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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring the views of grade 10-12 Gauteng school learners on Chemistry practicals

Davis, Bridgit Helen 29 February 2004 (has links)
The two-part Views on Chemistry Practicals (VOCP) instrument for measuring the views of grade 10 to 12 Physical Science students about the benefits and problems of Chemistry practicals was empirically developed and trialed using six schools in Gauteng. The summary part of the resultant VOCP instrument comprises 24 Likert items and the explanatory part comprises 24 multiple-choice items with 163 options, thus creating a unique current record of a wide range of students' views of chemistry practicals and providing teachers with a tool for improving chemistry practicals. The trial of the instrument with 230 students from three schools indicated that the summary part of the instrument is reliable (Cronbach alpha coefficient) and that a shortened explanatory part of the instrument is reliable (Chi squared values for 17 items with 98 options). The validity of the VOCP instrument was established through the empirical development of the instrument using triangulation of data. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Investigating the problem-solving proficiency of second-year Quantitative Techniques students : the case of Walter Sisulu University

Bester, Lynette 07 1900 (has links)
Quantitative Techniques is traditionally a subject with a poor pass rate at Walter Sisulu University. In search of a turnaround strategy, the purpose of this study was to determine the level of problem-solving proficiency of Quantitative Techniques students, which is suspected to influence achievement in this subject. A descriptive survey design was used in this research. Second-year ND (Marketing) students (128) took part in the study. A questionnaire and a written test were used to collect data. A profile of participants’ problem-solving was determined. Their weaknesses and strengths in problem-solving were investigated. The problem-solving proficiency of participants with regards to the biographical variables of Gender, Age, Mathematics background and whether they took Data Handling training at school or not were explored. A model, based on Polya’s four stages of problem-solving, was used to measure the students’ level of problem-solving proficiency, which was 59,16%. Findings suggest that the students achieved highest in understanding a problem (72,29%) and making a plan to solve the problem (73,77%). They are weakest at interpreting their results (29,38%). MANOVA results showed no statistical significance for the biographical variables. The univariate results suggest that age, Data Handling training at school and Gender could affect problem-solving proficiency. Since the findings of this study indicate a strong relationship between participants’ problem-solving proficiency and their actual achievement, some intervention is recommended. An intervention could be in the form of a section on problem-solving in the course, supplemental instruction or an introductory course. Course and curriculum content should be revised to address students’ proficiency in problem-solving. / Mathematical Sciences / M. A. (Statistics Education)

Studying science and engineering at UCT : students' background, experience of science an reasons for studying science or engineering

