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Empirical approach to the remote sensing of the chlorophyll in the optically complex waters of the Estuary and Gulf of Saint-Lawrence / Approche empirique pour la télédétection de la chlorophylle dans les eaux optiquement complexes de l'Estuaire et du Golfe Saint-LaurentYayla, K. Mehmet January 2009 (has links)
Data from five research cruises performed between 1997 and 2001 were processed in order to investigate the potential for improving remote sensing algorithms in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Measured in situ parameters included concentration-dependent indicators of the three critical, optically-active constituents, chlorophyll, Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). The radiometric dataset used to investigate different types of algorithms consisted of multi-band above-surface remote sensing reflectance (R[subscript rs]) estimates. These estimates were computed from downwelling surface irradiance and upwelling sub-surface radiance measurements acquired using a SeaWiFS Profiler Multichannel Radiometer (SPMR). The chlorophyll data varied from approximately 0.1 to 17.3 mg.m[superscript -3] in the study region which extended from stations near the Saguenay River to the outer extremes of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The CDOM and SPM concentration indicators were lower in the Gulf compared to the Estuary. Moderate correlation between in situ measurements was found between chlorophyll and SPM, as well as between CDOM and SPM. Chlorophyll and CDOM were virtually uncorrelated. The standard SeaWiFS Case-I chlorophyll retrieval algorithm, OC4v4, was applied to SPMR data acquired over a significant number of sampling stations (N=169). Algorithm shortcomings were noted when the OC4v4 algorithm was applied directly to the study region. Specific shortcomings, the overestimation of low, and underestimation of high chlorophyll concentrations were consistent with previous findings in coastal regions and particularly with previous findings in the NW Atlantic and in high latitude regions. In addition, the algorithmic output was found to be fairly strongly correlated with CDOM and SPM. A perturbation approach, based on the analysis of residuals between OC4v4 estimates and in situ data, showed that the retrieved chlorophyll biases (overestimates) were dependent on SPM and CDOM (especially at low in situ chlorophyll concentrations). An analysis of the spectral parameters (band ratios and spectral slopes) with respect to in situ constituent concentrations showed that both band ratios and band slopes have a greater dependency on CDOM and/or SPM than on chlorophyll. This observation was supported by radiative transfer calculations which showed that the variability of the blue-to-green band ratios due to changes in CDOM and SPM concentrations could be greater than the variability due to changes in chlorophyll concentration. These findings showed that there was no adequate, single band-ratio algorithm for the remote sensing of chlorophyll in our study region. Systematic testing of a large combination of spectral parameters within the context of specific algorithmic formulations resulted in seven prescribed algorithms which provided slight to moderate improvement in the correlation coefficients and root mean square errors relative to in situ chlorophyll and significant decorrelation relative to CDOM and SPM parameters. In general, algorithms based on multiple spectral parameters were more accurate predictors of in situ chlorophyll. In addition to new algorithms, a set of previous algorithms developed by Jacques (2000) for a subregion of the Estuary were validated in the present study. This validation demonstrated a rather remarkable robustness of correlations between in situ and spectral parameters across time and for different types of instruments and measuring conditions. A relatively smaller number of matching SeaWiFS pixels (N=39) and in situ measurements were used to evaluate the performance of the SPMR-derived algorithms. The accuracy of all algorithms deteriorated when applied to satellite data (one possible reason being the shortcomings of the atmospheric correction algorithm, as underscored by the existence of negative values in the reflectance data). Nonetheless, the improvement of the two selected algorithmic formulations relative to the OC4v4 algorithm showed a certain robustness in the face of environmental influences such as atmospheric effects and sensor response variations. Model simulations showed significant shortcomings of the new algorithms in specific turbidity conditions. The selected algorithms were shown to achieve chlorophyll retrievals which were as good as or better than OC4v4 retrievals. Even though the APD<35% accuracy target of the SeaWiFS project could not be reached, new algorithms succeeded to decrease the APD of the remote estimations from 226% to 65% for SPMR data, and from 502% to 95% for SeaWiFS data. In general, our findings showed that the selected algorithmic formulations had the potential for improving chlorophyll retrieval in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf."--Résumé abrégé par UMI.
