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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolutionary patterns of Amoebozoa revealed by gene content and phylogenomics

Kang, Seungho 07 August 2020 (has links)
Amoebozoa is the eukaryotic supergroup sister to Obazoa, the lineage that contains the animals (including us humans) and Fungi. Amoebozoa is extraordinarily diverse, encompassing important model organisms and significant pathogens. Although amoebozoans are integral to global nutrient cycles and present in nearly all environments, they remain vastly understudied. Here we have isolated a naked eukaryotic amoeba with filose subpseudopodia, and a simple life cycle consisting of a trophic amoeba and a cyst stage. Using a wholistic approach including light, electron, fluorescence microscopy and SSU rDNA, we find that this amoeboid organism fails to match any previously described eukaryote genus. Our isolate amoebae are most similar to some variosean amoebae which also possess acutely pointed filose subpseudopodia. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian tree of the SSU-rDNA gene places our isolate in Variosea of Amoebozoa as a novel lineage with high statistical support closely related to the highly diverse protosteloid amoebae Protostelium. This novel variosean is herein named “Hodorica filosa” n. g. n. sp. We present a robust phylogeny of Amoebozoa based on a broad representative set of taxa in a phylogenomic framework (325 genes). By sampling 61 taxa using culture-based and single-cell transcriptomics, our analyses show two major clades of Amoebozoa, Discosea and Tevosa. Overall, the main macroevolutionary patterns in Amoebozoa appear to result from the parallel losses of homologous characters of a multiphase life cycle that included flagella, sex, and sporocarps rather than independent acquisition of convergent features Integrins are transmembrane receptors that activate signal transduction pathways upon extracellular matrix binding. The Integrin Mediated Adhesion Complex (IMAC), mediates various cell physiological processes and are key elements that are associated animal multicellularity. The IMAC was thought to be specific to animals. Over the last decade however, the IMAC complexes were discovered throughout Obazoa. We show the presence of an ancestral complex of integrin adhesion proteins that predate the evolution of the Amoebozoa. Co-option of an ancient protein complex was key to the emergence of animal multicellularity. The role of the IMAC in a unicellular context is unknown but must also play a critical role for at least some unicellular organisms.

Application of PCR-DGGE method for identification of nematode communities in pepper growing soil: Ứng dụng phương pháp PCR-DGGE để định danh cộng đồng tuyến trùng trong đất trồng hồ tiêu

Nguyen, Thi Phuong, Ha, Duy Ngo, Nguyen, Huu Hung, Duong, Duc Hieu 17 August 2017 (has links)
Soil nematodes play an important role in indication for assessing soil environments and ecosystems. Previous studies of nematode community analyses based on molecular identification have shown to be useful for assessing soil environments. Here we applied PCR-DGGE method for molecular analysis of five soil nematode communities (designed as S1 to S5) collected from four provinces in Southeastern Vietnam (Binh Duong, Ba Ria Vung Tau, Binh Phuoc and Dong Nai) based on SSU gene. By sequencing DNA bands derived from S5 community sample, our data show 15 species containing soil nematode, other nematode and non-nematode (fungi) species. Genus Meloidogyne was found as abundant one. The genetic relationship of soil nematode species in S5 community were determined by Maximum Likelihood tree re-construction based on SSU gene. This molecular approach is applied for the first time in Vietnam for identification of soil nematode communities. / Tuyến trùng đất đóng vai trò chỉ thị quan trọng trong công tác đánh giá môi trường và hệ sinh thái đất. Các nghiên cứu trước đây đã cho thấy lợi ích của việc phân tích cộng đồng tuyến trùng đất bằng định danh sinh học phân tử đối với việc đánh giá môi trường đất. Ở đây, chúng tôi ứng dụng phương pháp PCR-DGGE dựa trên gene SSU để phân tích năm (ký hiệu từ S1 đến S5) cộng đồng tuyến trùng đất thuộc các vùng trồng chuyên canh cây hồ tiêu ở miền nam Việt Nam (Bình Dương, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu, Bình Phước và Đồng Nai). Bằng cách giải trình tự các vạch của mẫu tuyến trùng S5, kết quả cho thấy cộng đồng tuyến trùng này có 15 loài gồm nhóm tuyến trùng đất, nhóm các loại tuyến trùng khác và nhóm không phải tuyến trùng (nấm) và trong đó Meloidogyne là giống ưu thế. Mối quan hệ di truyền của các các loài tuyến trùng đất thuộc cộng đồng S5 được xác định bằng việc thiết lập cây phát sinh loài Maximum Likelihood dựa trên gene SSU. Đây là nghiên cứu đầu tiên ở Việt Nam sử dụng kỹ thuật PCR-DGGE để phân tích các cộng đồng tuyến trùng đất trồng hồ tiêu.

