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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krūvininkų generacija SbSI kristaluose / Charge transfer in SbSI crystals

Budėnas, Marius 16 June 2005 (has links)
Metal-to-semiconductor contacts are of great importance since they are present in every semiconductor device. Charge transfer in SbSI crystals was discussed. We have studied current strength-voltage and current strength-temperature characteristics of Schottky barrier metal-semiconductor contacts to Ag/SbSI/Ag and Al/SbSI/Al.

SbSI + 15% Sb2S3 kristalų virpesių tyrimas / Investigation of vibrational spectra of SbSI +15% Sb2S3 crystals

Ežerinskienė, Edita 16 August 2007 (has links)
1. Eksperimentiniai SbSI +15% Sb2S3 kristalų atspindžio spektro tyrimai patvirtino, kad mūsų išaugintuose SbSI +15% Sb2S3 kristaluose feroelektrinis fazinis virsmas vyksta temperatūroje TC = 330 K. SbSI kristalai temperatūrų srityje T > TC yra paraelektrinėje fazėje, o temperatūrų srityje T < TC yra feroelektrinėje fazėje. 2. SbSI +15% Sb2S3 kristalų teoriniai normaliųjų virpesių harmoniniame artėjime dažniai sutampa su eksperimentinais dažniais, kai > 50 cm-1. Spektro srityje < 50cm-1 normaliųjų virpesių dažniai nesutampa su ekperimentinais dažniais, nes šioje srityje normaliųjų modų virpesiai yra stipriai anharmoniniai. 3. Teoriniai SbSI +15% Sb2S3 kristalų normaliųjų modų dažnių priklausomybių nuo temperatūros harmoniniame artinyje tyrimas parodė, kad arti TC = 330 K stebimos anomalijos. Šios anomalijos sutampa su eksperimentiniais dažniais tik spektro srityje > 50 cm-1 . Anomalijas sąlygoja elementariosios gardelės tūrio kitimas. 4. Spektro srityje = 50 cm-1 minkštųjų modų temperatūrinė priklausomybė ir TC pokytis yra sąlygoti V(z) anharmoninių narių, kuriuos s��lygoja fononų sąveika su fononais. SbSI ir SbSI +15% kristalų Sb atomo potencines energijos V(z) priklausomybės nuo žemo dažnio B1U modos normaliųjų koordinačių ašies kryptimi anharmoniniame artinyje parodė. 1. SbSI kristale, kurio grandinėlės yra nesuspaustos - ašies kryptimi arti V(z) potencialinis barjeras . 2. SbSI +15% kristaluose SbSI grandinėlės yra suspaustos Sb2S3 domenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SbSI +15% Sb2S3 crystals have been grown from the solution. Reflection spectra of the SbSI +15% Sb2S3 crystals were studied by a modernized Fourier spectrometer using an improved Kramers-Kroning technique with two confining spectral limits, the spectra of optical parameters and optical functions were calculated. The vibrational frequencies and have been evaluated. The vibrational frequencies of SbSI chains with displaced Sb3 and Sb4 atoms along x-axis from their equilibrium positions in different phases have been calculated in the harmonic approximation. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data. Taking into account the unharmonicity of the electronic structure and lattice caused mainly by the phonon-phonon interaction, the phase transition temperature Tc has been calculated. The dependence of the potential energy function of the soft B1U mode upon temperature determines variation of the frequency in the phase transition region.

SbSI IR SbSeI kristalų fotoelektroniniai spektrai, jų aproksimacija ir analizė / Interpretation of SbSI and SbSeI crystals

Nelkinas, Viačeslavas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The photoionization enegies and electronic structure of the valence band (VB) of SbSI crystal can be calculated by solving the Hartree-Fock-Roothan matrix equation FC=SCε where the diagonal matrix ε gives the electron state energies. These energies experimentally are studied in a wide temperature range by PHI 5700/660 Physical Electronics Spectrometer using excitation source Al Ka monochromatic radiation (1486.6 eV). The photoelectron spectra were measured in the energy range 0 - 1450 eV.

SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 kristalų virpesių spektrų tyrimas / Investigation of SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 crystals spectral vibration

Purelis, Valdemaras 24 September 2008 (has links)
SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 kristalai išauginti Kietojo kūno optinėje mokslinėje laboratorijoje. Jie sudaryti iš SbSI grandinėlių ir Sb2Se3 domenų, nusitęsusių c(z) kristalografinės ašies kryptimi. Jeigu gryname SbSI kristale grandinėlės yra nesuspaustoje būsenoje (Tc =295 K). Suspaustų SbSI grandinėlių feroelektrinio fazinio virsmo temperatūra išauga. Pasaulinėje literatūroje nėra duomenų, kokia SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 kristalo feroelektrinio fazinio virsmo temperatūra Tc. / The SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 crystals are grown in the Optical science laboratory of solid body. They are made from SbSI chains and Sb2Se3 domains, which extend c(z) to the crystallographic axis vector. If the clear SbSI crystals chases are in uncompressed phase (Tc = 295K), the temperature in ferroelectrics phase transformation grows. There is no data in literature about the SbSI(Sb2Se3)0,25 crystals ferroelectric transition temperature Tc.