Laugksch, Diane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is the contention of this study that competence in science and mathematics is a necessary condition for access to higher education, but that it is a general interest in science that will inspire learners to pursue careers in science and technology. The objective of this study was to develop a profile of the individual who chooses to study science and engineering. The three research questions were, firstly, what is the background profile of a group of learners who have decided to study science and engineering? Secondly, what are the characteristic features of the school-science experience of these learners? Lastly, what are the factors that learners think most influenced their decision to study science and engineering? This study was formulated as having a descriptive purpose and hence a survey research design was used. Self-reported retrospective data were collected using a questionnaire which was designed with reference to a number of sources (e.g., Woolnough, 1994). After piloting the questionnaire, it was administered to all firstyear students registered in the faculties of Science and Engineering at the University of Cape Town. A total of 204 first-year science and 247 first-year engineering students formed the final sample of this study. Quantitative analysis of the students’ responses showed that 66% of respondents were male. The majority of female students were registered in the science faculty. English was the home language of 55% of the sample, with 32% of students reported speaking one of the other nine official languages at home. Parents, career counselors and teachers most influenced students’ decision to study science or engineering. The vast majority of respondents took Physical Science at school. Students’ experiences of school science were diverse. Students’ responses generally reflected a poor commitment on the part of schools to expose students to noncurriculum activities generally thought to promote an interest in science. Overall, the majority of students reflected an enthusiasm for learning to do science through scientific experiments, albeit with preference for a teacher-driven approach to classroom activities. Personal motivation, receiving a bursary, and access to information were the main factors that students said influenced their decision to study science and engineering. While information received at a careers open day and participating in a school science competition was crucial for science students, engineering students showed a general curiosity for science, for knowing how things work, and for creating and designing things. For most African students information received at a careers open day was important, while a curiosity for science and receiving a bursary were equally important in influencing non-African students to pursue further study in science or engineering. The results of this study suggest that what parents say, and the information that learners have access to, is important to the decisions that learners make in regard to future careers in science and engineering. It is suggested that future strategies for promoting science in general must include parents, teachers and senior learners in the dissemination of general information about science, about people in science, about using science in everyday life, and about the possibilities for further study in science and engineering. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is die uitgangspunt van hierdie ondersoek dat vaardigheid in die wetenskap en wiskunde ‘n noodsaaklike voorwaarde is vir toegang to tersiêre onderwys, maar dat ‘n algemene belangstelling in die wetenskap leerders sal inspireer om loopbane in die natuurwetenskappe en tegnologie te volg. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om ‘n profiel te ontwikkel van die individu wat die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese kies as studierigting. Die drie navorsingsvrae was, eerstens, wat is die agtergrondsprofiel van leerders wat besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese te studeer? Tweedens, wat is die kenmerkende eienskappe van hierdie leerders se skoolervaring? Laastens, watter faktore dink hierdie leerders het hulle besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese te studeer, die meeste beïnvloed? Hierdie ondersoek is beskrywend van aard en dus is ‘n steekproef as navorsingsontwerp gebruik. Selfgerapporteerde retrospektiewe data is ingesamel deur middel van ‘n vraelys wat ontwerp is met verwysings na ‘n verskeidenheid bronne (bv., Woolnough, 1994). Die vraelys is versprei aan alle eerste-jaar geregistreerde studente in die Natuurwetenskappe en Ingenieurswese Fakulteite by die Universiteit van Kaapstad, nadat ‘n voortoetsing van die vraelys uitgevoer is. ‘n Totaal van 204 eerste-jaar natuurwetensakppe en 247 eerste-jaar ingenieurswese studente was deel van die finale steekproef van hierdie ondersoek. Die kwantitatiewe ontleding van die studenteterugvoer toon dat 66% van die respondente manlik is. Die meerderheid vroulike studente was geregistreer in die natuurwetenskappe fakulteit. Engels was die huistaal van 55% van die steekproef, en 32% van die studente het aangedui dat hulle een of meer van die ander nege amptelike landstale praat. Ouers, beroepsvoorligters en onderwysers het die meeste invloed gehad op die studente se besluit om in die natuurwetenskappe of ingenieurswese te studeer. Die oorgrote meerderheid respondente het Natuur- en Skeikunde op skool geneem. Studente se skoolervarings en ervaring van die wetenskap op skool was uiteenlopend. Studente se terugvoer het in die algemeen gedui op ‘n swak verbintenis van skole tot die blootstelling van studente aan niekurrikulêre aktiwiteite wat oor die algemeen belangstelling in die wetenskap kweek. Die meerderheid studente het in die geheel ‘n entoesiasme getoon om meer te leer van die wetenskap deur die uitvoer van wetenskaplike eksperimente, hoewel met ‘n voorkeur vir ‘n onderwyser-gedrewe benadering tot klaskamer aktiwiteite. Persoonlike motivering, om ‘n beurs te ontvang, en toegang tot inligting is deur studente aangedui as van die vernaamste faktore wat ‘n invloed op hulle keuse van die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese as studierigting gehad het. Die inligting wat die natuurwetenskappe studente ontvang het by beroepsgeoriënteerde opedae en deelname in ‘n skool wetenskapskompetisie was beslissend in hulle besluit. Die ingenieurswese studente daarteenoor het ‘n algemene nuurskierigheid vir die wetenskap en hoe dinge werk, hoe om dinge te skep en te ontwerp, getoon. Die inligting wat swart studente by beroepsgeoriënteerde opedae ontvang het, was belangrik, terwyl ‘n wetenskaplike nuuskierigheid en die toekenning van ‘n beurs ‘n ewe belangrike invloed gehad het op ander studente se keuse om verdere studie in die natuurwetenskappe of ingenieurswese voort te sit. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek dui daarop dat wat ouers sê, en die inligting waartoe leerders toegang het, belangrik is vir die besluite wat leerders neem met betrekking tot toekomstige loopbane in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese. Daar word voorgestel dat toekomstige strategieë vir die bevordering van die wetenskap in die algemeen ouers, onderwysers en senior leerders moet insluit in die verspreiding van algemene inligting oor die wetenskap, oor mense in die wetenskap, oor die gebruik van die wetenskap in die alledaagse lewe, en die moontlikhede van verdere studies in die natuurwetenskappe en ingenieurswese.

