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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mystery and the Making of a Christian Historical Consciousness: From Paul to the Second Century

Lang, Timothy January 2014 (has links)
<p>On the most general, theological level this dissertation explores the origins, ensuing articulations, and intellectual implications of what has been characterized as a new Christian "political-historical consciousness" (politisch-historisches Bewusstsein)&mdashthat totalizing reconception of history and ecclesial identity that enabled early Christians to imagine themselves as simultaneously new to the world in terms of revelation and yet also ancient with respect to God's eternal plan. On the more specific and descriptive level, I propose that a key to mapping the early development of this new historical consciousness comes via detailed analysis of a single term introduced by the apostle Paul into the Christian theological lexicon, the noun <italic>mysterion</italic> and the particular understanding of history and revelation that is commonly coupled with it, an understanding I refer to in varying ways as the "once hidden, now revealed" mystery schema. It is, I claim, the historical arrangement of this once hidden/now revealed discourse, and thus the comprehensive division of time into adjacent eras of concealment and revelation, that provided Christians of the first two centuries with the intellectual architecture and concomitant discursive schema that formulated and then further legitimized some of the most original claims of Christian theology. Among these claims are, most notably, ecclesiological propositions regarding the status of the Gentiles among the people of God, hermeneutical propositions related to the revisionary Christian readings of Israel's scriptures, and christological propositions about the unified identity of the newly revealed Christ and the creator God of Israel. Insofar as such propositions were named as mysteries--which is to say, as realities newly revealed but eternally known by the God of Israel--and yet were argued independently of, if not in contradiction of, Torah and other authoritative Jewish writings (see chapters five), or on the basis of Jewish scriptures but without any obvious presence in their "plain sense" (see chapters six and seven), or by appeal to what had become a textual field of authoritative Christian writings (see chapter eight), some sort of new intellectual apparatus was needed to articulate these novel claims. The notion of an eternal mystery previously hidden but recently disclosed to the world, provided just such an apparatus. A detailed lexical analysis of "mystery" in Paul and other early Christian authors should thus provide a helpful constraint for analyzing these larger and less tangible subjects of early Christian thinking about divine revelation and the structure of history. </p><p> To be clear, in training my attention on the word and the "once hidden, now revealed" discourse, I am not presuming some sort of idealized concept-in-word equation (or, in this case, a discourse-in-word equation), the error of nomenclaturism as Saussure termed it. Nor am I suggesting that <italic>mysterion</italic> had any sort of fixed meaning, much less a totality of meanings to be smuggled into every occurrence. The linguistic axioms that words and things share no inviolable, one-to-one correspondence, and that sentences (or more complex syntactical strucutres), not individual lexemes, are to be regarded as the fundamental units determining meaning should by now be truisms. My focus on <italic>mysterion</italic> is simply motivated, first, by the observation that when this signifier is used by early Christian authors it most frequently refers to some theological or hermeneutical claim that was previously hidden but is now currently disclosed and thus, second, by the practicality of treating this word as a limiting heuristic for analyzing the more nebulous hidden/revealed discursive formation. This is not to confuse the word for the discourse. Rather it is to use this particular word, which so often appears to be a near technical term for the discourse, as an entry point into it.</p> / Dissertation

The intertextual reception of Genesis 1-3 in Ireaneus of Lyons

Presley, Stephen O. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the intertextual nature of Irenaeus' reading of Genesis 1-3. In this study, we assume a different mode of investigation than previous works on Irenaeus' use of scripture. Drawing from contemporary discussions on intertextuality in Fishbane, Boyrin, Hays, and Young, we challenge a tradition of investigation into Irenaeus' exegesis that has marginalized the significance of scriptural networking inherent to his hermeneutic. This perspective is evident in the previous works on Irenaeus' reading of Genesis in Orbe, Jacobsen, Kannengiesser, Steenberg, and Holsinger-Friesen. This thesis, on the other hand, brings together an appreciation for Irenaeus' hermeneutic with respect to his exegesis of Gen 1-3. We show that in every instance Irenaeus interprets Gen 1-3, not in isolation, but in correlation with other texts by means of a variety of intertextual reading strategies that shape his theological polemic. In chapter one we investigate the nature of Irenaeus' hermeneutical orientation based upon studies of patristic exegesis and his own descriptions of the exegetical task. We show that Irenaeus purposes to interconnect texts in his refutation and exegesis and we formulate a methodology that appreciates his reading of Gen 1-3 within this theological networking of texts. In chapters 2-6, we provide a literary analysis of the echoes, allusions, and citations of Gen 1-3 in each book of Adversus Haereses. In each case we isolate the allusions to Gen 1-3 and the corresponding interrelated texts that form a hermeneutically symbiotic relationship with Gen 1-3. We show how these textual relationships yield a more comprehensive appreciation for the meaning and function of Gen 1-3 in Irenaeus. In chapter 7 we conclude with a summary and cumulative evaluation of the intertextual relationships fashioned with Gen 1-3 and the reading strategies that guide his intertextual use of Gen 1-3. In doing so, this thesis exposes the intricacies of Irenaeus' theological and intertextual reading of Gen 1-3 and the various ways that Irenaeus harmonizes scripture.

