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Métodos de amostragem e tamanho de amostra para avaliar o estado de maturação da uva Niágara Rosada / Sampling methods and sample size to evaluate the maturation state of the Ni´agara Rosada grapeAraújo, Elton Gean 08 February 2008 (has links)
O Estado de São Paulo é o principal produtor de uvas de mesa do país, sendo a Niágara Rosada (Vitis Labrusca) a cultivar predominante. Para se oferecer produtos de qualidade ao mercado, os produtores necessitam determinar, periodicamente, o estado de maturação das uvas, sendo o teor de sólidos solúveis (tss), a principal variável avaliada. Para essa determinação, utilizase a amostragem dos frutos na área cultivada. O presente trabalho discute, assim, os métodos de amostragem estratificado e aleatório, e o tamanho adequado da amostra de baga individual, para avaliar o estado de maturação da uva Niágara Rosada, com base no teor de sólidos solúveis. O tamanho adequado da amostra de baga individual foi encontrado para os dois métodos de amostragem, separadamente, utilizando-se os métodos Máxima Curvatura, Máxima Curvatura Modificado e Curva da Variancia. Os métodos de amostragem foram comparados utilizando-se uma análise univariada para dados com medidas repetidas, através dos procedimentos GLM e MIXED do SAS. Foram utilizados dois procedimentos, para que se produzisse resultados confiáveis. Os tamanhos mínimos de amostra de baga individual requeridos, para os métodos estratificado e aleatório foram aproximadamente 30 e 27 bagas por área, respectivamente. Os métodos de amostragem estudados apresentaram diferença significativa, e o método aleatório apresentou grande variação máxima e mínima por planta, devendo assim, ser evitado para esse tipo de estudo. / Sao Paulo state is the main table grape producer in Brazil, being the Niágara Rosada (Vitis Labrusca) the predominant cultivar. To offer quality products to the market, the producers need to determine, periodically, the grapes maturation state, being the content of soluble solids the main variable measured. To determine this content, a sample of fruits in an area is collected. This work approaches the random and the stratified sampling methods and the appropriate sample size of individual berry to evaluate the maturation state of the Niágara Rosada based on the content of soluble solids. The appropriate sample size for individual berry was obtained for two sampling methods, separately, using the Maximum Curvature, Modified Maximum Curvature and Variance Curve methods. The sampling methods were compared using a univariate analysis for repeated measures data using the SAS GLM and MIXED procedures. Two different procedures were used to attain reliable results. The minimum berry sample size required for stratified and random methods were approximately 30 and 27 berries by area, respectively. The sampling methods investigated present significantly different results, and the random method presented high maximum and minimum variation by plant and should be avoided for this kind of study.
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Identificação de suspeitos de demência em três distritos do município de São Paulo / -Hototian, Sérgio Ricardo 27 January 2005 (has links)
Estudo epidemiológico descritivo, transversal, com 1 560 idosos de amostra representativa da cidade de São Paulo.Testes de avaliação cognitiva associados a escalas de atividades diárias compuseram o instrumento de screening aplicado porta a porta. A prevalência de suspeitos foi de 16,1%. O teste Chi2 seguido de análise por regressão logística mostraram relação das variáveis idade, analfabetismo ou baixa escolaridade, AVC e diabetes mellitus com suspeita de demência; as variáveis sexo, classe socioeconômica, cor, HAS, colesterol, depressão e TCE não apresentaram relação com suspeita de demência / Descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study with 1 560 elderly in representative sampling of São Paulo city. Cognitive evaluation tests associated with scales of daily activities composed the screening and were carried out door to door. Suspect prevalence rate was 16,1%. The Chi2 test with logistic regressive analysis showed a relationship between age, illiteracy or few years of study, stroke and diabetes mellitus with dementia suspicion. The variables gender, socioeconomic class, skin color, systemic arterial hypertension, cholesterol, depression and cranioencephalic traumatism showed no relationship with dementia suspicion
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Métodos de amostragem no levantamento da comunidade arbórea em floresta estacional semidecidual. / Sampling methods for surveying in tree species community in a semideciduous forest.Gorenstein, Mauricio Romero 26 April 2002 (has links)
