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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestión de riesgo en la línea de producción de polvos para suspensión oral a través de la aplicación de lean six sigma

Carranza Hueita, Leonardo, Teodoro Ronald, Quispe Espíritu January 2015 (has links)
En la actualidad, la gestión de riesgos de calidad es un tema de gran importancia en todas las organizaciones. Sus principios, que son eficazmente utilizados en diversos campos, también están siendo aplicados, de manera limitada, en la industria farmacéutica; a pesar de que la fabricación y la utilización de medicamentos implican algún tipo de riesgo. En la industria farmacéutica nacional es conocido que la tecnología utilizada para la fabricación de medicamentos está un poco desactualizado; por ende, los riesgos presentes, en sus distintas etapas de fabricación, pueden influir en directamente en los atributos críticos de calidad (CQA´s) y en la salud del paciente. Es por esta razón que nos propusimos gestionar los riesgos presentes en las etapas de secado de excipientes y envasado de polvos para suspensión oral a través de dos metodologías: Gestión de riesgos y Lean Six sigma (Lean manufacturing, metodología DMAIC) con el objetivo de identificar, mejorar, y controlar los factores que representen desperdicios o riesgos en los procesos de secado y envasado. Los resultados obtenidos en la siguiente investigación demuestran que la utilización de herramientas Lean Six-Sigma pueden ser utilizados para la reducción o eliminación de riesgos presentes en ambientes de producción farmacéutica, mejoran la eficiencia de los procesos incrementando la disponibilidad y rendimiento de los equipos; así como, aumentan la capacidad de proceso. Estas mejoras permiten reducir los riesgos asociados a estas operaciones obteniendo un proceso más seguro y eficiente. Palabras clave: Gestión de riesgo, Lean Manufacturing, Six-sigma, CQA´s, eficiencia, disponibilidad, capacidad / --- At present, the quality risk management is a major issue in all organizations. Its principles, which are effectively used in various fields are also being applied in a limited way, in the pharmaceutical industry; although the manufacturing and use of drugs involve some risk. In the domestic pharmaceutical industry it is known that the technology used for manufacturing drugs is a bit outdated; therefore, the risks involved, at various stages of production can influence directly critical quality attributes (CQA's) and patient health. It is for this reason that we set out to manage the risks in the drying stages of excipients and packaging of powder for oral suspension through two methodologies: Risk Management and Lean Six Sigma (Lean manufacturing, DMAIC methodology) with the aim of identifying, improve, and control the factors that represent waste or risks in drying and packaging. The results obtained in the following research showing that the use of Lean Six Sigma tools can be used to reduce or eliminate risks involved in pharmaceutical production environments, improve process efficiency by increasing the availability and performance of equipment; and increase the processing capacity. These improvements can reduce the risks associated with these operations to obtain a safer and more efficient process Keywords: risk management, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, CQA´s, efficiency, availability, capacity / Tesis

Conception et réalisation d'une instrumentation adaptée à la mesure de hautes impédances dans le domaine des microondes / Design and realization of an instrument dedicated to the measurement of high impedances at microwave frequencies

