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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social and programme factors influencing maternal morbidity in Indonesia

Siregar, Kemal Nazaruddin January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Validation of women's perceptions of near-miss obstetric morbidity in South Benin

Filippi, Veronique Genevieve Andree January 1999 (has links)
This thesis examines whether measurement of morbidity prevalence through survey methods provides a suitable alternative to mortality measurement for safe motherhood programme needs assessment. It considers the validity of a survey instrument by comparing results from a questionnaire on near-miss obstetric complications to hospital clinical data. Three groups of women -with severe obstetric complications, mild obstetric complications and with a normal delivery - were identified retrospectively in three hospitals in South Benin and interviewed at home using a questionnaire. The complications of interest were eclampsia, haemorrhage, dystocia and infections of the genital tract. The concept of near-miss death event was used to identify women with severe episodes of morbidity. The aim of the analysis was to find questions with very high specificity for measuring the prevalence of obstetric conditions even at the expense of sensitivity. The questionnaire was able to detect, with sufficient accuracy, eclamptic fits, abnormal bleeding in the third trimester for a recall period of at least 3-4 years, and all episodes of haemorrhage independent of timing within a shorter period of 2 years. The specificity of questions and combinations of questions for dystocia and infections of the genital tract was weak, and generated disappointing results except when information on treatment was included. Overall, better results were achieved for antepartum and acute events than complications defined as such because they are at the extreme end of a continuum. Severity only made a positive difference in the case of eclampsia with an increase in sensitivity. 1 These results are interpreted in the light of methodological constraints and findings from similar studies. Although the study could support the use of individual interview surveys for eclampsia and haemorrhage, this methodology cannot be readily recommended in view of the insufficient specificity reported elsewhere. The way forward in terms of morbidity information as well as the future of the near-miss concept is presented in the final chapter.

Factors influencing the choice of place of child delivery among women in Garissa district, Kenya

Hirsi, Alasa Osman January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Although the Kenyan government implemented safe motherhood programme two decades ago, available data indicate that prevalence of home delivery is still high among women in Garissa District. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the factors influencing the choice of place of childbirth. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 224 women who delivered babies two years prior to December 2010. Using a statcalc program in Epi Info 3.3.2, with expected frequency of home delivery at 83% +5% and a 95% confidence level, the calculated sample size was 215. Furthermore, with a 95% response rate the adjusted minimum sample size was 226.There were two none-responses hence 224 women were interviewed. Stratified sampling was used. Data were collected using pre-tested structured questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis was performed. A binary logistic regression analysis using the Enter method was performed to determine independent predictors for use or non-use of healthcare services for childbirth. The threshold for statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results: The result was presented in text and tables. The study found 67% (n=224) women delivered at home and 33% delivered in hospital. The study found low level of education, poverty, none-attendance of ANC, distance, cost of services, poor quality services, negative attitude towards midwives, experience of previous obstetric complications and decision-making to be significant predictors in home delivery at the bivariate level (p<0.05). The study did not find relationship between age, marital status, religion and place of childbirth (p>0.05). At multivariate level, the following variables were still found to be significant predictors of home delivery: no education OR=8.36 (95% CI; 4.12-17.17), no occupation OR=1.43(95% CI; 1.08–5.49) experience of obstetric complications OR=1.38 (95% CI; 1.15-2.12), none-attendance of antenatal clinic OR=1.11 (95% CI; 1.03–1.51), Rude midwives OR=5.60 (95% CI; 2.66-11.96). Conclusions: high prevalence of home delivery was noted due to lack of education, poverty and inaccessible maternity services hence the need to empower women in education and economy to enhance hospital delivery.

We're safe and happy already: traditional birth attendants and safe motherhood in a Cambodian rural commune