Métodos de amostragem no levantamento da comunidade arbórea em floresta estacional semidecidual foram comparados. Primeiro foi testado o método de Bitterlich a fim de selecionar o fator de área basal mais adequado para o estudo da comunidade arbórea. O critério de inclusão adotado foi todas as árvores com DAP > 10 cm. Os fatores de área basal de 2, 3 e 4 m 2 ha -1 amostraram 596, 408 e 297 indivíduos e 59, 57 e 50 espécies, respectivamente. As estimativas de área basal, DAP médio, diversidade e equabilidade não apresentaram diferenças significativas. O fator de área basal igual a 3 foi selecionado porque mostrou melhor resultado em relação ao tempo gasto e facilidade de campo. Em uma segunda análise, os métodos de parcelas de área fixa (100 parcelas contíguas), pontos quadrantes e pontos de Bitterlich foram comparados para o levantamento da comunidade arbórea. O critério de inclusão adotado foi todas as árvores > 10cm. As 100 parcelas contíguas de 10x10m amostraram 59 espécies. Os 177 pontos de quadrantes amostraram 69 espécies e os 45 pontos de Bitterlich (fator de área basal = 3 m 2 ha -1 ) amostraram 57 espécies. Ocotea indecora foi favorecida pelo método de Bitterlich. O método de Bitterlich apresentou dificuldades no trabalho de campo devido a falta de visibilidade em algum pontos. Entretanto esse método apresentou melhor resultado na amostragem de espécies quando o esforço amostral é analisado por unidades amostrais. O método de quadrantes foi melhor na análise do esforço amostral por tempo. Na terceira análise o efeito de desvios da completa aleatoriedade espacial sobre a estimativa de densidade produzida pelo método de quadrantes foi analisada através de simulação de Monte Carlo. Foram geradas florestas hipotéticas com padrão espacial regular e agrupado com diferentes densidades. O efeito do tamanho da amostra também foi analisado, porém não mostrou efeito significativo na redução do viés. Os valores de viés relativo da estimativa da densidade variaram desde +70,3% (florestas regulares) até -75,7% (florestas fortemente agrupadas). A densidade de árvores não causou efeito na estimativa do viés, com exceção para as florestas completamente aleatórias e regulares em lattice aleatorizado. O método de quadrantes superestima a densidade arbórea para as florestas com padrão regular e subestima a densidade para as florestas com padrão espacial agrupado. É importante saber a priori o padrão espacial da floresta a fim de se aplicar o método de quadrantes e saber interpretar os seus resultados. / Sampling methods for surveying in tree species community in a semideciduos forest were compared. First was applied the angle count sampling method and select the best basal area factor to study the tree community. The criterion of inclusion adopted was all trees with DBH > 10cm. The basal factors 2, 3 and 4 m 2 ha -1 sampled 596, 408 and 297 individuals and 59, 57 and 50 species. The estimates of basal area, mean DBH, density, diversity and equability are not significantly differents among basal area factors. The basal area factor 3 was selected because showed better performance in terms of time spent and field operation. In a second analysis three sampling methods were compared for survey tree species community: fixed area plot (100 contiguos plots), point centered quarter method and Bitterlich method. The criterion of inclusion adopted was all trees with DBH > 10cm. The 100 contiguous plots of 10x10m showed 59 species. The 177 centered quarter method sampled 69 species and the 45 angle count points (basal area factor = 3 m 2 ha -1 ) showed 57 species. Ocotea indecora was favored by the Bitterlich method. Bitterlich method presented difficulty in field operation due to the lack of visibility in some sample points. However it better presented performance in the sampling of species in the amostral effort for plots. The centered quarter method was better in the amostral effort for time. In a third analysis the effect of deviation from the complete spatial randomness on point centered quarter method estimate of forest density was analysed through Monte Carlo simulation of hypothetical forests with regular and clustered spatial patterns and with diferent densities. The influence of sample size was also analysed, but showed no marked effect on estimation biases. The relative bias on the tree density estimation varied from +70.3% (regular lattice spatial pattern) to -75.7% (strongly clustered spatial pattern). Tree density did not affected estimation bias, except for completely spatial pattern and randomized regular lattice pattern. Point-centered quarter method overestimate (positive bias) tree density for regular patterns and underestimate (negative bias) for clustered patterns. Knowledge of tree spatial pattern in a forest is necessary for correct implementation and results interpretation in this method.
