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Treatment Outcome, Risk Assessment, and Recidivism among Sexual Offenders against ChildrenBeggs, Sarah Marie January 2008 (has links)
The sexual abuse of children is an issue that society must address with urgency and commitment, given the profoundly damaging effects and widespread occurrence of this kind of crime. Providing psychological treatment to identified offenders is an important endeavour of the criminal justice system, with the aim of reducing recidivism and thereby preventing future victims. This dissertation explores a number of areas relevant to the treatment of sexual offenders on a sample of 223 adult males who completed a prison-based programme for child sexual offenders in New Zealand. Specifically, the assessment of treatment outcome and its relationship with recidivism, risk assessment, and the influence of specific offender factors on estimates of treatment outcome and risk were investigated. Study 1 (N = 218) is an independent validation of the validity of the Violence Risk Scale: Sexual Offender Version (VRS:SO; Olver, Wong, Nicholaichuk, & Gordon, 2007), a recently developed risk assessment instrument for sexual offenders that incorporates both static and dynamic risk factors and contains protocols for the assessment of change as a result of treatment. Results indicate support for the inter-rater reliability, concurrent validity, and predictive validity of the VRS:SO with regard to sexual recidivism, with pre-treatment and post-treatment scores showing superior predictive validity relative to a widely used measure of static risk (Static-99; Hanson & Thornton, 1999) and a measure of "Deviance" based on a 4-factor battery of relevant psychometric tests (Allan, Grace, Rutherford, & Hudson, 2007). In Study 2 (N = 218), three separate methods of assessing proximal treatment outcome (representative of three categories of treatment outcome measures that have previously been applied in the literature) are applied and compared in terms of their predictive validity with regard to sexual recidivism, and the relative advantages and disadvantages of their use. These measures are: change on a battery of relevant psychometric tests administered prior to and following treatment; change across treatment on the VRS:SO; and post-treatment ratings of the attainment of treatment goals as measured by a modified version of Hogue’s (1994) Standard Goal Attainment Scaling for Sexual Offenders (SGAS). Results indicate that positive treatment outcomes as measured by all of these methods are associated with reduced sexual recidivism. SGAS scores are identified as being relatively simple and efficient to obtain, however the VRS:SO and the psychometric battery are both able to provide useful pre-treatment clinical information regarding potential treatment targets for a particular offender. Study 3 (N = 223) and Study 4 (N = 216) are explorations of the influence of particular offender characteristics on response to treatment and risk of recidivism. Of particular interest was the personality construct of psychopathy (measured using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, PCL-R; Hare, 1991), and both studies are attempted replications and extensions of previously reported interaction effects involving this construct (Heilbrun, 1979; Seto & Barbaree, 1999). The results of Study 3 indicate that there is no interaction effect between PCL-R scores and treatment outcome (as measured by the SGAS) on sexual recidivism, in contrast to an influential study by Seto and Barbaree (1999). Study 4 reports an interaction effect between PCL-R scores and intelligence on recidivism, such that higher than average IQ scores appear to moderate the well-known association between psychopathy and risk. Overall, the findings reported in this dissertation suggest the importance of considering dynamic factors as well as static factors in sex offender risk assessments, and support the premise that dynamic factors are changeable, with change being associated with changes in recidivism. The potential for certain offender characteristics to influence treatment response and risk of recidivism is highlighted, and several areas for further exploration are identified.