Hoban, Elizabeth January 2002 (has links)
The central concern of this study is the social, cultural and political position of traditional birth attendants (TBA), known as yiey maap (grandmother midwives) in Chup Commune (pseudonym). In particular, this study explores strategies yiey maap use to negotiate or bypass Western model health services in an attempt to maintain their personal integrity and cultural capital as birth attendants, and to ensure the physical, emotional, economic and cultural safety of the woman they care for. / This thesis explores traditional maternity knowledges and practices using ethnographic methods to investigate the central issues, concerns and barriers confronting rural woman as they make choices to adapt, resist or negotiate Western maternity care. It is vital to consider historical, political, cultural and economic factors that influence women's decisions in order to understand how and why women hold onto or surrender their traditional childbirth knowledges and practices, including the preservation of yiey maap, their favoured birth attendant. / Safe Motherhood initiatives were introduced into resource-poor countries by the World Health Organization in 1987 with the goal of reducing maternal mortality rates. They were based on the premise that pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care were safer when provided by skilled birth attendants in a modern health facility. TBAs were not considered skilled birth attendants by Safe Motherhood partner agencies, as training and utilizing TBAs in Safe Motherhood initiatives did not have a measurable impact on maternal mortality rates. Instead, TBAs' roles have been recast, and TBAs are expected to be health promoters and educators, referral agents and information gatherers. / I argue that Khmer women do not engage with the modern health system because it is unfamiliar and expensive, and health personnel provide poor quality care. Instead, in times of obstetric emergencies, women attempt to negotiate their own and their family's safety through personal autonomy and agency. / I conclude by proposing alternative approaches and strategies, including the increased utilisation of yiey maap in Cambodian Safe Motherhood programs. A central question is whether the Ministry of Health, supported by bilateral and multilateral agencies, should train and utilize yiey maap or midwives in maternity care. I argue that both are of equal importance. Until yiey maap are valued for their contribution to, and enjoy equitable inclusion in midwifery care, initiatives that involve yiey maap as program "extras", who undertake peripheral tasks, will not reduce maternal mortality rates.

Ações da equipe de enfermagem no ciclo gravídico puerperal e as competências essenciais para a atenção qualificada ao parto / The actions of nursing team in the puerperal pregnancy cycle and the essentials competences to the qualified attention on childbirth.

