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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atomic layer deposition of metal and metal chalcogenide thin films and nanolaminate composites.

Volkmann, Christian 23 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Obtenção de espuma de alumínio através do processo de Metalurgia do Pó e propriedades mecânicas de estruturas sanduíche

Bonaldi, Patrik Oliveira January 2012 (has links)
Espumas de alumínio são materiais de estrutura porosa que combinam as propriedades de materiais celulares com as dos materiais metálicos. A espuma metálica, com porosidade acima de 70%, pode ser obtida principalmente pela via “metal líquido” e via “metalurgia do pó”. Este trabalho visa uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento da produção de espumas de alumínio via Metalurgia do Pó (MP), inédita no Brasil. Busca-se estudar e definir os parâmetros para produzir a espuma de alumínio e estruturas sanduíche através do processo de MP e por fim conhecer o seu comportamento mecânico. É proposta, também, uma otimização do processo, pois, atualmente, a etapa de compactação do pó ocorre através do processo de extrusão, ou compactação a quente ou laminação, ou ainda a combinação desses. Para definir os parâmetros do processo foi estudada a condição de mistura, além da proporção do pó de alumínio e o agente expansor (TiH2). Foram estudadas as condições do processo de espumagem variando temperatura e tempo. A partir desses resultados foram obtidas as estruturas sanduíche, sendo que o foco foi tubos metálicos de aço preenchidos por espuma de alumínio. Posteriormente, foi estudado o comportamento mecânico da espuma e dos tubos preenchidos com espuma através dos ensaios de compressão e flexão. Os resultados das propriedades das espuma foram comparados com as propriedades previstas através de equações propostas por Ashby et. al.. Os resultados indicam a real possibilidade de realizar apenas a compactação axial a frio do pó metálico, atingindo densidade superior a 95% do material denso com 450 MPa de pressão de compactação. O processo de mistura dos pós mais adequado foi o realizado em misturador convencional do tipo “duplo V” por 2 horas, obtendo uma boa homogeneidade. A condição mais adequada de obtenção de espuma foi com a proporção de mistura de 1,0% de TiH2, com espumagem em 710oC por 10 minutos. Os ensaios mecânicos mostraram que os tubos preenchidos com espuma de alumínio apresentam um aumento considerável nas propriedades. / Aluminum foams are materials of porous structure that combine the properties of cell material with those of metallic materials. The metal foam, with porosity above 70%, can be achieved mainly by the "liquid metal route" and by "powder metallurgy". This study aims to contribute to the development of aluminum foam production by powder metallurgy process (PM), unprecedented in Brazil. The objective is to study and define the parameters for producing aluminum foam and sandwich structures by the process of PM, and understand its mechanical behavior. It is proposed also a process optimization, since nowadays the powder compaction phase takes place by the process of extrusion, hot compression or rolling, or even a combination of these. To establish the process parameters, the condition of mixing was studied, as well as the amount of aluminum and blowing agent (TiH2) powder. Were also studied the foaming process conditions by varying the temperature and time. From these results were obtained the sandwich structures, being the focus on steel metal tubes filled with aluminum foam. Subsequently, it was studied the mechanical behavior of the foam and the tubes filled with foam through bending and compression tests. The results of the properties of the foam were compared with the properties predicted by equations proposed by Ashby et. al .. The results showed real possibility to perform only cold axial compression of the metal powder, reaching a density greater than 95% with 450 MPa of compaction pressure. The most adequate mixing of the powders process was carried out in a conventional mixer such as "double V" for 2 hours to give a good homogeneity. The best condition for obtaining foam was with the mixing amount of 1.0% TiH2, with foaming at 710oC for 10 minutes. The mechanical tests showed that the tubes filled with aluminum foam present a considerable increase in the properties.

Atypiskt terminalt komplementkomplex : Kvantifiering av in vivo-nivåer av atypiskt terminalt komplementkomplex under normala och patofysiologiska betingelser

