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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die ersten Ptolemäer und Griechenland; eine darlegung ihrer politischen bestregungen gegenüber den griechischen gemeinwesen mit vornehmlichster berüksichtgung des neu erschlossenen epigraphischen materials ...

Fritze, Marieluise, January 1917 (has links)
Inaug.--diss.--Halle-Wittenberg. / Lebenslauf. "Literaturangabe, "p. [7]-12.

Dreams of Mount Helicon: Callimachus and Oneiric Inspiration

Hattori, Austin A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Between Alexandria and Rome: A Postcolonial Archaeology of Cultural Identity in Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus

Gordon, Jody Michael 02 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Alexandria dos antigos: entre a polêmica e o encantamento / The Alexandria of ancient: between controversy and enchantment

Climaco, Joana Campos 29 April 2013 (has links)
Além de Roma, nenhuma cidade no Alto Império Romano foi mais analisada, caracterizada e criticada a partir de perspectivas externas do que Alexandria no Egito. As imagens produzidas pela literatura ajudaram a elaborar a representação da cidade que a historiografia contemporânea perpetuou: uma cidade enorme, linda, rica, turbulenta e polêmica. O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é discutir as diversas representações sobre Alexandria, reforçadas e divulgadas por autores antigos entre o século I a.C. e III d.C.. Acreditamos que tais representações, associadas à grandeza e prosperidade de Alexandria que a assemelhavam à capital do Império, ilustram uma percepção da cidade como um espelho de Roma e, também, uma ameaça à sua hegemonia. Todas as ênfases nas qualidades e realizações de Alexandria por um lado, e nos seus problemas e tendência à rebelião, por outro, não eram inocentes e são indicativas de uma mentalidade que vislumbrava a cidade como um local que demandava a atenção contínua por parte dos representantes do poder romano. A intenção desta pesquisa é analisar os motivos que geraram essa dualidade nas narrativas, por meio do mapeamento das temáticas e contextos mais tratados pela tradição clássica. / Apart from Rome, no city in the early Roman Empire was more analyzed, characterized and criticized by external perspectives than Alexandria in Egypt. The images produced by the literature helped create the representation of the city that the contemporary historiography has perpetuated: an enormous, beautiful, rich, turbulent and polemic city. The aim of this doctorate thesis is to discuss the several representations about Alexandria reinforced and divulged by ancient authors between the first century BC and third century AD. We believe that theses representations associated to Alexandrias greatness and prosperity that made it similar to the capital of the Empire illustrate a perception of the city as a mirror to Rome and a threat to its hegemony. All the emphasis on Alexandrias qualities and achievements on the one hand, and on its problems and rebellious tendency on the other, were not innocent, and indicate a mentality that understood the city as a place that demanded continuous attention by the representatives of Roman power. The objective of this research is to analyze the reasons that led to this duality in the narratives by means of listing the themes and contexts mostly dealt with by the classical tradition.

Chypre en transition : les cités chypriotes de la fin des royaumes autonomes à la mise en ordre lagide, IVe-IIIe siècles / Transition in Cyprus : cypriot cities from the end of the autonomous kingdoms to the Ptolemaic era, 4th - 3rd B.C

Lejeune, Sidonie 08 June 2013 (has links)
À l’heure où Alexandre le Grand se lançait à la conquête de l’Orient, les rois chypriotes jouissaient d’une autonomie certaine au sein de l’empire achéménide. Mais en 332, ils se rangèrent du côté macédonien. À la mort du Conquérant, Chypre se trouva au cœur des luttes entre les Diadoques et fut âprement disputée entre Ptolémée et Antigone. Les rois chypriotes se divisèrent alors et nouèrent des alliances avec l’un ou l’autre des Diadoques. C’est à la faveur de ces affrontements que Ptolémée élimina les royaumes chypriotes, entre 312 et 306. Lorsqu’il reconquit l’île en 295, il instaura durablement son autorité sur un territoire composé de cités dont le nombre s’accrut tout au long du siècle. La thèse porte sur cette transition entre les royaumes chypriotes autonomes et les cités chypriotes d’époque hellénistique. En tentant de cerner les contours de l’organisation politique de Chypre, elle s’attache tout particulièrement au rôle des acteurs politiques de l’île à une époque où elle était soumise à des formes de dominations changeantes. Aussi, les questions de souveraineté et d’autonomie, de domination et d’assujettissement se trouvent-elles au cœur de notre réflexion. Notre étude montre la vitalité des communautés politiques chypriotes pour définir leur place dans une pyramide de domination. / By 332 B.C., the Cypriot kings put an end to about two centuries under Achaemenid rule and rallied Alexander’s campaign. After the Conqueror died, they suffered from the continuous fights between the Diadochoi. Ptolemy finally took the opportunity of eliminating the Cypriot kingdoms. When he established his firm and long-term authority over the island, he was now ruling cypriot poleis, the number of which grew throughout the 3rd cent. B.C. This research deals with the transition from the autonomous kingdoms to the Hellenistic poleis. It describes the political organization of Cyprus throughout this changing period. The political actors in the island are the main concern. We focus on questions such as sovereignty, autonomy, domination and subjection. It shows that Cypriot political communities are particularly dynamic and well involved into the defense of their interests.

