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Bioremediation of organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil with microemulsionsZheng, Guanyu 01 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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A major change in sedimentary and structural style occurs in Eocene strata exposed along the southern margin of the Oregon Coast
Range. Lithofacies of the early Tertiary Umpqua Group have been described, mapped and assigned to likely depositional environments. Submarine fan and slope facies (upper Roseburg Formation) overlie Paleocene basaltic basement rocks to the north, whereas fluvial, deltaic and shallow marine facies (Lookingglass Formation) overlie Franciscan-equivalent strata to the south along the flank of the Klamath Mountains. These two depositional systems are gradational into one another, and were prograding northwestward until about 52 Ma. Means of clast compositions from sandstones and conglomerates from both the Roseburg and Lookingglass Formations suggest derivation from identical recycled orogen or arc-continent collision sources in the Klamath Mountains. Change from Klamath-parallel to more north-south structural trends is well displayed within early Eocene strata of the Umpqua Group. Five major fault systems involve lower Umpqua (Roseburg and Lookingglass) strata, and were active while deposition was taking place. All these faults ceased to be active at about 52-50 Ma, and are overlapped by the middle Eocene Tyee Formation. Regional strain analysis indicates more than 20 percent shortening by right-lateral convergence during early Eocene time. The structural style and syn-tectonic deformation of marine slope facies suggest deposition in an active subduction complex until about 52 Ma. Structural trends in the southern Oregon Coast Range parallel those in the adjacent Klamath Mountains until the end of the early Eocene. At 52-50 Ma, subduction apparently ceased as incoming seamounts clogged the trench, and may have jumped to an outboard position near the present day coastline. In middle Eocene time, the newly developed forearc region rapidly filled with sediments from a much sandier depositional system. Paleomagnetic studies of relatively undeformed Tyee forearc strata indicate as much clockwise rotation as the much more deformed, underlying volcanic basement of the Oregon Coast Range. Rotation of the Oregon Coast Range as a single crustal block must have occurred after, rather than during seamount accretion to the continental margin, which was essentially complete by 52 Ma.
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Extração sequencial na interpretação das concentrações de elementos traços nos sedimentos do reservatório Guarapiranga São Paulo - SP / Sequential extraction in the interpretation of concetrations of trace elements in sediments at the Guarapiranga reservoir, São Paulo - SPCintia Moreira Marciliano da Costa 13 September 2017 (has links)
Os contaminantes lançados no ambiente decorrente das atividades humanas podem se movimentar de um compartimento ambiental para o outro e assim chegar nos corpos hídricos, onde se associam rapidamente ao material particulado e incorporam-se aos sedimentos. Desta forma, a relação água com o sedimento faz deste compartimento um dos principais alvos de preocupação e análise, dada sua importância na ciclagem de matéria e na biodisponibilidade de diversos compostos químicos para o ambiente aquático. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento geoquímico dos elementos Al, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, e P em sedimento superficial do reservatório Guarapiranga por meio da técnica de extração sequencial constituída de quatro etapas, seguido pela detecção em espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-OES). Foram coletadas amostras de sedimento superficial em 14 (quatorze) estações estrategicamente escolhidas, de modo a conhecer a heterogeneidade do sistema e determinar a mobilidade de elementos-traço persistentes e sua distribuição espacial no compartimento sedimentar da represa. As amostras passaram por processo de secagem e foi separada a fração silte/argila. A extração sequencial foi realizada em quatro etapas, a fração 1 ácido solúvel ligada a carbonatos, a fração 2 redutível a óxidos de ferro e manganês, a fração 3 oxidável ligada a matéria orgânica e a fração 4 residual. Todo