El Fellahi, Abdelhatif 07 April 2014 (has links)
La miniaturisation des composants telle qu’elle est décrite par la loi de Moore se heurte à de nouvelles problématiques liées notamment aux échelles visées, dans le domaine nanométrique. En effet, cette miniaturisation nécessite des investissements en recherche considérables indispensables à la mise en place de nouveaux procédés de fabrication en adéquation avec les dimensions mises en jeu. Associés à ces nouveaux besoins, il convient aussi de développer des moyens d’observation et de caractérisation des dispositifs réalisés à ces échelles. Le travail proposé dans ce mémoire concerne principalement le domaine de la caractérisation. En effet, les travaux menés sont destinés à apporter des solutions pour la caractérisation de nano-dispositifs aux fréquences microondes pour lesquelles il n’existe pas encore un outil permettant la mesure directe et précise. L’une des raisons réside dans le fait que les nano-objets possèdent en régime dynamique une impédance de référence élevée (supérieure au kilo-ohms) comparativement à l’appareillage de mesure usuel que représente l’analyseur de réseaux (50 ohms). Plusieurs dispositifs reposant sur une nouvelle architecture et offrant une impédance de référence élevée sont conçus, réalisés et validés. Les potentialités de cette nouvelle instrumentation sont illustrées au travers de la mesure de charges passives hautes impédances. / As described by Moore’s law, the miniaturization of devices is facing important issues related to nanometric domain. Indeed, this miniaturization involves considerable investments in scientific research which is essential in developing new manufacturing processes adapted to nanometric scale. Also, it is necessary to develop new instruments to observe and characterize at such a scale.The work proposed in this thesis mainly concerns the field of device characterization. Indeed, this work is carried out to provide solutions for the characterization of nano-devices at microwave frequencies at which nowadays no tool is available for the direct and accurate measurement. Actually, the issue lies in the fact that nano-devices present high reference impedances (higher than the kilo-ohms) compared to that of typical measurement instruments such as the network analyzer (50 ohms). Several devices using a new architecture and offering a high impedance of reference are conceived, realized and validated. The potentialities of this new instrumentation are illustrated through the measurement of high impedance passive loads.

Memory and documentation in exhibition-making: A case study of the Protea Village exhibition, A History of Paradise 1829 - 2002.

Baduza, Uthando Lubabalo. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">This mini-thesis seeks to interrogate the interplay between memory and documentation in the process of exhibition-making by a looking at the preparation for and mounting of the exhibition, Museum. This will be achieved by looking at the institutional methodologies employed by the Museum in dealing with ex-residents of District Six, their memories and artefacts in the heritage practice of a Museum as a forum. This practice was put into effect as the District Six Museum engaged ex-residents of other locations of removal.</p> </font></p>

Optimering av smidesgeometri för P-fläns på bakre turbinstativ (TEC) / Optimization in geometry for the forging of P-flange on the rear turbine frame

Gustafsson, Fredric, Ulldal, Jonatan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis work has been performed at Volvo Aero Corporation in Trollhättan, at the department of “hot structures” involving aircraft engine GP7000. The purpose with the study was to investigate the possibility to reduce size of the forging of flanges on the rear turbine frame when purchasing. Thereto examine the parameters that affect the flanges motion during the manufacturing process. The goal was to provide Volvo Aero with foundation to later bring in slimmed forgings. In order to supply the company with a concrete result the report was limited into studying the P-flange. During the manufacturing process the flanges moves. By measuring the deviation from calculated points on nominal geometry relative to scanned geometry after affecting operations, the motion could be mapped. From these studies two proposals for optimization was presented. The first proposal is based on evening out the tilt caused from the TIG-welding operation. Purchasing tilted forgings would compensate the angle and make room for further savings. If the introduction became a success it could eventually mean that a whole operation (roughing) might be removed. Due to insufficient knowledge about whether the tilt would change as expected after introduction, it requires another analyze after implemented before material can be reduced. The second proposal is based on reducing material solely on the point´s motion. Calculating with four sigma safety (99,379%) on the movements gave information about how much excess material that could be reduced on the forgings. Considerations about whether decreased material would modify the movement pattern have been taken into account. The result shows that 10 % from the bought in forgings can be removed directly. The authors suggest that Volvo Aero begin with the tilt-proposal as a first step in bringing in slimmed forgings. For future work the company could implement the approach taken on this report to the other flanges. / Examensarbetet har utförts vid Volvo Aero Corporation i Trollhättan på avdelningen ”heta strukturer” där bakre motorfästet till flygplansmotorn GP7000 utvecklas. Rapporten avhandlar en studie av P-flänsen på bakre motorfästet. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka vilka parametrar som påverkar flänsens rörelse under tillverkningsprocessen.  Målet var att utreda möjligheten att införa ett slimmat flänssmide. För att hinna skapa ett konkret resultat avgränsades arbetet till att endast granska P-flänsen. Flänsarna rör sig under tillverkningsprocessen. Genom att mäta avvikelser från punkter utsatta på nominell geometri i förhållande till skannad geometri efter påverkan av tillverkningsprocessen kunde rörelsen kartläggas. Utifrån kartläggningen skapades två förslag. Det första förslaget baserades på en vinkling av flänsen. Förslaget skall kompensera lutningen som orsakas av TIG-svetsningen. Ett lyckat införande skulle eventuellt kunna innebära att en hel operation (grovsvarvning) skulle kunna avlägsnas. På grund av otillräcklig kunskap om huruvida lutningen skulle förändras efter införandet krävs analys av utfallet innan material kan reduceras. Det andra förslaget baserades enbart på punktavvikelser. Avvikelserna var normalfördelade vilket möjliggjorde statistiska beräkningar där fyra sigma (99,379%) i säkerhet användes för att skapa ett säkerhetsintervall för punkternas avvikelse. Resultatet från beräkningarna utgjorde underlaget för mängden överflödigt flänssmide som med säkerhet kunde reduceras vid inköp. Resultatet påvisar att cirka 10 % av inköpt flänssmide kan tas bort. Författarna föreslår att Volvo Aero använder sig av förslag ett eftersom ett mer slimmat smide enklare kan införas på sikt. För framtida arbeten rekommenderas företaget att applicera tillvägagångssättet från rapporten till undersökning av de resterande flänssmidena på GP 7000 TEC. Analysen utförd i rapporten kan även beaktas då nya smidesgeometrier till andra projekt skall utvecklas.

