Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool boards"" "subject:"bschool boards""
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An exploration of the roles of the parent SGB members in the SGB: a case study of two selected rural primary schools in the King Williams Town districtMavuso, Mzuyanda Percival January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the roles of the parent SGB members in the School Governing Bodies (SGB) of two selected rural primary schools in the King Williams Town District. This was achieved by applying the qualitative approach within the parameters of the interpretivist paradigm. Structured interviews, semi structured interviews, document analysis and non-participatory observation methods were used at two sites that were purposely sampled. The samples in both schools were made up of SGB chairperson, SGB secretary, treasurer, one additional member, principal and non SGB parents. From the findings it emerged that the principal and SGB chairperson work in partnership in the business of school governance. However, principals seemed to dominate their SGB chairpersons who in most cases seem to be less competent than the principals. Parent SGB members seem to be dependent upon the educators in most cases on issues of school governance and they do not differentiate between their role and that of the SMT. Most SGB subcommittees seem to be dysfunctional and it was clear from the data that educators were the persons who dealt with school finances and matters of procurement. The majority of parent SGB members do not know what policies the school must adopt.
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The role of school governing bodies in promoting good-governance in schools: a case of circuit 9 in Qumbu District Eastern Cape ProvinceMdudo, Mzuvukile January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of the study was to investigate on how a School Governing Body SGB can impact on the challenges of school governance in the Eastern Cape Province, particularly in Circuit 9 schools of Qumbu district. That was done firstly by identifying and explaining the three main themes namely; (i) the role of SGB components, (ii) the effectiveness of a SGB and (iii) the competency of a SGB. The study used the qualitative approach, particularly a constructive interpretative paradigm to collect and analyse data. A desk top study was used as the main design and was implemented to identify information rich data for the study. Desk top research was employed as the main data collection technique and was confirmed, corroborated and augmented by and document analysis, particularly during data analysis. The researcher inductively segmented and coded the data into three main themes which served as the main empirical research findings. Such findings indicated that school governance is influenced by both the SGB and the stakeholders. It was recommended that setting up key strategies, but specific to school governance, will reduce the challenges schools face in terms of governance as there will be full personal responsibility from the SGB.
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Effectiveness of school governing bodies in rural schools of Ngcobo districtLugalo, Simo January 2017 (has links)
This study focused on school governing bodies in the rural schools in Ngcobo. In this study, the researcher established that in rural schools, parent members of school governing bodies are still reluctant, or ill equipped to do their duty as governors of the schools. They rely on what the principals ask them to do. They need more training and empowerment to fulfill their duties as members of the school governing bodies. Most of the parents who are members of school governing bodies are older and their level of education is generally low. The principals are complaining that not enough training was being given to parent members to fulfill their task as school governors. However, it remains the principals’ responsibility to coach SGB parent-members in order for the school functionality to go on. The findings of this study show that much more need to be done to empower parental-members of SGBs in the rural areas of the Eastern Cape and most probably in most, if not all, rural areas of South Africa.
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An examination of the nexus between school management and governance : a case of selected schools in the Eastern Cape ProvinceNtsimango, Ncedile Stewart Lungisa January 2016 (has links)
School management and governance has become essential in improving quality of education in public schools (Caldwell, 2012). Furthermore, the existence of a well-established partnership between school governors and school managers is vital to ensure that students receive quality education. On this regard, the study sought to broaden an understanding the thin line between School Management Teams (SMT) and School Governing Bodies (SGB) which is frequently crossed by both parties while executing their roles and responsibilities. The population for the study was SGB members, SMT members and general staff members of public schools in the Eastern Cape Province. The study unit was Willowvale (KwaGcaleka kuGatyane) a circuit named after a great amaXhosa king Zwelidumile, King Zwelidumile Circuit. Purposive sampling method was used because collection of data required that respondents be familiar with the concepts of school management and school governance. A mixed method research methodology was used which include a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data and an interview guide was used to facilitate focus group interviews. Qualitative and quantitative data was analysed separately. Quantitative data analysis was done and presented as descriptive statistics, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Pearson’s correlation and T-test. For the purpose of testing the reliability of the scales of questions included in the questionnaire, the Cronbach’s alpha was used. Qualitative data analysis was done through the researcher`s critical reasoning and analysis of focus group discussions of interviewees. The research found out that lack teamwork, transparency and ineffective leadership are the root cause of failure to recognise strategic and operational boundaries that exist between SGBs and SMTs. Also understanding of the distinction and overlaps between School governance and school management is important to ensure strong relationships, trust and respect between the SGBs and the SMTs. More so, the research observed lack of strategic and operational synergy between SGBs and SMTs. Consequently, the research recommends the importance of training and development to both SGBs and SMTs so that they understand their roles and responsibilities as stated in the SASA Act. SGBs and the SMTs should strive to forge strategic and operational synergy. Trust and respect must prevail from the SGB since they are the major stakeholders of the schools. Effective communication was seen as crucial to building partnerships and ensuring collaboration. Finally, the research recommends that research should be conducted regularly in order to keep track of the state of school management and governments in public schools.