o processo foi feito em triplicata e as concentrações dos elementos foram determinadas no ICP-OES. Com base nos resultados obtidos da extração sequencial, foi possível avaliar a distribuição dos elementos nas quatro frações geoquímicas distintas bem como o fator de mobilidade individual e total desses elementos no reservatório. A soma das três primeiras frações compõe a fração considerada biodisponível enquanto que a diferença do total extraído representou a fração residual. A partir dos resultados obtidos infere-se que o reservatório do Guarapiranga apresenta dois compartimentos distintos, um mais degradado que vai do ponto GU-05 ao GU-14 que sofre os impactos da ocupação do seu entorno e um mais preservado que vai do ponto GU-01 a GU-04, com pouca influência de ocupação urbana no seu entorno. O grau de mobilidade global segue uma tendência de montante à jusante do reservatório, próxima a barragem. / The contaminants produced by human activities released in the environment may move from one environmental compartment to another and reach the water bodies, where they rapidly associate to particulate matter and are incorporated to the sediments. Thus, the relationship between water and sediment makes this compartment on of the main targets for concern and analysis, given its importance in cycling matter and in bioavailability of various chemical compounds to the water environment. The objective of this work was to study the geochemical behaviour of the elements Al, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and P in the surface sediments of the Guarapiranga reservoir (23°47\'S and 46°32\"W) by means of the sequential extraction technic consisting of four stages, followed by the detection in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Samples were collected from the superficial sediment in 14 (fourteen) stations strategically chosen, this way being able to know the heterogeneity of the system and to determinate the mobility of persistent trace elements and their spatial distribution in the sedimentary compartment of the reservoir. The samples were subjected to a drying process and then separating the silt fraction. The sequential extraction was made in four steps, fraction 1 acid soluble linked to carbonates, fraction 2 reducible to iron and manganese oxides, fraction 3 oxidable linked to organic matter and fraction 4 residual. All the process was done in triplicate and the concentration of the elements was determined by ICP-OES. Based on the results obtained by the sequential extraction, it was possible to evaluate the distribution of the elements in the four distinct geochemical fractions, as well as the individual mobility factor of those elements in the reservoir. The sum of the first three fractions composes the fraction considered bioavailable, while the difference from the total extracted represented the residual fraction. Parting from the results obtained it is inferred that the Guarapiranga reservoir has two distinct compartments, one more degraded that goes from point GU-05 to GU-14 that suffers from the impacts of the occupations in the surroundings and one more preserved that goes from point GU-01 to GU-04, with little influence from urban occupation in the surroundings. The degree of global mobility follows the tendency of up and down stream in the reservoir, next to the barrage.
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Quantificação experimental da alteração no balanço hidríco e erosão em um neossolo quartzarênico devido à substituição de pastagem por cana-de-açúcar / Experimental determination of water balance and soil erosion changes due to pasture substitution by sugarcaneCristian Pablo Youlton Millon 24 July 2013 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar tornou-se a cultura com maior expansão nos últimos anos no estado de São Paulo, tendência que deve continuar, considerando sua importância como matéria prima para a produção de açúcar e etanol. Essa expansão acontece principalmente sobre áreas que eram ocupadas por pastagens. Pelas atividades necessárias para o estabelecimento da cultura de cana-de-açúcar, é esperado um aumento da erosão de solos e uma alteração no balanço hídrico. Com esses antecedentes, objetivou-se quantificar experimentalmente o impacto na erosão dos solos e a modificação do balanço hídrico no primeiro metro de solo, causado pela substituição de pastagem por cana-de-açúcar. Foram