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Vers une nouvelle génération de modèles de glissements co-sismiques : analyse stochastique et approche multi-données / Toward the next generation of earthquake source models : a stochastic approach involving multiple data-typesGombert, Baptiste 23 March 2018 (has links)
L’explosion du nombre et de la variété des données géodésiques, sismologiques et tsunami disponibles est une opportunité exceptionnelle pour produire de nouveaux modèles de la source sismique. Mais ces données n’apportent pas toutes la même information et sont soumises à différentes sources d’incertitudes, rendant la solution au problème inverse non-unique. Dans cette thèse, nous utilisons une méthode d’échantillonnage bayésien pour produire de nouveaux modèles de glissement moins assujettis au sur-ajustement des données et permettant une estimation réaliste de l’incertitude associée aux paramètres estimés. Nous l’appliquons à l’étude du glissement dans trois contextes tectoniques différents : le séisme de Landers (1992, Mw=7.3), la zone de subduction équato-colombienne où s’est produit le séisme de Pedernales (2016, Mw=7.8), et le séisme intra-plaque de Tehuantepec (2017, Mw=8.2). À travers ce travail, nous démontrons l’importance de la considération rigoureuse des incertitudes et les atouts de l’approche bayésienne pour l’étude des différentes phases du cycle sismique. / The explosion in the amount and variety of available geodetic, tsunami, and seismological observations offers an outstanding opportunity to develop new seismic source models. But these data are sensitive to different sources of uncertainty and provide heterogeneous information, which makes the solution of the inverse problem non-unique.In this thesis, we use a Bayesian sampling method to propose new slip models, which benefit from an objective weighting of the various datasets by combining observational and modelling errors. These models are less affected by data overfit and allow a realistic assessment of posterior uncertainties. We apply this method to the study of slip processes occurring in three different tectonic contexts: the Landers earthquake (1992, Mw=7.3), the Ecuador-Colombia subduction zone which hosted the Pedernales earthquake (2016, Mw=7.8), and the intraslab Tehuantepec earthquake (2017, Mw=8.2). Through these analyses, we demonstrate how the study of the seismic cycle can benefit from rigorous uncertainty estimates and Bayesian sampling.