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Treatment Outcome, Risk Assessment, and Recidivism among Sexual Offenders against ChildrenBeggs, Sarah Marie January 2008 (has links)
The sexual abuse of children is an issue that society must address with urgency and commitment, given the profoundly damaging effects and widespread occurrence of this kind of crime. Providing psychological treatment to identified offenders is an important endeavour of the criminal justice system, with the aim of reducing recidivism and thereby preventing future victims. This dissertation explores a number of areas relevant to the treatment of sexual offenders on a sample of 223 adult males who completed a prison-based programme for child sexual offenders in New Zealand. Specifically, the assessment of treatment outcome and its relationship with recidivism, risk assessment, and the influence of specific offender factors on estimates of treatment outcome and risk were investigated. Study 1 (N = 218) is an independent validation of the validity of the Violence Risk Scale: Sexual Offender Version (VRS:SO; Olver, Wong, Nicholaichuk, & Gordon, 2007), a recently developed risk assessment instrument for sexual offenders that incorporates both static and dynamic risk factors and contains protocols for the assessment of change as a result of treatment. Results indicate support for the inter-rater reliability, concurrent validity, and predictive validity of the VRS:SO with regard to sexual recidivism, with pre-treatment and post-treatment scores showing superior predictive validity relative to a widely used measure of static risk (Static-99; Hanson & Thornton, 1999) and a measure of "Deviance" based on a 4-factor battery of relevant psychometric tests (Allan, Grace, Rutherford, & Hudson, 2007). In Study 2 (N = 218), three separate methods of assessing proximal treatment outcome (representative of three categories of treatment outcome measures that have previously been applied in the literature) are applied and compared in terms of their predictive validity with regard to sexual recidivism, and the relative advantages and disadvantages of their use. These measures are: change on a battery of relevant psychometric tests administered prior to and following treatment; change across treatment on the VRS:SO; and post-treatment ratings of the attainment of treatment goals as measured by a modified version of Hogue’s (1994) Standard Goal Attainment Scaling for Sexual Offenders (SGAS). Results indicate that positive treatment outcomes as measured by all of these methods are associated with reduced sexual recidivism. SGAS scores are identified as being relatively simple and efficient to obtain, however the VRS:SO and the psychometric battery are both able to provide useful pre-treatment clinical information regarding potential treatment targets for a particular offender. Study 3 (N = 223) and Study 4 (N = 216) are explorations of the influence of particular offender characteristics on response to treatment and risk of recidivism. Of particular interest was the personality construct of psychopathy (measured using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, PCL-R; Hare, 1991), and both studies are attempted replications and extensions of previously reported interaction effects involving this construct (Heilbrun, 1979; Seto & Barbaree, 1999). The results of Study 3 indicate that there is no interaction effect between PCL-R scores and treatment outcome (as measured by the SGAS) on sexual recidivism, in contrast to an influential study by Seto and Barbaree (1999). Study 4 reports an interaction effect between PCL-R scores and intelligence on recidivism, such that higher than average IQ scores appear to moderate the well-known association between psychopathy and risk. Overall, the findings reported in this dissertation suggest the importance of considering dynamic factors as well as static factors in sex offender risk assessments, and support the premise that dynamic factors are changeable, with change being associated with changes in recidivism. The potential for certain offender characteristics to influence treatment response and risk of recidivism is highlighted, and several areas for further exploration are identified.
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The pollution generated by human activities has aroused the continuing need to map and
assess the conditions of the environment in relation to possible sources of contamination,
especially harmful to groundwater resources. The study, for the city of Boa Vista do Cadeado
in the Rio Grande do Sul State, located in northwest riograndense, is inserted in the Province
of the Southern Plateau Brazilian Geomorphological where spills outcrop of volcanic rocks
forming the Serra Geral Aquifer System / SGAS. Spatialize in thematic maps hydrodynamic
data of wells related to: the static water level, flow rate, the potentiometric surface, the
specific capacity and vulnerability indices natural fissure aquifer contamination. Using the
system GOD, were simulated by funding 12 wells, which contained all the information
necessary for their application. We obtained two classes of natural vulnerability, and 83.3% in
class insignificant and 16.7% in low class. It was concluded that the region presents little
vulnerable to contamination having a natural protection due to volcanic basalt rock layers in
confined aquifer and a mean water level, slightly deeper. The catchment wells are at odds
with the standards constructive, as well as with the environmental legislation of the State,
therefore, must be appropriate in order to protect the fountain groundwater. / A poluição gerada pelas atividades antrópicas tem despertado a necessidade contínua de
mapear e avaliar as condições do meio ambiente em relação a possíveis fontes de
contaminação, principalmente as prejudiciais aos recursos hídricos subterrâneos. Por meio
deste estudo, referente ao Município de Boa Vista do Cadeado no Estado do Rio Grande do
Sul. Situado na Mesorregião noroeste riograndense, está inserido na Província
Geomorfológica do Planalto Meridional brasileiro, onde afloram derrames de rochas
vulcânicas formadoras do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral/SASG. Espacializaram-se em mapas
temáticos dados hidrodinâmicos dos poços tubulares referentes: ao nível estático, a vazão, a
superfície potenciométrica, a capacidade específica e aos índices de vulnerabilidade natural
do aquífero fissural à contaminação. Utilizando-se o sistema GOD, simularam-se 12
captações por poços, as quais continham todas as informações necessárias a sua aplicação.
Foram obtidas duas classes de vulnerabilidade natural, sendo 83,3% na classe insignificante e
16,7% na baixa. Conclui-se que a região apresenta-se pouco vulnerável à contaminação,
possuindo uma proteção natural, devido às camadas de rochas vulcânicas basálticas, em
aquífero confinado e com um nível médio da água, pouco profundo. Os poços tubulares de
captação estão em desacordo com as normas construtivas, bem como, com a legislação
ambiental do Estado, portanto, devem ser adequados, visando à proteção do manancial
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