Classon, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Slutsteget i immunförsvarets komplementaktivering innefattar en klyvning av komplementprotein C5, till C5a och C5b, vilket initierar bildandet av terminalt komplementkomplex (TCC) som i form av membran-attack-komplex (MAC) bildar cytotoxiska porer i bland annat gramnegativa bakterier. Bildandet av MAC kan blockeras av endogena regulatorer och TCC frisätts då som ett lösligt komplex, sC5b-9, i plasma. I examensarbetet studerades en variant av TCC, som i tidigare studier visats bildas oberoende av C3- och C5-konvertas när serum surgjorts till pH < 7,0 in vitro. Syftet med studien var att studera om detta atypiska TCC (aTCC) bildades hos grisar, som i en mekonium aspirationssyndrom (MAS)-modell, erhållit ett sänkt systemiskt pH in vivo. I syftet ingick också att etablera en ELISA-baserad metod för att analysera aTCC. I en sandwich ELISA användes monoklonal anti-C5a/C5a (desArg) (klon T13/9) som fångande antikropp och monoklonal anti-C9 (klon aE11) som detekterande antikropp för att analysera aTCC i plasmaprover från 18 MAS-grisar, samt i ett kontrollmaterial bestående av grisserum som surgjorts till pH 6,8 och 6,4 in vitro. Mängden aTCC i kontrollproverna ökade när pH sänktes men innehållet av aTCC i plasmaproverna minskade över MAS-studiens förlopp. När den relativa förändringen i aTCC relaterades till MAS-grisarnas slutliga pH kunde ett signifikant samband ses (p = 0,02) som visade att en större förändring i aTCC sammanföll med ett lägre slutligt pH. Nivåerna av aTCC var generellt sett högre i plasmaproverna jämfört med kontrollproverna vilket skulle kunnat bero på skillnader i plasma vs serum avseende aTCC eller att proverna kom från grisar med olika ålder och vikt. Avsaknad av grisspecifik standard och negativ kontroll samt lågt signal/brusförhållande bidrar till felkällor för analysen och denna kräver fortsatt optimering. / The late steps of complement activation involves a cleavage of complement protein C5, to C5a and C5b, which initiates the formation of terminal complement complex (TCC). The final complex is referred to as the membrane-attack-complex (MAC) which forms cytotoxic pores in, inter alia, gram-negative bacteria. The formation of MAC can be inhibited by endogenous regulators and the TCC is then released as a soluble complex, sC5b-9, in plasma. In the degree project, another type of TCC was studied, which in previous studies had shown to form independently of C3 and C5 convertases when serum was acidified to pH <7.0 in vitro. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether this atypical TCC (aTCC) was formed in piglets, which in a model of meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), received a reduced systemic pH in vivo. The purpose was also to establish an ELISA for analyzing aTCC. Sandwich ELISA, with monoclonal anti-C5a / C5a (desArg) (clone T13/9) as a capture antibody and monoclonal anti-C9 (clone aE11) as a detection antibody, was used to analyse aTCC in plasma samples from 18 MAS piglets, and in control samples consisting of pig serum acidified to pH 6.8 and 6.4 in vitro. The amount of aTCC in the control samples increased when the pH was lowered, but the content of aTCC in the plasma samples decreased over the course of the MAS study. When the relative change in aTCC was related to the final pH of the MAS pigs, a significant relationship could be seen (p = 0.02) which showed that a major change in the aTCC coincided with a lower final pH. aTCC were generally higher in plasma samples compared with control samples, which could be due to differences in plasma vs serum for aTCC or that the samples came from pigs of different age and weight. Lack of pig-specific standard and negative control as well as low signal to noise ratio contribute to sources of error for the analysis and this requires continued optimization.

Estabilidade estrutural aplicada no contexto LDEM

Gasparotto, Bruno Grebin January 2017 (has links)
A demanda por estruturas mais leves implica num ganho em economia, porém o aumento de esbeltez da estrutura pode tornar ela susceptível a instabilidade frente a tensões compressivas estáticas ou dinâmicas. A instabilidade acontece em várias escalas da estrutura analisada e pode interagir com outras formas de colapso como a propagação instável de fissuras, problema governado pela mecânica da fratura, pela plastificacão do material, ou por uma combinação dos efeitos citados. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho, se explora a capacidade do método dos elementos discretizados por barras (LDEM) na simulação de problemas de instabilidade estática e dinâmica devido as tensões de compressão. Este método permite simular o sólido como um arranjo de barras com rigidez equivalente ao contínuo que se quer representar. Leis constitutivas não lineares permitem modelar ruptura de forma simples. A equação de movimento resultante da discretização permite formular uma equação de movimento desacoplada que pode ser integrada no domínio do tempo com um método explícito (Método das Diferencias Finitas Centrais). O fato das barras serem rotuladas nos seus extremos e a solução do problema ser obtida de forma incremental permite capturar problemas com não linearidade geométrica, entre eles a instabilidade estrutural frente a tensões compressivas. Como último exemplo se realiza a análise de um painel sanduiche por flexão em três pontos, que é composto por um núcleo de poliuretano, com duas lâminas externas de material compósito, neste caso a instabilidade estrutural está associada a flambagem da camada da lâmina comprimida. Finalmente a potencialidade da metodologia de análise utilizada é discutida. / The demand for lighter structures implies a gain in economy, but the increase in slenderness of the structure may make it susceptible to instability against static or dynamic compressive stresses. Instability occurs at various scales of the analyzed structure and may interact with other forms of collapse such as unstable crack propagation, problem governed by fracture mechanics, plastification of the material, or a combination of the cited effects. In this context, in the present work, we explore the ability of the discrete elements methods by bars (LDEM) in the simulation of problems of static and dynamic instability due to the compression stresses. This method allows to simulate the solid as an arrangement of bars with rigidity equivalent to the continuum that one wants to represent. Constitutive non-linear laws allow simple modeling of rupture. The equation of motion resulting from the discretization allows us to formulate a decoupled motion equation that can be integrated in the time domain with an explicit method (Central Finite Differences Method). The fact that the bars are labeled at their ends and the solution of the problem is obtained in an incremental way allows to capture problems with geometric non-linearity, among them the structural instability against compressive tensions. The last example, the analysis of a sandwich panel by three-point bending, which is composed of a polyurethane core, with two external blades of composite material, in this case the structural instability is associated with buckling of the layer of the compressed blade . Finally, the potential of the analysis methodology is discussed.