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Desenvolvimento e espaço: da hierarquia da desconcentração industrial da região metropolitana de São Paulo à formação da macrometrópole paulista / Developmen and space: Sao Paulo\'s post 1985 locational patterns and the development of a wider economic territory, named Sao Paulo\'s MacrometropolisCunha, Alexandre Abdal 09 June 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho insere-se no debate sobre desenvolvimento regional brasileiro. Parte da constatação de que a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) foi o epicentro do processo de industrialização brasileira e de que, a partir de 1970, apresenta fortes quedas em sua participação na produção industrial e no emprego. A primeira forma de qualificação desse fenômeno o caracterizou como de desindustrialização, porém tal tese foi refutada pela literatura mais recente sobre desenvolvimento regional paulista, segundo a qual o fenômeno consistia em um espraiamento da zona de influência da metrópole paulista para o seu interior adjacente, conjuntamente com uma forte tendência de reestruturação produtiva - desencadeada pelos processos de abertura comercial, de desregulamentação da economia e de privatizações. Tal espraiamento não se realizou de maneira aleatória, mas obedeceu a uma hierarquia fundada no grau de modernidade e dinamismo, desconcentrando na RMSP e em seu entorno as atividades econômicas mais rotineiras e ali concentrando as mais modernas. Além de realizar a verificação empírica dessa hipótese, intenta-se aqui investigar as principais tendências locacionais presentes na economia paulista no pós 1985, com especial atenção para a formação de um espaço econômico mais amplo, formado pela RMSP e pelo seu entorno, também chamado de Macrometrópole Paulista. Sua característica básica é a articulação entre indústria e serviços produtivos, com a primeira tendendo a se tornar intensiva nas localidades adjacentes à metrópole paulista e os segundos, na própria capital. Vale destacar, entretanto, que a indústria, principalmente aquela de caráter mais moderno, permanece bastante concentrada na RMSP, de forma que a ascensão de segmentos de serviços não ocorreu em contexto de esvaziamento da indústria. / The present dissertation intends to deal with the Brazilian regional development debate. It recognizes the fact that Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) was the most important area of the Brazilian industrialization process, and since 1970 it has been losing industrial weight - concerning output and jobs. The phenomenon had been firstly interpreted as a typical deindustrialization process. That notwithstanding, a more recent literature has managed to prove the error of this sort of explanation. In this sense, they have set an alternative interpretation for the phenomenon emerged which sees it as being a result of the spread of SPMR influential area to its adjoining regions, in a context of huge productive restructuring process - caused by trade openness, economic deregulation and privatizations. Such spread has not been realized in a random way. Rather it has followed a kind of hierarchy based on a modernity and dynamism degree, which have de-concentrated from SPMR the most routinized industrial activities and concentrated there the most modern ones. Beyond testing the addressed hypothesis, this dissertation aims also to investigate Sao Paulo\'s post 1985 locational patterns, with special attention to the development of a wider economic territory, named Sao Paulo\'s Macrometropolis - constituted by SPMR and its adjoining regions. Its main characteristic is the existence of linkages amongst industry and productivity services, in such a pattern that the first tends to become intensive outside SPMR and the second, inside it. A further issue must be noted, however. The industry, especially the most modern one, remains highly concentrated in SPMR. In other words, at least in the case of SPMR, the development of productivity services should not be understood as a substitute for industry.