Filogenia de Porphyra spp. (Rhodophyta): sequenciamento do gene nuclear para o RNA da subunidade pequena do ribossomo (rDNA 18S) e estudos morfológicos da fase Conchocelis / Phylogene of Porphyra spp (Rhodophyta): sequencing of the nuclear gene coding for the RNA from the small subunity of the ribosome (18S rDNA) and morphological studies of the Conchocelis phase

Oliveira, Mariana Cabral de 15 December 1993 (has links)
O gênero Porphyra (Rhodophyta) apresenta uma considerável importância econômica, sendo extensivamente cultivado e consumido como alimento. O gênero é representado por mais de 70 espécies e apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica, desde regiões tropicais até polares. Sua taxonomia, baseada em poucos caracteres da fase macroscópica do seu ciclo de vida, é ainda bastante problemática. Para tentar entender melhor a taxonomia e a história evolutiva de Porphyra foram utilizadas metodologias de biologia molecular e características da fase conchocelis do ciclo de vida. Verificou-se que caracteres da fase microscópica podem ser utilizados para complementar os conhecimentos taxonômicos tradicionais. Para tentar elucidar a posição filogenética do gênero Porphyra na divisão Rhodophyta e, dentro do gênero, entre espécies do Atlântico, o gene nuclear que codifica para o RNA ribossomal da subunidade pequena do ribossomo (rDNA 18S) foi amplificado através de PCR, clonado e completamente sequenciado. Foram utilizadas três espécies de Porphyra da Nova Escócia (Canadá) e duas de São Paulo (Brasil). As sequências obtidas foram alinhadas com as de alguns eucariontes e de outras algas vermelhas, incluindo uma sequência publicada de \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" da França. As árvores filogenéticas foram construídas através dos métodos de parcimônia, distancia e máxima verossimilhança. As analises mostraram que o gênero Porphyra é monofilético para as cinco espécies estudadas e constitui um dos ramos mais antigos dentro das algas vermelhas já analisados. O gênero Porphyra, subclasse Bangiophycidae, apresentou uma diferença substancial em relação aos gêneros da subclasse Florrideophycidae, sustentando assim, a divisão de Rhodophyta em duas subclasses pela taxonomia tradicional. Entre os eucariontes, Porphyra divergiu ao mesmo tempo que o nuclemorfo de Cryptomonas. O alto grau de divergência genética encontrada entre espécies de Porphyra, além de indicações do registo fóssil, na literatura, sugerem que o gênero é bastante primitivo dentro das algas vermelhas. Surpreendentemente, a sequência publicada para \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" apresentou mais de 99% de identidade com uma espécie de Palmaria que pertence à subclasse Florideophycidae; neste caso, a biologia molecular serviu para comprovar a identificação errônea do exemplar cuja sequência foi publicada. Durante a análise filogenética, verificou-se a ocorrência de um intron do grupo ICI nos genes rDNA 18S de Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. Esse intron ocorre na mesma posição que os introns do grupo IC1 nos rDNA 18S dos fungos Pneumocystis carinii, Protomyces inouyei e da alga verde Chlorella ellipsoidea, e apresenta identidade de sequências nos domínios P1 e P2, fora da região conservada, com o intron de Pn. Carinii. Três variantes, diferindo do tamanho da seqüencia do domínio P1, foram observados em três populações com distribuição geográfica diferente. O variante maior pode se auto-processar (\"self-splice\") in vitro. Quadros abertos de leitura estão presentes nos introns, mas não correspondem a nenhum gene conhecido. Introns estão presentes no rDNA 18S de outras espécies de Porphyra, que também podem apresentar variantes do rDNA 18S sem introns / The red algas genus Porphyra has considerable economic importance, and some species are extensively cultivated for human food. The genus is represented by more than 70 species, and occurs worldwide. Its taxonomy, based mainly on morphological characters of the macroscopic phase of its life-cycle is still unsettled. Alternatives to try to understand better the taxonomy and evolutive history of the genus were ascertained. It was verified that characters of the microscopic, filamentous phase, of the life-cycle of Porphyra may be used to complement the traditional taxonomic studies. To try to elucidate the phylogenetic position of Porphyra relative to the other red algae, and within the genus, among isolates from different locations, nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (18S rDNAs) were PCR-amplified, cloned and completely sequenced. Three species of Porphyra from Nova Scotia and two species from Brasil were aligned with 18S sequences of other eukaryotes, including one published sequence of \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" from France. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by parsimony, distance and maximum-likelihood procedures. Analysis of our data revealed that these Porphyra species represented one of the deepest branches so far discovered within red algae. There was a great degree of primary sequence difference between Porphyra (subclass Bangiophycidae), and the other red algae belonging to the subclasses Florideophycidae. These results support the division of red algae into two subclasses by traditional taxonomy. Among eukaryotes Porphyra diverges at the same point as the Cryptomonas nucleomorph. The great among of sequence divergence, and the fossil record suggest that Porphyra, my indeed, be a very primitive red alga. Surprisingly, the 18S RNA sequence of the French \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" does not fit in our Porphyra category; instead, it has more than 99% identity with a species of Palmaria belonging to the subclass Florideophycidae. Therefore it was concluded that \"P. umbilicalis\" with the published sequence was actually a Palmaria palmate that was misidentified. During the phylogenetic analysis it was found that a group IC1 intron occurs in nuclear 18S rRNA genes of Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. This intron occurs at the same position of the group IC1 introns in 18S rDNAs of the fungus Pneumocystis carinii, Protomyces inouyei and the green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea, and shares primary-structural identity with the Pn. Carinii intron in domains P1 and P2, outside the conserved core. Three size-variants, differing in amount of optimal sequence in P1, exist and are differentially distributed in geographically distinct populations. The largest variant can self-splice in vitro. Open reading frames are present, but do correspond to known genes. Introns are present in the 18S rDNAs of several other Porphyra species, that may also have intronless rDNA copies