Optimization and Ultimate Limitations for Immunoassay and Clinical Diagnostics

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Biological fluids, in particular blood plasma, provide a vital source of information on the state of human health. While specific detection of biomarker species can aid in disease diagnostics, the complexity of plasma makes analysis challenging. Despite the challenge of complex sample analysis, biomarker quantification has become a primary interest in biomedical analysis. Due to the extremely specific interaction between antibody and analyte, immunoassays are attractive for the analysis of these samples and have gained popularity since their initial introduction several decades ago. Current limitations to diagnostics through blood testing include long incubation times, interference from non-specific binding, and the requirement for specialized instrumentation and personnel. Optimizing the features of immunoassay for diagnostic testing and biomarker quantification would enable early and accurate detection of disease and afford rapid intervention, potentially improving patient outcomes. Improving the limit of quantitation for immunoassay has been the primary goal of many diverse experimental platforms. While the ability to accurately quantify low abundance species in a complex biological sample is of the utmost importance in diagnostic testing, models illustrating experimental limitations have relied on mathematical fittings, which cannot be directly related to finite analytical limits or fundamental relationships. By creating models based on the law of mass action, it is demonstrated that fundamental limitations are imposed by molecular shot noise, creating a finite statistical limitation to quantitative abilities. Regardless of sample volume, 131 molecules are necessary for quantitation to take place with acceptable levels of uncertainty. Understanding the fundamental limitations of the technique can aid in the design of immunoassay platforms, and assess progress toward the development of optimal diagnostic testing. A sandwich-type immunoassay was developed and tested on three separate human protein targets: myoglobin, heart-type fatty acid binding protein, and cardiac troponin I, achieving superior limits of quantitation approaching ultimate limitations. Furthermore, this approach is compatible with upstream sample separation methods, enabling the isolation of target molecules from a complex biological sample. Isolation of target species prior to analysis allows for the multiplex detection of biomarker panels in a microscale device, making the full optimization of immunoassay techniques possible for clinical diagnostics. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Chemistry 2015

Innovative Structural Materials and Sections with Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: The motivation of this work is based on development of new construction products with strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) geared towards sustainable residential applications. The proposed research has three main objectives: automation of existing manufacturing systems for SHCC laminates; multi-level characterization of mechanical properties of fiber, matrix, interface and composites phases using servo-hydraulic and digital image correlation techniques. Structural behavior of these systems were predicted using ductility based design procedures using classical laminate theory and structural mechanics. SHCC sections are made up of thin sections of matrix with Portland cement based binder and fine aggregates impregnating continuous one-dimensional fibers in individual or bundle form or two/three dimensional woven, bonded or knitted textiles. Traditional fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) use random dispersed chopped fibers in the matrix at a low volume fractions, typically 1-2% to avoid to avoid fiber agglomeration and balling. In conventional FRC, fracture localization occurs immediately after the first crack, resulting in only minor improvement in toughness and tensile strength. However in SHCC systems, distribution of cracking throughout the specimen is facilitated by the fiber bridging mechanism. Influence of material properties of yarn, composition, geometry and weave patterns of textile in the behavior of laminated SHCC skin composites were investigated. Contribution of the cementitious matrix in the early age and long-term performance of laminated composites was studied with supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash, silica fume, and wollastonite. A closed form model with classical laminate theory and ply discount method, coupled with a damage evolution model was utilized to simulate the non-linear tensile response of these composite materials. A constitutive material model developed earlier in the group was utilized to characterize and correlate the behavior of these structural composites under uniaxial tension and flexural loading responses. Development and use of analytical models enables optimal design for application of these materials in structural applications. Another area of immediate focus is the development of new construction products from SHCC laminates such as angles, channels, hat sections, closed sections with optimized cross sections. Sandwich composites with stress skin-cellular core concept were also developed to utilize strength and ductility of fabric reinforced skin in addition to thickness, ductility, and thermal benefits of cellular core materials. The proposed structurally efficient and durable sections promise to compete with wood and light gage steel based sections for lightweight construction and panel application / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016