construídas parcelas de escoamento (20 x 5 \'M POT.2\') sob pastagem e sob plantio novo de cana-de-açúcar (três repetições cada) em uma fazenda com solo do tipo Neossolo Quartzarênico no município de Itirapina-SP. Foi instalada uma estação meteorológica para medir a precipitação e a umidade do solo a 30, 60 e 90 cm de profundidade, e para coletar os parâmetros necessários para calcular a evapotranspiração pelo método de Penman-Monteith. Calhas foram instaladas ao nível do solo para quantificar a interceptação do dossel de cana-de-açúcar. O balanço hídrico para ambos os cultivos foi determinado em escala diária. Após cada evento de precipitação, foi quantificada a perda de solos e o escoamento superficial Durante o primeiro ano, a perda de solo sob pastagem foi de 0,26 Mg/ha.ano (adicionalmente, 0,32 Mg/ha foram coletados devido à perturbação do solo para implantação do experimento), enquanto cana-de-açúcar produziu 2,58 Mg/ha.ano. No segundo período chuvoso, a perda de solo sob pastagem diminui para 0,04 Mg/ha, e sob cana-de-açúcar registrou 0,47 Mg/ha. Estes resultados indicam que a substituição de pastagem por cana-de-açúcar aumentou a produção de sedimentos durante o primeiro ano em 2,32 Mg/ha; no segundo período, com o uso da cobertura de palha no solo sob cana-de-açúcar, o aumento foi de 0,43 Mg/ha. Depois de quatro meses de crescimento, o dossel da cana-de-açúcar intercepta 40% da precipitação. O escoamento superficial no primeiro ano foi de 56,1 mm, e diminuiu para 11,8 mm no segundo período por efeito da palha na superfície do solo. Nos mesmos períodos, o escoamento superficial na pastagem foi de 40,5 mm e 30,4 mm, respectivamente. Apesar da menor infiltração sob cana-de-açúcar, o solo apresenta maior umidade devido ao gradeamento que aumenta a porosidade, e portanto, a capacidade de armazenamento de água no solo. A percolação sob cana-de açúcar é menor que sob pastagem devido à maior evapotranspiração da cultura. / Sugarcane became the culture with the highest expansion in recent years in the state of São Paulo. This trend will continue considering its importance as raw material for the production of sugar and ethanol. The expansion occurs primarily on areas that are currently occupied by pastures, causing impacts on soil and water. Due to the necessary activities for the establishment of the sugarcane culture, a soil erosion increase and a water balance change are expected. With this background, the objective of this work was to experimentally quantify the change in soil erosion and modification of water balance in the first meter of soil caused by the substitution of pasture by sugarcane. Runoff plots were constructed (20 x 5 \'M POT.2\') under pasture and new sugarcane planting (three replicates each) on a farm with Quartzarenic Neosol (Typic Quartzipsamments) soil in the municipality of Itirapina-SP. A weather station to measure rainfall and soil moisture at 30, 60 and 90 cm depth, and to collect the necessary parameters to calculate the evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith method was installed. Gutters were installed at ground level to quantify the interception of the sugarcane canopy. After every precipitation event the soil loss and the drainage were quantified, and the daily water balance was determined for both soil uses. During the first year, the pasture had a soil loss of 0.26 Mg/ha.yr (additional 0.32 Mg/ha.yr were collected due to the disturbance of the soil during experiment installation), while sugarcane produced 2.58 Mg/ha.yr. In the second rainy season, the losses under pasture decreased to 0.04 Mg/ha and sugarcane recorded 0.47 Mg/ha. These results indicate that the replacement of pasture by sugarcane increased the sediment production during the first year by 2.32 Mg/ha in the second period, covering the soil under sugarcane with straw, the difference decreased to 0.43 Mg/ha. After four months of growth, the sugarcane canopy intercepts 40% of the precipitation. The runoff in the first year was 56.1 mm, decreasing to 11.8 mm in the second period, due to the presence of straw on the soil surface. In the same periods, runoff under pasture was 40.5 mm and 30.4 mm, respectively. Although there is less infiltration under sugar cane, the soil presents higher moisture due to the porosity increase by grating. The percolation under sugarcane is lower than in pasture due to a higher crop evapotranspiration.