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Parental involvement in school governance: a case study of a secondary school in Okahandja, NamibiaShikwambi, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
Since Namibia gained independence parents have increasingly been seen as equal partners in the education process. The Education Act 16 of 2001 provides for the democratic participation in schools by parents, learners and other education stakeholders through the introduction of regional Education Forums and School Boards in schools Parental involvement in school governance has been widely researched and has become a ‘hot topic’ worldwide, including in Namibia. This study investigated and described parental involvement through the School Board in school governance in a secondary school in Otjozondjupa region, Namibia. The study was conducted within a qualitative, interpretive paradigm. The study employed three data collection tools namely, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and observation. The School Board was made up of parents of different classes and backgrounds, i.e. employed, unemployed, professionals and business persons and with different levels of educational background. These members create a network that represents the voices of parents from different social groups, with different levels of social capital. The different levels of social capital shape the nature of the contributions and interactions on the Board. The study found that in spite of the frequency of interaction between the School Board, parents and the community the School Board is still in a dilemma as it is unable to connect with its prominent source of potential support, such as the business community, due to an outdated view that the school is well-off based on its historic status of privilege. With respect to communications with parents the focus tends to be on the negatives of learners’ behaviour or performance and the task of the parents in this regard. Broadening the agenda of the collaboration to include positive aspects of the child would add to the motivation of parents and open possibilities for new forms of collaboration. The school lacks a well-coordinated system for utilizing the available resources as well as community expertise for the benefit of the school. On the strength of the findings, one of the recommendations is for a more structured program and strategy for the Boards various interactions with the community and parents.
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Improving school performance through effective SGB governance in previously disadvantaged schoolsMbengashe, Andile January 2014 (has links)
The lack of the visible and practical involvement of parents in schools that are in previously disadvantaged communities is not only depriving the present learners and their parents of their democratic right to participate in shaping their future, but that of the coming generation and leaders of tomorrow as well. South Africa as a country is about twenty years into democracy and already the education system has been chopped and changed about four times but with no success. The schooling system in previously black communities is deteriorating. The government of the day has been prioritising education for about fifteen years now, the budget for education is equal to the budget for the whole country in some of the neighbouring countries like Zimbabwe but the quality and standard are far worse than in those countries. The cost of the current problems in education mostly in previously black township schools is far too much to imagine. The main challenge seems to be the nature, character, skills and capabilities of parents serving in school governing bodies. This study is so important because of the situation that exists in schools that are situated in historically disadvantaged communities where the parents who get elected to school governing bodies are still, despite workshops and training offered by the Department of Education, unable to manage and govern schools and thus render the school governing body ineffective. The Department of Education through its programmes does conduct governance, financial management and policy formulation workshops. These efforts from the government side do not seem to bear any fruit because parents, after attending the training and workshops are still unable to create well-managed and properly governed schools. The primary objective of this study is to improve the organisational performance of schools in previously disadvantaged communities in the Uitenhage District of the Department of Education situated in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality by investigating how effective school governing body governance could contribute to such performance. More specifically, the study investigates the relationship between effective school governing body management, as a dependent variable, and parental/community involvement, finance and resource management, school governance, learner discipline/conduct, and quality education as independent variables. The population of the study was high school principals and school management team (SMT) members in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality focusing mainly on historically or previously disadvantaged schools in the Uitenhage district of the Department of Education. The study used convenience sampling where seventeen (17) high schools were selected. In each school, school management team members and a principal were requested to fill in a questionnaire. In total 105 questionnaires were distributed and 85 were fully completed and returned. Questionnaires were collected, data captured and analysed and a report was written. The empirical results revealed the following weaknesses in the SGBs of high schools in the Uitenhage District of the Department of Education in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality: the SGBs do not effectively formulate school policies; the SGBs do not effectively provide support to educators in performing their professional duties; the SGBs are not fully involved in supplementing resources supplied by the state in order to improve quality of teaching and learning; and the schools are weak on community engagement. On the other hand, the following positive elements of SGBs were highlighted in the empirical results; the schools are rated good regarding the following variables/issues: quality of teaching and learning, utilisation of school resources, school governance, professionalism of staff and extra-mural activities; the SGBs know and participate in the academic and extra-mural programmes of the schools; the SGBs successfully prepare the annual budget for the schools; the SGBs are effectively governing the schools; the SGBs do appoint auditors to audit the school's books and financial statements; the schools have achieved audited financial statements without a disclaimer; the schools have a disciplinary committee that deals with the learner code of conduct and attends to disciplinary problems. The study highlights areas in school governance that should be improved, as well as recommendations on how to improve them. Recommendations for future research are also provided.