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Desenvolvimento e espaço: da hierarquia da desconcentração industrial da região metropolitana de São Paulo à formação da macrometrópole paulista / Developmen and space: Sao Paulo\'s post 1985 locational patterns and the development of a wider economic territory, named Sao Paulo\'s MacrometropolisAlexandre Abdal Cunha 09 June 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho insere-se no debate sobre desenvolvimento regional brasileiro. Parte da constatação de que a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) foi o epicentro do processo de industrialização brasileira e de que, a partir de 1970, apresenta fortes quedas em sua participação na produção industrial e no emprego. A primeira forma de qualificação desse fenômeno o caracterizou como de desindustrialização, porém tal tese foi refutada pela literatura mais recente sobre desenvolvimento regional paulista, segundo a qual o fenômeno consistia em um espraiamento da zona de influência da metrópole paulista para o seu interior adjacente, conjuntamente com uma forte tendência de reestruturação produtiva - desencadeada pelos processos de abertura comercial, de desregulamentação da economia e de privatizações. Tal espraiamento não se realizou de maneira aleatória, mas obedeceu a uma hierarquia fundada no grau de modernidade e dinamismo, desconcentrando na RMSP e em seu entorno as atividades econômicas mais rotineiras e ali concentrando as mais modernas. Além de realizar a verificação empírica dessa hipótese, intenta-se aqui investigar as principais tendências locacionais presentes na economia paulista no pós 1985, com especial atenção para a formação de um espaço econômico mais amplo, formado pela RMSP e pelo seu entorno, também chamado de Macrometrópole Paulista. Sua característica básica é a articulação entre indústria e serviços produtivos, com a primeira tendendo a se tornar intensiva nas localidades adjacentes à metrópole paulista e os segundos, na própria capital. Vale destacar, entretanto, que a indústria, principalmente aquela de caráter mais moderno, permanece bastante concentrada na RMSP, de forma que a ascensão de segmentos de serviços não ocorreu em contexto de esvaziamento da indústria. / The present dissertation intends to deal with the Brazilian regional development debate. It recognizes the fact that Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) was the most important area of the Brazilian industrialization process, and since 1970 it has been losing industrial weight - concerning output and jobs. The phenomenon had been firstly interpreted as a typical deindustrialization process. That notwithstanding, a more recent literature has managed to prove the error of this sort of explanation. In this sense, they have set an alternative interpretation for the phenomenon emerged which sees it as being a result of the spread of SPMR influential area to its adjoining regions, in a context of huge productive restructuring process - caused by trade openness, economic deregulation and privatizations. Such spread has not been realized in a random way. Rather it has followed a kind of hierarchy based on a modernity and dynamism degree, which have de-concentrated from SPMR the most routinized industrial activities and concentrated there the most modern ones. Beyond testing the addressed hypothesis, this dissertation aims also to investigate Sao Paulo\'s post 1985 locational patterns, with special attention to the development of a wider economic territory, named Sao Paulo\'s Macrometropolis - constituted by SPMR and its adjoining regions. Its main characteristic is the existence of linkages amongst industry and productivity services, in such a pattern that the first tends to become intensive outside SPMR and the second, inside it. A further issue must be noted, however. The industry, especially the most modern one, remains highly concentrated in SPMR. In other words, at least in the case of SPMR, the development of productivity services should not be understood as a substitute for industry.
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Distribuição urbana de carga: um estudo com empresas que atuam na região metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). / Urban goods distribution: a study with logistics services providers in São Paulo Metropolitan Region.Carvalho, Carla Deguirmendjian Rosa 25 July 2014 (has links)
As externalidades negativas geradas pela distribuição urbana de cargas como congestionamentos, poluição e ruídos, são amplamente conhecidas e vivenciadas pela população que vive em grandes centros urbanos. Esses problemas têm sido agravados pelo crescimento da população urbana, pela crise no modelo de mobilidade adotado nas grandes cidades brasileiras e pelo aumento da complexidade do processo de distribuição urbana de carga. Nesse sentido, alguns atributos podem contribuir para a melhoria do desempenho logístico dos agentes participantes na distribuição de carga e outros podem dificultar a sua competitividade A investigação dos atributos de distribuição urbana de carga e dos papéis desses agentes são o ponto de partida deste estudo. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo identificar os atributos de distribuição urbana de carga, levando-se em conta os diferentes pontos de vista dos principais responsáveis pela distribuição de carga na RMSP e que atuam no mercado varejista: Embarcador, Operador Logístico, Transportador e Cliente. Para tanto, foi feita a análise do referencial teórico sobre o tema distribuição urbana de carga, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos de caso em Operadores logísticos que atuam na logística de distribuição de carga na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Foi também realizado um levantamento de dados com 119 prestadores de serviços logísticos, Operador logístico e Transportador, obtidas pela aplicação de questionário de pesquisa com esses agentes. Por meio das informações obtidas, verificou-se que os atributos relevantes e unânimes entre os prestadores de serviços logísticos, são: filas e local para carga e descarga, flexibilidade, restrição de circulação por tamanho de veículo, local regulamentado para estacionar veículos de carga, congestionamento e roubo de carga. Adicionalmente, o consumo sazonal e o comprometimento no recebimento são os problemas mais relevantes segundo os Operadores logísticos e Transportadores, respectivamente. / The negative externalities generated by the urban distribution of cargo, such as traffic jams, pollution and noise, are widely known and experienced by the population living in large urban centers. These problems have been aggravated by the growth in urban population, by the crisis in the mobility model adopted in the large Brazilian cities and by the growth in complexity of the urban cargo distribution process. In this sense, some attributes may contribute to improving the logistic performance of the agents participating in the cargo distribution and others may hinder its competitiveness. The investigation into the urban cargo distribution attributes and of these agents roles is the starting point of this study. The present thesis aims to analyze the urban cargo distribution attributes, taking into account the different points of view of the major actors in the cargo distribution in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) and acting in the retail market: Shipper, Logistic Operator, Carrier and Client. For this, an analysis of the theoretical referential was performed regarding the theme urban cargo distribution; two case studies were conducted with Logistic Operators acting in the cargo distribution logistics in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region and, lastly, the descriptive measures of the problems faced by Logistic Service Renderers, Logistic Operators and Carriers were analyzed, obtained from the application of a research questionnaire to these agents. From the information obtained, the relevant and unanimous attributes among the logistic service renderers were verified to be: lines and places for loading/ unloading, flexibility, circulation constraints as per the size of the vehicle, regulated place to stop cargo vehicles, traffic jam and cargo theft. Added to these attributes are seasonal consumption and product compromised at receipt, which are considered relevant by Logistic Operators and Carriers, respectively.