Conception architecturale appliquée aux matériaux sandwichs pour propriétés multifonctionnelles. / Optimal design of architectured sandwich panels for multifunctional properties

Leite, Pierre 16 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse suit une démarche « materials-by-design » avec pour objectif le développement d'une méthode de conception dédiée aux panneaux sandwichs architecturés pour l'obtention de propriétés multifonctionnelles. Cette méthode s'appuie sur l'utilisation d'un algorithme génétique permettant simultanément une sélection de matériaux (variables discrètes) et un pré-dimensionnement du panneau (variables continues). Trois architectures de cœur ont été étudiées : les mousses, les nids-d'abeilles hexagonaux et les treillis tétraédriques. Dans cette thèse, on définit deux approches différentes de sélection des matériaux. Dans un premier temps, les matériaux architecturés sont considérés comme des matériaux existants, dont les propriétés sont référencées dans une base de données fermée. Cette approche est appelée optimisation par « voie réelle ». Afin d'ouvrir les possibilités en termes de sélection de matériaux, la deuxième approche considère une description semi-continue des matériaux architecturés et est appelée optimisation par « voie virtuelle ». Le matériau cœur est décrit par un matériau constitutif (variable discrète) et par une ou plusieurs variables géométriques continues représentant l'architecture. Utilisant ces deux approches, différentes propriétés d'emploi des panneaux sandwichs sont évaluées : rigidité et résistance en flexion, atténuation acoustique, résistance et isolation thermique, et enfin résistance aux chocs impulsionnels. Chaque fonction est optimisée à masse minimale par optimisation bi-objectifs. Différents cas d'optimisation tri-objectifs sont également présentés afin d'évaluer la compatibilité entre propriétés. En effet, la forme de la surface de compromis obtenue donne une indication sur la compatibilité entre les différents critères. Cette étape d'optimisation permet également l'identification des paramètres de conception optimaux. Dans le cas d'une optimisation par « voie virtuelle », une comparaison directe entre architectures est aussi possible. Cependant, la démarche d'optimisation mise en place est complexe car globale et travaillant avec des variables mixtes. Deux méthodes mixtes, couplant l'algorithme génétique avec d'autres approches, sont proposées pour permettre un accroissement de la complexité de l'analyse tout en garantissant une complexité raisonnable de l'optimisation. / The present thesis aims at developing a design method dedicated to the optimization of architectured sandwich panels for multifunctional properties following a “materials-by-design” approach. This method is based on a genetic algorithm which enables to deal with materials selection (discrete variables) and geometrical dimensioning (continuous variables) simultaneously. Three core architectures have been investigated: foams, hexagonal honeycombs and tetrahedral truss structures. In this thesis, two main paths for material selection are defined. In the first one, architectured materials are considered as existing materials with properties referenced in a closed materials database. This is called the “real path” optimization. In order to expand the range of possibilities in terms of materials selection, a semi-continuous description of the architectured materials is considered in the second path, which is called “virtual path” optimization. The core material is described by a constitutive material (discrete variable) and a set of continuous geometrical variables representing the architecture. Using these two aforementioned approaches, several working properties of sandwich panels have been evaluated: flexural stiffness and strength, acoustic damping, thermal resistance and insulation, and finally blast mitigation. Bi-objective optimizations were performed in order to optimize each property in a minimal weight design. Some tri-objective cases are also presented, thus assessing the compatibility between different specifications. Indeed, this is achieved by relating trade-off surface shape to the compatibility between specifications. The optimization results also help identify the optimal design regarding the different criteria. Using the “virtual path” approach, a direct comparison between the different core architectures is achievable. Nevertheless, by being global and dealing with mixed variables, the obtained optimization process is complex. Two mixed methods where genetic algorithm is coupled with other approaches are proposed in order to increase the analysis complexity while providing a reasonable optimization complexity.