Based on the Four Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard to Analyze the Project Selection of Six Sigma

Cheng, Chih-Heng 01 July 2005 (has links)
With its successful deployment by the legendary CEO Jack Welch of General Electrics, the Six Sigma methodology of management has achieved wide recognition and popularity among corporations around the globe. This Six Sigma concept for quality management has been sprouting in Taiwan and waiting to be blossomed. The purpose of this case study is to redefine the Six Sigma concept based on the framework of DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control); to implement and pinpoint a strategy for corporations adopting the Six Sigma while deploying VOC (voice of customer) to transform operations into the CTQ (Critical to Quality) stage. The concept of performance management is the nexus where balanced scorecard and Six Sigma can join to produce a formidable weapon that aligns strategic intent with tactical execution. Balanced scorecard is a comprehensive collection of financial and non-financial data and information supplied to the managers of an entity in order to help them achieve the entity¡¦s objectives. This case study uses surveys on the targeted company for further research on how to drive a powerful management tool through the unification of these two proven strategies. An approach that combines the targeted performance indicators of a Balanced Scorecard with the statistical rigor of Six Sigma to be used to effectively focus an organization on the achievement of long-term strategic goals. Based on the statistical result from the surveys on the targeted company, it meets the strategic priorities for various business processes that create customer and shareholder satisfaction (i.e. Internal Business Process). However, it deviates from three other perspectives, financial, customer, and learning and growth. This reveals the company¡¦s needs to be improvised to drive the long-term value and competitive performance.

A Study of Process Excellence and Quality Performance

Hung, Ming-hung 28 May 2007 (has links)
In the ongoing pursuit of excellence in products and services, many enterprises have been seeking ways to ensure their superiority in process and quality. To improve competitiveness, many management techniques and concepts have been tried, for example; TQM, Lean Thinking (Lean Production), Six Sigma, and Design for Six Sigma, etc. These are quality management systems currently having widespread application in virtually all well-known companies. This empirical study utilizes a questionnaire to explore the relationship between Process Excellence (PE) with that of quality performance (QP). In a correlation analysis we have found a positive correlation between QP and such categories as ¡§leadership and information analysis¡¨ ¡§resource utilization and participation¡¨ ¡§improvement of quality process¡¨ ¡§clear objectives and customer oriented¡¨. We have also found that two of these categories ¡§improvement of quality process¡¨ and ¡§leadership and information analysis¡¨ play especially important roles in raising QP performance. We can conclude that the greater the emphasis on these two items the better will be the performance of QP. We are also assured that the company can experience continuous quality improvement by acting on the basis of the above research findings.