Pour une meilleure caractérisation du registre fossile pélagique : diversité morphologique, biogéographie et écologie des espèces cryptiques de foraminifères planctoniques

Morard, Raphaël 09 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation des coquilles carbonatées de foraminifères planctoniques comme marqueurs paléocéanographiques repose sur l'hypothèse fondamentale que chaque espèce morphologique correspond à une espèce biologique caractéristique d'un habitat spécifique. Cette relation empirique a été récemment remise en cause par des analyses moléculaires qui ont révélé la présence systématique de plusieurs espèces génétiques (espèces cryptiques) au sein des morpho-espèces actuelles. Il a été suggéré que ces espèces cryptiques ou génotypes, présentaient (1) des préférences biogéographiques et écologiques restreintes par rapport à leur morpho-espèce respective et (2) des différences morphologiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé la diversité génétique, morphologique et écologique de 4 morpho-espèces clefs de la paléocéanographie, i.e. Orbulina universa, Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata et Globigerina bulloides. Cette étude repose sur le développement d'un protocole d'extraction ADN non destructif pour la coquille calcaire, permettant l'analyse conjointe de la variabilité génétique et morphologique d'un même individu. Les variations de forme ou de porosité de chacun des génotypes des morphoespèces ont été quantifiées. Il apparaît que le fort degré de plasticité morphologique largement documenté chez les foraminifères planctonique et jusqu'alors interprété comme écophénotypique, est au moins en partie la conséquence du regroupement de plusieurs génotypes présentant des morphologies et préférences écologique particulières. Sur la base de ces observations, des modèles de reconnaissance morphologique permettant d'identifier les génotypes à partir de la morphologie de la coquille, utilisables à l'échelle populationnelle, ont été développés. Afin de quantifier l'impact de l'intégration de la diversité cryptique dans les reconstitutions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques, les fonctions de transfert couramment utilisées ont été re-calibrées en intégrant les distributions restreintes des génotypes d'O. universa, T. truncatulinoides, G. inflata et G. bulloides. Ces re-calibrations conduisent à un degré de précision jusqu'alors jamais atteint dans les reconstructions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques.