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Metais-traço em sedimentos do reservatório Paiva Castro (Mairiporã- São Paulo): histórico por meio da geocronologia do 210Pb, biodisponibilidade e uma proposta para a gestão dos recursos hídricos / Trace-metals in Paiva Castro reservoir (Mairiporã-São Paulo) sediments: history through the 210Pb geochronology, bioavaliability and a proposal for water resources managementSilva, Sheila Cardoso da 15 March 2013 (has links)
A contaminação dos ecossistemas aquáticos por metais-traço demanda preocupação já que estes contaminantes podem exercer efeitos tóxicos sobre a biota e aumentar os custos para tratamento da água. Em geral, tais problemas de degradação são decorrentes de uma gestão de recursos hídricos deficiente. Tendo como área de estudo a represa Paiva Casto, reservatório integrante do Sistema Cantareira, maior sistema de abastecimento público da região metropolitana de São Paulo, este trabalho teve o intuito de: investigar o histórico da contaminação por metais-traço (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mn, Al) por meio da geocronologia por 210Pb e indicar um valor de referência para estes; identificar a heterogeneidade espacial destes contaminantes; analisar a biodisponibilidade e com base na possibilidade de adequar etapas do sistema de gestão de recursos hídricos europeu, a Diretiva Quadro da Água (DQA) discutir a qualidade química dos sedimentos da represa em estudo. Foram efetuadas duas coletas em campo, destinadas à avaliação do histórico da contaminação ambiental por metais-traço e à análise da biodisponibilidade por meio da técnica de sulfetos volatilizáveis por acidificação (SVA) e metais simultaneamente extraídos (MES). O histórico da contaminação por metais-traço abrangeu um período de 100 anos e indicou que os maiores impactos na região, em relação a estes contaminantes, ocorreu em período anterior ao início de operação da represa Paiva Castro, com exceção do Cu. Para o Cu, em sedimentos superficiais, os teores excederam até três vezes e meia o VR. Este resultado é provável consequência da aplicação de sulfato de cobre para o controle de florações de algas. Os dados para os VR divergiram daqueles estabelecidos para a crosta terrestre, porém foram semelhantes aos encontrados para a bacia do Alto Tietê, com exceção dos metais Cr e Pb. A análise de (SVA/MES) indicou que os metais não estavam biodisponíveis. Dentre as áreas amostradas, a região da barragem apresentou ao longo do tempo as maiores taxas de acumulação para metais-traço em contraposição à área de captação das águas para abastecimento público. Em relação a DQA, constatou-se que existe capacidade científica para avançar na incorporação de novos instrumentos na gestão, principalmente no Estado de São Paulo, entretanto, é preciso que haja sistemas de saneamento e monitoramento adequados e especialmente decisão política e rigor na aplicação destes novos instrumentos, caso contrário a incorporação da DQA é inviável. Aplicando algumas das normas da DQA na avaliação da qualidade química dos sedimentos da represa Paiva Castro constatou-se que a qualidade geral para este manancial é boa. Apesar disto é necessário que as políticas públicas sejam de fato aplicadas contra a degradação deste importante manancial, caso contrário a boa qualidade deste reservatório estará em risco / Contamination of aquatic ecosystems by trace metals demand concern since these contaminants may cause toxic effects on biota and increase costs for water treatment. In general, such degradation problems are due to a poor water management. A study was conducted at Paiva Castro reservoir, one of the reservoirs of the Cantareira System, largest public water supply system in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, this study aimed to: investigate the history of the accumulation of trace-metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mn, Al), through geochronology by 210Pb; establish background values (BV); analyze spatial heterogeneity; bioavailability and based on the possibility of adjusting some instruments of the European water resources management system, the Water Framework Directive (WFD), discuss the chemical quality of Paiva Castro\'s sediments. Two collections were performed, to assess the historical environmental contamination by trace-metals and to analyze the bioavailability using the technique of sulfides volatilizable by acidification (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM). The history of contamination by trace- metals covered a period of 100 years and indicated that the greatest impacts in the region occurred in periods prior to the reservoir operation, with the exception of Cu. For Cu, in surface sediments, the levels exceeded three times and a half the BV. This result is probable consequence of copper sulphate application for controlling algal blooms. Data for BV were different from those found in the earth\'s crust, but similar to those found for the Alto Tietê basin, except for Cr and Pb metals. Analysis (AVS/ SEM) indicated that metals were not bioavailable. Among the sampled areas, the region of the dam, showed the highest rates of accumulation for trace- metals in contrast to the catchment area for public water supply. Regarding WFD, it was observed that there is scientific capacity to incorporate new instruments in the management, mainly in São Paulo, however, there must be adequate sanitation and monitoring systems and especially political decision and rigor in the application of these new tools, otherwise the incorporation of the WFD is unviable. Applying some of the WFD instruments in assessing the chemical quality of Paiva Castro\'s sediments, it was found that the quality of this ecosystem is good. Nevertheless, it is necessary that public policies are actually applied against the degradation of this important ecosystem; otherwise, reservoir\'s \'good quality\' will be at risk
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A Quaternary climate record from a Uinta Mountains, USA, fen core with emphasis on sediment pyrolysisHillam, Samuel Abraham 01 March 2017 (has links)
The northern slopes of the Uinta Mountains, Utah were previously glaciated and contain many landslides. The Tokewanna Landslide is very large and lacks Quaternary faults. Presumably, increased moisture was the failure trigger. A Quaternary climate record from a cored fen, developed in a small basin between hummocks, was reconstructed using sediment pyrolysis, biomass balance, and magnetic susceptibility. Pyrolysis is used to define Hydrogen Indices that are used to delineate wetter and drier conditions based on the kerogen type - Type III being drier, and Type II wetter. The data were matched to a time/depth curve and compared to other Uinta Mountains climate studies. Pyrolysis, biomass balance, and magnetic susceptibility results indicate drier to wetter conditions from ~11,027 to ~8,800 cal yr BP. This was followed by an increase in precipitation, peaking ~8,060 cal yr BP, and then decreasing. Drying conditions ensued after ~4,800 cal yr BP, and from ~1,700 cal yr BP to modern. Regional studies suggest mid-Holocene Epoch warming; some also indicate increased precipitation during those periods. A study at nearby Little Lyman Lake (Tingstad et al., 2011) displays a plankton percent record similar to the wetness record of the study fen. The fen core record does not indicate wet conditions at its base as expected. The record begins ~11,000 cal yr BP and likely represents an incomplete history of this Holocene fen, as the base of the wetland deposits was not reached.