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Improving the organisational perfomance of school by increasing the effectiveness of school management teamsBalie, Isaac Ronald January 2011 (has links)
The principal together with the school management team (SMT) of a public school is responsible for ensuring that all areas in the school function effectively. Effective school-based management is no longer a choice in South Africa but, rather, a must. Seventeen years into democracy, the Grade 12 pass rates in the Eastern Cape for the past three years were 50.6% in 2008, 51.0% in 2009 and 58.3% in 2010. Although there has been an improvement over the last three years, the Eastern Cape was still number seven out of the nine provinces in 2010. Against this background the question arose as to whether the schools in the Eastern Cape were effectively managed. The primary objective of the study is therefore to improve the organisational performance of public schools in the Uitenhage education district by investigating the relationship between the perceived effective implementation of basic managerial tasks (planning, organising, leading and controlling), on the one hand, and organisational performance of schools, on the other hand. Convenience sampling was used to select 100 out of a possible 139 senior management team members from 26 public schools in the Uitenhage education district. The sample was stratified to include principals, deputy principals and heads of departments. The empirical results revealed that the management tasks, leading and controlling, were the main determinants of the organisational performance of participating schools. The empirical results showed that planning and organising do not have a significant influence on the organisational performance of these schools. The managerial implications of the results are discussed and recommendations are made on the basis of these discussions.
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A political response perspective on intergovernmental relations in educationBartunek, Frank Paul 11 1900 (has links)
This study of intergovernmental relations in
education explored the nature of school district political
responses to provincial government policies in British
Columbia. Specifically, it examined the practice of a
particular set of political responses (Elkin, 1975):
coalition, socialization of the conflict, making use of a
supraorganization, exchange, co-optation and penetration.
Based on theoretical and empirical studies of
governmental policy making (Doern and Phidd, 1983; Lowi,
1964, 1972; Rowat, 1980; Simeon, 1976) and
interorganizational influence (Elkin, 1975; Rhodes, 1980), a
three dimensional conceptual framework was developed
consisting of policy types, school district types and types
of political response. Ministry policy type was classified
according to !?regulatory! (instructions for school districts
to integrate severly handicapped children into regular
school programs) and “distributive” (guidelines to school
districts for capital expenditure allocations). School
district type was distinguished by school board partisanship
and regional—metropolitan variants. Ultimately, three school
districts were chosen for indepth investigation and
comparative analysis.
This study may be regarded as an academic policy
analysis using a multi-case study methodology. Based on
interviews with key district office personnel and school
trustees, along with document analysis and other evidence,
the study yielded thick descriptions of the operational
characteristics ‘of each political response in action.
This study substantiated the proposition that
political behaviour is characterized by certain patterns or
regularities. However, while the “language” of
organizational response proposed by Elkin (1975) provides
insight and guidance for the study of intergovernmental
relations, it does not appear to be comprehensive. Other
district political responses come into play. Nevertheless,
the findings of this study support Elkin’s proposition that
the political responses of local government organizations
are closely associated with their dependency on
environmental resources.
Application of the multi—case methodology in this
research supports the contention of certain policy
researchers that it is possible to combine intensity of
study with comparative variations of key variables. The
inter—disciplinary nature of this study, along with the
systematic use of different kinds of definitions and the
interactive opportunities associated with “on site”
observation, were found to be very important and necessary
features of this qualitative research.
The findings and conclusions suggest that research
should be undertaken on other typologies of political
influence which were identified in the course of this study.
Incorporation of what organizational theorists refer to as
“resource dependency theory,” or “the political economy
perspective” may aid in examining more comprehensively how
school districts, as special purpose governments, adapt to
provincial government authority.
The study concludes with speculations about the
nature and usefulness of school district political responses
within the context of local-provincial relations in
education. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate
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Career Paths and Perceived Success Levels of Women Superintendents of Public Schools in the State of TexasLea, Ray 05 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to determine the career paths of women superintendents in the state of Texas and their school board members' perceptions of their levels of success. All women currently serving as superintendents of public schools in Texas, as well as all school board members of districts with women serving as superintendents were surveyed. The findings of this study indicate that the "typical" woman superintendent was hired from inside the district, with a master's degree. She was 48.3 years of age. Her first administrative position was the principalship and she moved directly from the principalship to the superintendency. The typical woman served in one district as superintendent. Her teaching and prior administrative experience was at the elementary level. Women superintendents perceived the position of teacher as the most beneficial experience prior to the superintendency. Women superintendents perceived leadership as the most important area of her professional development. School finance was the area perceived by women superintendents as needing to be more extensive in their professional development. Of the women superintendents who responded to this survey, 68.1 percent reported that they did not perceive discrimination in attaining the superintendency. Of the school board members who responded to this survey, 56.2 percent rated their women superintendents as excellent, 2 6 percent rated women superintendents as good, 12.5 percent rated women superintendents as average, 4.1 percent rated women superintendents as below average and 1 percent rated women superintendents as poor. Most school board members either strongly agreed or agreed with statements that women superintendents are capable in areas of school finance, school law, personnel, public relations, bonds and building programs and leadership. Women school board members rated women superintendents slightly higher, on the average, than male school board members.
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An investigation into the capacity and skills of school governing bodies and their impact on the roles of governing bodies: a case study of Dzondo Circuit, Vhembe DistrictRazwimisani, Masala Moses 11 October 2013 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies
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