Filogenia de Porphyra spp. (Rhodophyta): sequenciamento do gene nuclear para o RNA da subunidade pequena do ribossomo (rDNA 18S) e estudos morfológicos da fase Conchocelis / Phylogene of Porphyra spp (Rhodophyta): sequencing of the nuclear gene coding for the RNA from the small subunity of the ribosome (18S rDNA) and morphological studies of the Conchocelis phase

Mariana Cabral de Oliveira 15 December 1993 (has links)
O gênero Porphyra (Rhodophyta) apresenta uma considerável importância econômica, sendo extensivamente cultivado e consumido como alimento. O gênero é representado por mais de 70 espécies e apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica, desde regiões tropicais até polares. Sua taxonomia, baseada em poucos caracteres da fase macroscópica do seu ciclo de vida, é ainda bastante problemática. Para tentar entender melhor a taxonomia e a história evolutiva de Porphyra foram utilizadas metodologias de biologia molecular e características da fase conchocelis do ciclo de vida. Verificou-se que caracteres da fase microscópica podem ser utilizados para complementar os conhecimentos taxonômicos tradicionais. Para tentar elucidar a posição filogenética do gênero Porphyra na divisão Rhodophyta e, dentro do gênero, entre espécies do Atlântico, o gene nuclear que codifica para o RNA ribossomal da subunidade pequena do ribossomo (rDNA 18S) foi amplificado através de PCR, clonado e completamente sequenciado. Foram utilizadas três espécies de Porphyra da Nova Escócia (Canadá) e duas de São Paulo (Brasil). As sequências obtidas foram alinhadas com as de alguns eucariontes e de outras algas vermelhas, incluindo uma sequência publicada de \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" da França. As árvores filogenéticas foram construídas através dos métodos de parcimônia, distancia e máxima verossimilhança. As analises mostraram que o gênero Porphyra é monofilético para as cinco espécies estudadas e constitui um dos ramos mais antigos dentro das algas vermelhas já analisados. O gênero Porphyra, subclasse Bangiophycidae, apresentou uma diferença substancial em relação aos gêneros da subclasse Florrideophycidae, sustentando assim, a divisão de Rhodophyta em duas subclasses pela taxonomia tradicional. Entre os eucariontes, Porphyra divergiu ao mesmo tempo que o nuclemorfo de Cryptomonas. O alto grau de divergência genética encontrada entre espécies de Porphyra, além de indicações do registo fóssil, na literatura, sugerem que o gênero é bastante primitivo dentro das algas vermelhas. Surpreendentemente, a sequência publicada para \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" apresentou mais de 99% de identidade com uma espécie de Palmaria que pertence à subclasse Florideophycidae; neste caso, a biologia molecular serviu para comprovar a identificação errônea do exemplar cuja sequência foi publicada. Durante a análise filogenética, verificou-se a ocorrência de um intron do grupo ICI nos genes rDNA 18S de Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. Esse intron ocorre na mesma posição que os introns do grupo IC1 nos rDNA 18S dos fungos Pneumocystis carinii, Protomyces inouyei e da alga verde Chlorella ellipsoidea, e apresenta identidade de sequências nos domínios P1 e P2, fora da região conservada, com o intron de Pn. Carinii. Três variantes, diferindo do tamanho da seqüencia do domínio P1, foram observados em três populações com distribuição geográfica diferente. O variante maior pode se auto-processar (\"self-splice\") in vitro. Quadros abertos de leitura estão presentes nos introns, mas não correspondem a nenhum gene conhecido. Introns estão presentes no rDNA 18S de outras espécies de Porphyra, que também podem apresentar variantes do rDNA 18S sem introns / The red algas genus Porphyra has considerable economic importance, and some species are extensively cultivated for human food. The genus is represented by more than 70 species, and occurs worldwide. Its taxonomy, based mainly on morphological characters of the macroscopic phase of its life-cycle is still unsettled. Alternatives to try to understand better the taxonomy and evolutive history of the genus were ascertained. It was verified that characters of the microscopic, filamentous phase, of the life-cycle of Porphyra may be used to complement the traditional taxonomic studies. To try to elucidate the phylogenetic position of Porphyra relative to the other red algae, and within the genus, among isolates from different locations, nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (18S rDNAs) were PCR-amplified, cloned and completely sequenced. Three species of Porphyra from Nova Scotia and two species from Brasil were aligned with 18S sequences of other eukaryotes, including one published sequence of \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" from France. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by parsimony, distance and maximum-likelihood procedures. Analysis of our data revealed that these Porphyra species represented one of the deepest branches so far discovered within red algae. There was a great degree of primary sequence difference between Porphyra (subclass Bangiophycidae), and the other red algae belonging to the subclasses Florideophycidae. These results support the division of red algae into two subclasses by traditional taxonomy. Among eukaryotes Porphyra diverges at the same point as the Cryptomonas nucleomorph. The great among of sequence divergence, and the fossil record suggest that Porphyra, my indeed, be a very primitive red alga. Surprisingly, the 18S RNA sequence of the French \"Porphyra umbilicalis\" does not fit in our Porphyra category; instead, it has more than 99% identity with a species of Palmaria belonging to the subclass Florideophycidae. Therefore it was concluded that \"P. umbilicalis\" with the published sequence was actually a Palmaria palmate that was misidentified. During the phylogenetic analysis it was found that a group IC1 intron occurs in nuclear 18S rRNA genes of Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. This intron occurs at the same position of the group IC1 introns in 18S rDNAs of the fungus Pneumocystis carinii, Protomyces inouyei and the green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea, and shares primary-structural identity with the Pn. Carinii intron in domains P1 and P2, outside the conserved core. Three size-variants, differing in amount of optimal sequence in P1, exist and are differentially distributed in geographically distinct populations. The largest variant can self-splice in vitro. Open reading frames are present, but do correspond to known genes. Introns are present in the 18S rDNAs of several other Porphyra species, that may also have intronless rDNA copies