Análise dinâmica das vigas sandwich comprimidas

Villaça, Sérgio Fernando 07 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Fatima Fonseca (fatima.fonseca@sibi.ufrj.br) on 2017-07-27T15:50:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 118078.pdf: 1059960 bytes, checksum: b80012a6f7a9a85bff1eb2c0d6549f51 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T15:50:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 118078.pdf: 1059960 bytes, checksum: b80012a6f7a9a85bff1eb2c0d6549f51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1970-07 / O problema abordado neste trabalho é o da determinação e análise das equações que regem o fenômeno de vibrações transversais de vigas sandwich submetidas a cargas axiais de compressão, bem como a análise das cargas críticas de instabilidade pelo processo dinâmico. Foram estudados os casos correspondentes a diversas condições de contorno, e obtidas as respectivas equações de frequência. São apresentados, também, gráficos e tabelas, através dos quais se pode verificar o comportamento das frequências naturais de vibração e da carga de instabilidade, em função da variação da rigidez ao cisalhamento das vigas sandwich. / The problem undertaken is this work is to determine and analyze the equations of lateral vibrations of sandwich beams with an axial compressive load, as well as the analysis of the instability loads by a dynamic method. Some cases, corresponding to several boundary conditions, were studied and the respective frequency equations were established. The behavior of the natural frequencies with the variation of the compressive load is plotted for several values of the shear stiffness of the sandwich beams. Numerical tables give the results for each case of boundary conditions.

Análise estática e dinâmica de vigas sandwich pelo método dos elementos finitos

Cardoso, Roberto 10 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Fatima Fonseca (fatima.fonseca@sibi.ufrj.br) on 2017-07-27T16:18:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 133675.pdf: 1178137 bytes, checksum: 8949ee9e5bbd974c790632e00b21411d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T16:18:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 133675.pdf: 1178137 bytes, checksum: 8949ee9e5bbd974c790632e00b21411d (MD5) Previous issue date: 1973-10 / O método dos Elementos Finitos é usado no presente trabalho visando uma análise estática e dinâmica de vigas sandwich submetidas a cargas axiais, bem como para a determinação das cargas críticas de instabilidade. Os elementos desenvolvidos são, também, aplicáveis a vigas onde deformações, devido ao esforço cortante, são significantes. Programas foram desenvolvidos para ambas as análises, estática e dinâmica. É feita a análise estática de uma viga sandwich em balanço e obtida a sua resposta a uma carga transversal dinâmica. É analisada, também, a convergência dos resultados e comparado o uso de ambas as matrizes de massa, consistente e diagonal. / In view of the static and dynamic analysis of sandwich beams submitted to axial loads as well as for the determination of instability critical loads the Finite Element Method has been used in the present work. The developed elements are also applied to beams where the shear strain has been taken into account. Programs have been developed both to the static and the dynamic analysis. The static analysis of a Cantilever sandwich beam has been done and for dynamical transversal load its response was obtained. The convergency of the results has been also analysed and compared the use of both consistent and diagonal mass matrices.

Vibrações de placas sandwich enrijecidas por barras conectoras

Freire, Antônio José de Alencastro Muniz 11 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Fatima Fonseca (fatima.fonseca@sibi.ufrj.br) on 2017-10-09T16:25:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 154273.pdf: 858004 bytes, checksum: 5ad352d0bcb19d4cfbacea3bcc2b7cf8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T16:25:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 154273.pdf: 858004 bytes, checksum: 5ad352d0bcb19d4cfbacea3bcc2b7cf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1980-11 / Analisa as equações das vibrações transversais livres de placas sandwich retangulares, incluindo barras conectoras entre as faces que produzem enrijecimento do núcleo, sendo uniformemente comprimidas no seu plano médio, assim como o cálculo das cargas críticas de instabilidade, determinadas por um processo dinâmico. As equações das vibrações da placa sandwich foram obtidas substituindo as equações constitutivas e relações deformação-deslocamento nas equações de movimento. São apresentados gráficos fornecendo a variação das frequências naturais de vibração e da carga de instabilidade, com rigidez ao cisalhamento da placa variando as dimensões das barras conectoras. É elaborado também para uma dada placa, um gráfico de comportamento da carga de instabilidade com o modo de vibração e a rigidez das barras conectoras. / Analysis of the free transverse vibration equations of retangular sandwich-type plates including spaced transverse posts between the faces which introduce additional stiffness in the core, under compressive uniforme load acting in the midplane, as well as the determination of the critical loads by a dynamical process. The equations of vibration were obtained through the substitution of the constitutive equations into the equations of motion. Some results, as the variation of the natural frequencies and critical loads with the shear stiffness of the plate changing the sizes of the transverse posts were plotted. It is also plotted the influence on the critical load of the vibration mode and the transverse posts stiffness.

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