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Some Relationships Between Sedimentary Trace Metal Concentrations and Freshwater Phytoplankton and Sedimentary Diatom Species CompositionVogel, Allan Hayes 01 January 1995 (has links)
Sediments from 21 Oregon lakes were analyzed for seven metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, V) in three forms (exchangeable, organic+sulfides, and oxyhydroxides+ oxides+ carbonates) using a sequential fractionation procedure. The summer epilimnetic filterable concentration of an eighth (Mo) was also determined. Sedimentary diatom remains and summer phytoplankton populations of the lakes were correlated with the 22 metal parameters and with conservative water chemistry parameters, estimators of lake productivity, and watershed geology. Both the sedimentary metals and the two populations of primary producers correlated best with the ecoregions of Omernik and Gallant (1986). A number of species possessed correlations with specific trace metal extractions or ratios of those extractions. Bloom-forming Anabaenas strongly correlated with sedimentary organic and filterable epilimnetic nickel. Possible Ni limitation of this group was observed in one Cascade lake (Lava). The ratio of organic nickel to cobalt appeared to control the abundance of several sedimentary diatoms. Organic vanadium strongly correlated with a number of diatoms, particularly in the genera, Cyclotella and Fragilaria. Possible V pollution was observed in one lake (Woahink), and frustule remains of C. stelligera significantly increased with increasing total sedimentary V concentrations there. Zinc was the trace metal most frequently found to apparently limit diatom growth. Diatoms may have developed three different responses to Zn limitation; the three groups have been labelled affinity-, velocity-, and (possibly) storage- specialists following Sommer (1985). Possible Zn pollution was observed in two lakes (Oswego and Clear). Phytoplankton and sedimentary diatoms weakly correlated with sedimentary iron by comparison to Ni, V, or Zn. Few strong relationships were observed with manganese, copper, or cobalt. No statistically significant correlations were found with molybdenum, and few correlations between a conservative chemical parameter and a species of phytoplankton were found. There was poor correlation between trace metal concentrations and lake productivity, despite frequently observed correlations between individual species and particular trace metal fractions. These findings suggest that variations in absolute trace metal concentrations, and/or ratios, may be important factors for controlling species distribution, but have relatively little influence upon lake primary productivity or standing stocks.
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Phosphorus Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of Hyrum ReservoirSchmalz, Kirk L. 01 May 1971 (has links)
The distribution of phosphorus in the sediment of Hyrum Reservoir was studied by collecting and analyzing 84 sediment samples for total, inorganic, organic, and water-soluble phosphorus.
Sample locations were mapped by triangulation and sediment phosphorus distribution maps were made. Sediment analysis showed average total phosphorus content of 755 micrograms per gram, with organic phosphorus composing approximately 97 percent of total phosphorus.
Sediment samples showed variability in phosphorus content which precluded identification of point sources of phosphorus input to the reservoir. Several areas of comparatively higher phosphorus content in the sediments were shown with isopleth maps.