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Diverzitet, distribucija, diferencijacija mikrostaništa i struktura zajednica mahovina Fruške gore / Diversity, Distribution, Microhabitat Differentiation and Community Structure of Bryophytes of Fruška Gora MountainIlić Miloš 11 June 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu je analizirana brioflora Fruške gore. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje diverziteta, distribucije, uslova mikrostaništa i strukture zajednica mahovina na različitim tipovima staništa na Fruškoj gori. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva je bio i testiranje i optimizacija metode za kvantitativna uzorkovanja briofita na različitim tipovima staništa. Terenska istraživanja su vršena u periodu 2013-2017 godine. Za<br />potrebe florističkih istraživanja terenska uzorkovanja su vršena metodom transekta na 120 lokaliteta na području Fruške gore. Za testiranje i optimizaciju metoda za kvantitativna briološka uzorkovanja korišćene su različite varijante metoda „kvadrata“ (metod ugneždenih kvadrata za prizemnu briofloru i metod postavljanja mikroplotova na različitoj udaljenosti za epifitsku briofloru). Odgovarajuće metode su odabrane na osnovu kriva minimum areala i kriva sličnosti (eng. species-area curve, similarity area curve). Odgovarajuće metode su primenjene za dalja uzorkovanja u ovom istraživanju. Na pojedinim lokalitetima (šumska i livadska staništa) vršeno je merenje nekoliko ekoloških parametara (pH zemljišta i kore drveta, vlažnost zemljišta, temperatura zemljišta, pokrovnost stelje, pokrovnost<br />zeljastih vaskularnih biljaka, udaljenost od potoka u šumskim staništima i udaljenost šumskih ekosistema na livadskim staništima) u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja merenih ekoloških parametara na diverzitet i distribuciju briofita. Briofitske zajednice su utvrđene na različitim tipovima staništa i podloge uz pomoć „label propagating community detection“ analize.Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da je Fruška<br />gora područje koje se odlikuje visokim diverzitetom briofita i ukupno je zabeleženo 235 briofitskih taksona (na osnovu literaturnih podataka i terenskih istraživanja). 73 taksona briofita je prvi put zabeleženo na području Fruške gore. Od ukupnog<br />broja taksona, 11% je pod nekim stepenom ugroženosti ili zakonske zaštite. Metoda mikrocenoze se pokazala kao najadekvatniji metod za kvantitativna uzorkovanja prizemnih briofita (sa minimalnom adekvatnom veličinom kvadrata 0.5x0.5 m u šumskim odnosno 1x1 m na livadskim staništima). Za epifitske briofite, kao najadekvatnija se pokazale metoda postavljanja mikroplotova dimenzija 10x10 cm sa sve četiri strane stabla na međusobnoj udaljenosti od 20 cm. Struktura staništa ima značajno veći uticaj na diverzitet prizemnih briofita u šumskim staništima u odnosu na karakteristike zemljišta, dok je na livadskim<br />staništima zabeležen obrnut slučaj. Najveći uticaj na diverzitet epifitskih briofita ima visina na stablu kao i tip forofite. Na istraživanom području je detektovano devet zajednica u prizemnoj brioflori šumskih staništa; šest epifitskih zajednica; pet zajednica na livadskim staništima; četiri zajednice na trulim deblima i panjevima; 10 zajednica na stenama i kamenju; četiri zajednice u potocima. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju građu za dalja briološka istraživanja, kako floristička tako i ekološka, i dopunu flore Srbije.</p> / <p>In this research, the bryophyte flora of Fruška gora Mountain was analyzed. The aim of this research was to determine the diversity, distribution, microhabitat conditions and community structure of bryophytes on different types of habitats on Fruška Gora. Also, one of the goals was testing and optimization of the method for quantitative sampling of bryophytes on different types of habitats. Field research was carried out in the period 2013-2017. For the purposes of floristic research, field sampling was carried out using the transect method at 120 localities. Different variants of the "quadrat" method (method of nested quadrats for terrestrial bryophytes and the method of placing microplots at different distances for the epiphytic byphytes) were used for testing and optimization of methods for quantitative bryophyte sampling. Appropriate methods were selected on the basis species-area curve and similarity-area curve. Appropriate methods have been applied to further sampling in this study. On some localities (forest and meadow habitats) several environmental parameters (pH of soil and bark of wood, soil moisture, soil temperature, roof cover, coverage of herbaceous vascular plants, distance from the stream in forest habitats and distance of forest ecosystems in meadow habitats) were measured in order to determine their impact on the diversity and distribution of bryophytes. Bryophyte communities were identified on different substrates and habitat types using "label propagating community detection" analysis. The results of this study have shown that Fruška gora is an area characterized by a high diversity of bryophytes and a total number of 235 taxa were recorded (based on literature data and field research). 73 taxa were recorded for the first time on this area. Of the total number of taxa, 11% is threatened or under legislative protection. The microcenose method proved to be the most adequate for quantitative sampling of terrestrial bryophytes (with a minimum quadrat size of 0.5x0.5 m in forests and 1x1 m in meadow habitats). For the epiphytic bryophytes, the method of placing the microplots (10x10 cm) on all four sides of the tree at a distance of 20 cm is most suitable. The stand structure has a significantly greater influence on the diversity of terrestrial bryophytes in forest habitats compared to soil haracteristics, while in the meadow habitats there is a reverse case. The greatest influence on the diversity of epiphytic bryophytes has height on the tree as well as the type of phorphyte. In the investigated area, nine bryophyte communities were detected in ground bryopyhte flora of forest habitats; six epiphytic communities; five communities in meadow habitats; four communities on rotten trunks and horns; 10 communities on the rocks and stones; four communities in streams. The obtained results represent the base for further bryological research, both floristic and ecological, and the addition to the flora of Serbia.</p>
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Using radial k-space sampling and temporal filters in MRI to improve temporal resolutionBrynolfsson, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
In this master thesis methods for increasing temporal resolution when reconstructing radially sampled MRI data have been developed and evaluated. This has been done in two steps; first the order in which data is sampled in k-space has been optimized, and second; temporal filters have been developed in order to utilize the high sampling density in central regions of k-space as a result of the polar sampling geometry to increase temporal resolution while maintaining image quality.By properly designing the temporal filters the temporal resolution is increased by a factor 3–20 depending on other variables such as imageresolution and the size of the time varying areas in the image. The results are obtained from simulated raw data and subsequent reconstruction. The next step should be to acquire and reconstruct raw data to confirm the results. / This Master thesis work were performed at Dept. Radiation Physis, Linköping University, but examined at Dept. Radiation Physics, Umeå University
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Sparse Modeling Applied to Patient Identification for Safety in Medical Physics ApplicationsUnknown Date (has links)
Every scheduled treatment at a radiation therapy clinic involves a series of safety
protocol to ensure the utmost patient care. Despite safety protocol, on a rare occasion
an entirely preventable medical event, an accident, may occur. Delivering a treatment
plan to the wrong patient is preventable, yet still is a clinically documented error.
This research describes a computational method to identify patients with a novel
machine learning technique to combat misadministration.The patient identification
program stores face and fingerprint data for each patient. New, unlabeled data from
those patients are categorized according to the library. The categorization of data by
this face-fingerprint detector is accomplished with new machine learning algorithms
based on Sparse Modeling that have already begun transforming the foundation of
Computer Vision. Previous patient recognition software required special subroutines
for faces and di↵erent tailored subroutines for fingerprints. In this research, the same
exact model is used for both fingerprints and faces, without any additional subroutines
