311 |
Hadimani, R N
08 1900
(has links)
Industrial entrepreneurship
312 |
Subbaiah, Rekha
07 1900
(has links)
Analysis of problems and changing roles
313 |
Manjula, T
03 July 1998
(has links)
Antharjati vivahitaru
314 |
Thekkamalai, S S
03 1900
(has links)
The dynamics of rural leadership
315 |
January 1993
(has links)
A sociological analysis of Muslims in Mysore City
316 |
Ramaswamy, V
11 1900
(has links)
A rehabilitated submerged village in Karnataka
317 |
Deepthi, S
02 1900
(has links)
social mobility
318 |
Kuttanna, Pushpa
06 1900
(has links)
Kodava plantation
319 |
Bhan, Chander
03 1900
(has links)
Farm mechanisation and social change
320 |
Joshi, V H
03 1900
(has links)
South Gujarat