An estimate of the extent of sedimentation at each sample site was made. Sediment phosphorus content showed no significant correlation with reservoir sedimentation as determined in this study.
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Distribution and speciation of heavy metals in sediments from Lake BurragorangPainuly, Archana Saily, University of Western Sydney, College of Health and Science, School of Engineering January 2006 (has links)
Lake Burragorang, the focus of this thesis, is the main water supply source for the large population of Sydney and is a major source for the Blue Mountains residents. This study was aimed to evaluate the distribution of heavy metals and their speciation in sediments of Lake Burragorang. The principal focus is on the study of heavy metal pollution and their bioavailability to the aquatic system. Five-step sequential extraction procedure was employed to assess different geochemical forms of certain metals in sediment grabs of Lake Burragorang. This is the first study to report metal speciation data for Lake Burragorang sediments. No significant spatial variations were observed in the speciation trends. The variation in metals and nutrients in the sediments with age was established and has been compared with published historical record, rainfall records and bushfire data. / Master of Engineering (Hons)
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Distribution and Partitioning of Trace Metals and Tributyltin in Estuarine SedimentsBurton, Edward D., n/a January 2005 (has links)
An improved understanding of the geochemical partitioning of trace metals and tributyltin (TBT) in sediments is of great importance in risk assessment and remedial investigation. The aim of this thesis was to examine the distribution and partitioning behaviour of trace metals and TBT in benthic, estuarine sediments. This was achieved by a series of field- and laboratory-based studies investigating factors controlling the geochemical behaviour of trace metals and TBT in sediments from south-east Queensland, Australia. The distribution and enrichment of selected trace metals in benthic sediments of the Southport Broadwater (a semi-enclosed coastal body of water adjacent to the Gold Coast city, south-eastern Queensland, Australia) was studied. Sediment contamination for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn was assessed by (1) comparison with Australian sediment quality guidelines, (2) calculation of the index of geoaccumulation based on regional background values, and (3) geochemical noi-malisation against Al (i.e. the abundance of alumino-silicate clay minerals). Based on this approach, several sites were found to be strongly enriched with Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn, arising from sources related to either urban runoff or vessel maintenance activities. The geochemical partitioning of Cu, Pb and Zn was examined in sediments collected from three of these sites of sediment contamination. Total Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in coarse-textured (65 to 90 % sand sized particles), sub-oxic sediments (Eh + 120 to +260 mV) ranged from 8.3 to 194 mg/kg for Cu, 16.3 to 74.8 mg/kg for Pb and 30.1 to 220 mg/kg for Zn, and were related to vertical trends in sediment texture. The association of Cu, Pb and Zn with amorphous oxides, crystalline oxides and organic matter was linearly dependent on the abundance of each phase. For retention by amorphous oxide minerals, the trace metal retention ranged from 5.2 to 23.7 mgcjgFe oxide as Fe for Cu, 1 2.8 to 21 .5 mgpb/gFe oxide as Fe for Pb, and 23. I to 85.7 mgm/gFe oxide as Fe for Zn. Corresponding values for association with crystalline oxides were an order of magnitude less than those for amorphous oxides, indicating a weaker affinity of trace metals for crystalline oxides. The relationships describing association with organic matter ranged from 17.6 to 54.0 mgcu/gorg c for Cu, 6.1 to 9.6 mgpb/gorg c for Pb and 6.4 to 16.4 mgzn/gorg c for Zn. The in-situ solid/pore-water partitioning of TBT and the degradation products, dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT), was determined for an estuarine sediment profile with previously identified elevated Sn concentrations. Total butyltin levels were (depending on depth) 220 to 8750 jig/kg for TBT, 150 to 5450 jig/kg for DBT and 130 to 4250 jig/kg for MBT. Pore-water butyltin concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 2.35 jig/L for TBT, 0.07 to 3.25 jiglL for DBT, and 0.05 to 0.53 J.tgIL for MBT. The organic carbon normalised distribution ratios (Doc) were similar for TBT, DBT and MBT, and were io to 106 L/kg. Values for the Butyltin Degradation Index (BDI) were larger than I at depths greater than 10 cm below the sediment/water-column interface, indicating that substantial TBT degradation has occurred in