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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Norse Brothers. Social Democratic anti-Communism in Norden 1945-1962

Bjørnsson, Iben 16 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Denne afhandling undersøger de nordiske socialdemokratiske partiers antikommunistiske samarbejde under den tidlige kolde krig (1945-62) Fjendskabet mellem socialdemokrater og kommunister går tilbage til 1920'erne og 1930'erne, men blev aktualiseret med kommunisternes relativt stigende populartitet efter Anden Verdenskrig. Samtidig med at den kolde krig nåede under frysepunktet, begyndte partisekretærerne for de nordiske socialdemokratier at mødes en eller to gange om året for at udveksle information omkring kommunisterne og diskutere hvordan man bedst imødegik dem. Partisekretærmøderne fandt sted i et årti, men døde ud i slutningen af 1950'erne/starten af 1960'erne, da kommunismen forsvandt som en trussel og den kolde krig blev hverdag. Partisekretærmøderne var markeret af den stigende sikkerhedsliggørelse af kommunistproblemet, som forårsagede at socialdemokrater, primært i Skandinavien, begyndte at samarbejde med de nationale sikkerhedstjenester om at inddæmme og bekæmpe kommunismen. Møderne bar præg af dette samarbejde, idet de ikke blot diskuterede kommunisme i fagbevægelsen men som del af et nationalt sikkerhedsproblem. De nordiske fagbevægelser har samarbejdet siden de blev etableret i slutningen af 1800-tallet og starten af 1900-tallet; derfor var det naturligt at de også samarbejdede om dette problem. Under den tidlige kolde krig var de Skandinaviske socialdemokrater politisk dominerende. De opbyggede velfærdsstater som de identificerede sig med i en sådan grad at det kunne være svært at adskille parti og stat. De blev socialdemoratiske stater. Denne identifikation var en bidragende faktor til synet på national sikkerhed som et partiproblem. Siden slutningen af den kolde krig, har ny forskning i stigende grad vist at de skandinaviske lande samarbejdede om militære og efterretningsmæssige forhold. Således betød det mislykkede forsøg på at etablere en skandinavisk forsvarsunion i 1949 ikke en sikkerhedsmæssig splittelse af Skandinavian, som forskningen traditionelt har hævdet. Et nyt billede af nordisk sikkerhed er ved at tegne sig, til hvilket denne afhandling er et bidrag: billedet af en region der var bundet sammen, ikke bare af kultur, værdier og sprog, men også af sikkerhedsmæssige forhold. Jeg viser, at de regerende partier var en del af dette samarbejde. De var, i praktikken, våbenbrødre. Således lægger jeg op til nordisk sikkerhedspolitisk forskning reevaluerer billedet af et splittet Norden.

Mountain centered icefields in northern Scandinavia

Fredin, Ola January 2004 (has links)
Mountain centered glaciers have played a major role throughout the last three million years in the Scandinavian mountains. The climatic extremes, like the present warm interglacial or cold glacial maxima, are very short-lived compared to the periods of intermediate climate conditions, characterized by the persistence of mountain based glaciers and ice fields of regional size. These have persisted in the Scandinavian mountains for about 65% of the Quaternary. Mountain based glaciers thus had a profound impact on large-scale geomorphology, which is manifested in large-scale glacial landforms such as fjords, glacial lakes and U-shaped valleys in and close to the mountain range. Through a mapping of glacial landforms in the northern Scandinavian mountain range, in particular a striking set of lateral moraines, this thesis offers new insights into Weichselian stages predating the last glacial maximum. The aerial photograph mapping and field evidence yield evidence that these lateral moraines were overridden by glacier ice subsequent to their formation. The lateral moraines were dated using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide techniques. Although the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide signature of the moraines is inconclusive, an early Weichselian age is tentatively suggested through correlations with other landforms and stratigraphical archives in the region. The abundance and coherent spatial pattern of the lateral moraines also allow a spatial reconstruction of this ice field. The ice field was controlled by topography and had nunataks protruding also where it was thickest close to the elevation axis of the Scandinavian mountain range. Outlet glaciers discharged into the Norwegian fjords and major valleys in Sweden. The process by which mountain based glaciers grow into an ice sheet is a matter of debate. In this thesis, a feedback mechanism between debris on the ice surface and ice sheet growth is presented. In essence, the growth of glaciers and ice sheets may be accelerated by an abundance of debris in their ablation areas. This may occur when the debris cover on the glacier surface inhibits ablation, effectively increasing the glaciers mass balance. It is thus possible that a dirty ablation area may cause the glacier to advance further than a clean glacier under similar conditions. An ice free period of significant length allows soil production through weathering, frost shattering, and slope processes. As glaciers advance through this assemblage of sediments, significant amounts of debris end up on the surface due to both mass wastage and subglacial entrainment. Evidence that this chain of events may occur, is given by large expanses of hummocky moraine (local name Veiki moraine) in the northern Swedish lowlands. Because the Veiki moraine has been correlated with the first Weichselian advance following the Eemian, it implies a heavily debris charged ice sheet emanating from the mountain range and terminating in a stagnant fashion in the lowlands.