Investigating the problem-solving proficiency of second-year Quantitative Techniques students : the case of Walter Sisulu University

Bester, Lynette 07 1900 (has links)
Quantitative Techniques is traditionally a subject with a poor pass rate at Walter Sisulu University. In search of a turnaround strategy, the purpose of this study was to determine the level of problem-solving proficiency of Quantitative Techniques students, which is suspected to influence achievement in this subject. A descriptive survey design was used in this research. Second-year ND (Marketing) students (128) took part in the study. A questionnaire and a written test were used to collect data. A profile of participants’ problem-solving was determined. Their weaknesses and strengths in problem-solving were investigated. The problem-solving proficiency of participants with regards to the biographical variables of Gender, Age, Mathematics background and whether they took Data Handling training at school or not were explored. A model, based on Polya’s four stages of problem-solving, was used to measure the students’ level of problem-solving proficiency, which was 59,16%. Findings suggest that the students achieved highest in understanding a problem (72,29%) and making a plan to solve the problem (73,77%). They are weakest at interpreting their results (29,38%). MANOVA results showed no statistical significance for the biographical variables. The univariate results suggest that age, Data Handling training at school and Gender could affect problem-solving proficiency. Since the findings of this study indicate a strong relationship between participants’ problem-solving proficiency and their actual achievement, some intervention is recommended. An intervention could be in the form of a section on problem-solving in the course, supplemental instruction or an introductory course. Course and curriculum content should be revised to address students’ proficiency in problem-solving. / Mathematical Sciences / M. A. (Statistics Education)

The effect of single sex schooling on girls' achievement in Physical Science

Carter, Tracey-Ann 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study investigated whether girls achieve better results in Physical Science in single sex environments or in co-educational classes. Thirteen independent South African schools where children were of similar socio-economic background were considered. Grade 12 Matriculation Physical Science examination results for 1999 to 2003 were analysed using Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests. Questionnaires were completed by a small number of students in order to compare their attitudes towards Physical Science and examined qualitatively. There were significant differences found by the administration of the Bonferroni (Dunn) t-Tests and Scheffe's Tests in 2000, 2001 and 2002 to indicate that girls in single sex schools achieved better results in Science than the co-educational schools. However, in 1999 and 2003 there was no significant difference in the results achieved, and so there may be other factors that are more important predictors of achievement than whether the schools are mixed or single sex. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Teaching)

Measuring the views of grade 10-12 Gauteng school learners on Chemistry practicals

Davis, Bridgit Helen 29 February 2004 (has links)
The two-part Views on Chemistry Practicals (VOCP) instrument for measuring the views of grade 10 to 12 Physical Science students about the benefits and problems of Chemistry practicals was empirically developed and trialed using six schools in Gauteng. The summary part of the resultant VOCP instrument comprises 24 Likert items and the explanatory part comprises 24 multiple-choice items with 163 options, thus creating a unique current record of a wide range of students' views of chemistry practicals and providing teachers with a tool for improving chemistry practicals. The trial of the instrument with 230 students from three schools indicated that the summary part of the instrument is reliable (Cronbach alpha coefficient) and that a shortened explanatory part of the instrument is reliable (Chi squared values for 17 items with 98 options). The validity of the VOCP instrument was established through the empirical development of the instrument using triangulation of data. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Well-Being and Academic Success in Gifted College Students: Early-College Entrants and Honors College Students

Boazman, Janette Kay 08 1900 (has links)
As a society, we seek to have our young people, including the gifted, be healthy and happy, and go to good schools with good teachers. Framed by Sayler's theoretical model of giftedness and thriving, this study examined psychological constructs (i.e. general self-efficacy, theories of intelligence, hope, gratitude, religiosity, disposition, and resiliency) to determine their mediating effect on personal well-being and academic success in gifted college students. The 213 subjects for this study included gifted college students from two distinct programs at the University of North Texas. One hundred twenty-two participants were students from the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS). TAMS is an early-college entrance program allowing gifted students to enter college after their sophomore year of high school. Ninety-one participants attended the UNT Honors College. Honors College students are gifted students who enter college after high school graduation. Latent transition, latent class, general linear model repeated measures, and regression analyses were used in the examination of the data. Results of the study revealed that positive disposition and hope-agency were significantly related to the development of personal well-being for gifted students during their first year of college. The ability to identify pathways to goals and the self-theory of intelligence as a fixed trait were significantly related to academic success during the first year at college. Knowledge of psychological constructs that are facilitative of the positive personal well-being and academic achievement helps parents, teachers, administrators, and counselors prepare gifted students for success in college.

Geometric reasoning in an active-engagement upper-division E&M classroom

Cerny, Leonard Thomas 21 August 2012 (has links)
A combination of theoretical perspectives is used to create a rich description of student reasoning when facing a highly-geometric electricity and magnetism problem in an upper-division active-engagement physics classroom at Oregon State University. Geometric reasoning as students encounter problem situations ranging from familiar to novel is described using van Zee and Manogue's (2010) ethnography of communication. Bing's (2008) epistemic framing model is used to illuminate how students are framing what they are doing and whether or not they see the problem as geometric. Kuo, Hull, Gupta, and Elby's (2010) blending model and Krutetskii's (1976) model of harmonic reasoning are used to illuminate ways students show problem-solving expertise. Sayer and Wittmann's (2008) model is used to show how resource plasticity impacts students' geometric reasoning and the degree to which students accept incorrect results. / Graduation date: 2013

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