An Analysis and Interpretation of Francis Poulenc's 'Nocturnes'

Su, Chih-pin 18 July 2007 (has links)
After World War I, a significant change for the concepts of culture and art occurred in France, which eventually causes a cultural revolution. Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) experienced such a transformation and became one of the most important French composers and pianists in the twentieth century. He was a member of the French group Les Six; his music was therefore often considered informal. However, those who had ever listened to his music were impressed deeply by the graceful melodies and rich harmonies presented in his works. Poulenc was prolific, producing a total number of 34 opuses for piano. In particular, he finished most of his outstanding works in the 1930s, of which Nocturnes is the most representative. Nocturnes is characterized by two main elements generally found in Poulenc¡¦s works, referred to as Neo-classicism and Popular Music, from which the characteristics of his piano music can be realized comprehensively. The primary purpose of this thesis is to thoroughly discuss Poulenc¡¦s famous piano pieces Nocturnes. The thesis is organized as follows. Firstly, the development of French cultures in the early twentieth century is introduced particularly with a historical perspective. In Chapter 2, Poulenc¡¦s life and his composition style are presented, followed by an emphasis on the unique characteristics of his piano music. Chapter 3 describes the background when Poulenc composed Nocturnes, with a discussion of the skills required for the interpretation. It is anticipated that this study is capable of offering the understanding of Poulenc¡¦s piano music.

A Study of Integrating Six Sigma program with Business Strategy

Cheng, Jung-Lang 23 December 2002 (has links)
Abstract Six Sigma is a management philosophy that is widely accepted among global industries. This study reviews literature on the definitions of Six Sigma and business strategy. Also, the study constructs a preliminarily exploration model of integrating Six Sigma program with business strategy. The exploration model for business excellence includes independent dimensions of business strategy, Six Sigma implementation and the dependent dimension of quality performance. The dimensions of business strategy include the variables for organizational culture, organizational assessment, strategy formulation and improvement methodology. Meanwhile, the dimension of Six Sigma implementation includes steering organization of Six Sigma, skills of quality improvement, integrating orientation of quality improvement and performance bottom-line. The dependent dimension of quality performance is based on employees¡¦ motivation, customer satisfactory, increasing profit and deceasing cost. 1. For an exploration model integrating Six Sigma activities with business strategy, the organizational culture variable is the most important factor. The top management must have commitment towards the Six Sigma activities, involvement in the Six Sigma training and emphasis on customer satisfaction to enhance the integration of Six Sigma with business strategy. 2. The more integrated the dimension of business strategy, and then the variable of steering organization is more confirmed. The variable of skills of quality improvement will produce efficiently, performance bottom-line will be good outcome and integrating orientation of quality improvement is positively. 3. The 8 variables with the model of integrating Six Sigma activities with business strategy are positively related with the index of quality performance. The variable of strategy formulation within the dimension of business strategy and the variable of integrating orientation of quality improvement within the dimension of Six Sigma implementation are most highly related with the index of quality performance. It means that Six Sigma strategy must be confirmed and the business resource must be integrated to reach quality performance. 4. The key factors in the predicted model of quality performance by multiple regression methodology are as follows in sequential order: integrating orientation of quality improvement, performance bottom-line, organizational assessment, improvement methodology, organizational culture, skills of quality improvement, and steering organization. The best predictor is the variable of integrating orientation of quality improvement. It implies that the quality activities must be combined with management by objective, quality skills training must be implemented continuously and quality plans by executed by project for reach best quality performance. This study concludes that the firms do not necessarily have to adopt Six Sigma activity to reach excellent performance. Integrating the management activities of business strategy will help balance the technical elements of Six Sigma implementation for quality performance, and the business strategy dimensions that will make implementing Six Sigma more effective.

Les divertissements parisiens et leur influence sur les compositeurs Satie et le groupe des six /

Gouspy, Carol. Penesco, Anne. January 2002 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Musicologie : Lyon 2 : 2002. / Thèse : 2002LYO20004. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.

Improve safety, health, and environmental protection through the introduction of Six Sigma

Kaliher, Thomas L. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis--PlanB (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.

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