Skrytá diverzita volně žijících trichomonád a jejich postavení v rámci skupiny Parabasalia / Cryptic diversity of free-living trichomonads and their phylogenetic position within Parabasalia

Céza, Vít January 2011 (has links)
Trichomonads (Parabasalia) are anaerobic microeukaryotes classified in the supergroup Excavata. Inclusion of parabasalids within Excavata is exclusively based on the molecular- phylogenetic evidence. Over 400 species of parabasalids have been described so far, and the vast majority of them are endobiotic. In contrast, only few species of free-living parabasalids forming four independent lineages have been described (Pseudotrichomonas keilini, Ditrichomonas honigbergii, Monotrichomonas carabina, Honigbergiella sp., Tetratrichomonas undula, and Lacusteria cypriaca). Lacusteria cypriaca is a new species and genus described in our recent paper. In this paper we published the first two sequences of SSU rDNA from Pseudotrichomonas keilini as well. All of these lineages are likely secondarily free-living, and they developed from endobiotic ancestors. In addition to the already published Lacusteria cypriaca and Pseudotrichomonas keilini strains, we have recently obtained seven another isolates of free-living trichomonads (LAGOS2D, E2NT, CK, LAGOS2M, GR8, GOU23 LIVADIAN, and VAV1A1); from all of these isolates we sequenced SSU rDNA and performed phylogenetic analyses. These isolates split into four independent evolutionary lineages, which indicate that free-living parabasalids are more diversed and...

Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of chaetophoralean algae (Chlorophyta) / Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of chaetophoralean algae (Chlorophyta)

CAISOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Since the human inclination to estimate and trace natural diversity, usable species definitions as well as taxonomical systems are required. As a consequence, the first proposed classification schemes assigned the filamentous and parenchymatous taxa to the green algal order Chaetophorales sensu Wille. The introduction of ultrastructural and molecular methods provided novel insight into algal evolution and generated taxonomic revisions based on phylogenetic inference. However, until now, the number of molecular phylogenetic studies focusing on the Chaetophorales s.s. is surprisingly low. To enhance knowledge about phylogenetic relationships among taxa within the order, the nuclear?encoded SSU rDNA sequences from 30 strains covering all three chaetophoralean families have been investigated. All revealed monophyletic groupings were further screened for molecular non-homoplasious synapomorphies within the Viridiplantae. To address the question of the correspondence between morphological characters traditionally used for taxonomical delimitation of the Chaetophorales and the tree topology favored by molecular data, the list of morphological/ ultrastructural/ecological characters was elaborated and further analyzed. In addition, to obtain a close-up view into the evolution of Compensatory Base Changes (CBCs) of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) which is currently often used to delimit putative biological species, 86 newly obtained/published sequences of ITS2 for five families of the order Ulvales were analyzed. Furthermore, a detailed comparative study of all ITS2 substitutions has been done. Subsequently all revealed CBCs and hemi- CBCs have been mapped upon the ITS2 phylogenetic tree topology. Finally, CBCs/hCBCs taxonomic inference in the Ulvales has been discussed.

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