cell injury caused by the presence of HPV and their cofactors cause changes in gene expression and function of several proteins, including the S100A4 which could function as a biomarker of exposure. Thereby, samples of cervical specimens were analyzed to investigate the relationship of cytological diagnosis in the presence of infectious agents, other than the standard expression of S100A4 protein. Our results demonstrated that the development of lesions or cytological atypia was associated with the presence of HPV in either simple infection or infection by multiple genotypes of high oncogenic risk, indicating the importance of molecular HPV analysis complementary to cytology. The presence of latent infection was also observed and must be monitored with periodic cytological examinations. The Chlamydia trachomatis infection plays an important role as a cofactor for the development of CC and was prevalent in the population studied, demonstrating association with the presence of different HPV genotypes. For both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients there was a yeast detection of Candida, and the most prevalent was the Candida albicans presenting sensitive to Anidulafungin and Amphotericin B, in most cases, and resistant Fluconazole. Regarding the S100A4 protein expression, there was association with abnormal cytological HPV characteristics where a reduction of expression could be observed and the degree of injury increased. However, we also observed that there are physiological expression of S100A4 protein in the stratified squamous epithelium of the ectocervix and this varies according to the degree of cell maturation and the presence of inflammatory cell alterations, increased expression where demonstrated. Therefore, the evaluation of the expression of S100A4 protein may assist in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer in cervical intraepithelial lesions positive for HPV. Overall, these results suggest the inclusion of molecular research of HPV and C. trachomatis, and the identification of yeasts Candida complementary to exfoliative cytology in screening programs. In addition, the S100A4 protein has shown to be promising as a biomarker for cellular effects of associated factors. It was observed that the association of different methodologies allows early detection of lesions and therefore contribute to reducing the incidence of CC.

Avaliação da relação entre a infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano e outros agentes sexualmente transmissíveis e a expressão de S100A4 em amostras cervicais

Wohlmeister, Denise January 2015 (has links)
A infecção pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é a principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento de lesões intraepiteliais e, potencialmente, do câncer cervical (CC). A presença de fatores como inflamação e outros agentes infecciosos contribuem para a instalação e persistência do vírus. A inclusão da pesquisa do HPV e de outros agentes infecciosos relacionados junto a programas de rastreamento do CC ainda é controversa. Além disso, sabe-se que o processo inflamatório e as lesões celulares decorrentes da presença de HPV e seus cofatores provocam alterações na expressão de diversas proteínas, entre elas a S100A4, que poderia funcionar como biomarcador de exposição. Desta forma, foram analisadas amostras de esfregaços cervicais para investigação da relação do diagnóstico citológico com a presença de agentes infecciosos, além do padrão de expressão da proteína S100A4. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o aparecimento de lesões ou atipias citológicas apresentou associação com a presença de HPV, tanto na infecção simples como na infecção por múltiplos genótipos de alto risco oncogênico, sugerindo a pesquisa molecular do HPV complementar à citologia. A presença de infecção latente pelo HPV também foi observada, a qual deve ser acompanhada com exames citológicos periódicos. A infecção por Chlamydia trachomatis desempenha importante papel como cofator para o desenvolvimento do CC e foi prevalente na população estudada, demonstrando associação com a presença de diferentes genótipos de HPV. Tanto nas pacientes sintomáticas como nas assintomáticas houve a detecção de leveduras do gênero Candida, sendo que a mais prevalente foi a C. albicans apresentando-se sensível à Anidulafungina e Anfotericina B, na maioria dos casos, e resistente ao Fluconazol. Com relação à expressão da proteína S100A4, houve associação com as alterações citológicas características do HPV, nas quais houve redução de sua expressão à medida que aumentou o grau da lesão. No entanto, também observamos que há expressão fisiológica da proteína S100A4 no epitélio escamoso estratificado da ectocérvice que varia de acordo com o grau de maturação celular e a presença de alterações citológicas inflamatórias, onde foi demonstrado aumento da sua expressão. Portanto, a avaliação da expressão da proteína S100A4 pode auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce do câncer de colo do útero nas lesões intraepiteliais cervicais positivas para HPV. Analisando-se globalmente, estes resultados sugerem a inclusão da pesquisa molecular de HPV e C. trachomatis, bem como a identificação de leveduras do gênero Candida complementares à citologia esfoliativa junto a programas de rastreamento. Além disso, a proteína S100A4, mostrou-se promissora como biomarcador dos efeitos celulares dos fatores associados. Observa-se que a associação de diferentes metodologias permite a detecção precoce de lesões e, consequentemente, contribuem para a redução da incidência do CC. / Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main responsible for the development of intraepithelial lesions and potentially cervical cancer (CC). The presence of factors such as inflammation and other infectious agents contribute to the onset and persistence of the virus. The inclusion of HPV research and other infectious agents associated in the CC screening programs is still controversial. In addition, it is known that inflammation and cell injury caused by the presence of HPV and their cofactors cause changes in gene expression and function of several proteins, including the S100A4 which could function as a biomarker of exposure. Thereby, samples of cervical specimens were analyzed to investigate the relationship of cytological diagnosis in the presence of infectious agents, other than the standard expression of S100A4 protein. Our results demonstrated that the development of lesions or cytological atypia was associated with the presence of HPV in either simple infection or infection by multiple genotypes of high oncogenic risk, indicating the importance of molecular HPV analysis complementary to cytology. The presence of latent infection was also observed and must be monitored with periodic cytological examinations. The Chlamydia trachomatis infection plays an important role as a cofactor for the development of CC and was prevalent in the population studied, demonstrating association with the presence of different HPV genotypes. For both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients there was a yeast detection of Candida, and the most prevalent was the Candida albicans presenting sensitive to Anidulafungin and Amphotericin B, in most cases, and resistant Fluconazole. Regarding the S100A4 protein expression, there was association with abnormal cytological HPV characteristics where a reduction of expression could be observed and the degree of injury increased. However, we also observed that there are physiological expression of S100A4 protein in the stratified squamous epithelium of the ectocervix and this varies according to the degree of cell maturation and the presence of inflammatory cell alterations, increased expression where demonstrated. Therefore, the evaluation of the expression of S100A4 protein may assist in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer in cervical intraepithelial lesions positive for HPV. Overall, these results suggest the inclusion of molecular research of HPV and C. trachomatis, and the identification of yeasts Candida complementary to exfoliative cytology in screening programs. In addition, the S100A4 protein has shown to be promising as a biomarker for cellular effects of associated factors. It was observed that the association of different methodologies allows early detection of lesions and therefore contribute to reducing the incidence of CC.

Calcium-Binding Protein S100A4 Is Upregulated in Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques and Contributes to Expansive Remodeling / 頚動脈プラークにおいてS100A4発現が亢進し、陽性リモデリングと関連する

Nagata, Manabu 24 November 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13515号 / 論医博第2265号 / 新制||医||1061(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 湊谷 謙司, 教授 石見 拓, 教授 江木 盛時 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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