Religionsskiftet i Skandinavien under vikingatid och medeltid i ett kvinnoperspektiv

Andersson, Louise January 2008 (has links)
The conversion in the Viking Age and the High Middle Agea in Scandinavia and how this affected women is discussed. Did women get a better life when the people had converted to Christianity or not. Our written sources are later than the conversion to Christianity. Instead the material culture, graves, grave goods and runic stones, can help us understand the life of women. Nordic mythology presents a contrast between faith in the Viking Age and Christianity.

Toner från förhistorien : En studie om förhistoriska musikinstrument och deras olika betydelser i det fornnordiska samhället

Stigsohn, Lovisa January 2010 (has links)
This is a study of Prehistoric musical instruments from Scandinavia and the different meanings they could have had in the Prehistoric society. I have described the different types of possible music instruments and the different categories that they belong to. I have also written about their different functions that could have been for example ritual artefacts, shamanic tools or useful instruments in hunting. Two case studies are also presented in the essay, the Falköpingsflute and the Balkåkradrum.

Ära och död : Mytens identitetskapande funktion för vikingatidens krigarelit / Honor and death : The function of myth in the construction of identity for the Viking Age warrior elite

Wennerström, Ulrika Yvonne January 2010 (has links)
In this essay I want to investigate how the Viking aristocratic warrior elite in Scandinavia used religious mythology for the construction of their identity. The essay also takes up the concept of honor, which was important for the warriors. Honor was central to all people during Viking age and for the warriors it was absolute. In the religious myths, the aristocratic warriors justify their position in society and legitimate their acts of war. Religion continues to have importance to the warrior elite even after the arrival of Christianity. The myths and the concept of honor made it impossible to question war and violence.

Ära och död : Mytens identitetskapande funktion för vikingatidens krigarelit / Honor and death : The function of myth in the construction of identity for the Viking Age warrior elite

Wennerström, Ulrika Yvonne January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this essay I want to investigate how the Viking aristocratic warrior elite in Scandinavia used religious mythology for the construction of their identity. The essay also takes up the concept of honor, which was important for the warriors. Honor was central to all people during Viking age and for the warriors it was absolute. In the religious myths, the aristocratic warriors justify their position in society and legitimate their acts of war. Religion continues to have importance to the warrior elite even after the arrival of Christianity. The myths and the concept of honor made it impossible to question war and violence.</p>

Relationship marketing with a dash of guanxi : the recipe for success for Sino-Swedish business? : MBA-thesis in marketing /

Lustig, Maria. Nilsson, Mats. January 2008 (has links)
Master's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

Why do Swedish clothing firms choose single or multiple sourcing? /

Löfgren, Jonas. Heinholtz, Mikael. January 2008 (has links)
Bachelor's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

Huawei going Sweden : en studie om etableringshinder i Sverige ur ett kinesiskt perspektiv /

Nyvall, Frida. Abrahamsson, Hanna. January 2008 (has links)
Bachelor's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

The association between board composition and different types of voluntary disclosure : a quantitative study of Chinese and Swedish listed companies /

Zhou, Meng Meng. Panbunyuen, Podjaman. January 2008 (has links)
Master's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

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