Taxation et société à Edfou, des Ptolémées aux Romains : d’après les ostraca démotiques / Taxation and Society in Edfu, from the Ptolemies to the Romans : from the demotic ostraca

Vignot-Kott, Déborah 15 July 2016 (has links)
À partir d’un corpus d’ostraca démotiques largement inédits, cette thèse se propose d’étudier la fiscalité et la société de la ville d’Edfou, Apollonopolis Magna, capitale du IIème nome de Haute-Égypte, aux époques ptolémaïque et romaine (IIIème s. a.C. – Ier s. p.C.). Les documents rassemblés dans le corpus ont été en partie mis au jour lors des fouilles franco-polonaises effectuées sur le Tell Edfou à la fin des années 1930. Ces ostraca sont, pour la majorité d’entre eux, aujourd’hui conservés au service des Archives de l’Ifao, au Caire. Les principaux résultats de cette étude concernent la fiscalité. L’étude de riches dossiers fiscaux associée à certains outils conceptuels de la Nouvelle Histoire Fiscale ont permis de clarifier les modes de perception de certaines taxes (taxe de la nécropole notamment). Les documents étudiés apportent également un nouvel éclairage sur le débat historiographique concernant la capitation romaine comme création ex nihilo ou non d’Auguste. Le chapitre final de la synthèse s’intéresse à la composition de la société à Edfou : les différentes activités économiques dont témoignent les textes, ainsi que les différents groupes ethniques ou encore la place des femmes dans les documents y sont abordés. / This PhD dissertation, based on a corpus of mainly unpublished demotic ostraca, deals with taxes and the society in the town of Edfu, Apollinopolis Magna, capital of the IInd province of Upper Egypt, during Ptolemaic and Roman times (IIIrd c. BC – Ist c. AD). The texts gathered here have been excavated during the french-polish excavations in Tell Edfu at the end of the 1930s. This ostraca are nowadays, for the most part, kept within the Archives department of the Ifao (Cairo). The main results of this work deal with taxation. The study of the fiscal dossiers enriched by some tools of the New Fiscal History lead to a better understanding of the tax collect (concerning the necropolis tax in particular). The texts also bring new arguments in the debate regarding the roman capitation, laographia, and whether or not it was a purely Augustean innovation. The last chapter of the dissertation deals with the composition of the society. Several economic activities mentioned in the ostraca, as well as the different ethnic groups represented and the status of women will be dealt with

Chypre à l'épreuve de la domination lagide : recherches épigraphiques sur la société et les institutions chypriotes à l'époque hellénistique / Cyprus under Ptolemaic rule : epigraphic approches to Cypriot society and institutions in Hellenistic times

Michel, Anaïs 14 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude régionale est de mobiliser la documentation épigraphique locale pour tenter d’appréhender la société chypriote de l’époque hellénistique et les enjeux internes de l’administration lagide. Elle s’inscrit en cela dans la continuité des travaux récents dans le domaine des études chypriotes. L’intégration profonde de Chypre dans la koinè politique et culturelle hellénistique est l’une des principales conséquences de la domination lagide sur Chypre. Parmi les marqueurs importants de l’intégration de l’île dans ce milieu culturel commun, l’adoption de la rhétorique honorifique propre aux cités grecques est particulièrement significative. La mise en évidence d’une notabilité locale constitue un des enjeux principaux de cette étude. L’importance des traditions religieuses dans la société chypriote, l’implantation manifeste des Ptolémées et de leurs représentants dans les grands sanctuaires, invitent également à analyser en détail les relations d’emprise mutuelle décelées entre les cultes locaux et les souverains lagides. L’étude de la représentation honorifique des Ptolémées se révèle, sur ce point, capitale. La longue période hellénistique de Chypre semble in fine s’insérer de façon cohérente dans le système politique et administratif local, fondé de façon traditionnelle sur la coexistence d’un roi et de cités. Les modalités de la négociation entamée par les cités chypriotes avec le pouvoir lagide, si elles ne sont pas entièrement élucidées par la lecture du corpus épigraphique, relèvent d’une interprétation locale, ouverte et affirmée de la relation entre les poleis et les souverains à l’époque hellénistique. / This regional study focuses on Cypriot epigraphic evidence in order to understand the Hellenistic Cypriot society and the local issues of the Ptolemaic administration. The in-depth integration of Cyprus into the Hellenistic political and cultural koine is one of the major consequences of the Ptolemaic conquest. The adoption of common Greek honorific practices is one of the most evident indicators of this process. This study first highlights the presence and the activity of a local elite. The importance of religious traditions in Cyprus, the explicit presence of the Ptolemies and of their officials in the great sanctuaries of the island, encourage to study in detail the relations of reciprocal influence between Cypriot cult and the Ptolemaic kings. The numerous documents regarding the honorary representation of the Ptolemies in Cyprus is crucial. The epigraphical documentation shows the dialogue between local elites and the Ptolemaic administration. The long Hellenistic period of Cyprus seems in fine to fit into the local political and administrative system, traditionally based on the joint existence of king and cities. The subtleties of the negotiation initiated by the Cypriot cities with the Ptolemaic power, though they are not fully elucidated by the epigraphic evidence, prove to be the results of a local, open and self-aware interpretation of the relationship between the poleis and the Ptolemaic kings.