Modalità di lettura ed esegesi dei testi nel secondo secolo tra cristiani e pagani / MODALITA' DI LETTURA ED ESEGESI DEI TESTI NEL SECONDO SECOLO TRA CRISTIANI E PAGANI

MINONNE, FRANCESCA 08 June 2017 (has links)
La tesi intende fornire un contributo agli studi sulle modalità di lettura e di analisi dei testi messe in atto dagli autori cristiani del secondo secolo, in costante confronto con le stesse pratiche applicate dai contemporanei rappresentanti delle élites intellettuali non cristiane. La testualità riveste un ruolo centrale nel processo di formazione di un’identità cristiana e nella costruzione di un discorso che ne sia espressione e legittimazione. Ci si propone, dunque, di approfondire se e quanto la definizione di una normatività testuale, specificamente cristiana, sia debitrice a un confronto che si svolge a livello della lettura come base per l’interpretazione di un testo. I passi selezionati seguono la scansione dei diversi momenti di analisi testuale propri della τέχνη γραμματική: i dibattiti in merito alle variae lectiones, agli errori grafici e alle interpolazioni volontarie dei copisti, l’uso della tropologia, le riflessioni sulla dispositio e sull’ordo verborum, lo studio degli etimi, le valutazioni morfologiche e sintattiche. Questo metodo favorisce un tentativo di campionatura dei testi volto a far emergere l’utilizzo delle modalità di lettura tradizionali nelle opere degli autori cristiani del secondo secolo. / This thesis aims at contributing to the studies on reading practices of text analysis applied in the second century by Christian authors, in comparison with the same tools used by contemporary non-Christian intellectuals. Textuality had a key role in the process of formation of Christian identity and construction of the discourse through which Christianism was expressed and legitimized. It is therefore important to examine how textual debates influenced the constitution of a normative canon of Scriptures. The selected passages are gathered according to the different steps of text analysis in ancient grammar: discussions on variae lectiones, graphic errors and voluntary interpolations made by copyists, the use of tropology, reflections on dispositio and ordo verborum, studies in etymology, morphological and syntactic analysis. This method fosters an attempt to textual sampling in order to identify the use of traditional reading practices in the works of second-century Christian authors.

Climate change is advancing spring onset across the U.S. national park system

Monahan, William B., Rosemartin, Alyssa, Gerst, Katharine L., Fisichelli, Nicholas A., Ault, Toby, Schwartz, Mark D., Gross, John E., Weltzin, Jake F. 10 1900 (has links)
Many U.S. national parks are already at the extreme warm end of their historical temperature distributions. With rapidly warming conditions, park resource management will be enhanced by information on seasonality of climate that supports adjustments in the timing of activities such as treating invasive species, operating visitor facilities, and scheduling climate-related events (e.g., flower festivals and fall leaf-viewing). Seasonal changes in vegetation, such as pollen, seed, and fruit production, are important drivers of ecological processes in parks, and phenology has thus been identified as a key indicator for park monitoring. Phenology is also one of the most proximate biological responses to climate change. Here, we use estimates of start of spring based on climatically modeled dates of first leaf and first bloom derived from indicator plant species to evaluate the recent timing of spring onset (past 10-30 yr) in each U.S. natural resource park relative to its historical range of variability across the past 112 yr (1901-2012). Of the 276 high latitude to subtropical parks examined, spring is advancing in approximately three-quarters of parks (76%), and 53% of parks are experiencing "extreme" early springs that exceed 95% of historical conditions. Our results demonstrate how changes in climate seasonality are important for understanding ecological responses to climate change, and further how spatial variability in effects of climate change necessitates different approaches to management. We discuss how our results inform climate change adaptation challenges and opportunities facing parks, with implications for other protected areas, by exploring consequences for resource management and planning.

Archè et Chrèmata en Égypte au IIe siècle avant J.-C. (204 –81 av. J.-C.) : Étude de numismatique et d’histoire / Archè and Chrèmata in Egypt in the Second Century B.C. (204 –81 B.C.) : A Numismatic and Historical Study

