281 |
Pinto, Jose Desiderio Pedro
January 1991
(has links)
A case study of Nizamuddin Dargah
282 |
Amin, Pirzada Mohammad
01 1900
(has links)
Customs and practices
283 |
Talib, Mohammad
January 1988
(has links)
Labour settlement in Delhi
284 |
Jan, Momin
January 1993
(has links)
Women, education
285 |
Rathee, Sneh Lata
01 1900
(has links)
Rural leadership in Haryana
286 |
Sharma, Shish Ram
05 1900
(has links)
Social change among gond tribe
287 |
Kumar, Gunti Mohan
04 1900
(has links)
A study of software units in Hyderabad
288 |
Gundemeda, Nagaraju
06 1900
(has links)
A study of private information technology
289 |
Apparaju, Venkata Seshu Kamesh
06 1900
(has links)
Organizational context, communication technology and productivity
290 |
Bairy, Ramesh T S
10 1900
(has links)
A study of the dynamics of Brahmin identity in contemporary Karnataka