Bussadori, Jamile Claro de Castro 02 December 2009 (has links)
A atenção qualificada ao parto tem sido um dos principais focos de ação da Iniciativa Maternidade Sem Risco (IMSR), no intuito de se obter gestações e partos mais seguros para as mulheres e os recém-nascidos e consequentemente diminuir as taxas de morbimortalidade materno-infantil. Este estudo buscou conhecer a assistência que as mulheres, atendidas nos serviços públicos de saúde do município de São Carlos/SP, recebem durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal, evidenciando as ações desenvolvidas pela equipe de enfermagem. Objetivos: Descrever o perfil dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuam na atenção ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal e identificar as ações desenvolvidas por estes na assistência ao pré-natal, trabalho de parto, parto e puerpério, correlacionando com as competências essenciais ao exercício básico da obstetrícia recomendadas pela Confederação Internacional das Parteiras (ICM). Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo, com uma abordagem quantitativa, que utilizou para a coleta de dados a entrevista estruturada e a observação sistemática das ações desenvolvidas pelos profissionais de enfermagem na assistência ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal. A população estudada foi composta de 84 profissionais de enfermagem, sendo 37 da atenção básica que prestam assistência ao pré-natal e puerpério e 47 da maternidade, que prestam assistência ao parto. Foram observadas na atenção básica, 52 pré-consultas e 47 pós-consultas de pré-natal, 05 abertura de SISPRENATAL, 05 acolhimentos, 05 consulta de pré-natal e 02 consultas puerperais realizadas pelas enfermeiras. Na atenção ao parto foram observadas 22 avaliações obstétricas admissionais, 15 trabalhos de parto, 12 partos normais, 10 cesáreas, 18 recepções de recém-nascido e 18 assistências no alojamento conjunto. A estatística descritiva foi utilizada para descrever e sintetizar os dados. Resultados: Os profissionais são predominantemente do sexo feminino, média de 35,1 anos, casados (62,2%) e com filhos. A média de carga horária encontrada entre os profissionais de enfermagem que prestam assistência na atenção básica foi de 41,6 horas e de 53,9 horas na assistência ao parto, sendo que respectivamente 8,1% e 32% destes profissionais têm mais de um emprego. A média de salários dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem que atendem a mulher no o pré-natal e no parto correspondem respectivamente a 43,2% e 37,3% da remuneração média das enfermeiras. Quanto à qualificação profissional, todas as enfermeiras entrevistadas na atenção básica do município referiram ter cursado ou estar cursando pós-graduação lato sensu, sendo 57,14% em saúde da família, 21,43% em enfermagem obstétrica, 7,14% em saúde da família e enfermagem obstétrica, 7,14% em saúde da família e saúde mental e 7,14% em administração hospitalar. Na maternidade, as seis enfermeiras eram especialistas em obstétrica. O tempo de experiência profissional no atendimento às mulheres no ciclo gravídico-puerperal entre os profissionais da atenção básica variou de 1 mês a 20 anos e na maternidade de 1 mês a 25 anos. Os resultados revelam que todos os profissionais são qualificados para a atenção ao ciclo gravídicopuerperal. Quanto às habilidades essenciais em obstetrícia, preconizadas pela ICM, muitas foram realizadas de forma incompletas e outras deixaram de ser realizadas. Conclusões: Na atenção básica as ações desenvolvidas pelo profissional de enfermagem no cuidado à mulher no pré-natal foram predominantemente de suporte, apoio e complementação da assistência médica, sendo discreta a participação da enfermeira na consulta de pré-natal. Na maternidade as enfermeiras atendem na admissão, acompanham o trabalho de parto e realizam a maior parte dos partos normais. Embora ainda existam habilidades específicas a serem realizadas, demonstraram ações moduladas por princípios da humanização, bem como da atenção qualificada. O estudo aponta a necessidade da reorganização da assistência