the sediments. This suggests that natural attenuation may be a viable sediment remediation strategy. Factors controlling the partitioning behaviour of Cu, Pb and Zn in nonsulfidic, estuarine sediments were examined in controlled laboratory-based studies with the use of combined sorption curve - sequential extraction analysis. This allowed determination of sorption parameters for Cu, Pb and Zn partitioning to individual geochemical fractions. Partitioning behaviour in sulfidic sediments was also determined by sequentially extracting Cu, Pb and Zn from synthetic sulfide minerals, and from natural sediment and pure quartz sand after spiking with acid-volatile sulfide (AVS). Trace metal sorption to the 'carbonate' fraction (pH 5, NaOAc extraction) increased with metal loading due to saturation of sorption sites associated with the 'Fe-oxide' (NH2OH.HCI extraction) and 'organic' (H202 extraction) fractions in non-sulfidic sediments. Freundlich isotherm parameters describing sorption to the 'Fe-oxide' and 'organic' fractions were dependent on the sediment Fe-oxide and organic carbon content, respectively. Sequential extraction of Cu from pure CuS, AVS-spiked sediment and AVS-spiked quartz sand showed that AVS-bound Cu was quantitatively recovered in association with the 'organic' fraction. However, some AVS-bound Pb and Zn were recovered by the NH2OH.HCI step (which has been previously interpreted as 'Fe-oxide' bound metals) in the sequential extraction procedure used in this study. This indicates that the sequential extraction of Pb and Zn in sulfidic sediments may lead to AVS-bound metals being mistaken as Fe-oxide bound species. Caution should therefore be exercised when interpreting sequential extraction results for Pb and Zn in anoxic sediments. Tributyltin (TBT) sorption to four natural sediment samples in artificial seawater was also examined under a range of modified pH and salinity conditions in controlled laboratory-based studies. Three of the sediment samples were relatively pristine with regard to TBT contamination, but the fourth was a TBT-contaminated sediment from a commercial marina. Sorption of TBT was described well by linear sorption isotherms, with distribution coefficients ranging from 6.1 to 5210 L/kg depending on pH and salinity. Sediment organic C content and particle size distribution were important determinants of sorption behaviour. The presence of resident TBT in the contaminated marina sediment caused a substantial reduction in TBT sorption due to satuaration of high selectivity sites. Desorption of TBT from the marina sediment was described by relatively large observed distribution coefficients ranging from 5100 to 9400 L/kg, suggesting that aging effects may reduce sorption reversibility. Increased artificial seawater salinity generally reduced TBT sorption at pH 4 and pH 6, but enhanced TBT sorption at pH 8. Regardless of salinity, maximum sorption of TBT was observed at pH 6, which is attributed to an optimal balance between abundance of the cationic TBT species and deprotonated surface ligands. Consideration of aqueous TBT speciation along with octanol-water partitioning behaviour suggest that hydrophobic partitioning of TBTCI to non-polar organic matter was important for pH (up to) 6, whilst partitioning of TBTOH was important at higher pH. The effect of aging on the solid/pore-water partitioning and desorption behaviour of TBT in sediments was examined. Three sediment samples with contrasting physical and chemical properties were spiked with 10 mg/kg TBT and aged under sterile conditions for periods of time ranging from I to 84 days. Aging had a negligible effect in a sandy sample with very low organic carbon content (0.2 % w/w). In contrast, for samples with larger amounts of organic carbon (2.6 and 4.8 % w/w), the effect of aging on the solid/pore-water partitioning behaviour was significant. For these samples, the apparent distribution coefficients (Ks) obtained from sequential two hour desorption experiments exhibited a two-fold increase between spiked sediments subjected to aging for 1 day and 84 days. This study demonstrates that aging effects may be an important aspect of TBT fate in contaminated sediments. Overall, the results described in this thesis demonstrate that environmental factors (i.e. pH, salinity, Eh, aging) and sediment composition (i.e. abundance of fine alumino-silicate minerals, organic matter, Fe-oxides, reactive sulfides) exert substantial effects on trace metal and TBT partitioning. The current reliance on measurement of total trace metal and TBT concentrations in contaminated sediment management may consequently lead to inaccurate estimates of environmental risk and inappropriate remediation measures if other factors regulating contaminant distribution and partitioning are ignored.
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