and even without adjusting the two hyperparameters. Sparse modeling is a powerful tool, already shown utility in the areas of super-resolution, denoising, inpainting,
demosaicing, and sub-nyquist sampling, i.e. compressed sensing. Sparse Modeling
is possible because natural images are inherrently sparse in some bases, due to their
inherrant structure. This research chooses datasets of face and fingerprint images to
test the patient identification model. The model stores the images of each dataset as
a basis (library). One image at a time is removed from the library, and is classified by
a sparse code in terms of the remaining library. The Locally Competetive Algorithm,
a truly neural inspired Artificial Neural Network, solves the computationally difficult
task of finding the sparse code for the test image. The components of the sparse
representation vector are summed by `1 pooling, and correct patient identification is
consistently achieved 100% over 1000 trials, when either the face data or fingerprint
data are implemented as a classification basis. The algorithm gets 100% classification
when faces and fingerprints are concatenated into multimodal datasets. This suggests
that 100% patient identification will be achievable in the clinal setting. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Evaluating the effects of data collection methodology on the assessment of situations with the riverside situational q-sortUnknown Date (has links)
The practice of evaluating situations with the Riverside Situational Q-Sort (RSQ:Wagerman & Funder, 2009) is relatively new. The present study aimed to investigate the theoretical framework supporting the RSQ with regards to the potential confounds of emotional state and the use of Likert-type ratings. Data were collected from a sample of Florida Atlantic University students (N = 206). Participants were primed for either a positive or negative mood state and asked to evaluate a situation with the RSQ in either the Q-Sort or Likert-type response format. Results suggested that response format has a significant influence on RSQ evaluations, but mood and the interaction between mood
and response format do not. Exploratory analyses were conducted to determine the underlying mechanisms responsible. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Avaliação do comportamento do fogo em áreas de pastagem e cerrado submetidas a queimas controladasReyes, Rosemberg Rodriguez 18 May 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o comportamento do fogo em queimas controladas, com o fim de estabelecer relações entre as variáveis do comportamento do fogo e fatores determinantes de propagação (material combustível e variáveis climáticas). Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas experimentais e em três períodos do dia de realização das queimas: no horário de 07:00 as 11:00 horas da manhã, no horário de 13:00 as 17:30 horas e de 18:00 as 21:00 horas, nos municípios de Gurupi-TO e Dueré-TO, no mês de junho de 2016. A primeira área, denominada Gurupi I, está distante 3 km do município de Gurupi-TO, com vegetação Andropogon gayanus (altura média de 1,80 cm); a segunda área, denominada Gurupi II, está distante 4 km do município de Gurupi-TO, com Andropogon gayanus (altura média entre 40-60 cm) e a terceira área, denominada Dueré, fica aproximadamente a 40 km do município de Gurupi-TO, com vegetação típica de Cerrado Stricto Sensu. Para a realização da coleta de material combustível, a metodologia empregada foi a de “amostragem destrutiva” que consiste na retirada de todo o material contido no quadrante (1x1 m). O material combustível foi separado em vivo e morto, e por classes diamétricas (< 0,7 cm; 0,7 – 2,5 cm; 2,5 – 7,6 cm; > 7,6 cm). De acordo com as análises estatísticas, Gurupi I foi a área que apresentou maior biomassa de material combustível vivo e morto com diâmetro < 0,7 cm (3,789 t.ha-1; 9,912 t.ha-1). Já na área Dueré, o material combustível vivo e morto com diâmetro <0,7 cm apresentou uma carga de 0,451 t.ha-1; 3,492 t.ha-1 respectivamente. O material combustível morto, com diâmetros > 0,7 cm, foi observado somente na área de Dueré com uma carga total de 0,879 t.ha-1. Com relação aos resultados obtidos em Dueré, a velocidade média do vento variou de 0,0 m.s-1 (período da tarde) a 0,02 m.s-1 (período da noite). Na intensidade do fogo, esta variação ficou entre 118,60 kcal.m-1 s-1 (manhã) e 361,45 kcal.m-1.s-1 (tarde) e a (noite) com a menor intensidade 53,21 kcal.m-1.s-1. Em Gurupi I, com relação à altura das chamas no período da manhã, foi observado o