Olivier, Julien 20 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée aux monnaies d’or et d’argent lagides comme moyen de l’action des rois d’Alexandrie entre l’avènement de Ptolémée V en 204 et la mort de Ptolémée IX en 81. Ce grand deuxième siècle est habituellement considéré comme un temps de crise profonde du pouvoir royal, alors aux prises avec des révoltes en Égypte, des luttes dynastiques et affaibli par la perte de la plupart des territoires extérieurs hormis Chypre et Cyrène. Dans ce contexte, la place et le rôle des émissions ptolémaïques dans la gestion du royaume par les Ptolémées peuvent être questionnés. Pour cela, nous avons répertorié 6 413 pièces au sein d’un catalogue dans le but de collecter un maximum d’informations ainsi que pour réaliser une étude des niveaux de production tout au long de la période. A cela s’ajoute l’établissement d’un catalogue des trésors et trouvailles isolées remis à jour. Une deuxième partie est dédiée à l’importance ainsi qu’aux classements de ces émissions qui sont discutés et parfois révisés au regard des informations réunies. Pour cela, les 380 analyses élémentaires de monnaies d’or et d’argent réalisées à l’IRAMAT fournissent une somme d’informations inédites. Enfin, nous tentons d’insérer les nouvelles données produites dans les connaissances générales de l’histoire du royaume des Ptolémées au IIe siècle. L’enjeu est de déterminer dans quelle mesure l’usage de la monnaie peut être un révélateur des politiques royales. Il convient également de définir l’importance de ce moyen de paiement et dans quels cas il est employé. Ainsi, le témoignage des monnaies permet d’analyser certains aspects de la réaction du pouvoir royal lagide face aux difficultés rencontrées au IIe siècle. / This study is dedicated to the Ptolemaic gold and silver coins as means of action of kings of Alexandria from the advent of Ptolemy V in 204 until the death of Ptolemy IX in 81. This expanded second century is usually considered as a time of deep crisis of the royal power, then battling against internal revolts in Egypt, dynastic fights and weakened by the loss of most of the foreign territories except Cyprus and Cyrene. In this context, the place and the role of the Ptolemaic issues in the management of the kingdom by the Ptolemies can be questioned. We listed 6 413 coins within a catalog to collect a maximum of information there as well as to realize a study of the levels of production throughout the all period. Then, an updated catalog of hoards and isolated finds is added. The second part is dedicated to the whole importanceas well as to the classifications of these broadcast issues which are discussed and sometimes revised with regards to the information gathered. For that purpose, the contribution of 380 elemental analysis of gold and silver coins achieved in the IRAMAT laboratory supplies a sum of new information. Finally, we try to insert the new data produced intothe general knowledge of the history of the Ptolemaic kingdom in the second century. The stake is to determine to what degree the use of coins can reflect the royal policies. It is also advisable to define the importance of this means of payment and in which cases it is used. In the end, the testimony of coinage allows us to analyze certain aspects of the reaction of the Ptolemaic royal power confronting difficulties met in the second century.

Sur la mort de Pérégrinos, Les Fugitifs et Toxaris de Lucien de Samosate : édition avec traduction et commentaire / Lucian of Samosata. On the Death of Peregrinus, The Runaways, Toxaris : edition with translation and commentary

Marquis, Emeline 18 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet l’édition critique, la traduction et le commentaire de trois textes de Lucien de Samosate : Sur la mort de Pérégrinos, Les Fugitifs et Toxaris ou l’Amitié (les numéros 55, 56 et 57 dans l’ordre canonique des œuvres de Lucien). L’édition est fondée sur l’examen de tous les témoins manuscrits et sur l’étude des liens qu’ils entretiennent entre eux (pour chaque texte, un stemma a été réalisé). L’apparat critique est positif. Il s’appuie sur un nombre limité de manuscrits, nécessaires à l’établissement du texte, tout en donnant une image représentative de la tradition. La traduction française cherche à conjuguer impératifs littéraires et souci de rester au plus près du texte. Le commentaire est linéaire sous forme de notes. Il associe principalement deux approches, historique et littéraire. L’apport de ce travail est triple. En matière d’édition, il met en lumière des textes de Lucien à tradition simple, un type de transmission qui n’avait pas jusque là été étudié pour lui-même par les précédents éditeurs ; le contraste observé par rapport aux textes à tradition double conduit à la réévaluation des différentes familles de manuscrits. En outre, il souligne l’intérêt historique des œuvres de Lucien : malgré leurs différences en terme de situation temporelle, chacun de ces trois textes renvoie aux réalités des premiers siècles de l’Empire romain. Enfin, il permet de mieux cerner la posture auctoriale adoptée par Lucien : celle d’un homme fier d’être un pepaideumenos, attaché à la vérité sous toutes ses formes, et conscient des pouvoirs et des dangers de la parole. / The subject of this PhD thesis is the critical edition, with a French translation and a commentary, of three texts by Lucian of Samosata : On the Death of Peregrinus, The Runaways et Toxaris or Frienship (the numbers 55, 56 and 57 in the canonical order of Lucian’s works). The edition is based on the study of all handwritten testimonials as well as their connection (for each text a stemma was established). The critical apparatus is positive. It relies on a limited number of manuscripts necessary for establishing the text while at the same time giving a representative picture of its tradition. The french translation aims at combining literary aspect with staying close to the original text. The commentary is linear ; it unifies an historical and literary approach. The benefit of this work is threefold. Regarding the edition, it sheds light on the texts of Lucian which have a simple tradition, a type of tradition that had not been studied on its own by previous editors. The observed differences in comparison with texts in double tradition leads to the reevaluation of the different families of manuscripts. Moreover it underlines the historical interest of Lucian’s works : in spite of their differences concerning their temporal situation, each of the three texts has roots in the life of the first centuries of the Roman Empire. Finally, it allows to better evaluate the role taken by Lucian as an author : the role of a man that is conscious of being a pepaideumenos, committed to the truth in all its forms and aware of the power and danger of speech.

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