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Systém pro záznam streamovaného videa z IP kamer / System for Recording Video from IP VideocamerasTravěnec, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on multimedia streaming from IP cameras. Its main goal is to explain theoretical background of real-time streaming via computer networks, and describe development of a recording system. This recording system is meant to be used mainly in schools for lecture recording purposes. The thesis contains description on how a recording server application and web-based management system were developed. The theoretical part explains topics related to multimedia streaming, networking, and multimedia procesing, such as real-time streaming protocols, encoding, compression, network latency, network congestion and many others.
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Peace Plus the Shooting? : A Critical Evaluation of SDP Practices and TenabilityGellrich, Arne L January 2014 (has links)
The study discusses the phenomenon of Sport for Development and Peace, in short SDP, which in recent years and with active support from the United Nations has been constantly gaining importance. Focusing on football, as the most popular sport, the thesis asks the question whether the generally positive view on both sports and the effects of sport participation on behaviour and the psycho-social development of youths is indeed a realistic assessment and if, in consequence, the game of football is accordingly applicable to projects in a peace-building context. To answer that question, the thesis first gives an overview over existing views and agendas concerning SDP projects among the international community, NGO’s, the private sector and academia. Then, two case studies of projects in Israel and the Balkans are presented, followed by a review of academic findings on the overall impact of sports. In an analytical part, the findings on the views on SDP, the case studies and the research considering sport in general are brought together. As a main result, the study manages to answer the research question, reaching the conclusion that the ramifications of sport are indeed much more ambivalent than generally suggested, and that the assessment of NGO’s, MNC’s and the UN alike would need to be adjusted accordingly. The UN recommendation to further sports in a peace-building context is not supported, however the human right to access to sport is recognised and the proliferation of sports in this context encouraged. It is however pointed out that such programmes are not automatically conductive towards the aims of peace and development work, but should rather be closely watched and well planned and implemented to avoid negative effects. Furthermore, SDP projects should be more thoroughly connected to other civil society initiatives. Both recommendations are so far not followed by the initiatives selected for the case studies.
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Hlasový dialogový systém ve webovém prohlížeči pro demonstrační účely / Voice Dialog System in Web Browser for Demonstration PurposesVlček, Pavol January 2021 (has links)
Cieľom práce je navrhnúť a vytvoriť hlasom ovládaného asistenta(voicebota), ktorý bude ľahko nasaditeľný na webovú stránku. Používateľom tak bude poskytnutý moderný spôsob, ako prirodzene komunikovať cez internetový prehliadač. Hlavný dôraz je kladený na synchronizáciu medzi hlasovým asistentom a obsahom na webovej stránke. Synchronizácia je dosiahnutá obojsmerným prenosom hlasu a textových príkazov medzi klientom a serverom. Na to je použitá technológia WebRTC v kombinácií so signalizačným protokolom SIP. Práca sa zaoberá oblasťami ako VoIP telefonovanie, počítačové siete a strojové učenie(proprietárne rečové technológie od Phonexie). Benefitom nasadenia hlasového asistenta je zníženie nákladov na odchádzajúce hovory pre klientov, odľahčenie agentov na call centrách pri odpovedaní na často kladené otázky a zvýšenie záujmu zákazníkov vďaka použitiu nových technológií.
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