ao pré-natal, inserindo efetivamente o enfermeiro, bem como que a assistência ao parto busque cada vez mais uma assistência qualificada e humanizada, com reconhecimento e autonomia do enfermeiro. / The qualified attention on childbirth has been one of the main focus on the Making Pregnancy Safer Initiative (MPR) in order to obtain safer pregnancies and childbirth to women and the newborns and consequently reduce the rates of maternal and newborns mortality. This study sought to know the assistance that women have in São Carlos/SP city during the puerperal pregnancy cycle spotlighting the nursing team. Objectives: Describe the profile of nursing professionals who work in puerperal pregnancy cycle and identify the actions developed for them in prenatal assistance, labour, childbirth and post-natal period correlating with the essentials competences to the obstetric basic exercising obstetrics recommended by the International Conferation of Midwives (ICM). Metodology: This study is a exploratory descriptive with a quantitative approach which used to collect data structured interview and systematic observation of the actions taken by nursing professionals in assisting puerperal pregnancy cycle. The studied population was composed of 84 nursing professionals being 37 of basic attention that provide assistance to prenatal and post-natal period and 47 of maternity that provide assistance to childbirth. Were observed in basic attention, 52 pre consults and 47 post consults, 05 SISPRENATAL opening, 05 receptiveness, 05 prenatal consults anda 05 puerperal consults undertaken by the nurses. On attention to childbirth were observed 22 admisions, 15 labours, 12 normal births, 10 cesarean, 18 newborn receipts and 18 assistances in accommodation set. It used the descriptive statistics describe and summarise data. Results: Professionals are predominantly female average 31,5 years, married (62,2%) and with children. The average of hourly charge between nursing professionals who provide assistance in basic attention was 41.6 hours and 53.9 hours on birth assistance being respectively 8,1% and 32% of these professionals have more than a job.The average salary of nursing assistants and technicians that assist women on prenatal and birth correspond respectively to 43.2% and 37,3% of the average remuneration of nurses. As vocational qualification, all nurses interviewed in city basic attention mentioned have attended or being attending a post graduation lato sensu being 57,14% in family health, 21,43% in obstetrical nursing, 7,14% in family health and obstetrical nursing, one 7,14% in family health and mental health and just one 7,14% in hospital administration. At maternity all the six nurses were obstetrical experts. Professional experience in assistance to women on puerperal pregnancy cycle between basic attention professionals ranged from 1 month to 20 years and at maternity from 1 month to 25 years.The results reveal that that all professionals are skilled attention to puerperal pregnancy cycle. As regards the essential skills in obstetrics, advocated by the ICM, many were so incomplete and other not performed. Conclusions: On basic attention the actions developed by nursing professionals on women prenatal care were predominantly of support and medical assistance complementation being discreet nurse\'s participation in prenatal consult. Maternity nurses serve in the admission, accompany labour and perform most normal births. Although there are specific skills to be performed, demonstrated actions modulated by principles of humanization as well as qualified attention. The study revels the need for reorganization of prenatal assistance inserting effectively the nurse as well as assistance to childbirth look increasingly a qualified and humanized assistance with recognition and autonomy of the nurse.

Ações da equipe de enfermagem no ciclo gravídico puerperal e as competências essenciais para a atenção qualificada ao parto / The actions of nursing team in the puerperal pregnancy cycle and the essentials competences to the qualified attention on childbirth.