menor valor (1,12 m) e no período da tarde o maior valor (3,47 m). Em Gurupi II, a velocidade média de propagação foi maior nas queimas realizadas no período da manhã (0,02 m.s-1) e da tarde (0,04 m.s-1). A temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar foram, respectivamente, maiores e menores no período da tarde com os seguintes valores: 37,4º C e 17,0%, e apresentaram correlação com os parâmetros de comportamento do fogo e foram incluídas nos modelos matemáticos gerais ajustados para predição da velocidade de propagação (R2 = 0,44); da intensidade do fogo (R2 = 0,60) e da altura das chamas (R2 = 0,74). De forma geral as variáveis que mais exerceram influência no comportamento do fogo foram as variáveis meteorológicas como umidade relativa e temperatura do ar. / The objective of the present study was to evaluate the behavior of fire in controlled burning, in order to establish relationships between fire behavior variables and propagation determinants (combustible material and climatic variables). This work was developed in three experimental areas divided into three periods of the day for the firing of the burns, from 07:00 to 11:00 in the morning, from 13:00 to 17:30 and from 18:00 at 21:00 hours, in the municipalities of Gurupi-TO and Dueré-TO, in June 2016. The first area, called Gurupi I, is 3 km from the municipality of Gurupi-TO, with vegetation Andropogon gayanus (average height of 1.80 cm); The second area, called Gurupi II, is 4 km from the municipality of Gurupi-TO, with Andropogon gayanus (average height between 40-60 cm) and the third area, called Dueré, is approximately 40 km from the municipality of Gurupi-TO, With vegetation typical of Cerrado Stricto Sensu. For the collection of combustible material, the methodology used was the "destructive sampling" used by different authors, which consists of the removal of all the material contained in the quadrant. The combustible material was separated in vivo and dead, and by diametric grades (<0.7 cm, 0.7 - 2.5 cm, 2.5 - 7.6 cm, >7.6 cm). According to the statistical analysis, Gurupi I was the area that presented the largest biomass of living and dead combustible material with a diameter of <0.7 cm (3.789 t.ha-1; 9.912 t.ha-1). In the Dueré area, live and dead fuel with a diameter of <0.7 cm had a load of 0.451 t.ha-1; 3.492 t.ha-1 respectively. The dead fuel material, with diameters> 0.7 cm, was observed only in the Dueré area with a total load of 0.879 t.ha-1. Regarding the results obtained in Dueré, the average wind speed ranged from 0.0 m.s-1 (afternoon period) to 0.02 m.s-1 (night time). In the fire intensity, this variation was between 118.60 kcal.m-1.s-1 (morning) and 361.45 kcal.m-1.s-1 (late) and at (night) with the lowest intensity 53.21 kcal.m-1.s-1. In Gurupi I, the height of the flames in the morning was observed the lowest value (1.12 m) and in the afternoon showed the highest height (3.47 m). In Gurupi II, the average propagation velocity was higher in the morning (0.02 m.s-1) and in the afternoon (0.04 m.s-1). The temperature and relative humidity were respectively higher and lower in the afternoon with the following values: 37.4°C and 17.0%, and presented correlation with fire behavior parameters and were included in the mathematical models General adjusted for propagation velocity prediction (R2= 0.44); of the fire intensity (R2 = 0.60) and the height of the flames (R2 = 0.74). In general, the variables that exerted most influence on fire behavior were the meteorological variables, such as relative humidity and air temperature.
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Mesh models of images, their generation, and their application in image scalingMostafavian, Ali 22 January 2019 (has links)
Triangle-mesh modeling, as one of the approaches for representing images based on nonuniform sampling, has become quite popular and beneficial in many applications. In this thesis, image representation using triangle-mesh models and its application in image scaling are studied. Consequently, two new methods, namely, the SEMMG and MIS methods are proposed, where each solves a different problem. In particular, the SEMMG method is proposed to address the problem of image representation by producing effective mesh models that are used for representing grayscale images, by minimizing squared error. The MIS method is proposed to address the image-scaling problem for grayscale images that are approximately piecewise-smooth, using triangle-mesh models.