Suto, Yoshiyuki, 周藤, 芳幸 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A Alexandria dos antigos: entre a polêmica e o encantamento / The Alexandria of ancient: between controversy and enchantment

Joana Campos Climaco 29 April 2013 (has links)
Além de Roma, nenhuma cidade no Alto Império Romano foi mais analisada, caracterizada e criticada a partir de perspectivas externas do que Alexandria no Egito. As imagens produzidas pela literatura ajudaram a elaborar a representação da cidade que a historiografia contemporânea perpetuou: uma cidade enorme, linda, rica, turbulenta e polêmica. O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é discutir as diversas representações sobre Alexandria, reforçadas e divulgadas por autores antigos entre o século I a.C. e III d.C.. Acreditamos que tais representações, associadas à grandeza e prosperidade de Alexandria que a assemelhavam à capital do Império, ilustram uma percepção da cidade como um espelho de Roma e, também, uma ameaça à sua hegemonia. Todas as ênfases nas qualidades e realizações de Alexandria por um lado, e nos seus problemas e tendência à rebelião, por outro, não eram inocentes e são indicativas de uma mentalidade que vislumbrava a cidade como um local que demandava a atenção contínua por parte dos representantes do poder romano. A intenção desta pesquisa é analisar os motivos que geraram essa dualidade nas narrativas, por meio do mapeamento das temáticas e contextos mais tratados pela tradição clássica. / Apart from Rome, no city in the early Roman Empire was more analyzed, characterized and criticized by external perspectives than Alexandria in Egypt. The images produced by the literature helped create the representation of the city that the contemporary historiography has perpetuated: an enormous, beautiful, rich, turbulent and polemic city. The aim of this doctorate thesis is to discuss the several representations about Alexandria reinforced and divulged by ancient authors between the first century BC and third century AD. We believe that theses representations associated to Alexandrias greatness and prosperity that made it similar to the capital of the Empire illustrate a perception of the city as a mirror to Rome and a threat to its hegemony. All the emphasis on Alexandrias qualities and achievements on the one hand, and on its problems and rebellious tendency on the other, were not innocent, and indicate a mentality that understood the city as a place that demanded continuous attention by the representatives of Roman power. The objective of this research is to analyze the reasons that led to this duality in the narratives by means of listing the themes and contexts mostly dealt with by the classical tradition.

Ideological Relationships with the Cult of Isis from Ptolemaic Alexandria to Imperial Rome

Gutierrez, Sabrina N 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Through the incorporation of primary source material and prior scholarship this study looks at the Serapeums, Isiac temples and coinage of Hellenistic Alexandria and Imperial Rome. This study seeks to provide, through close analysis and comparison, a more precise picture of the Isaic ideology of the Greco-Roman governing powers of Egypt. I focus on the capital cities of Alexandria and Rome to analyze the message of Isis to their respective inhabitants. Coinage and popular iconography (such as Isis Pelagia) are incorporated into the overall understanding of Isiac uses as coinage serves as a form of ancient propaganda. The amalgamation of this information provides a clearer picture of Isis as a representation of Egyptian favor and divine validation of kingship over Egypt. Overall, the study found that the ideological manifestations of Isis set forward by the Ptolemies used Isis as a tool of cultural fusion and of positive influence on commerce. After the Ptolemies, the Imperial relationship with Isiac ideological function is made by discussing the actions made by Augutus, Domitan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Caracalla. As Isis becomes embraced by the Roman empire we see that the Ptolemaic forms of connection to Isis influenced the methods which Roman emperors then paid homage to her. The study finds that through her connection to Egypt, Isiac devotees, Egyptian commerce, and the divine kingship of Egypt during both the Hellenistic and Imperial periods; Isis became an invaluable ideological tool for the governing powers.

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