Puslaidininkinių – feroelektrinių kristalų lūžio rodiklio ir dvejopo lūžio tyrimas / An investigation of reflection indices and birefringence of semiconductors – ferroelectrics crystals

Atamalian, Aleksandra 27 June 2011 (has links)
Kietojo kūno optikos mokslinėje laboratorijoje buvo išmatuoti mūsų išaugintų SbSI, TlInS2 ir TGS kristalų dvejopo lūžio priklausomybė nuo temperatūros. Eksperimentinis dvejopo lūžio priklausomybės nuo temperatūros tyrimas leido nustatyti TGS, TlInS2 ir SbSI kristalų fazinių virsmų temperatūrą. Teoriškai, tankio funkcionalo teorijos metodu (DFT), buvo apskaičiuoti SbSI kristalo lūžio rodikliai paraelektrinėje ir feroelektrinėje fazėse. Taip pat skaičiuotas dvejopas lūžis feroelektrinio fazinio virsmo srityje. Teoriniai dvejopo lūžio skaičiavimų rezultatai palyginti su eksperimentiniais matavimų rezultatais. / In Solid State Science Laboratory we measured birefringence on temperature of grown SbSI, TlInS2 and TGS crystals. The measurement of birefringence helps to evaluate the ferroelectric phase transition of TGS, TlInS2 ir SbSI crystals. Refractive indices of SbSI crystal in paraelectric and ferroelectric phase we investigated by DFT method with program Wien2k. The theoretical results of birefringence were compared with experimental results.

SbSeI ir SbSI kristalų vibracinių spektrų tyrimas / Investigation of the vibrational spectrum of SbSeI and SbSI crystals

Pangonienė, Aistė 12 June 2006 (has links)
The reflectivity spectrum of SbSeI crystals in the spectral range of 10 – 300 cm–1 over a wide range of temperatures (10 – 297 K) with light polarization E||c and Ec was experimentally studied. Measurements were carried out in Germany. Also experimental research was carried out with the reflectivity spectrum of SbSI crystals in the spectral range of 10-450 cm–1 with light polarization E||c over temperature range (273 – 350 K) . The spectra of optical constants and optical functions were calculated using the Kramers–Kronig (KK) technique and the method of optical parameter fitting (OP). Tables and diagrams are presented. Vibrational spectra of SbSeI crystals in harmonic approximation were theoretically investigated. The oscillation frequencies of normal vibrational modes and the amplitudes of normal coordinates along z(c) axis and in x-y plane by diagonalization of the dynamic matrix were calculated. Experimental studies of reflectivity spectrum of SbSeI crystals revealed, that there is no ferroelectric phase transition in SbSeI crystals in the temperature range of 10 - 297 K. And experimental studies of reflectivity spectrum of SbSeI crystals proved, that ferroelectric phase transition in SbSI crystals grown by us occurs at temperature TC = 293 K. SbSI crystals in range of temperatures T > TC are in paraelectric phase, and in range of temperatures T < TC are in ferroelectric phase. It was experimentally proved, that low-frequency IR mode of SbSeI, when E ׀׀ c is... [to full text]

Optoelectronic applications of solution-processable sulfide semiconductors

Goedel, Karl Christoph January 2017 (has links)
Solar cells and photodetectors rely on similar physical principles based on the interaction of light and matter. Both types of optoelectronic devices are indispensable in a wide range of technological applications, from large-scale renewable power conversion to everyday consumer items. In this thesis, the use of facile solution-processable semiconductors in solar cells and light sensors is studied with a focus on antimony sulfide (Sb₂S₃) and antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI). The improvement of the photovoltaic performance in Sb₂S₃ sensitized solar cells upon the controlled partial oxidation of the absorber layer is investigated. A reduction in charge carrier recombination is the reason for the improved efficiency, caused by the oxidation process. Further, a new chemical bath deposition method for antimony sulfide is developed. Carried out at room temperature, this technique eliminates the necessity of cooling equipment during the deposition process. The antimony sulfide from this method decreases the density of trap states compared to the conventional deposition. Power-conversion efficiencies of up to η=5.1% are achieved in antimony sulfide sensitised solar cells using the new room temperature deposition method. Finally, antimony sulfide is used as a precursor to form films of antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI) micro-crystals in a facile physical vapour process. These films are then used to fabricate photodetectors. With PMMA as an insulating spacer layer, the devices are built in a sandwich-type architecture. Optoelectronic characterisation shows that these devices have the shortest response and recovery times reported for SbSI photodetectors to date.

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