Jamile Claro de Castro Bussadori 02 December 2009 (has links)
A atenção qualificada ao parto tem sido um dos principais focos de ação da Iniciativa Maternidade Sem Risco (IMSR), no intuito de se obter gestações e partos mais seguros para as mulheres e os recém-nascidos e consequentemente diminuir as taxas de morbimortalidade materno-infantil. Este estudo buscou conhecer a assistência que as mulheres, atendidas nos serviços públicos de saúde do município de São Carlos/SP, recebem durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal, evidenciando as ações desenvolvidas pela equipe de enfermagem. Objetivos: Descrever o perfil dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuam na atenção ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal e identificar as ações desenvolvidas por estes na assistência ao pré-natal, trabalho de parto, parto e puerpério, correlacionando com as competências essenciais ao exercício básico da obstetrícia recomendadas pela Confederação Internacional das Parteiras (ICM). Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo, com uma abordagem quantitativa, que utilizou para a coleta de dados a entrevista estruturada e a observação sistemática das ações desenvolvidas pelos profissionais de enfermagem na assistência ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal. A população estudada foi composta de 84 profissionais de enfermagem, sendo 37 da atenção básica que prestam assistência ao pré-natal e puerpério e 47 da maternidade, que prestam assistência ao parto. Foram observadas na atenção básica, 52 pré-consultas e 47 pós-consultas de pré-natal, 05 abertura de SISPRENATAL, 05 acolhimentos, 05 consulta de pré-natal e 02 consultas puerperais realizadas pelas enfermeiras. Na atenção ao parto foram observadas 22 avaliações obstétricas admissionais, 15 trabalhos de parto, 12 partos normais, 10 cesáreas, 18 recepções de recém-nascido e 18 assistências no alojamento conjunto. A estatística descritiva foi utilizada para descrever e sintetizar os dados. Resultados: Os profissionais são predominantemente do sexo feminino, média de 35,1 anos, casados (62,2%) e com filhos. A média de carga horária encontrada entre os profissionais de enfermagem que prestam assistência na atenção básica foi de 41,6 horas e de 53,9 horas na assistência ao parto, sendo que respectivamente 8,1% e 32% destes profissionais têm mais de um emprego. A média de salários dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem que atendem a mulher no o pré-natal e no parto correspondem respectivamente a 43,2% e 37,3% da remuneração média das enfermeiras. Quanto à qualificação profissional, todas as enfermeiras entrevistadas na atenção básica do município referiram ter cursado ou estar cursando pós-graduação lato sensu, sendo 57,14% em saúde da família, 21,43% em enfermagem obstétrica, 7,14% em saúde da família e enfermagem obstétrica, 7,14% em saúde da família e saúde mental e 7,14% em administração hospitalar. Na maternidade, as seis enfermeiras eram especialistas em obstétrica. O tempo de experiência profissional no atendimento às mulheres no ciclo gravídico-puerperal entre os profissionais da atenção básica variou de 1 mês a 20 anos e na maternidade de 1 mês a 25 anos. Os resultados revelam que todos os profissionais são qualificados para a atenção ao ciclo gravídicopuerperal. Quanto às habilidades essenciais em obstetrícia, preconizadas pela ICM, muitas foram realizadas de forma incompletas e outras deixaram de ser realizadas. Conclusões: Na atenção básica as ações desenvolvidas pelo profissional de enfermagem no cuidado à mulher no pré-natal foram predominantemente de suporte, apoio e complementação da assistência médica, sendo discreta a participação da enfermeira na consulta de pré-natal. Na maternidade as enfermeiras atendem na admissão, acompanham o trabalho de parto e realizam a maior parte dos partos normais. Embora ainda existam habilidades específicas a serem realizadas, demonstraram ações moduladas por princípios da humanização, bem como da atenção qualificada. O estudo aponta a necessidade da reorganização da assistência ao pré-natal, inserindo efetivamente o enfermeiro, bem como que a assistência ao parto busque cada vez mais uma assistência qualificada e humanizada, com reconhecimento e autonomia do enfermeiro. / The qualified attention on childbirth has been one of the main focus on the Making Pregnancy Safer Initiative (MPR) in order to obtain safer pregnancies and childbirth to women and the newborns and consequently reduce the rates of maternal and newborns mortality. This study sought to know the assistance that women have in São Carlos/SP city during the puerperal pregnancy cycle spotlighting the nursing team. Objectives: Describe the profile of nursing professionals who work in puerperal pregnancy cycle and identify the actions developed for them in prenatal assistance, labour, childbirth and post-natal period correlating with the essentials competences to the obstetric basic exercising obstetrics recommended by the International Conferation of Midwives (ICM). Metodology: This study is a exploratory descriptive with a quantitative approach which used to collect data structured interview and systematic observation of the actions taken by nursing professionals in assisting puerperal pregnancy cycle. The studied population was composed of 84 nursing professionals being 37 of basic attention that provide assistance to prenatal and post-natal period and 47 of maternity that provide assistance to childbirth. Were observed in basic attention, 52 pre consults and 47 post consults, 05 SISPRENATAL opening, 05 receptiveness, 05 prenatal consults anda 05 puerperal consults undertaken by the nurses. On attention to childbirth were observed 22 admisions, 15 labours, 12 normal births, 10 cesarean, 18 newborn receipts and 18 assistances in accommodation set. It used the descriptive statistics describe and summarise data. Results: Professionals are predominantly female average 31,5 years, married (62,2%) and with children. The average of hourly charge between nursing professionals who provide assistance in basic attention was 41.6 hours and 53.9 hours on birth assistance being respectively 8,1% and 32% of these professionals have more than a job.The average salary of nursing assistants and technicians that assist women on prenatal and birth correspond respectively to 43.2% and 37,3% of the average remuneration of nurses. As vocational qualification, all nurses interviewed in city basic attention mentioned have attended or being attending a post graduation lato sensu being 57,14% in family health, 21,43% in obstetrical nursing, 7,14% in family health and obstetrical nursing, one 7,14% in family health and mental health and just one 7,14% in hospital administration. At maternity all the six nurses were obstetrical experts. Professional experience in assistance to women on puerperal pregnancy cycle between basic attention professionals ranged from 1 month to 20 years and at maternity from 1 month to 25 years.The results reveal that that all professionals are skilled attention to puerperal pregnancy cycle. As regards the essential skills in obstetrics, advocated by the ICM, many were so incomplete and other not performed. Conclusions: On basic attention the actions developed by nursing professionals on women prenatal care were predominantly of support and medical assistance complementation being discreet nurse\'s participation in prenatal consult. Maternity nurses serve in the admission, accompany labour and perform most normal births. Although there are specific skills to be performed, demonstrated actions modulated by principles of humanization as well as qualified attention. The study revels the need for reorganization of prenatal assistance inserting effectively the nurse as well as assistance to childbirth look increasingly a qualified and humanized assistance with recognition and autonomy of the nurse.