The SEMMG method, which is proposed for addressing the mesh-generation problem, is developed based on an earlier work, which uses a greedy-point-insertion (GPI) approach to generate a mesh model with explicit representation of discontinuities (ERD). After in-depth analyses of two existing methods for generating the ERD models, several weaknesses are identified and specifically addressed to improve the quality of the generated models, leading to the proposal of the SEMMG method. The performance of the SEMMG method is then evaluated by comparing the quality of the meshes it produces with those obtained by eight other competing methods, namely, the error-diffusion (ED) method of Yang, the modified Garland-Heckbert (MGH) method, the ERDED and ERDGPI methods of Tu and Adams, the Garcia-Vintimilla-Sappa (GVS) method, the hybrid wavelet triangulation (HWT) method of Phichet, the binary space partition (BSP) method of Sarkis, and the adaptive triangular meshes (ATM) method of Liu. For this evaluation, the error between the original and reconstructed images, obtained from each method under comparison, is measured in terms of the PSNR. Moreover, in the case of the competing methods whose implementations are available, the subjective quality is compared in addition to the PSNR. Evaluation results show that the reconstructed images obtained from the SEMMG method are better than those obtained by the competing methods in terms of both PSNR and subjective quality. More specifically, in the case of the methods with implementations, the results collected from 350 test cases show that the SEMMG method outperforms the ED, MGH, ERDED, and ERDGPI schemes in approximately 100%, 89%, 99%, and 85% of cases, respectively. Moreover, in the case of the methods without implementations, we show that the PSNR of the reconstructed images produced by the SEMMG method are on average 3.85, 0.75, 2, and 1.10 dB higher than those obtained by the GVS, HWT, BSP, and ATM methods, respectively. Furthermore, for a given PSNR, the SEMMG method is shown to produce much smaller meshes compared to those obtained by the GVS and BSP methods, with approximately 65% to 80% fewer vertices and 10% to 60% fewer triangles, respectively. Therefore, the SEMMG method is shown to be capable of producing triangular meshes of higher quality and smaller sizes (i.e., number of vertices or triangles) which can be effectively used for image representation.
Besides the superior image approximations achieved with the SEMMG method, this work also makes contributions by addressing the problem of image scaling. For this purpose, the application of triangle-mesh mesh models in image scaling is studied. Some of the mesh-based image-scaling approaches proposed to date employ mesh models that are associated with an approximating function that is continuous everywhere, which inevitably yields edge blurring in the process of image scaling. Moreover, other mesh-based image-scaling approaches that employ approximating functions with discontinuities are often based on mesh simplification where the method starts with an extremely large initial mesh, leading to a very slow mesh generation with high memory cost. In this thesis, however, we propose a new mesh-based image-scaling (MIS) method which firstly employs an approximating function with selected discontinuities to better maintain the sharpness at the edges. Secondly, unlike most of the other discontinuity-preserving mesh-based methods, the proposed MIS method is not based on mesh simplification. Instead, our MIS method employs a mesh-refinement scheme, where it starts from a very simple mesh and iteratively refines the mesh to reach a desirable size. For developing the MIS method, the performance of our SEMMG method, which is proposed for image representation, is examined in the application of image scaling. Although the SEMMG method is not designed for solving the problem of image scaling, examining its performance in this application helps to better understand potential shortcomings of using a mesh generator in image scaling. Through this examination, several shortcomings are found and different techniques are devised to address them. By applying these techniques, a new effective mesh-generation method called MISMG is developed that can be used for image scaling. The MISMG method is then combined with a scaling transformation and a subdivision-based model-rasterization algorithm, yielding the proposed MIS method for scaling grayscale images that are approximately piecewise-smooth. The performance of our MIS method is then evaluated by comparing the quality of the scaled images it produces with those obtained from five well-known raster-based methods, namely, bilinear interpolation, bicubic interpolation of Keys, the directional cubic convolution interpolation (DCCI) method of Zhou et al., the new edge-directed image interpolation (NEDI) method of Li and Orchard, and the recent method of super-resolution using convolutional neural networks (SRCNN) by Dong et al.. Since our main goal is to produce scaled images of higher subjective quality with the least amount of edge blurring, the quality of the scaled images are first compared through a subjective evaluation followed by some objective evaluations. The results of the subjective evaluation show that the proposed MIS method was ranked best overall in almost 67\% of the cases, with the best average rank of 2 out of 6, among 380 collected rankings with 20 images and 19 participants. Moreover, visual inspections on the scaled images obtained with different methods show that the proposed MIS method produces scaled images of better quality with more accurate and sharper edges. Furthermore, in the case of the mesh-based image-scaling methods, where no implementation is available, the MIS method is conceptually compared, using theoretical analysis, to two mesh-based methods, namely, the subdivision-based image-representation (SBIR) method of Liao et al. and the curvilinear feature driven image-representation (CFDIR) method of Zhou et al.. / Graduate
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