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Distribuição urbana de carga: um estudo com empresas que atuam na região metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). / Urban goods distribution: a study with logistics services providers in São Paulo Metropolitan Region.Carla Deguirmendjian Rosa Carvalho 25 July 2014 (has links)
As externalidades negativas geradas pela distribuição urbana de cargas como congestionamentos, poluição e ruídos, são amplamente conhecidas e vivenciadas pela população que vive em grandes centros urbanos. Esses problemas têm sido agravados pelo crescimento da população urbana, pela crise no modelo de mobilidade adotado nas grandes cidades brasileiras e pelo aumento da complexidade do processo de distribuição urbana de carga. Nesse sentido, alguns atributos podem contribuir para a melhoria do desempenho logístico dos agentes participantes na distribuição de carga e outros podem dificultar a sua competitividade A investigação dos atributos de distribuição urbana de carga e dos papéis desses agentes são o ponto de partida deste estudo. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo identificar os atributos de distribuição urbana de carga, levando-se em conta os diferentes pontos de vista dos principais responsáveis pela distribuição de carga na RMSP e que atuam no mercado varejista: Embarcador, Operador Logístico, Transportador e Cliente. Para tanto, foi feita a análise do referencial teórico sobre o tema distribuição urbana de carga, foram desenvolvidos dois estudos de caso em Operadores logísticos que atuam na logística de distribuição de carga na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Foi também realizado um levantamento de dados com 119 prestadores de serviços logísticos, Operador logístico e Transportador, obtidas pela aplicação de questionário de pesquisa com esses agentes. Por meio das informações obtidas, verificou-se que os atributos relevantes e unânimes entre os prestadores de serviços logísticos, são: filas e local para carga e descarga, flexibilidade, restrição de circulação por tamanho de veículo, local regulamentado para estacionar veículos de carga, congestionamento e roubo de carga. Adicionalmente, o consumo sazonal e o comprometimento no recebimento são os problemas mais relevantes segundo os Operadores logísticos e Transportadores, respectivamente. / The negative externalities generated by the urban distribution of cargo, such as traffic jams, pollution and noise, are widely known and experienced by the population living in large urban centers. These problems have been aggravated by the growth in urban population, by the crisis in the mobility model adopted in the large Brazilian cities and by the growth in complexity of the urban cargo distribution process. In this sense, some attributes may contribute to improving the logistic performance of the agents participating in the cargo distribution and others may hinder its competitiveness. The investigation into the urban cargo distribution attributes and of these agents roles is the starting point of this study. The present thesis aims to analyze the urban cargo distribution attributes, taking into account the different points of view of the major actors in the cargo distribution in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) and acting in the retail market: Shipper, Logistic Operator, Carrier and Client. For this, an analysis of the theoretical referential was performed regarding the theme urban cargo distribution; two case studies were conducted with Logistic Operators acting in the cargo distribution logistics in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region and, lastly, the descriptive measures of the problems faced by Logistic Service Renderers, Logistic Operators and Carriers were analyzed, obtained from the application of a research questionnaire to these agents. From the information obtained, the relevant and unanimous attributes among the logistic service renderers were verified to be: lines and places for loading/ unloading, flexibility, circulation constraints as per the size of the vehicle, regulated place to stop cargo vehicles, traffic jam and cargo theft. Added to these attributes are seasonal consumption and product compromised at receipt, which are considered relevant by Logistic Operators and Carriers, respectively.
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