Exploring the Journey to Maternal Death: Gender and Human Rights perspectives on the major causes of maternal mortality in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Mbombo, Nomafrench January 2003 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / In this thesis, I use gender and human rights approaches to examine and analyse the major causes of maternal mortality, which result from delay in seeking maternity care and failure to attend maternity care during pregnancy. A gender approach was used to identify and analyse inequalities that arise from belonging to one sex or from unequal power relations between sexes and how these impact on women accessing maternity care. The Human Rights approach was used to identify and analyse health system related factors that led women to delay seeking care and also failing to attend maternity care. A qualitative multiple case study methodology was followed with data analysed thematically. Findings were interpreted in the context of the International Bill of Rights, the South African Bill of Rights and International Human Rights treatises. Maternity women are unable to access maternity care because of their unmet gender equity needs, and because of maternity services that are not respecting, protecting and fulfilling their human right to access health care. A Gender-Human rights model of accessibility to quality maternity care is developed to assist health care providers in promoting availability of maternity services to health consumers. The model propositions are based on the major concepts which are: Gender equity, Women empowerment, Human rights to quality health care, Evidence Based Health Care, and Support during labour.

An economic analysis of maternal health care in Zambia

Chama-Chiliba, Chitalu Miriam January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the utilisation of maternal health care in Zambia, where despite being a signatory to the Safe Motherhood Initiative and Millennium Development Goals, which are aimed at improving maternal health, indicators of maternal health continue to perform poorly. The need to understand crucial factors in improving maternal health motivated the current research, especially since there is a dearth of literature in this area in Zambia. The thesis focuses on two aspects of maternal health care: antenatal care (ANC) and facility-based deliveries, to answer two broad questions. Firstly, what factors determine the use of ANC in Zambia? Secondly, to what extent has the abolition of user fees affected facility-based deliveries? An assessment of the factors, which explain the utilisation of ANC in Zambia, using three sets of comparable datasets reveals that, while there are differences in the factors explaining the decision to use ANC and the frequency of visits over time, the decision to seek ANC and the frequency of use is low among the poor and less educated, and there are marked regional differences in utilisation. The most appropriate econometric specification for antenatal visits, according to different performance indicators, was the two-part model, which differs from recent research favouring more complex methodologies. The analysis is further extended through the inclusion of supply-side factors and the examination of individual and community level factors associated with inadequate and non-use of ANC, following the adoption of the focused ANC approach in Zambia. To incorporate the supply side factors, the 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey was linked to administrative and health facility census data using geo-referenced data. To assess the factors associated with (1) the inadequate use of ANC (defined as three or less visits), and (2) the non-use of ANC in the first trimester of pregnancy, we specify two multilevel logistic models. At the individual level, the woman’s employment status, quality of ANC received and the husband’s educational attainment are negatively associated, while parity, the household childcare burden and wealth are positively associated with inadequate utilisation of ANC. Both individual and community level characteristics influence inadequate use and non-use of ANC in the first trimester; however, community level factors are relatively stronger in rural areas. Although ANC is an important facet of maternal care, it occurs before delivery, but does not necessarily provide much information with respect to delivery decisions. Therefore, the thesis investigates delivery decisions, as well, in particular, the effect of user fee removal in rural areas of Zambia on facility-based deliveries. To account for regional differences, we employ a Seemingly Unrelated Regression model incorporating an Interrupted Time Series design. The analysis uses quarterly longitudinal data covering 2003q1-2008q4. When unobserved heterogeneity, spatial dependence and quantitative supply-side factors are controlled for, user fee removal is found to immediately increase aggregate facility-based deliveries, although the national trend was unaffected. Drug availability and the presence of traditional birth attendants also influence facility-based deliveries at the national level, such that, in the short-term, strengthening and improving community-based interventions could increase facility-based deliveries. However, there is significant variation and spatial dependence masked in the aggregate analysis. The results highlight the importance of service quality in promoting facility-based deliveries, and also suggest that social and cultural factors, especially in rural areas, influence the use of health facilities for delivery. These factors are not easily addressed, through an adjustment to the cost of delivery in health facilities. Additionally, we analyse the effect of user fee abolition on the location of childbirth, focussing on deliveries that occur in public health facilities using household survey data. To elicit the causal relationship, we exploit the relative change in fees across health districts within a difference-in-differences framework. Surprisingly, although reductions in home deliveries were observed, as expected, reductions in public health facility-based deliveries were also uncovered, along with increases in deliveries at private health facilities. However, these findings were statistically insignificant; suggesting that the abolition of user fees had little, if any, impact on the choice of location for childbirth. The statistically insignificant, but unexpected, causal effects further suggest that the removal of user fees have unintended consequences, possibly the transference of facility costs to the client, which would deter the utilisation of delivery services. Therefore, abolishing user fees, alone, may not be sufficient to affect changes in outcomes; instead, other efforts, such as improving service quality, could have a greater impact. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Economics / unrestricted

Refinement of the partogram: an educational perspective

Mareka, Kedibonye Mmachere 01 1900 (has links)
A deductive, descriptive, quanitative study was undertaken at Nyangabgwe Hospital, Francistown, Botswana, situated in the north east of the country. Its focus was on the use of partogram by midwives. The population consisted of 395 obstetric records for the period of one month. A sample of 303 obstetrics records was drawn. Data were collected through auditing the bed letters of delivered mothers and interviews with and observation of midwives using the partogram in practice. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used to analyse the data. The findings indicate that there are problems regarding, and factors that can have a negative influence on the use of the partogram by midwives. It is suggested that a supportive teaching programme for the midwives should be designed, that will support the system of supervision in the labour ward that already exists, in the use of the partogram throughout the labour process. / Health Studies / M.A. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

Refinement of the partogram: an educational perspective

Mareka, Kedibonye Mmachere 01 1900 (has links)
A deductive, descriptive, quanitative study was undertaken at Nyangabgwe Hospital, Francistown, Botswana, situated in the north east of the country. Its focus was on the use of partogram by midwives. The population consisted of 395 obstetric records for the period of one month. A sample of 303 obstetrics records was drawn. Data were collected through auditing the bed letters of delivered mothers and interviews with and observation of midwives using the partogram in practice. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used to analyse the data. The findings indicate that there are problems regarding, and factors that can have a negative influence on the use of the partogram by midwives. It is suggested that a supportive teaching programme for the midwives should be designed, that will support the system of supervision in the labour ward that already exists, in the use of the partogram throughout the labour process. / Health Studies / M.A. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

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